diff --git a/seiscat/plot/plot_map_plotly.py b/seiscat/plot/plot_map_plotly.py
index bd7e562..c911b36 100644
--- a/seiscat/plot/plot_map_plotly.py
+++ b/seiscat/plot/plot_map_plotly.py
@@ -230,29 +230,34 @@ def plot_catalog_map_with_plotly(events, config):
lons = [e['lon'] for e in events]
lats = [e['lat'] for e in events]
depths = [e['depth'] for e in events]
- mags = [e['mag'] for e in events]
hover_data = {
'evid': evids, 'time': times,
- 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats, 'depth': depths,
- 'mag': mags
+ 'lon': lons, 'lat': lats, 'depth': depths
+ hover_template_list = [
+ 'Evid: %{customdata[0]}',
+ 'Time: %{customdata[1]}',
+ 'Lon: %{customdata[2]:.3f}',
+ 'Lat: %{customdata[3]:.3f}',
+ 'Depth: %{customdata[4]:.1f} km'
+ ]
+ mags = [e['mag'] for e in events]
+ # if not all mags are None, add them to the hover data
+ if any(mags):
+ hover_data['mag'] = mags
+ hover_template_list.append('Mag: %{customdata[5]:.1f}')
fig = px.scatter_3d(
x=xcoords, y=ycoords, z=depths,
labels={'x': 'X (km)', 'y': 'Y (km)', 'z': 'Depth (km)'},
- hover_data=hover_data,
+ hover_data=hover_data
if radii is None:
fig.update_traces(marker={'size': 3})
+ # Remove borders from markers
+ fig.update_traces(marker={'line': {'width': 0}})
# Update hover to exclude "x", "y", and "size"
- fig.update_traces(hovertemplate='
- 'Evid: %{customdata[0]}',
- 'Time: %{customdata[1]}',
- 'Lon: %{customdata[2]:.3f}',
- 'Lat: %{customdata[3]:.3f}',
- 'Depth: %{customdata[4]:.1f} km',
- 'Mag: %{customdata[5]:.1f}'
- ]))
+ fig.update_traces(hovertemplate='
camera = {
'up': {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 1},
'center': {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0},