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prevents melee attack - "Disables melee attacks with weapon"
detonates when dropped - "When this weapon is not being held by a unit or model it explodes, uses the parent item tag for detonation values and references"
cannot fire at max age - "Causes weapon to be unable to be fired once it reaches max age"
secondary trigger overrides grenades - "If the secondary trigger key is also bound to grenade throw, this flag forces no grenade throw"
support weapon - "Removes grenade and equipment chud icons, causes weapon to be dropped when a melee attack is performed and disables grenade throwing"
AIs use melee damage - "Causes AI characters to use the melee damage of the weapon instead of their biped melee damage value"
forces no binoculars - "Disables binoculars on weapon, binoculars are separate from weapon zoom"
loop fp firing animation - "Unknown, Loops first person firing animation?"
prevents crouching - "Prevents user from crouching while this weapon is equipped, only applies to players"
cannot fire while boosting - "Weapon is not allowed to fire while unit is boosting, used for weapons on vehicles with a boost"
use empty melee on empty - "Used on melee weapons to force empty melee animation when weapon has reached max age"
uses 3rd person camera - "Forces third person camera when weapon is equipped"
can be dual wielded - "Allows current weapon to accept dual wielding weapons"
can only be dual wielded - "Weapon can only be picked up when holding another dual wield weapon to duel wield with"
melee only - "Weapon becomes a melee weapon, primary trigger becomes melee attack"
can't fire if parent dead - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
weapon ages with each kill - "Seems to apply to melee weapons only, causes age to be incurred upon killing an enemy"
weapon uses old dual fire error code - "When dual wielded and firing a single weapon, use single weapon error value, without flag means dual wield error value regardless of firing both weapons at the same time or not"
allows unaimed lunge - "Allows melee weapons to play lunge melee animation even when not in range of a target to lunge at"
cannot be used by player - "Weapon cannot be picked up by player, if held is dropped"
hold fp firing animation - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
strict deviation angle - "Disables bullet magnetism while keeping red reticle"
secondary flags:
magnetizes only when zoomed - "Disables aim assist when unzoomed"
force enable equipment tossing - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
non-lunge melee dash disabled - "Disables lunge movement when enacting a melee on a target using the dedicated melee key"
unused lable: /tagstring/ "Unknown/unused and expert mode"
(For values of 0 to 1 these represent percentages, so 0.2 = 20%)
heat recovery threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines at what level of heat the weapon is allowed to fire again after being overheated"
overheated threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines at what level of heat the weapon becomes overheated, needs to be higher than the recovery threshold"
heat detonation threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines when the weapon is allowed to explode after surpassing the given value of heat"
heat detonation fraction: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines the chance the weapon explodes when it's heat has surpassed the detonation threshold and it is fired"
heat loss per second: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much heat the weapon loses while it is not being fired, or in-between firing"
heat illumination: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much illumination is given off as the weapon gains heat"
overheated heat loss per second: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much heat the weapon loses while it is in the overheated state, this state ends when the heat level reaches the recovery threshold"
overheated: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Effect or sound played when weapon enters overheated state"
overheated damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage or damage response played when weapon enters overheated state"
detonation: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect that plays upon weapon detonation due to heat conditions"
detonation damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon detonates due to heat conditions"
player melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
player melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
damage pyramid depth: /float/ "When initiating a melee attack, the damage itself is thrown this far out, can be farther than the melee lunge range"
melee combo damage
(clang attack only works for energy sword....?)
1st hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on a target hit by the melee key melee"
1st hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "damage response played on the player when hitting a target"
2nd hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unused"
2nd hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unused"
3rd hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unused"
3rd hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unused"
lunge melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on a target hit by melee weapon lunge attack"
lunge melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on the player when hitting a target with a lunge attack"
empty melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect used for melee weapons when the weapon flag to use empty melee on empty is ticked"
empty melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on player for empty melee on melee weapons using empty melee on empty weapon flag"
clang melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on targets hit by a clang attack"
clang melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on players engaging in a melee clash against each other"
clang effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Effect played on players who engage in a melee clash against each other"
melee damage reporting type - "Dropdown selector for various weapon and vehicle types, unknown/unused effects"
magnification levels: /uint16/ "Value determining how many levels of zoom this weapon provides, 2 is soft limit for compatible chud tags"
magnification range: /bounds/ "A set of values for min and max, for a weapon with more than 1 zoom level the min is used for the first level of zoom and the max is used for the last level of zoom, if a single zoom level is set the min zoom value is used"
weapon aim assist
autoaim angle: /float/ "Angle in which projectiles from this weapon are magnetized towards targets within autoaim range"
