diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe4cb388..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index bed223d2..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc92ce0a..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using System;
-using ProtoBuf;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Context;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Model;
-namespace GameServer.Model
- [Serializable, ProtoContract]
- [EntityTable("ConnData")]
- public class GameUser : BaseUser
- {
- [ProtoMember(1)]
- [EntityField(true)]
- public int UserId { get; set; }
- [ProtoMember(2)]
- [EntityField]
- public String NickName
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(3)]
- [EntityField]
- public String PassportId
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(4)]
- [EntityField]
- public String RetailId
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- public string SId { get; set; }
- protected override int GetIdentityId()
- {
- return UserId;
- }
- public override string GetSessionId()
- {
- return SId;
- }
- public override int GetUserId()
- {
- return UserId;
- }
- public override string GetNickName()
- {
- return NickName;
- }
- public override string GetPassportId()
- {
- return PassportId;
- }
- public override string GetRetailId()
- {
- return RetailId;
- }
- public override bool IsLock
- {
- get { return false; }
- }
- public override DateTime OnlineDate
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index b738776a..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using System;
-using ProtoBuf;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Event;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Model;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Cache.Generic;
-namespace GameServer.Model
- ///
- /// 鐜╁鎺掕姒滃疄浣撶被
- ///
- [Serializable, ProtoContract]
- [EntityTable(CacheType.Entity, "ConnData")]
- public class UserRanking : ShareEntity
- {
- public UserRanking()
- : base(false)
- {
- CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
- Items = new CacheList();
- }
- [ProtoMember(1)]
- [EntityField(true)]
- public int UserID
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(2)]
- [EntityField]
- public string UserName
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(3)]
- [EntityField]
- public int Score
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(4)]
- [EntityField]
- public DateTime CreateDate
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- [ProtoMember(100)]
- [EntityField]
- public CacheList Items { get; set; }
- protected override int GetIdentityId()
- {
- return UserID;
- }
- }
- [Serializable, ProtoContract]
- public class EquiAttrInfo : EntityChangeEvent
- {
- public EquiAttrInfo()
- : base(false)
- {
- }
- ///
- /// 灞炴€?
- ///
- [ProtoMember(1)]
- public int AttrType
- {
- get;
- set;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index c547fadf..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
-#define MyAppName "SCUT Server"
-#define MyAppVersion ""
-#define MyAppPublisher "ScutGame, Inc."
-#define MyAppCopyright "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com Inc."
-#define MyAppURL "http://www.scutgame.com/"
-#define MyAppExeName "GameServer.exe"
-; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
-; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
-; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
-Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
-Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked
- ;server for x86
-Source: "Redis\x86\redis.conf"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x86"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "Redis\x86\redis-server.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x86"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "Redis\x86\redis-cli.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x86"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\GameServer.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\GameServer.exe.config"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\IronPython.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\IronPython.Modules.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Microsoft.Dynamic.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Microsoft.Scripting.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Mono.Cecil.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\MySql.Data.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Newtonsoft.Json.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\NLog.config"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\NLog.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\protobuf-net.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\ScutSMS.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\ScutSMS Readme.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Common.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Redis.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Text.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.Common.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.Game.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\KopiLua.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\NLua.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\MainClass.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\Model\GuestUser.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\Model"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\Model\UserRanking.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\Model"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Locale\SimplifiedLanguage.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Action\Action1000.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Action\Action1001.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\LuaScript\Action\Action1001.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\LuaScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\API\SCUT Server Framework API.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\API\SCUT Server Middleware API.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\Scutų̳.docx"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ.docx"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
-Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"
-Name: "{group}\Redis Server"; Filename: "{app}\redis\x86\redis-server.exe"
-Name: "{group}\SCUT Server Management Studio"; Filename: "{app}\Console\ScutSMS.exe"
-Name: "{group}\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{#MyAppURL}"
-Name: "{group}\Document\SCUT Server Framework API"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\SCUT Server Framework API.chm"
-Name: "{group}\Document\SCUT Server Middleware API"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\SCUT Server Middleware API.chm"
-Name: "{group}\Document\Scutų̳"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\Scutų̳.docx"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ.docx"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
-Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
-;Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8631d4e0..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
-#define MyAppName "SCUT Server"
-#define MyAppVersion ""
-#define MyAppPublisher "ScutGame, Inc."
-#define MyAppCopyright "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com Inc."
-#define MyAppURL "http://www.scutgame.com/"
-#define MyAppExeName "GameServer.exe"
-; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
-; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
-; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
-Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"
-Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}"; GroupDescription: "{cm:AdditionalIcons}"; Flags: unchecked
- ;server for x64
-Source: "Redis\x64\redis.conf"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x64"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "Redis\x64\redis-server.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x64"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "Redis\x64\redis-cli.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Redis\x64"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\GameServer.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\GameServer.exe.config"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\IronPython.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\IronPython.Modules.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Microsoft.Dynamic.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Microsoft.Scripting.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Mono.Cecil.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\MySql.Data.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\Newtonsoft.Json.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\NLog.config"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\NLog.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\protobuf-net.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\ScutSMS.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\ScutSMS Readme.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Common.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Interfaces.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Redis.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ServiceStack.Text.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.Common.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\ZyGames.Framework.Game.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\KopiLua.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Lib\NLua.dll"; DestDir: "{app}\Console"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\MainClass.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\Model\GuestUser.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\Model"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\Model\UserRanking.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\Model"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Locale\SimplifiedLanguage.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Locale"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Action\Action1000.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\CsScript\Action\Action1001.cs"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\CsScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\Console\Script\LuaScript\Action\Action1001.lua"; DestDir: "{app}\Console\Script\LuaScript\Action"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\API\SCUT Server Framework API.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\API\SCUT Server Middleware API.chm"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\Scutų̳.docx"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ.docx"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-Source: "..\..\..\Document\Tutorials\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ.doc"; DestDir: "{app}\Doc"; Flags: ignoreversion
-; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files
-Name: "{group}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"
-Name: "{group}\Redis Server"; Filename: "{app}\redis\x64\redis-server.exe"
-Name: "{group}\SCUT Server Management Studio"; Filename: "{app}\console\ScutSMS.exe"
-Name: "{group}\{cm:ProgramOnTheWeb,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{#MyAppURL}"
-Name: "{group}\Document\SCUT Server Framework API"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\SCUT Server Framework API.chm"
-Name: "{group}\Document\SCUT Server Middleware API"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\SCUT Server Middleware API.chm"
-Name: "{group}\Document\Scutų̳"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\Scutų̳.docx"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ1-ΰװϷWindowsƪ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ2-ΰװϷLinuxƪ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ3-οʼϷ.docx"
-Name: "{group}\Document\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ"; Filename: "{app}\Doc\ʹĵ4-ʹмϷ.doc"
-Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
-Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppName}"; Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon
-;Filename: "{app}\Console\{#MyAppExeName}"; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#StringChange(MyAppName, '&', '&&')}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 87aabe62..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 491a6641..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3e87a6e..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3595 +0,0 @@
- ZyGames.Framework.Common
- 对象显示回收基类
- 显示释放对象资源
- 检查对象是否已被显示释放了
- Assemblly builder.
- Read assembly.
- 实体属性重构生成
- Gets or sets the solution dir.
- The solution dir.
- 过滤文件类型
- Config manage
- Get current object.
