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File metadata and controls

182 lines (144 loc) · 7.79 KB


An application to help organization in a community to connect with volunteers. And to help people interested in making an impact find events near them based on their schedule.

Deployed App info

We deployed by hosting our PostgreSQL database on Heroku, along with the frontend by building the React files using Webpack and then serving them via ExpressJS. The backend is deployed on AWS serverless, which is accessed through a public AWS S3 bucket. Backend url:



  • On the homepage, the user can see all of the events on the platform.
  • To filter for specific types of events, the user has to click on preferences, choose the type of events he wants to see + optionally select the time when he is available, and the events on the home-page will be filtered according to that.
  • The user can enroll into an event by clicking on the event, where they see the event details and the enroll button. Once clicked, the event becomes available on his profile page.

Profile Page

  • On the profile page, the user can see a list of the Upcoming Events he enrolled in, and a history of past events he attended.
  • Additionally, user can see his statistics: how many hours he volunteered for, how many events he attended and how many organizations he volunteered with.
  • User can also see a list of their achievements, which are based on hitting certain statistics.

LogIn Page

  • User must log in in order to save their preferences, enrol to events, see his statistics, and achievements. They will be prompted to log in if they try to access any pages other than the homepage, i.e their profile page, or the admin page.
  • Once authenticated, the user's status and data is stored in React Redux.
  • A JWT token is stored as a cookie once a user logs in, and is used as a header when calling APIs that require authentication. The backend server will verify the token on each request to a protected route.

Attending Events

  • When a user attends, the Event organizers will give him a QR code to scan. Once user scans QR code, he will be taken to a login page if he's not already authenticated, at which point the website will automatically check him as attended for the event. Application then updates the user's statistics and achievements, if necessary.


  • All undefined urls are caught and redirected to /home.
  • /profile and /admin can only be accessed by users that are logged in and properly authenticated, they will be redirected to /login otherwise.


The entire application has one admin, who manages all of the events. The benefit of this is that the admin can vet the organizations, making sure they are legitimate. This stops spam users, as well as organizations creating events that are not fit for the Volunteerly platform

New Features(developed in phase 2)

  1. Admin can add an event, specifying the event name, description, and date of the event. Once he modifies it, it becomes available to all users.
  2. All of the events that an admin creates get generated in the "manage events" section.
  3. Admin can delete an event from his events section.
  4. Each event has a QR code. The admin shares the QR code with event organizers, who then display it at their event.
  5. QR codes store the url that allows a volunteer to confirm that they have attended an event. It is simply /event_login/{event_id} However, to prevent users from randomly brute forcing urls, we encrypt the event_id using AES encryption.
  6. When attending an event, the QR code redirects the user to /event_login/{some encrypted token} and decrypted the token to get the event_id.
  7. Event page was redesigned to show more information and in a visually appealing way. We included extra information such as the organization that created the event, as well as images that the event creator uploaded.
  8. The homepage shows events from the database instead of mock data.
  9. Users can enroll in an event and have their enrolled events be shown on their profile.
  10. Users can select preferences of what type of events they want to see, which will be reflected by the events shown.
  11. When attending an event, appropriate statistic calculations and achievements are processed.
  12. The production version of the frontend will be minimized and console.logs will automatically be removed by Webpack.
  13. Added a frontend express server to serve built React files for deployment.
  14. Added API routes to clear the database and refill it with template data.
  15. Integrated Sequalize to perform SQL queries and construct the neccessary tables for our PostgreSQL database.
  16. Added JWT tokens to protect private APIs. This means users must be logged in, in order to have the neccessary token for those routes.

Folder Structure

 ├── src
 │   ├── Main
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── Main.jsx
 │   ├── HomePage
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── HomePage.jsx
 │   ├── LoginPage
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── LoginPage.jsx
 │   ├── components
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── ....
 │   │   ├── ....
 │   │   ├── NavBar.js
 │   ├── _helpers
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── store.js
 │   ├── _services
 │   │   ├── index.js
 │   │   ├── EventsServices.js
 │   │   ├── UserService.js
 │   ├── _redux
 |   |   ├── _reducers
 |   |   |   ├-- index.js
 |   |   |   ├-- .....
 |   |   |   ├-- .....
 |   |   ├── _actions
 |   |   |   ├-- index.js
 |   |   |   ├-- .....
 |   |   |   ├-- .....
 │   ├── index.html
 │   ├── index.jsx
 ├── .babelrc
 ├── webpack.config.js
 ├── package.json
 └── .gitignore

Frontend Code strucure:

  • All main layout pages have their own folder.
  • The corresponding css files can be found in the same folder as the Page or Component.
  • Entry point to the app is Main.jsx, located in src/Main folder
  • Current routes are /home and /login


  • Includes all API and DB calls.
  • Currently includes all hardcoded values


  • Includes all components such as Navbar


  • Includes all helper functions and objects such as the store in redux


  • Includes all redux essential data such as actions and reducers

Backend Code Structure:

We have 2 main folders: api and db.

  1. api:
  • ` folder for each REST resource(achievements, enrollments, event_types, events, healthcheck...), which includes all relevant actions on those resources(get, patch, post, etc), and the methods for those actions.
  1. db:
  • migrations; all of the JSON files with the mock data
  • models.ts: Includes the schema of all tables in the database
  • index.ts: Initializes the db connection

Local Usage


A. Run the below commands to use in development.

  npm install
  npm run dev

B. Run the below commands to build then serve built production files, output will be in dist folder.

  npm run build
  npm start

C. You can access the app at port: http://localhost:5000/

D. Login with credentials to be an admin user:

username: admin
password: admin

Login with the following to be a regular user:

username: user
password: user


A. Run the below commands to use in development.

  npm install -g serverless
  npm install
  npm run start

B. You can access the app at port: http://localhost:3004/