autoaim range: /float/ "Maximum range of red reticle and in which projectiles can be magnetized towards targets"
autoaim falloff range: /float/ "At what range does the strength of projectile magnetism begin to fall off before the maximum distance"
magnetism angle: /float/ "Angle in which the game applies aim assist to controllers when aiming over a target within magnetism range"
magnetism range: /float/ "Maximum range in which the game will apply aim assist to controllers aiming over a target"
magnetism falloff range: /float/ "Range in which the strength of aim assist for controllers begins to fall off before maximum distance"
deviation angle: /float/ "Funtions the same as autoaim angle, but ignores the 'strict deviation angle' weapon flag"
(movement penalty values work as percentages in increments of 0.1, incorrect values will be rounded down)
(example: 0.28 = 28% movement speed penalty but this will be rounded down to 0.2 or 20%)
movement penalized
always - "always"
when zoomed - "only when zoomed"
when zoomed or reloading - "always until reloading"
forward movement penalty: /enum/ "0 to 1 as a fraction of player forward and backward speed lost when movement is penalized"
sideways movement penalty: /emum/ "0 to 1 as a fraction of player sideways speed lost when movement is penalized"
ai targeting parameters
ai scariness: /float/ "This value defines how scary this weapon is to AI characters, allowing it to trigger certain behaviors like retreating or taking cover depending on how the AI character tag is set up"
weapon power-on time: /float/ "When the power key is used, this value determines how long the 'power' function takes to fully turn on"
weapon power-off time: /float/ "When the power key is used, this value determines how long the 'power' function takes to fully turn off"
weapon power-on effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when switching the power on using the power key"
weapon power-off effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when switching the power off using the power key"
age heat recovery penalty: /float/ "A value from that represent how much of the weapons heat recovery value lost as the weapon gains age, includes overheat and non-overheat heat recovery, unknown"
age rate of fire penalty: /float/ "A value that represent how much of the weapons rate of fire lost as the weapon gains age, unknown"
age misfire start: /float/ "A value from 0 to 1 that represents the age value a weapon must reach to begin misfiring"
age misfire chance: /float/ "A value from 0 to 1 that represents the chance a weapon can misfire once it has passed the age misfire start requirement"
pickup sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when picked up"
zoom-in sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when zooming in, including to other zoom levels"
zoom-out sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when zooming out, including to other zoom levels"
active camo ding: /float/ "A value that defines how much active camo is lost when firing this weapon, unknown"
active camo regrowth rate: /float/ "A value that defines how fast active camo is regained after firing this weapon, unknown"
weapon class: /tagstring/ "A string value that defines the weapon class this weapon belongs to, is used in model animation graphs"
weapon name: /tagstring/ "A string value that defines the weapon type this weapon belongs to, is used in model animation graphs"
multiplayer weapon type - "Dropdown of various multiplayer objective items such as the flag or oddball that can be used to interact with other items for objectives during gameplay"
more miscellaneous
weapon type:
undefined - "No unique effect"
shotgun - "Allows usage of continuous and partial reload animations"
needler -"Unknown"
plasma pistol - "Unknown"
plasma rifle - "Unknown"
rocket launcher - "Needed for latch-rocketlauncher trigger type to allow locking onto targets with human tracking"
energy blade - "Unknown, possibly allows melee clangs?"
splazer - "Unknown"
tracking type:
no tracking - "No tracking of any type allowed for this weapon"
human tracking - "Allows tracking of targets whose model and biped tags defines targets with human tracking flags enabled"
plasma tracking - "Allows tracking of targets whose model and biped tags defines targets with plasma tracking flags enabled"
// first person
(First entry of this block is for spartan bipeds, second entry is for elite bipeds and this is regardless of campaign or multiplayer)
first person model: /TagDependency: render_model/ "The render model to be used in first person for this weapon and biped type"
first person animations: /TagDependency: model_animation_graph/ "The animation graph to be used on this weapon for this biped type"
chud interface: /TagDependency: chud_definition/ "The chud tag to be used for this weapon, applies regardless of camera mode of the weapon"
reloading effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Sound or effect played once the reload key is pressed, if an effect duration is not set then the effect will play for 1 tick"
rounds: /uint16/ "The number of rounds input into the weapon when the below equipment tag is picked up"
equipment: /TagDependency: equipment/ "The equipment tag that once run over will input the above value of rounds into the
// new triggers
(First entry into this block becomes the primary trigger, second entry becomes secondary trigger)
autofire single action only - "Used for latch-rocketlauncher trigger type to allow locking onto human tracked targets, otherwise unknown"
right trigger: "Uses right trigger key"
left trigger: "Uses left trigger key, will also trigger binoculars, zoom or boost if those are the same keybind so make sure to disable them"
melee attack: "Uses the melee attack key, used for vehicles like the banshee so that left trigger can be the boost key"
spew: "When trigger is pressed the weapon will continuously fire the barrel, under normal circumstances will fire in bursts of 2"
latch: "When pressed the barrel is fired and then halts until the trigger is let go and repressed"
latch-autofire: "Functions like latch until the trigger is held down for a specified period of time, then begins charging and will fire once the trigger is released"
charge: "Appears to function similar to latch-autofire, but better suited to weapons with a single barrel for charging behavior only"
latch-zoom: "Same as latch but allows a second barrel to be used when the weapon is zoomed"
latch-rocketlauncher: "Same as latch but is needed to also allow target locking onto human tracked targets by holding the trigger on the target and then releasing the trigger to fire once locked on"
spew-charge: "Functions like spew for a period of time specified in charging time before charging the second barrel"