- Sql connection config
- 操作Web.config文档
- 读取Config配置文件的Add结点键int配置值
- 键值Key
- 默认值
- 读取Config配置文件的Add结点键decimal配置值
- 键值Key
- 默认值
- 读取Config配置文件的Add结点键bool配置值
- 键值Key
- 默认值
- 读取Config配置文件的Add结点键配置值
- 键值Key
- 默认值
- 读取Config配置文件的Add结点键值
- 键值Key
- 获取连接字符串
- 键值Key
- 解密密钥
- 获取连接字符串
- 自定义事件处理委托
- 类型EventArgs的子类
- 自定的事模型
- 类型EventArgs的子类
- Reset event
- 注册单一事件
- 增加事件
- 移除事件
- 事件通知
- 事件通知
- 释放对象
- 父类对象引用
- Time out notify event args
- Notify event args
- Whether to interrupt
- User object
- init
- init
- Timeout
- Event notifier
- Http mothod
- The content type xml.
- stream
- Get request
- Get request
- Get request
- 请求的超时时间
- 请求的客户端浏览器信息,可以为空
- 随同HTTP请求发送的Cookie信息,如果不需要身份验证可以为空
- Post request
- Post request
- Post request
- 请求的URL
- 随同请求POST的参数
- 请求的超时时间
- 请求的客户端浏览器信息,可以为空
- 发送HTTP请求时所用的编码
- 随同HTTP请求发送的Cookie信息,如果不需要身份验证可以为空
- 锁回调委托
- 锁操作接口
- 尝试进入锁
- 是否已锁成功
- Monitor锁策略接口
- 尝试进入锁
- 获取锁操作接口
- Lock cache pool
- init
- init, enable timer check expire item.
- ms
- ms
- Monitor锁策略
- 过期不使用
- BaseLog 的摘要说明
- 保存日志到文本的接口类
- 文件夹名称
- 缺省构造器
- 接收日志目录信息构造器
- 日志目录信息
- 记录一些基本信息(非异常日志)
- 记录的消息内容
- 记录异常日志信息
- 异常对象
- 记录异常日志信息
- 消息内容
- 异常对象
- 记录异常日志到Debug目录
- 记录异常日志到Fatal目录
- 记录异常日志到Warn目录
- 记录异常日志到Warn目录
- 记录异常日志到Complement目录
- 记录异常日志到Complement目录
- 日志操作类
- public class Program
- {
- static void Main()
- {
- TraceLog.ReleaseWrite("Hello {0}", "Kim")
- TraceLog.WriteError("Error {0}", new Exception("error test."))
- }
- }
- 堆栈跟踪输出
- 只在编译器的DEBUG下输出到Debug目录
- 只在编译器的DEBUG下输出到Info目录
- 记录出错日志到Error目录下
- 记录出错日志到Warn目录下
- 记录出错日志到Complement目录下
- Write to custom log
- dir name
- Write sql error.
- 在DEBUG和Release下输出到Info目录
- 记录出错日志到Debug目录下
- 记录出错日志到Fatal目录下
- Write line
- Sql最小时间范围
- Unix timestamp, val:1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
- 指定时间一年中是第几周
- 获取与当前时间差异
- 获取两个时间之间的差异
- char转成两个字节
- 使用两个字节转成char
- 合并
- 查找数组中包含另一数组的启始索引
- Convert to default value by type.
- 转换成16进制编码字串
- The bytes.
- 转换成16进制编码字串
- The bytes.
- The offset.
- The count.
- 四舍五入
- 保留的小数位
- 四舍五入
- 保留的小数位
- 四舍五入
- 四舍五入
- 指定的值是否匹配正则
- 指定的值是否匹配变量命名
- 加法运算
- 增加的值
- 最大值,超出取最大值
- 减法运算
- 减少的值
- 最小值,超出取最小值
- 分页
- 同string.IsNullOrEmpty
- 判断对象是否为空或DBNull或new object()对象
- 插入排序,List是有序的
- 将对象转换成字符串,Null为string.Empty
- 向上取整
- 向下取整
- 将对象转换成长整型值
- 将对象转换成整型值
- 将对象转换成短整型值
- 将对象转换成双精度值
- 将对象转换成单精度值
- 将对象转换成单精度浮点值
- 将对象转换成布尔值
- 将对象转换成字节值
- 将对象转换成64位无符号
- 将对象转换成32位无符号
- 将对象转换成16位无符号
- 将对象转换成时间值
- 将对象转换成时间值
- 将对象转换成枚举值
- 解析Json成对象
- 将对象序列化成string
- 当天时间一年中是第几周
- Get runtime bin path.
- Get runtime path.
- 对象扩展方法
- 快速创建实例
- Object类型
- 指定实例的类型
- 创建实体的构造参数
- 返回创建实例
- 同string.IsNullOrEmpty
- 判断对象是否为空或DBNull或new object()对象
- 获取数据分页
- 插入排序,List是有序的
- 快速排序
- 解析Json成对象
- 将对象序列化成string
- 将对象转换成字符串,Null为string.Empty
- 向上取整
- 向下取整
- 将对象转换成整型值
- 将对象转换成整型值
- 将对象转换成短整型值
- 将对象转换成双精度值
- 将对象转换成单精度值
- 将对象转换成单精度浮点值
- 将对象转换成布尔值
- 将对象转换成字节值
- 将对象转换成64位无符号
- 将对象转换成32位无符号
- 将对象转换成16位无符号
- 将对象转换成时间值
- 将对象转换成时间值
- 将对象转换成枚举值
- 检查值范围是否有效
- 检查值范围是否有效
- 检查值范围是否有效
- 检查值范围是否有效
- 检查值范围是否有效
- 检查值范围是否有效
- Object pool
- The type of object in the pool.
- init
- factory
- sec
- get item
- set item
- pool min size
- Pool count
- 随机管理类
- 随机取名字
- 获取随机概率值1-100
- 获取随机概率值
- 大小或包含最小值
- 小于最大值
- 是否命中,不限制浮点位数
- 是否命中
- 百分比概率值
- 是否命中1000
- 是否命中
- 含百分比形式值
- 是否命中
- 含百分比形式值
- 获取命中的索引
- 概率数组
- int[] percents = { 20, 4, 10, 12, 18, 18, 18 }
- 支持最大4位小数
- 获取命中的索引1000
- 概率数组
- int[] percents = { 20, 4, 10, 12, 18, 18, 18 }
- 获取随机范围数组
- 数组大小
- 随机最大值
- 随机总数最小值
- 随机总数最大值
- 从数组中随机取N个记录
- 获取特定条范围的随机数
- 数组长度
- 数组单项最小值
- 数组单项最大值
- 总和最小值
- 总和最大值
- 获取特定条范围的随机数
- 数组长度
- 数组单项最小值
- 数组单项最大值
- 总和
- Creates an instance of the specified type using a generated factory to avoid using Reflection.
- The type to be created.
- The newly created instance.
- Represents an abstracted view of the members defined for a type
- Return a sequence of all defined members
- Get a member by index
- The number of members defined for this type
- Represents an abstracted view of an individual member defined for a type
- Is the attribute specified defined on this type
- The name of this member
- The type of value stored in this member
- Represents an individual object, allowing access to members by-name
- Use the target types definition of equality
- Obtain the hash of the target object
- Use the target's definition of a string representation
- Wraps an individual object, allowing by-name access to that instance
- Wraps an individual object, allowing by-name access to that instance
- Get or Set the value of a named member for the underlying object
- The object represented by this instance
- Provides by-name member-access to objects of a given type
- Create a new instance of this type
- Query the members available for this type
- init
- Provides a type-specific accessor, allowing by-name access for all objects of that type
- The accessor is cached internally; a pre-existing accessor may be returned
- Provides a type-specific accessor, allowing by-name access for all objects of that type
- The accessor is cached internally; a pre-existing accessor may be returned
- Does this type support new instances via a parameterless constructor?
- Can this type be queried for member availability?
