The Python scripts query the number of nodes retrieved when we increase the number of co-occurrences and the topics of the graph and their communities to calculate the Fisher test. With the R script we plot the number of node types with the increase of co-occurrences and the Fisher test.
You must open your Metadata Neo4j database of interest.
- Run Python 3 script to calculate the nodes with the increase of co-occurrences.
python3 <OutputFile> <UseCase>
Argument <OutputFile>: Location of the Output file.
Argument <UseCase>: Name of the use case.
- Run Python 3 script to retrieve the topics used for the Fisher test.
python3 <OutputComm> <OutputGraph>
Argument <OutputComm>: Output file of the topics from the communities.
Argument <OutputGraph>: Output file of the topics from all the graph.
After you have the files, you can open and run the R script.