sword-charge: "Unknown, seems to function like latch-autofire but triggers a melee while releasing the charge"
(determined by how many barrels your weapon has, either 1 or 2 labeled as primary and secondary)
(determined by how many barrels your weapon has, either 1 or 2 labeled as primary and secondary)
none: "Unsure, generally used for semi auto or burst first weapons using the latch trigger type"
spew: "Unsure, generally used for automatic weapons using the spew trigger type and not firing multiple shots per fire"
charge: "Unsure, generally used for weapons using latch-autofire or charge trigger types"
autofire time: /float/ "Unknown, presumably how much controller triggers must be depressed to begin action behavior"
autofire throw: /float/ "Unknown, presumably how much controller triggers must be depressed to end action behavior"
secondary action:
(Note, secondary action seems to be when starting the autofire behavior and primary action seems to be when ending it)
fire: "Fires the trigger"
charge: "Charges the trigger"
track: "Unknown/Unused
fire other: "Unknown/Needs additional research"
primary action:
fire: "Fires the trigger"
charge: "Charges the trigger"
track: "Unknown/Unused
fire other: "Unknown/Needs additional research"
charging time: /float/ "The time taken to charge try the trigger to full charge"
charged time: /float/ "After fully charged, how long the trigger can stay charged until performing it's overcharged action"
overcharged action:
none: "No action"
explode: "Deletes the weapon from the players inventory and uses item tag detonation properties"
discharge: "Fires the overcharge normally"
cancelled trigger throw: /uint16/ "Unknown"
charged illumination: /enum/ "From 0 to 1 what value of illumination is given off as the weapon reaches full charge"
spew time: /float/ "Unknown, Unused"
charging effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The Sound or effect played on the weapon as it charges"
charging damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon begins charging, only plays 1 time at charge start"
charging continuous damage response: /TagDependency: damage_response_definition/ "The response played on the player as the weapon is being charged, and as it remains charged"
charged drain rate: /float/ "The amount of weapon age drained in percent per second as the charge is held past the charge time duration"
discharge effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon once the overcharge has been released"
discharge damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon discharging, only plays 1 time at time of discharge (firing), seems redundant due an entry for this property in firing effects"
lock-on hold time: /float/ "The time in seconds the weapon stays locked onto a human-tracking target once aquired"
lock-on aquire time: /float/ "The time in seconds it takes for the weapon to lock onto a human-tracking target"
lock-on grace time: /float/ "The time in seconds to continue acquire progress on target even when target is no longer in red reticle, once this time has passed without being refreshed all acquire progress is reset"
// barrels
(Only 2 barrels are allowed, the first entry will always be the primary and second for secondary)
tracks fired projectile - "Allows projectiles to track targets on weapons used by the player, AI seem to ignore this flag's presence"
random firing effects - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
can fire with partial ammo - "Normally when a weapon does not have enough ammo in the magazine to fulfill a barrel fire, the weapon will force reload, this flag allows the weapon to still be used and fire the normal number of shots regardless of incomplete ammo requirement"
projectiles use weapon origin - "Only applicable to players, causes weapon to fire projectiles from the third person weapon trigger markers, rather than the player camera"
ejects during chamber - "Unknown/Unused/Causes 3rd person shotgun ejection port to not open after chambering"
use error when unzoomed - "Causes barrel error values to only be applied when not zoomed with the weapon, zero error when zoomed"
projectile vector cannot be adjusted - "Forces projectiles to emit from the 3rd person weapon trigger marker, in the exact direction the marker is pointing, regardless of player aim or bullet magnetism. Also disables all weapon projectile tracking for all users.
projectiles have identical error - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
projectiles fire parallel - "Unknown/Needs additional research"
can't fire when others firing - "Presumably prevents this barrel from firing while another barrel is firing"
can't fire when others recovering - "Prevents this barrel from firing while another barrel is still recovering with its fire recovery time"
don't clear fire bit after recovering - "Enabling this flag allows soft recovery fraction while also disabling the ability for spew weapons to use the shots per fire values"
staggers fire across multiple markers - "Causes weapon to cycle projectile emission point from multiple trigger markers, alternates between 2 markers but for more markers seems to pick at random"
fires locked projectiles - "Forces AI actors using this barrel to only track when targeting a human-tracking type unit, else they self-guide projectiles, unknown otherwise"
can fire at maximum age - "This barrel will continue to be able to fire despite the weapon age being at 0"
use 1 firing effect per burst - "Weapon will only play it's firing effect a single time, all shots after either in a burst or spew will not have a firing effect"
rounds per second: /bounds?/ "Two values that determine the rate at which projectiles are fired when in spew or during a burst, values compatible (divisible) into 30 ticks (into 30 evenly) are valid, invalid values are rounded down to nearest valid in gameplay (12 functions as 10)"
acceleration time: /float/ "Time taken in seconds for the weapon to transition the rounds per second value from the first value to the last value at a constant rate of value change once the weapon starts firing (rate of fire itself may not change due to invalid values but they are still used)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time taken in seconds for the weapon to transition the rounds per second value from the last value to the first value at a constant rate of value change once the weapon stops firing (rate of fire itself may not change due to invalid values but they are still used)"
barrel spin scale: /enum/ "Scales the "barrel_spin" function by a mutiplicative value from 0 to 1, 0 is equal to 1"
blurred rate of fire: /enum/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