- Get or set the value of a named member on the target instance
- A TypeAccessor based on a Type implementation, with available member metadata
- Query the members available for this type
- Returns the Type represented by this accessor
- Can this type be queried for member availability?
- BASE64编码
- BASE64Encoder 的摘要说明
- 获取文件的MD5 Hash值
- 8 length
- Des encrypt
- 16 length
- Des decrypt
- DESAlgorithmNew 的摘要说明
- 初始化加解密数据结构
- 对dataIn使用key进行加密
- 对data数据使用key进行解密
- 使用securityKey 对 SourcePwd进行加密
- 对字符串解密
- 加密类
- 构造函数逻辑
- The unsafe keyword allows pointers to be used within the following method:
- // The unsafe keyword allows pointers to be used within the following method:
- 特殊的右移位操作,补0右移,如果是负数,需要进行特殊的转换处理(右移位)
- ICacheSerializer
- Serialize object to byte[]
- Deserialize
- Json序列化反序列化器
- 序列化成中国标准时间,精确值到秒
- 待序列化的对象
- 序列化成中国标准时间,精确值到秒
- 待序列化的对象
- 指定日期格式
- 序列化
- 待序列化的对象
- 自定转换的处理
- 自定义日期反序列化
- 对象类型
- 待反序列化的对象
- 指定日期格式
- 反序列化
- 对象类型
- 待反序列化的对象
- 自定转换的处理
- 自定义日期反序列化
- 待反序列化的对象
- 对象类型
- 指定日期格式
- 反序列化
- 待反序列化的对象
- 对象类型
- 自定转换的处理
- Protobuf序列化与反序列化
- Initialize RuntimeTypeModel.
- 使用protobuf序列化对象为二进制文件
- 使用protobuf反序列化二进制文件为对象
- 反序列化对象的物理文件路径
- the type.
- 使用protobuf把对象序列化为Byte数组
- 使用protobuf把对象序列化为Byte数组
- 序列化的对象
- 使用protobuf反序列化二进制数组为对象
- 需要反序列化的对象类型,必须声明[ProtoContract]特征,且相应属性必须声明[ProtoMember(序号)]特征
- 二进字节数据
- 使用protobuf反序列化二进制数组为对象
- 二进字节数据
- 反序列化的类型.
- 序列化对象为二进制数组,并gzip压缩
- 序列化的对象
- 用于判断指定的bytes是否处于gzip状态
- 反序列化二进制数组为对象,并gzip压缩
- 动态绑定实体对象的子类类型
- byte数组压缩超出(默认10k)开启压缩
- 支持ProtoBuf的Object类型
- 重载Tostring方法
- 任务接口
- 更新下次执行时间
- 获取定时时间
- 启动
- 执行任务处理
- 间隔时间(毫秒)
- 间隔刻度
- 下次执行时间
- Cachey removed reason.
- The none.
- The expired.
- The append.
- The changed.
- The removed.
- 缓存定时监听器,
- 适用场合:刷新的时间间隔并不要求精确
- 0:不过期
- 过期回调方法
- 缓存文件依赖
- 延迟执行时间,单位毫秒
- Code timer
- init
- time action
- time action
- cycle Count
- Time("test1", 1, () => { });
- 计划周期
- 计划配置信息
- 自动开始
- 设置误差间隔
- 名称
- 回调委托
- 是否循环(每天)
- 间隔秒,0:为单次
- Expired time
- 是否过期,过期的计划将被移除定时执行任务
- 是否当天结束
- Sync timer
- init
- Start
- Stop
- 任务调度类
- 定时器监听管理
- 使用场合:对间隔时间比较精确
- 设置定时器
- 设置定时器
- 显示释放
- 增加定时任务计划
- 移除定时任务计划
- 版本信息
- 取下一个版本号
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index f876f138..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 64d5167e..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5277c15..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10198 +0,0 @@
- ZyGames.Framework.Game
- 广播缓存
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Group key.
- Gets the broadcast.
- The broadcast.
- Send the specified message.
- Message.
- 聊天缓存
- 加载数据工厂
- 加载子项数据工厂
- Key.
- 配置库缓存集(只读)
- 上下文缓存集
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Cache key.
- Determines whether this instance is exist key the specified keys.
- true if this instance is exist key the specified keys; otherwise, false.
- Keys.
- Tries the add.
- true, if add was tryed, false otherwise.
- Key.
- T.
- Clear this instance.
- Gets the with the specified key.
- Key.
- 私聊缓存
- 加载数据工厂
- 加载子项数据工厂
- Key.
- 控制器工厂
- Create this instance.
- 战斗控制器接口
- Gets the single combat.
- The single combat.
- Arguments.
- Gets the many one combat.
- The many one combat.
- Arguments.
- Gets the multi combat.
- The multi combat.
- Arguments.
- 多对一战斗
- 加入攻击方阵列
- 加入防守方阵列
- 交战
- 返回胜利或失败
- 交战过程
- 回合数
- 多对多战斗
- 加入攻击方阵列
- 加入防守方阵列
- 交战
- 返回胜利或失败
- 交战过程
- 回合数
- 一对一战斗接口
- 加入攻击方阵列
- 加入防守方阵列
- 交战
- 返回胜利或失败
- 交战过程
- 回合数
- GM命令基类
- 运行GM命令解析
- 发送GM命令者
- GM命令
- 指定解析的程序集
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Processes the cmd.
- Arguments.
- Gets or sets the user I.
- The user I.
- Command collection.
- Creates the new element.
- The new element.
- Gets the element key.
- The element key.
- Element.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Index.
- Gets the with the specified key.
- Key.
- Command element.
- Gets or sets the cmd.
- The cmd.
- Gets or sets the name of the type.
- The name of the type.
- Gm section.
- Gets or sets the command.
- The command.
- 鑴氭湰鎵ц鍛戒护
- # py demo:
- ############
- def processCmd(userId, args):
- #鍦ㄨ繖閲屽鐞嗗懡浠?
- pass
- Processes the cmd.
- Arguments.
- 答题中间件基类
- The user identifier.
- 选取题目
- 取的数量
- 忽略的
- 答题
- 题目编号
- 答题
- 是否答题正确
- 处理结果
- 题目编号
- 答题结果
- 返回处理结果(奖励)
- 获取奖励
- 中间件配置信息
- 中件件唯一标识
- 中间件子类类名
- 中间件参数
- 中间层组件管理类(抽象工厂模式)
- 注册中间件
- 组件启动之后处理
- 创建排行榜中间件代理对象
- 新手引导中间件
- 中间件操作其它
- 答题中间件
- The cache set.
- 选取题目
- 取的数量
- 忽略的
- 是否答题正确
- 新手引导
- The user identifier.
- 检测是否有引导
- 处理引导完成
- 处理奖励
- 子类实现奖励
- 完成引导
- 尝试获取引导进度
- 尝试获取下个引导,未找到引导完成
- 是否完成引导
- 获取当前引导
- Lua操作工具类
- 格式化内容为Label
- color:#ffffff 或者 #fff
- 带#号的16进制颜色
- 格式化内容为Label
- 范围在0-255之间
- 解释成RGB颜色
- 带#号的16进制颜色
- 交易出错代码
- The sucess.
- The fail.
- The no godds.
- The trade timeout.
- The amount not enough.
- 库存
- The limt number.
- 交易策略
- Tries the enter traded.
- true, if enter traded was tryed, false otherwise.
- Goods.
- Exits the traded.
- 商城工厂
- Registers the merchant.
- Merchant identifier.
- Controller.
- Gets the merchant.
- The merchant.
- Merchant identifier.
- Releases all resource used by the object.
- 商家
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Merchant identifier.
- Controller.
