This file contains the interview guideline which we used in our case study. The interviews were conducted in German, hence, the questions are translated and summarized. Details about the study and its results can be found in our accepted short paper submission titled "Exploring the Microservice Development Process in Small and Medium-Sized Organizations" @ PROFES2020.
- Company name
- Domain
- No. of employees
- Interviewee position, working experience, and experience with MSA
- System background (consultancy vs product, greenfield vs migration, etc.)
- Purpose of the system
- "Size" of the system (no. of services, avg. size of a service)
- Applied technologies (programming languages, frameworks, etc.)
- Reasoning for the choice of architecture style
- Process Structure
- Daily Routine
- Meeting formats
- Knowledge management
- Challenges/Evolution over time
- Applied strategies / methods
- Tools
- Documentation