shots per fire: /int16/ "The number of shots produced when this weapon is fired, applies for non-spew weapons (spew weapons normally force 2 shots per fire)"
fire recovery time: /float/ "Value in seconds that defines how long the weapon must wait after firing a shot before another shot can be fired, adheres to limitations based on tick rate so some values may not work and will round down to nearest value in gameplay"
soft recovery fraction: /enum/ "A value from 0 to 1 that defines how much of the fire recovery time you can input a fire request and the game saves and plays it when the fire recovery ends, even if the player has stopped the fire request input"
magazine: "This value is a dropdown that gives a selection of magazine blocks opened to be used for rounds per fire: NONE, Primary and Secondary"
rounds per shot: /int16/ "The number of rounds to be expended from the associated magazine by this barrel when fired"
minimum rounds loaded: /int16/ "The number of rounds needed to fire this weapon, after firing the weapon and going below this value a reload is forced, ignored firing with partial ammo flag"
rounds between tracers /int16/ "Value that feeds into a projectile function called "tracer" that sets the function to zero for the duration of the number of shots of the value found here (A value here of 1 means the tracer function turns fully on and then fully off after every shot, repeating"
optional barrel marker name: /tagstring/ "Overrides the default marker name with whatever is entered here to use as the barrel marker for projectile origin (when not being fired from player or biped camera)"
prediction properties
prediction type:
none: "Unknown, used by the rocket launcher"
continuous: "Unknown, mostly used for spew type weapons"
instant: "Unknown, mostly used for latch type weapons for burst and semi-auto"
firing noise:
silent: "Sound is silent to AI"
medium: "Sound is medium to AI"
loud: "Sound is loud to AI"
shout: "Sound is shout to AI"
quiet: "Sound is quiet to AI"
acceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from minimum error and min error pitch rate to maximum error and full error pitch rate when the weapon starts firing (single wield only)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from maximum error and full error pitch rate to minimum error and min error pitch rate when the weapon stops firing (single wield only)"
damage error: /float/ "A set of two values that determines firing error when the model tag for this weapon is in a damage state with the flag that damages primary/second weapon enabled, chooses randomly between the 2 values"
min error look pitch rate: /float/ "The max rate of aiming allowed when this weapon is at minimum error (130 is referenced as full power)"
full error look pitch rate: /float/ "The min rate of aiming allowed when this weapon is at maximum error (130 is referenced as full power)"
look pitch error power: /float/ "Unknown, seems to partially scale the error look pitch rate change rate"
dual weapon error
acceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from minimum error and min error pitch rate to maximum error and full error pitch rate when the weapon starts firing (dual wield only)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from maximum error and full error pitch rate to minimum error and min error pitch rate when the weapon stops firing (dual wield only)"
minimum error: /float/ "The minimum error this weapon is allowed to have when dual wielded, will never have less than this amount of error under any condition (dual wield only)"
error angle: /float/ "Two bound values that determine weapon error, first value is upon first firing and second value is after the acceleration time has passed, will return to first value during deacceleration time (dual wield only)"
dual wield damage scale: /enum/ "From 0 to 1, determines the damage done by this weapon when being fired as part of dual wield, 0 equals 1 (0.1 equals 10% of full normal damage)"
distribution function:
point: "Projectile spread is offset from the exact crosshair point, around it, typical weapon spread/bloom behavior and uses projectiles per shot and error values"
horizontal fan: "Uses projectiles per shot and distribution angle to fan out projectiles in either a horizontal fan or a vertical fan, fan direction is based on where the biped is aiming"
projectiles per shot: /int16/ "Number of projectiles fired at the exact same moment"
distribution angle: /float/ "Requires fan distribution function and projectiles per shot to be above 1, sets how wide the fans are (values above 1 tend to spray the fans so far they end up behind the biped)"
minimum error: /float/ "The minimum error this weapon is allowed to have when dual wielded, will never have less than this amount of error under any condition (single wield only)"
error angle: /float/ "Two bound values that determine weapon error, first value is upon first firing and second value is after the acceleration time has passed, will return to first value during deacceleration time (single wield only)"
_first person offset_
(Has a dropdown for 3 different block entries: single wield, dual right and dual left)
first person offset: /float/ "3 different value entries for coordinates away from the player camera in which projectiles will deviate
from as their origin point: **X** with positive being forward from the camera, **Y** with positive being up on the vertical axis and
**Z** with positive being to the left on the horizontal axis"
damage effect reporting type - "Dropdown selector for various weapon and vehicle types, unknown/unused effects"
projectile: /TagDependency: projectile/ "Projectile tag fired from the weapon when the weapon is fired"
optional secondary projectile: /TagDependency: projectile/ "Projectile tag fired from the weapon when the weapon is fired, when a spew weapon or burst fire weapon is fired, all projectiles after the first (or first two with spew) become the secondary projectile"
damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "The damage created at the projectile origin point, use damage effects with an area of effect for best result, does not hurt the entity firing the weapon"
crate projectile: /TagDependency: crate/ "Causes the weapon to fire this crate tag object when the weapon fires from a firing action, uses the velocity of the value below"
crate projectile speed: /float/ "The velocity at which the crate projectile is fired out"
ejection port recovery time: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
illumination recovery time: /float/ "How long in seconds it takes for the "illumination" function to transition from 1 to 0 after a shot has been fired"
heat generated per round: /enum/ "The amount of heat added to the weapon when it has been fired, per shot"