- 初始化商品
- 展示商品
- 购买商品
- 商场管理员
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Trade strategy.
- 加载商品数据
- 商品排序规则
- Trades the goods.
- true, if goods was traded, false otherwise.
- User.
- Goods.
- Goods number.
- Error code.
- 交易成功
- 生产物品
- 检查是否可交易
- 支付代币
- 派送商品
- 单例交易
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Time out.
- Tries the enter traded.
- true
- false
- Goods.
- Exits the traded.
- 新手引导配置
- 引导配置ID
- 引导类型
- 引导子类型
- 下一引导
- 引导名称
- 引导描述
- 完成获取奖励
- 问题选项
- 编号
- 显示名称
- 商品实体
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 商家Id
- 商品标识
- 商品类型
- 排列位置
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- 描述
- 商品图标
- 交易使用代币类型
- 出售价格
- 市场价格
- 商品状态
- 库存数量,0为限制库存
- 限制数量
- 商品状态
- 禁止出售
- 出售中
- 限购
- 渠道媒体礼包
- The length of the gift type.
- The length of the card no minimum.
- The invalid hour.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 规则:礼包类型(3位) + CardId(最小4位) + 验证码(随机数3位)
- 尝试取作废的卡
- 检查是否过期作废的卡(24小时过期)
- Gets the invalid card.
- The invalid card.
- 获得未激活的卡
- 生成媒体礼包卡
- 访问的IP
- 礼包类型
- Adds the gift card.
- Gift type.
- Create ip.
- Card no.
- 激活
- Dos the activate.
- User identifier.
- Card no.
- Gift type.
- 是否已激活
- Gets or sets the current card identifier.
- The current card identifier.
- Gets the next card identifier.
- The next card identifier.
- 媒体礼包新手卡
- Gets or sets the card no.
- The card no.
- Gets or sets the type of the gift.
- The type of the gift.
- Gets or sets the user identifier.
- The user identifier.
- Gets or sets the activate date.
- The activate date.
- Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is invalid.
- true if this instance is invalid; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the create ip.
- The create ip.
- Gets or sets the create date.
- The create date.
- 题库数据
- 对象索引器属性
- Index.
- 排行榜数据项
- 排名,从1开始
- 新手卡
- The curr user identifier.
- The length of the card.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- User identifier.
- 检查是否生成新手卡
- Dos the generate.
- Generate I.
- 生成卡号
- 激活
- Dos the activate card.
- true, if activate card was done, false otherwise.
- Card identifier.
- Card user identifier.
- 领取奖励
- Dos the prize.
- Card identifier.
- Card user identifier.
- Lv.
- Determines whether this instance has prize the specified userLv prizeLv.
- true if this instance has prize the specified userLv prizeLv; otherwise, false.
- User lv.
- Prize lv.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance has generate I.
- true if this instance has generate I; otherwise, false.
- Gets the package prize lv.
- The package prize lv.
- 引导状态
- 引导进度项
- 玩家引导记录
- 是否结束引导
- 当前引导ID
- 引导进度
- 完成时间
- 新手引导代理对象
- 付款通知
- 排行榜基类
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Key.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Key.
- Top.
- 刷新间隔
- 排序方式
- 刷新排行榜
- 枚举器
- 初始化数据源
- 初始化之后处理
- 刷新排行
- 设置排行ID
- 忽略的数据项
- 获取排行数据
- 获取在排行中第几名
- -1:不在排行榜中
- 获取排名
- 排名ID
- 查找
- 获取分页数据
- 调整排名
- 原始排名
- 移动到新排名
- 增加到排行榜
- 插入到排行榜
- 排名数
- 排行榜键
- 排行榜工厂
- 排行榜操作代理类
- 战斗配置
- Gets or sets the name of the type.
- The name of the type.
- 娓告垙娓犻亾瀵硅薄
- 鑾峰緱閰嶇疆
- 娓犻亾
- all
- Danle,10086
- 10086
- uc
- uc
- 360
- 游戏配置类
- 获得GM配置解析的对象类型
- 获得渠道登录处理提供类配置
- 获得渠道商提供的Sdk配置
- 是否有配置文件
- 娓犻亾鐧诲綍澶勭悊鎻愪緵绫婚厤缃?
- 娓犻亾鍙?
- 绫诲瀷鍚?
- 绫诲瀷鍙傛暟
- 娓犻亾鍟嗘彁渚涚殑Sdk閰嶇疆
- 娓犻亾鍙?
- UC閰嶅鏄痗pId
- UC閰嶅鏄痑piKey
- 登录节点元素
- Gets or sets the retail list.
- The retail list.
- Gets or sets the default name of the type.
- The default name of the type.
- 渠道集合节点属性
- Creates the new element.
- The new element.
- Gets the element key.
- The element key.
- Element.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Index.
- Gets the with the specified key.
- Key.
- 渠道节点属性
- Gets or sets the identifier.
- The identifier.
- Gets or sets the name of the type.
- The name of the type.
- Gets or sets the arguments.
- The arguments.
- 游戏自定义配置集合
- zyGameBaseBll
- Gets or sets the login.
- The login.
- Gets or sets the combat.
- The combat.
- 游戏配置管理类
- 获取渠道登录处理提供类的配置
- 获取战斗处理配置
- 初始化配置
- 游戏配置
- init
- Game product code
- user login decode password key.
- user encode password key to db.
- init
- init
- receive data sign key
- 游戏角色
- IUser
- get userid
- get passport
- reflesh date
- user's token
- is lock status
- is online
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Access.
- 在线间隔
- Gets the user data.
- The user data.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is feng jin status.
- true if this instance is feng jin status; otherwise, false.
- Gets or sets the online date.
- The online date.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is inlining.
- true if this instance is inlining; otherwise, false.
- 渠道Token
- Encryption manager.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- HMACSHs the a1 encrypt.
- The a1 encrypt.
- Encrypt text.
- Encrypt key.
- Gets the M d5_32.
- The M d5_32.
- S.
- _input_charset.
- 获得密钥
- 密钥
- 获得初始向量IV
- 初试向量IV
- 加密方法
- 待加密的串
- 待加密的Key
- 经过加密的串
- 解密方法
- 待解密的串
- 待加密的Key
- 经过解密的串
- DES加密字符串
- 待加密的字符串
- 加密密钥,要求为8位
- 加密成功返回加密后的字符串,失败返回源串
- DES解密字符串
- 待解密的字符串
- 解密密钥,要求为8位,和加密密钥相同
- 解密成功返回解密后的字符串,失败返源串
- DES加密方法
- 明文
- 密钥
- 向量
- 密文
- DES解密方法
- 密文
- 密钥
- 向量
- 明文
- Http request manager.
- GetPostData Post数据并获取返回数据
- url
- 请求类型
- Http Post 获取返回字符串
- 请求地址URL
- 请求类型
- 返回字符串
- Http Get 获取返回字符串
- 请求地址URL
- 请求类型
- 返回字符串
- 心跳
- 中断
- Action管理
- The error code.
- 设置忽略认证Action
- 请求处理
- 请求处理
- 请求处理
- 请求处理
- 请求脚本处理
- 请求脚本处理
- 请求参数对象
- 字节输出处理
- 获取Action处理的输出字节流
- 获取Action处理的输出字节流
- 将指定的Action结果广播给指定范围的玩家
- 指定的Action
- 指定范围的玩家
- 请求参数
- 成功回调
- online interval second
- 给指定范围的每个玩家发送指定的Action结果
- 指定范围的玩家
- 指定的Action
- 请求参数
- 成功回调
- online interval second
- 提供脚本支持
- 授权访问的Action
- Base struct.