age generated per round: /enum/ "The age amount deducted from a weapon when it has been fired, from 100%"
campaign age generated per round: /enum/ "The age amount deducted from a weapon when it has been fired, from 100%, for campaign only"
angle shot per shot: /float/ "Two value entries that define how much recoil the weapon experiences when it is fired, transitions from the first value to the second value through acceleration when firing and deacceleration when not firing"
acceleration time: /float/ "Time taken when you begin firing the weapon to transition from min angle to max angle per shot"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time taken when you stop firing the weapon to transition from max angle to min angle per shot"
angle change function: "Dropdown with variety of options that detail how the function transitions the recoil from min to max during acceleration"
_firing effects_
shot count lower bound: /float/ "Unknown/needs additional research"
shot count upper bound: /float/ "Unknown/needs additional research"
firing effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when it is firing"
misfire effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when it is firing"
empty effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when it is firing but has no ammunition"
optional secondary firing effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Unknown/requires additional research"
firing damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played on the
player when they fire the current weapon"
misfire damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires additional research"
empty damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires additional research"
optional secondary firing damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires additional
firing rider damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played on
other vehicle rider players when the gunner player fires the current weapon"
misfire rider damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires additional research"
empty rider damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires additional research"
optional secondary firing rider damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/requires
additional research"
first-person movement control
(and other misc entries below the barrels block)
runtime power on velocity: /float/ "Unknown and expert mode"
runtime power off velocity: /float/ "Unknown and expert mode"
tossed weapon: /TagDependency: weapon/ "When a unit is killed, this weapon replaces the one they were holding and falls to the ground"
age effect: /TagDependency: effect/ "The effect played when a weapon becomes depleted"
aged material effects: /TagDependency: material_effect/ "This replaces the normal materiel effect of the weapon when it has become depleted"
external aging amount: /float/ "Amount of age as a percentage applied to weapon, used for melee weapons that lack a barrel and trigger"
campaign external aging amount: /float/ "Same as above but for campaign only, above applies to multiplayer"
first person weapon offset: /float/ "A series of 3 values what determine the weapon offset: i: depth, positive is farther from camera I: horizontal axis from camera, positive moves to the left k: verticle axis from camera, positive moves upward"
first person weapon offset override: /float/ "Same as above but is only used for centered crosshairs"
first person scope size: /float/ "Unknown"
support third person camera range: /float/ "Requires support weapon flag, prevents camera from being moved past the set values along the vertical axis in third person camera view"
weapon zoom time: /float/ "Time in seconds the weapon takes to fully zoom in, the function is linear based on the time"
weapon ready-for-use time: /float/ "Time in seconds the weapon is unable to be used for after being readied, used for melee weapons"
unit stow anchor name: /tagstring/ "The name of the render model marker this weapon attaches to when stowed"
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Halo 3 > H3 Tags > Object > Item > Weapon
Can reference:
Referenced by:
Workflow edit with:
(general weapon flags)
secondary flags:
unused lable: /tagstring/ "Unknown/unused and expert mode"
secondary trigger mode:
maximum alternate shots loaded: /uint16/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
turn on time: /float/ "A time value that feeds into the built-in function 'turned_on'"
ready time: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
ready effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
ready damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
(For values of 0 to 1 these represent percentages, so 0.2 = 20%)
heat recovery threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines at what level of heat the weapon is allowed to fire again after being overheated"
overheated threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines at what level of heat the weapon becomes overheated, needs to be higher than the recovery threshold"
heat detonation threshold: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines when the weapon is allowed to explode after surpassing the given value of heat"
heat detonation fraction: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines the chance the weapon explodes when it's heat has surpassed the detonation threshold and it is fired"
heat loss per second: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much heat the weapon loses while it is not being fired, or in-between firing"
heat illumination: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much illumination is given off as the weapon gains heat"
overheated heat loss per second: /float/ "From 0 to 1 determines how much heat the weapon loses while it is in the overheated state, this state ends when the heat level reaches the recovery threshold"
overheated: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Effect or sound played when weapon enters overheated state"
overheated damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage or damage response played when weapon enters overheated state"
detonation: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect that plays upon weapon detonation due to heat conditions"
detonation damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon detonates due to heat conditions"
player melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
player melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
melee damage parameters
damage pyramid angles: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
damage pyramid depth: /float/ "When initiating a melee attack, the damage itself is thrown this far out, can be farther than the melee lunge range"
melee combo damage
(clang attack only works for energy sword....?)
1st hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on a target hit by the melee key melee"
1st hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "damage response played on the player when hitting a target"
2nd hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unused"
2nd hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unused"
3rd hit melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unused"
3rd hit melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Unused"
lunge melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on a target hit by melee weapon lunge attack"
lunge melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on the player when hitting a target with a lunge attack"
empty melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect used for melee weapons when the weapon flag to use empty melee on empty is ticked"
empty melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on player for empty melee on melee weapons using empty melee on empty weapon flag"
clang melee damage: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Damage effect played on targets hit by a clang attack"
clang melee response: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "Damage response played on players engaging in a melee clash against each other"
clang effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Effect played on players who engage in a melee clash against each other"
melee damage reporting type - "Dropdown selector for various weapon and vehicle types, unknown/unused effects"
magnification levels: /uint16/ "Value determining how many levels of zoom this weapon provides, 2 is soft limit for compatible chud tags"
magnification range: /bounds/ "A set of values for min and max, for a weapon with more than 1 zoom level the min is used for the first level of zoom and the max is used for the last level of zoom, if a single zoom level is set the min zoom value is used"
weapon aim assist
autoaim angle: /float/ "Angle in which projectiles from this weapon are magnetized towards targets within autoaim range"
autoaim range: /float/ "Maximum range of red reticle and in which projectiles can be magnetized towards targets"
autoaim falloff range: /float/ "At what range does the strength of projectile magnetism begin to fall off before the maximum distance"
magnetism angle: /float/ "Angle in which the game applies aim assist to controllers when aiming over a target within magnetism range"
magnetism range: /float/ "Maximum range in which the game will apply aim assist to controllers aiming over a target"
magnetism falloff range: /float/ "Range in which the strength of aim assist for controllers begins to fall off before maximum distance"
deviation angle: /float/ "Funtions the same as autoaim angle, but ignores the 'strict deviation angle' weapon flag"
(movement penalty values work as percentages in increments of 0.1, incorrect values will be rounded down)
(example: 0.28 = 28% movement speed penalty but this will be rounded down to 0.2 or 20%)
movement penalized
forward movement penalty: /enum/ "0 to 1 as a fraction of player forward and backward speed lost when movement is penalized"
sideways movement penalty: /emum/ "0 to 1 as a fraction of player sideways speed lost when movement is penalized"
ai targeting parameters
ai scariness: /float/ "This value defines how scary this weapon is to AI characters, allowing it to trigger certain behaviors like retreating or taking cover depending on how the AI character tag is set up"
weapon power-on time: /float/ "When the power key is used, this value determines how long the 'power' function takes to fully turn on"
weapon power-off time: /float/ "When the power key is used, this value determines how long the 'power' function takes to fully turn off"
weapon power-on effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when switching the power on using the power key"
weapon power-off effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon when switching the power off using the power key"
age heat recovery penalty: /float/ "A value from that represent how much of the weapons heat recovery value lost as the weapon gains age, includes overheat and non-overheat heat recovery, unknown"
age rate of fire penalty: /float/ "A value that represent how much of the weapons rate of fire lost as the weapon gains age, unknown"
age misfire start: /float/ "A value from 0 to 1 that represents the age value a weapon must reach to begin misfiring"
age misfire chance: /float/ "A value from 0 to 1 that represents the chance a weapon can misfire once it has passed the age misfire start requirement"
pickup sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when picked up"
zoom-in sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when zooming in, including to other zoom levels"
zoom-out sound: /TagDependency: sound/ "Sound played on weapon when zooming out, including to other zoom levels"
active camo ding: /float/ "A value that defines how much active camo is lost when firing this weapon, unknown"
active camo regrowth rate: /float/ "A value that defines how fast active camo is regained after firing this weapon, unknown"
handle node: /tagstring/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
weapon lables
weapon class: /tagstring/ "A string value that defines the weapon class this weapon belongs to, is used in model animation graphs"
weapon name: /tagstring/ "A string value that defines the weapon type this weapon belongs to, is used in model animation graphs"
multiplayer weapon type - "Dropdown of various multiplayer objective items such as the flag or oddball that can be used to interact with other items for objectives during gameplay"
more miscellaneous
weapon type:
undefined - "No unique effect"
shotgun - "Allows usage of continuous and partial reload animations"
needler -"Unknown"
plasma pistol - "Unknown"
plasma rifle - "Unknown"
rocket launcher - "Needed for latch-rocketlauncher trigger type to allow locking onto targets with human tracking"
energy blade - "Unknown, possibly allows melee clangs?"