- BaseStruct 的摘要说明
- 默认的返回错误信息
- 接口访问开始时间
- 接口访问结束时间
- 写日志的对象
- 数据类
- ActionID,接口编号
- 本次登录SessionID句柄
- 提交Action用户唯一ID
- 是否是错误的URL请求串
- 是否是主动推送
- 是否影响输出, True:不响应
- 请求上来的消息编号,主动下发编号为0
- 消息St
- 返回Action是否为ErrorAction
- int类型
- short类型
- int类型
- short类型
- bool类型
- byte类型
- string类型
- 将数据加到栈尾
- 输出当前协议返回
- 输出一个错误的Action 与 相应错误内容描述
- 设为推送模式
- 初始化Action
- Write response
- ReadUrlElement
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 响应动作类
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 保存日志到文本文件
- 日志格式:
- 1.请求串
- 2.发生日期
- 3.错误描述
- 4.错误栈详细
- 5.分隔线
- 日志内容
- Saves the debu log.
- A use log.
- 保存日志到文本文件
- 出错时的异常描述
- 保存日志到文本文件
- 保存日志方法
- 获得访问者的IP
- 获取或设置错误信息
- 获取或设置错误信息
- 接口访问处理情况
- 接口访问成功
- 访问失败
- 构造函数
- 子类实现
- 子类实现Action处理
- 处理结束执行
- 执行Action处理
- 读取Url参数
- get url parameter
- 较验参数
- 是否此请求忽略UID参数
- 保存日志
- 当前游戏会话
- 兼容子类变量名
- 是否是压力测试
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Action I.
- Http get.
- Checks the user.
- The user.
- Game user.
- Dos the refresh.
- Action identifier.
- Game user.
- 开启支付通知
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is refresh.
- true if this instance is refresh; otherwise, false.
- 不检查的ActionID
- The _script scope.
- The _url parameter.
- The _action result.
- /
- 忽略授权
- 子类实现
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 不检查的ActionID
- true if ignore action identifier; otherwise, false.
- Raises the requested event.
- Http get.
- Response.
- Call remote method
- Checks the remote.
- true, if remote was checked, false otherwise.
- Route.
- Http get.
- Protocol Section
- Raises the start affer event.
- Protocol Section
- The enable http.
- Raises the start affer event.
- Raises the service stop event.
- Action repeater
- init
- message id of client request
- 服务器间内部通讯通道
- Message of custom
- is pushed package
- callback
- Remote service.
- Create http proxy
- Create tcp proxy
- Create tcp proxy
- init
- local name
- Call method path, ex:className.method
- init
- init
- Console runtime host
- Runtime host service
- Process start logic init
- Run
- Proccess stop logic
- Set stop
- init
- action Parameter
- init
- MsgId
- St
- ActoinId
- get current UserId.
- Is Runloader tool's param
- Get custom message
- get current sessionid.
- get current session.
- 触控安卓充值
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Action I.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- App store detail action.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- Appstor 充值
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- Gets the app store.
- Game.
- Server.
- Account.
- Silver.
- Amount.
- Orderno.
- Retail I.
- Device identifier.
- AppStoreInfo.
- The receipt.
- Gets or sets the status.
- The status.
- Receipt.
- Gets or sets the unique_identifier.
- The unique_identifier.
- Gets or sets the original_purchase_date_pst.
- The original_purchase_date_pst.
- Gets or sets the purchase_date_ms.
- The purchase_date_ms.
- Gets or sets the original_transaction_id.
- The original_transaction_id.
- Gets or sets the original_purchase_date_ms.
- The original_purchase_date_ms.
- Gets or sets the transaction_id.
- The transaction_id.
- Gets or sets the quantity.
- The quantity.
- Gets or sets the bvrs.
- The bvrs.
- Gets or sets the hosted_iap_version.
- The hosted_iap_version.
- Gets or sets the product_id.
- The product_id.
- Gets or sets the purchase_date.
- The purchase_date.
- Gets or sets the original_purchase_date.
- The original_purchase_date.
- Gets or sets the purchase_date_pst.
- The purchase_date_pst.
- Gets or sets the bid.
- The bid.
- Gets or sets the item_id.
- The item_id.
- Websocket use.
- Login action.
- The type of the mobile.
- The passport identifier.
- The password.
- The device I.
- The sex.
- The name of the nick.
- The head I.
- The screen x.
- The screen y.
- The retail I.
- The type of the user.
- The server I.
- The type of the game.
- The login proxy.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- Sets the parameter.
- Login.
- 是否此请求忽略UID参数
- Dos the success.
- true, if success was done, false otherwise.
- User identifier.
- Gets or sets the guide identifier.
- The guide identifier.
- 提供扩展渠道登录
- The refesh token.
- The scope.
- The qihoo user I.
- The access token360.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- Sets the parameter.
- Login.
- 充值通用接口
- The _amount.
- The _game I.
- The _server I.
- The name of the _server.
- The _order no.
- The _passport I.
- The _currency.
- The _retail I.
- The _device I.
- The _product I.
- The type of the _pay.
- The name of the _game.
- The _pay status.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- 360SDK AccessToken刷新获取
- The access token360.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- Register action.
- The name of the user.
- The sex.
- The head I.
- The retail I.
- The pid.
- The type of the mobile.
- The screen x.
- The screen y.
- The req app version.
- The game I.
- The server I.
- The device I.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 处理结束执行
- If set to true state.
- Gets the action parameter.
- true, if action parameter was gotten, false otherwise.
- Gets or sets the guide identifier.
- The guide identifier.
- Sdk91 pay action.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- A action identifier.
- Http get.
- 创建返回协议内容输出栈
- 接收用户请求的参数,并根据相应类进行检测
- 子类实现Action处理
- The entity sync data operation.
- Dispose
- entity data send to client
- 用户会话
- Add session to cache
- Add session to cache
- Add session to cache
- Recover session
- Get session by userid
- Get session by sessionid.
- Get session by ExSocket.
- Get all session
- Get remote all
- 获得锁
- init proto deserialize use
- Close
- true:is expired
- Post send to client
- Send async, add 16 len head
- 检查加头16位ssid
- Count
- Heartbeat timeout(sec), default 60s
- session timeout(sec), default 2h
- Request timeout(ms), default 1s
- Heartbeat Timeout event
- Is authorized.
- Is proxy server session
- Remote end address
- Remote end address
- Old sessionid
- key code
- SessionId
- login UserId
- User
- 远程代理客户端的会话ID
- 最后活动时间
- 是否会话超时
- 远程代理客户端的标识ID
- 是否标识关闭状态
- 是否已连接
- is socket
- 游戏服Socket通讯宿主基类
- Protocol Section
- The enable http.
- Raises the received before event.
- E.
- Response hearbeat stream.
- 心跳包
- Raises the connect completed event.
- Sender.
- E.
- Send data success
- Raises the disconnected event.
- Session.
- Raises the start affer event.
- Raises the service stop event.
- Action repeater
- Action分发器接口
- decode package for socket
- decode package for http
- decode package for http
- Action分发器
- Decode request package
- 排行榜页
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Dos the ranking.
- The ranking.
- Rank type.
- Top.
- Gets the ranking object.
- The ranking object.
- Rank type.
- Rankings to json.
- The to json.
- Data list.
- Rankings to html.
- The to html.
- Data list.
- Request message package
- init
- init
- message id of client request
- Action route key
- 服务器间内部通讯通道
- session id of client
- session id of client
- is proxy server connect
- Proxy server connect sid
- 是否是Url格式参数类型
- param for url request
- 远程代理客户端的标识ID
- Message of custom
- Receive time
- 踢出
- 验证参数错误代码
- 验证参数错误提示
- 系统繁忙中
- 请求参数错误
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- 服务器正在维护
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- 请求超时
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- 加载数据失败
- 该账号已被封禁
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- 充值失败
- 获取受权失败
- The error code.