splazer - "Unknown"
tracking type:
no tracking - "No tracking of any type allowed for this weapon"
human tracking - "Allows tracking of targets whose model and biped tags defines targets with human tracking flags enabled"
plasma tracking - "Allows tracking of targets whose model and biped tags defines targets with plasma tracking flags enabled"
first person
(First entry of this block is for spartan bipeds, second entry is for elite bipeds and this is regardless of campaign or multiplayer)
first person model: /TagDependency: render_model/ "The render model to be used in first person for this weapon and biped type"
first person animations: /TagDependency: model_animation_graph/ "The animation graph to be used on this weapon for this biped type"
chud interface: /TagDependency: chud_definition/ "The chud tag to be used for this weapon, applies regardless of camera mode of the weapon"
(First entry into this block will be the primary magazine, second entry will be secondary magazine)
(magazine flags)
rounds recharged: /uint16/ "Number of rounds restored every second into the magazine, applies regardless of if the weapon is currently equipped"
rounds total initial: /uint16/ "Number of rounds the weapon starts with, will fill the magazine first then overflow into reserve ammunition"
rounds total maximum: /uint16/ "Number of total rounds the weapon can carry, including magazine and then defines the size of the reserve pool"
rounds loaded maximum: /uint16/ "Number of rounds the magazine can hold, once depleted needs reloading"
runtime rounds inventory maximum: /uint16/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
reload time: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
rounds reloaded: /uint16/ "Number of rounds removed from reserve ammunition and placed into the magazine after a reload"
chamber time: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
reloading effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Sound or effect played once the reload key is pressed, if an effect duration is not set then the effect will play for 1 tick"
reloading damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
chambering effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
chambering damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
new triggers
(First entry into this block becomes the primary trigger, second entry becomes secondary trigger)
none: "Unsure, generally used for semi auto or burst first weapons using the latch trigger type"
spew: "Unsure, generally used for automatic weapons using the spew trigger type and not firing multiple shots per fire"
charge: "Unsure, generally used for weapons using latch-autofire or charge trigger types"
autofire time: /float/ "Unknown, presumably how much controller triggers must be depressed to begin action behavior"
autofire throw: /float/ "Unknown, presumably how much controller triggers must be depressed to end action behavior"
secondary action:
(Note, secondary action seems to be when starting the autofire behavior and primary action seems to be when ending it)
primary action:
charging time: /float/ "The time taken to charge try the trigger to full charge"
charged time: /float/ "After fully charged, how long the trigger can stay charged until performing it's overcharged action"
overcharged action:
cancelled trigger throw: /uint16/ "Unknown"
charged illumination: /enum/ "From 0 to 1 what value of illumination is given off as the weapon reaches full charge"
spew time: /float/ "Unknown, Unused"
charging effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The Sound or effect played on the weapon as it charges"
charging damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon begins charging, only plays 1 time at charge start"
charging continuous damage response: /TagDependency: damage_response_definition/ "The response played on the player as the weapon is being charged, and as it remains charged"
charged drain rate: /float/ "The amount of weapon age drained in percent per second as the charge is held past the charge time duration"
discharge effect: /TagDependency: sound, effect/ "The sound or effect played on the weapon once the overcharge has been released"
discharge damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect, damage_response_definition/ "The damage or damage response played when the weapon discharging, only plays 1 time at time of discharge (firing), seems redundant due an entry for this property in firing effects"
lock-on hold time: /float/ "The time in seconds the weapon stays locked onto a human-tracking target once aquired"
lock-on aquire time: /float/ "The time in seconds it takes for the weapon to lock onto a human-tracking target"
lock-on grace time: /float/ "The time in seconds to continue acquire progress on target even when target is no longer in red reticle, once this time has passed without being refreshed all acquire progress is reset"
(Only 2 barrels are allowed, the first entry will always be the primary and second for secondary)
rounds per second: /bounds?/ "Two values that determine the rate at which projectiles are fired when in spew or during a burst, values compatible (divisible) into 30 ticks (into 30 evenly) are valid, invalid values are rounded down to nearest valid in gameplay (12 functions as 10)"
acceleration time: /float/ "Time taken in seconds for the weapon to transition the rounds per second value from the first value to the last value at a constant rate of value change once the weapon starts firing (rate of fire itself may not change due to invalid values but they are still used)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time taken in seconds for the weapon to transition the rounds per second value from the last value to the first value at a constant rate of value change once the weapon stops firing (rate of fire itself may not change due to invalid values but they are still used)"
barrel spin scale: /enum/ "Scales the "barrel_spin" function by a mutiplicative value from 0 to 1, 0 is equal to 1"
blurred rate of fire: /enum/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
shots per fire: /int16/ "The number of shots produced when this weapon is fired, applies for non-spew weapons (spew weapons normally force 2 shots per fire)"
fire recovery time: /float/ "Value in seconds that defines how long the weapon must wait after firing a shot before another shot can be fired, adheres to limitations based on tick rate so some values may not work and will round down to nearest value in gameplay"
soft recovery fraction: /enum/ "A value from 0 to 1 that defines how much of the fire recovery time you can input a fire request and the game saves and plays it when the fire recovery ends, even if the player has stopped the fire request input"
magazine: "This value is a dropdown that gives a selection of magazine blocks opened to be used for rounds per fire: NONE, Primary and Secondary"
rounds per shot: /int16/ "The number of rounds to be expended from the associated magazine by this barrel when fired"
minimum rounds loaded: /int16/ "The number of rounds needed to fire this weapon, after firing the weapon and going below this value a reload is forced, ignored firing with partial ammo flag"
rounds between tracers /int16/ "Value that feeds into a projectile function called "tracer" that sets the function to zero for the duration of the number of shots of the value found here (A value here of 1 means the tracer function turns fully on and then fully off after every shot, repeating"