- The timeout code.
- 踢出
- The kicked out code.
- 验证参数错误代码
- The validate code./
- 验证参数错误提示
- The validate error.
- 系统繁忙中
- The server busy.
- 请求参数错误
- The URL element.
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- The URL no parameter.
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- The URL parameter out range.
- 服务器正在维护
- The server maintain.
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- The server loading.
- 请求超时
- The request timeout.
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- The password error.
- 加载数据失败
- The load data error.
- 该账号已被封禁
- The acount is locked.
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- The acount no login.
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- The acount logined.
- 充值失败
- The app store pay error.
- 获取受权失败
- The get access failure.
- BaseENLanguage.
- The error code.
- The timeout code.
- 踢出
- The kicked out code.
- 验证参数错误代码
- The validate code.
- 验证参数错误提示
- The validate error.
- 系统繁忙中
- The server busy.
- 请求参数错误
- The URL element.
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- The URL no parameter.
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- The URL parameter out range.
- 请求超时
- The request timeout.
- 服务器正在维护
- The server maintain.
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- The server loading.
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- The password error.
- 该账号已被封禁
- The acount is locked.
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- The acount no login.
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- The acount logined.
- 加载数据失败
- The load data error.
- 充值失败
- The app store pay error.
- 获取受权失败
- The get access failure.
- The error code.
- The timeout code.
- 踢出
- The kicked out code.
- 验证参数错误代码
- The validate code.
- 验证参数错误提示
- The validate error.
- 系统繁忙中
- The server busy.
- 请求参数错误
- The URL element.
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- The URL no parameter.
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- The URL parameter out range.
- 请求超时
- The request timeout.
- 服务器正在维护
- The server maintain.
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- The server loading.
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- The password error.
- 该账号已被封禁
- The acount is locked.
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- The acount no login.
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- The acount logined.
- 加载数据失败
- The load data error.
- 充值失败
- The app store pay error.
- 获取受权失败
- The get access failure.
- The error code.
- The timeout code.
- 踢出
- The kicked out code.
- 验证参数错误代码
- The validate code.
- 验证参数错误提示
- The validate error.
- 系统繁忙中
- The server busy.
- 请求参数错误
- The URL element.
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- The URL no parameter.
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- The URL parameter out range.
- 请求超时
- The request timeout.
- 服务器正在维护
- The server maintain.
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- The server loading.
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- The password error.
- 加载数据失败
- The load data error.
- 该账号已被封禁
- The acount is locked.
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- The acount no login.
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- The acount logined.
- 充值失败
- The app store pay error.
- 获取受权失败
- The get access failure.
- Game language setting.
- Set language object.
- Reset lang.
- Set language object.
- The instance
- The error code.
- The no login or timeout code
- Was kicked out of the server error code
- The kicked out code.
- Request param error code
- The validate code.
- Duplicate of error code
- The kicked out code.
- Maintain of error code
- The kicked out code.
- lock time of error code
- The kicked out code.
- 验签出错
- validate error
- The system is busy
- param error
- 参数名:{0}不存在
- 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- 服务器正在维护
- 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- 请求超时
- 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- 加载数据失败
- 该账号已被封禁
- 您的账号未登录或已过期
- 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- 充值失败
- 获取受权失败
- Get single language.
- Lang enum.
- 值=0 中文
- 值=1 英文
- 值=2 繁体
- 值=3 韩文
- 多语言
- Sets the lang.
- Lang.
- Gets the lang.
- The lang.
- Gets the lang.
- The lang.
- Lang enum.
- 广播系统
- 是否有新消息
- 创建广播消息对象
- 创建广播消息对象
- 类型
- 内容
- 标题
- 过期时间
- 发送消息
- 移除消息
- 移除消息
- 定时发送
- 消息对象
- 开启时间段 hh:mm
- 结束时间段
- 是否循环发送
- 间隔多久发送一次(秒)
- 定时发送
- 按每周几发送
- 获取消息
- Timers the callback.
- Message.
- 截取条数
- 是否可以接收
- Sets the version identifier.
- Version identifier.
- 写日志
- 过滤屏蔽词
- 广播定时器
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Callback.
- Add the specified message, beginTime, endTime, isCycle and secondInterval.
- Message.
- Begin time.
- End time.
- If set to true is cycle.
- Second interval.
- Add the specified message, week, beginTime, endTime, isCycle and secondInterval.
- Message.
- Week.
- Begin time.
- End time. void
- If set to true is cycle. void
- Second interval. void
- The _ mail I.
- The _ user identifier.
- The type of the _ mail.
- The _ from user identifier.
- The name of the _ from user.
- The _ to user I.
- The name of the _ to user.
- The _ title.
- The content of the _.
- The _ send date.
- The _ is read.
- The _ is remove.
- The _ remove date.
- Gets the identity identifier.
- The identity identifier.
- 对象索引器属性
- Index.
- 邮件服务
- The mail cache set.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 获取消息
- 未读条数
- 设置已读
- 是否已读
- 聊天消息
- Gets the identity identifier.
- The identity identifier.
- 发送人
- 接收人
- 对象索引器属性
- Index.
- 聊天服务
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- User identifier.
- Determines whether this instance has message the specified version.
- true if this instance has message the specified version; otherwise, false.
- Version.
- Send the specified message.
- Message.
- Sends the whisper.
- To user identifier.
- Message.
- Receive this instance.
- Publics the receive.
- The receive.
- Users the receive.
- The receive.
- User identifier.
- Gets the chat messages.
- The chat messages.
- Gets the range.
- The range.
- Message list.
- Determines whether this instance has receive the specified message.
- true if this instance has receive the specified message; otherwise, false.
- Message.
- Filters the message.
- The message.
- Message.
- Writes the log.
- Message.
- 取下一个版本号
- Gets the curr version.
- The curr version.
- 敏感词组件
- Init word
- 检查是否包含敏感词
- 过滤敏感词
- 替换的字符
- RGB颜色结构
- R
- G
- B
- Embattle role.
- The role a.
- The role d.
- 九宫格阵形队列
- The priority map list.
- Sets the queue.
- Index.
- General.
- Tos the queue.
- The queue.
- Peeks the wait general.
- The wait general.
- 获取下一个可战斗佣兵
- 替换等待的佣兵
- 替换的位置
- 是否可战斗
- 初始战斗入阵
- 随机取
- 根据位置取
- 获取被攻击将领通过设定的优先级查找
- 找横向
- 找纵向
- Finds all.
- The all.
- 找所有
- Gets the items.
- The items.
- Gets or sets the role.
- The role.
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is over.
- true if this instance is over; otherwise, false.
- 优先值
- Gets or sets the general count.
- The general count.
- 当前轮次数
- 本轮是否存在佣兵
- 反馈信息
- 回复者
- App store factory.
- Gets the pay section.
- The pay section.
- App store pay collection.
- Creates the new element.
- The new element.
- Gets the element key.
- The element key.
- Element.
- Gets the at the specified index.
- Index.
- Gets the with the specified key.
- Key.
- App store pay element.
- Gets or sets the product identifier.
- The product identifier.
- Gets or sets the type of the mobile.
- The type of the mobile.
- Gets or sets the dollar.
- The dollar.
- Gets or sets the currency.
- The currency.
- Gets or sets the silver piece.
- The silver piece.
- APP STORE 充值配置
- Gets the rates.
- The rates.
- The environment configuration information.
- Object Initialization.
- Request signature key.
- Des encryption key account password.
- Des decryption for client password.
- Global cache lifecycle.
- Game players cache lifecycle.
- Product code.
- Product name.
- Product server id.
- The entity assembly.
- Script use system assembly reference.
- Script use other assembly reference.
- enable gzip
- stream out length use gzip.
- Action type name.
- CSharp script type name.
- Remote type name.
- local ip
- socket port
- Action repeater
- Http流输出类
- 游戏输出接口
- 输出类
- HttpListent流输出类
- Login status.
- 未登录
- 已登录(重复的)
- 登录成功
- 登录超时
- 退出登录
- Remote struct
- init
- 是否影响输出, True:不响应
- 登录处理基类
- 登录处理接口
- 注册通行证
- 用户类型
- 注册通行证
- Gets the session identifier.
- The session identifier.
- AMs the d5.
- The d5.
- Str1.
- SHs the a256.
- The a256.
- String.
- UTF8编码字符串计算MD5值(十六进制编码字符串)
- UTF8编码的字符串
- MD5(十六进制编码字符串)
- The passport I.
- The user I.
- The password.
- The session I.
- AnySDK
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 用于表达验证请求成功与否
- 保存渠道平台返回的验证信息
- 包含渠道编号、用户SDK标识,渠道用户uid
- 为空,开发商服务器可以在ext域中存放用户信息(比如开发商服务器内部设定用户标识)下发给客户端
- 错误编号
- 错误信息
- 编号
- 名称
- avatar
- sex
- area
- nick
- access_token
- refresh_token
- 当乐0037
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- Token.
- 注册通行证
- Danle v2 SD.
- The member identifier.
- The username.
- The nickname.
- The gender.
- The level.
- The avatar_url.
- The created_date.
- The token.
- The error_code.
- The error_msg.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 解密数据
- 传入加密数据
- 返回解密数据
- 解密数据
- 要解密的数据
- 机峰0011
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- 注册通行证
- Login360_ v2.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- Pid.
- Code.
- 注册通行证
- SDK360Error.
- Gets or sets the error_code.
- The error_code.
- Gets or sets the error.
- The error.
- Gets or sets the identifier.
- The identifier.
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- Gets or sets the avatar.
- The avatar.
- Gets or sets the sex.
- The sex.
- Gets or sets the area.
- The area.
- Gets or sets the nick.
- The nick.
- SDK360GetTokenError.
- Gets or sets the error_code.
- The error_code.
- Gets or sets the error.
- The error.
- Gets or sets the access_token.
- The access_token.
- Gets or sets the expires_in.
- The expires_in.
- Gets or sets the refresh_token.
- The refresh_token.
- Gets or sets the scope.
- The scope.
- AnySDK
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 玩家ID
- 玩家名称
- 状态
- 数据
- 信息
- Login MIU.
- The parameters.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- Sid.
- 注册通行证
- Sets the parameter.
- Parameter.
- Parameter value.
- Gets the sign.
- The sign.
- Gets or sets the errcode.
- The errcode.
- Gets or sets the error message.
- The error message.
- AnySDK
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 用于表达验证请求成功与否
- 保存渠道平台返回的验证信息
- 包含渠道编号、用户SDK标识,渠道用户uid
- 为空,开发商服务器可以在ext域中存放用户信息(比如开发商服务器内部设定用户标识)下发给客户端
- 错误编号
- 错误信息
- 编号
- 名称
- avatar
- sex
- area
- nick
- access_token
- refresh_token
- 腾讯0018
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Task status.
- 不可接
- 可接
- 已接
- 完成
- 结束
- 禁用
- 游戏任务信息
- Gets or sets the user I.
- The user I.
- Gets or sets the task I.
- The task I.
- Gets or sets the status.
- The status.
- Gets or sets the create date.
- The create date.
- 将领接口
- Gets the general I.
- The general I.
- Gets or sets the life number.
- The life number.
- Gets or sets the position.
- The position.
- Gets or sets the replace position.
- The replace position.
- 等待的佣兵,有其它佣兵死后替补
- 公告消息
- Gets the identity identifier.
- The identity identifier.
- 类型
- 标题
- 内容
- 过期时间
- 发送人
- 发送时间
- 播放次数
- 目标扩展ID
- 对象索引器属性
- Index.
- 公告类型
- 系统广播
- 游戏内部广播
- 玩家广播
- Order form BL.
- Add the specified model.
- Model.
- 修改状态
- 获取游戏币.
- The list.
- Game.
- Server.
- Account.
- Determines whether this instance is exists the specified OrderNo.
- true if this instance is exists the specified OrderNo; otherwise, false.
- Order no.
- Updates the by91.
- true, if by91 was updated, false otherwise.
- Model.
- If set to true callback.
- Add91s the pay.
- true, if pay was add91ed, false otherwise.
- Order.
- If set to true callback.
- Updatestr the specified OrderNo.
- Order no.
- 支付取游戏名改为直接查库-wuzf
- 订单信息表
- 订单号
- 商品名称
- 支付ID
- 支付金额
- 币种
- 买家支付宝账号
- 串行号
- 帐号
- 分服器ID
- 游戏ID
- 游戏名
- 分服器名
- 支付状态(1:为未支付,2:完成)
- 签名
- 备注
- 游戏币
- 同步分服传送标识,1:未下发,2:已下发
- 下发时间
- 渠道商ID
- 用户mac地址
- 获取个人充值未下发全部信息
- Get91s the pay info.
- Game.
- Server.
- Account.
- Service name.
- Order no.
- Retail I.
- appstroe充值
- Game.
- Server.
- Account.
- Silver.
- Amount.
- Order no.
- Retail I.
- Member mac.
- Abnormal the specified OrderNO.
- Order N.
- 补订单
- 更新订单支付成功状态
- 触控android订单
- Adds the order.
- true, if order was added, false otherwise.
- Order info.
- 游戏服信息
- Gets or sets the I.
- The I.
- Gets or sets the name.
- The name.
- Gets or sets the game I.
- The game I.
- Gets or sets the name of the game.
- The name of the game.
- Runtime event handler.
- 游戏运行环境
- The python script task cache key.
- Initialize entity cache.
- The game service start.
- Environment setting.
- The game service start.
- Environment setting.
- Cache setting.
- The game service stop.
- The environment configuration information.
- 全局变量集合
- 产品代码
- 产品名称
- 游戏服代码
- is close server
- 接口访问次数统计类
- 当前日期
- 当日目前各接口访问情况统计
- 接口访问次数加1
- 接口编号
- 访问状态
- 接口访问情况记录类
- 构造方法
- 接口编号
- 当前日期
- 累加访问次数
- 接口访问是成功还是失败
- 更新数据到DB,并数据清零
- 成功次数
- 失败次数
- 当前累计的访问次数
- DataStruct 的摘要说明
- 写日志的对象
- 数据输出栈
- 临时记录holddata长度
- long类型
- Int类型
- 输出Short类型,Lua脚本只有int类型
- short类型
- 输出Byte类型
- bool类型
- byte类型
- float类型
- double类型
- string类型
- DateTime类型
- 将数据加到栈尾
- 将可序列化的对象数据追加到栈尾
- By Seamoon
- 将数据加到栈尾
- 取出跟踪输出
- 清空输出栈
- 将数据插入到栈中的指定位置,如果aIndex小于零,则加到栈尾
- 计算并返回本协议内容的全部长度
- 判定传入对象类型,并计算其所占的字节数
- 占用字节数
- 内部输出Action的值
- 无
- 消息初始ID
- 输出当前协议
- 计算Action协议占用的字节长度
- 写入字节流
- 写入字节流
- 写入字节流
- 写入字节流
- 写入字节流
- 写入字节流
- 计算字符串下发时,占用的字节流长度,字符串长度+4个字节(标出字符串的实际长度)
- 计算Double型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算Float型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算int64型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算int型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算short型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算Byte型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 计算Bool型数据下发时,占用的字节长度
- 是否启用调试跟踪流
- HttpGet
- 构造函数
- close session
- 读取INT类型的请求参数
- 读取short类型的请求参数
- 读取String类型的请求参数
- 检查是否包括指定参数,有参数出错记录
- 参数名
- 读取INT类型的请求参数
- URL参数名
- 返回变量
- 读取INT类型的请求参数,验证值的取值范围
- 取值最小范围
- 取值最大范围
- 读取short类型的请求参数
- URL参数名
- 返回变量
- 读取short类型的请求参数
- 取值最小范围
- 取值最大范围
- 读取Byte类型的请求参数
- URL参数名
- 返回变量
- 读取Byte类型的请求参数
- 取值最小范围
- 取值最大范围
- 读取String类型的请求参数
- URL参数名
- 返回变量
- 读取String类型的请求参数
- 长度最小范围
- 长度最大范围,-1:不限制
- 读取枚举类型的请求参数
- 签名检查
- MsgId
- Action编号
- get address for remote
- get current UserId.