optional barrel marker name: /tagstring/ "Overrides the default marker name with whatever is entered here to use as the barrel marker for projectile origin (when not being fired from player or biped camera)"
prediction properties
prediction type:
firing noise:
acceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from minimum error and min error pitch rate to maximum error and full error pitch rate when the weapon starts firing (single wield only)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from maximum error and full error pitch rate to minimum error and min error pitch rate when the weapon stops firing (single wield only)"
damage error: /float/ "A set of two values that determines firing error when the model tag for this weapon is in a damage state with the flag that damages primary/second weapon enabled, chooses randomly between the 2 values"
min error look pitch rate: /float/ "The max rate of aiming allowed when this weapon is at minimum error (130 is referenced as full power)"
full error look pitch rate: /float/ "The min rate of aiming allowed when this weapon is at maximum error (130 is referenced as full power)"
look pitch error power: /float/ "Unknown, seems to partially scale the error look pitch rate change rate"
dual weapon error
acceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from minimum error and min error pitch rate to maximum error and full error pitch rate when the weapon starts firing (dual wield only)"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time in seconds taken for the weapon to go from maximum error and full error pitch rate to minimum error and min error pitch rate when the weapon stops firing (dual wield only)"
minimum error: /float/ "The minimum error this weapon is allowed to have when dual wielded, will never have less than this amount of error under any condition (dual wield only)"
error angle: /float/ "Two bound values that determine weapon error, first value is upon first firing and second value is after the acceleration time has passed, will return to first value during deacceleration time (dual wield only)"
dual wield damage scale: /enum/ "From 0 to 1, determines the damage done by this weapon when being fired as part of dual wield, 0 equals 1 (0.1 equals 10% of full normal damage)"
distribution function:
projectiles per shot: /int16/ "Number of projectiles fired at the exact same moment"
distribution angle: /float/ "Requires fan distribution function and projectiles per shot to be above 1, sets how wide the fans are (values above 1 tend to spray the fans so far they end up behind the biped)"
minimum error: /float/ "The minimum error this weapon is allowed to have when dual wielded, will never have less than this amount of error under any condition (single wield only)"
error angle: /float/ "Two bound values that determine weapon error, first value is upon first firing and second value is after the acceleration time has passed, will return to first value during deacceleration time (single wield only)"
damage effect reporting type - "Dropdown selector for various weapon and vehicle types, unknown/unused effects"
projectile: /TagDependency: projectile/ "Projectile tag fired from the weapon when the weapon is fired"
optional secondary projectile: /TagDependency: projectile/ "Projectile tag fired from the weapon when the weapon is fired, when a spew weapon or burst fire weapon is fired, all projectiles after the first (or first two with spew) become the secondary projectile"
damage effect: /TagDependency: damage_effect/ "The damage created at the projectile origin point, use damage effects with an area of effect for best result, does not hurt the entity firing the weapon"
crate projectile: /TagDependency: crate/ "Causes the weapon to fire this crate tag object when the weapon fires from a firing action, uses the velocity of the value below"
crate projectile speed: /float/ "The velocity at which the crate projectile is fired out"
ejection port recovery time: /float/ "Unknown/Needs additional research"
illumination recovery time: /float/ "How long in seconds it takes for the "illumination" function to transition from 1 to 0 after a shot has been fired"
heat generated per round: /enum/ "The amount of heat added to the weapon when it has been fired, per shot"
age generated per round: /enum/ "The age amount deducted from a weapon when it has been fired, from 100%"
campaign age generated per round: /enum/ "The age amount deducted from a weapon when it has been fired, from 100%, for campaign only"
overload time: /float/ "Unknown/needs additional research"
angle change (recoil)
angle shot per shot: /float/ "Two value entries that define how much recoil the weapon experiences when it is fired, transitions from the first value to the second value through acceleration when firing and deacceleration when not firing"
acceleration time: /float/ "Time taken when you begin firing the weapon to transition from min angle to max angle per shot"
deacceleration time: /float/ "Time taken when you stop firing the weapon to transition from max angle to min angle per shot"
angle change function: "Dropdown with variety of options that detail how the function transitions the recoil from min to max during acceleration"
first-person movement control
(and other misc entries below the barrels block)
runtime power on velocity: /float/ "Unknown and expert mode"
runtime power off velocity: /float/ "Unknown and expert mode"
max movement acceleration: /float/ "Unknown"
max movement velocity: /float/ "Unknown"
max turning acceleration: /float/ "Unknown"
max turning velocity: /float/ "Unknown"
deployed vehicle: /TagDependency: vehicle/ "Unknown"
tossed weapon: /TagDependency: weapon/ "When a unit is killed, this weapon replaces the one they were holding and falls to the ground"
age effect: /TagDependency: effect/ "The effect played when a weapon becomes depleted"
aged material effects: /TagDependency: material_effect/ "This replaces the normal materiel effect of the weapon when it has become depleted"
external aging amount: /float/ "Amount of age as a percentage applied to weapon, used for melee weapons that lack a barrel and trigger"
campaign external aging amount: /float/ "Same as above but for campaign only, above applies to multiplayer"
first person weapon offset: /float/ "A series of 3 values what determine the weapon offset: i: depth, positive is farther from camera I: horizontal axis from camera, positive moves to the left k: verticle axis from camera, positive moves upward"
first person weapon offset override: /float/ "Same as above but is only used for centered crosshairs"
first person scope size: /float/ "Unknown"
support third person camera range: /float/ "Requires support weapon flag, prevents camera from being moved past the set values along the vertical axis in third person camera view"
weapon zoom time: /float/ "Time in seconds the weapon takes to fully zoom in, the function is linear based on the time"
weapon ready-for-use time: /float/ "Time in seconds the weapon is unable to be used for after being readied, used for melee weapons"
unit stow anchor name: /tagstring/ "The name of the render model marker this weapon attaches to when stowed"
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