- 参数源字串
- 是否有出错
- 出错信息
- 手机类型
- The normal.
- iPod
- iPad
- 破解版iPhone和iPad
- 非破解版iPhone
- Android
- Mac
- WP7
- 未知
- Http Get Post 工具类
- Post数据并获取返回数据,带Http返回状态码
- 请求地址URL
- 要发送的数据
- Http服务器返回的状态码
- 返回的二进制数据
- Http Get 获取返回字符串
- 请求地址URL
- Http服务器返回的状态码
- 返回字符串
- Http Get 获取返回字符串
- 请求地址URL
- 返回字符串
- 91SDK 0001
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- Session I.
- 注册通行证
- SDK error.
- Gets or sets the error code.
- The error code.
- Gets or sets the error desc.
- The error desc.
- Config.
- Login360.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Pid.
- 注册通行证
- 36you官网登录0000
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Passport I.
- Password.
- Device I.
- 注册通行证
- 当乐0037
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Retail user.
- Password.
- Passport identifier.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Middle.
- Token.
- 注册通行证
- Danle SD.
- The member identifier.
- The username.
- The nickname.
- The gender.
- The level.
- The avatar_url.
- The created_date.
- The token.
- The error_code.
- The error_msg.
- 登录代理
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Http get.
- Gets the login.
- The login.
- 9游0036
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Retail I.
- Sid.
- Mobile type.
- 注册通行证
- Https the post.
- The post.
- URL string.
- Post data.
- Encoding.
- Gets or sets the cp identifier.
- The cp identifier.
- Gets or sets the game identifier.
- The game identifier.
- Gets or sets the server identifier.
- The server identifier.
- Gets or sets the channel identifier.
- The channel identifier.
- Gets or sets the API key.
- The API key.
- Gets or sets the post URL.
- The post URL.
- Gets or sets the service.
- The service.
- UC info.
- Gets or sets the identifier.
- The identifier.
- Gets or sets the state.
- The state.
- Gets or sets the data.
- The data.
- UC state.
- Gets or sets the code.
- The code.
- Gets or sets the message.
- The message.
- U cdata.
- Gets or sets the ucid.
- The ucid.
- Gets or sets the name of the nick.
- The name of the nick.
- 用户中心 - 通行证ID操作类
- 获取6位随机密码
- 从DB中加载未被注册的通行证ID
- 检验注册的通行证ID是否在SnsPassportLog列表中。
- 检测通过,则返回True,否则返回False
- ID的状态
- 未分配下发
- 已分配下发到新注册用户的请求
- 已被注册
- Reg type.
- 正常形式
- 游客通过设备ID登录
- The other.
- Pwd type.
- The DE.
- The M d5.
- SnsCenterUser 的摘要说明
- 官网渠道ID
- Passwords the encrypt md5.
- The encrypt md5.
- String.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 修改:伍张发
- 增加空密码处理
- 修改:伍张发
- 获取用户类型
- 是否存在账号
- Determines whether this instance is exist retail.
- true if this instance is exist retail; otherwise, false.
- Sets the type of the login.
- Reg type.
- Pwd type.
- Passport identifier.
- 是否有绑定DeviceID
- Inserts the sns user.
- The sns user.
- Parameter names.
- Parameter values.
- 向社区中心添加用户
- 修改密码
- Gets the password.
- The password.
- Passport identifier.
- 通过微信号
- Adds the login log.
- Device I.
- Passport I.
- 获得用户ID
- Gets the passport identifier.
- The passport identifier.
- Gets the password.
- The password.
- Gets or sets the retail I.
- The retail I.
- Gets or sets the weixin code.
- The weixin code.
- Gets or sets the retail user.
- The retail user.
- Gets or sets the type of the reg.
- The type of the reg.
- 用户中心登录管理类
- 获取通行证
- 注册
- 0:失败, 1:成功 2:已绑定
- 注册
- 获取用户类型
- 登录WEB调用
- 登录
- 通道商验证登录
- 修改密码
- 通行证检查
- 检查通行证密码
- 补全用户信息
- 获取用户信息
- 微信号OpenID
- 身份ID
- 激活码
- 发送激活码时间
- 激活时间
- 任务配置信息
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Task I.
- 任务配置
- 游戏任务服务
- The user identifier.
- Inits the task.
- true, if task was inited, false otherwise.
- 获取玩家未结束的任务
- 接受任务
- 交付
- 领取奖励
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49390648..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16724 +0,0 @@
- ZyGames.Framework
- 缓存结构基类
- AbstractEntity类型
- 创建Redis主键
- 获取实体的下个编号
- 数据是否改变
- 实体Key或personerId
- 尝试从DB中恢复数据
- 获取实体数据架构信息
- 返回有Null值
- 遍历实体方式
- 遍历分组方式
- 第一个参数为分组Key,第二个为实体Key
- 尝试获取实体
- 尝试获取分组
- 尝试获取队列
- 加载数据工厂
- 加载子项数据工厂
- 是否存在实体
- 是否存在分组
- 加载数据
- 加载Enity数据
- 加载数据
- 缓存的生命周期,单位秒
- 加载指定Key数据
- 重新加载,先更新变动的数据,再加载
- 卸载数据
- 初始化容器
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 更新改变的数据到库中
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 是否只读
- 是否空
- Get ItemSet array
- 缓存块数据
- 数据过期接口
- 移除过期键
- 增加或更新数据
- 是否存在键值
- 增加数据
- 遍历
- 返回值为:false结束遍历
- 遍历
- 判断指定条件是否存在
- 查找指定条件匹配数据
- 移除过期数据
- 读写缓存集合
- 是否禁用事件
- 缓存容器对象,每种T类型实体分配一个容器对象;
- 释放
- 设置移除状态
- 执行加载数据工厂
- 是否重新加载
- 是否数据已加载成功
- 加载状态
- 数据是否为空
- 缓存项(CacheItemSet)的集合
- 主键:实体Key或PersonalId
- 键值:缓存项CacheItemSet(包括过期配置对象,缓存具体实体或实体集合)
- 是否只读
- 线程安全的字典集合
- 实体变更事件,定义属性时不要使用get;set简写方式,在WebService调用时只读时会有异常
- 变更事件接口
- 禁用子类事件通知
- 增加子类监听
- 移除子类监听
- 移除与父类事件绑定
- 解除变更事件通知
- 对象更新时通知事件
- Get exclusive modify entity property.
- locked modify value.
- 序列化Json
- Only copy property
- 是否有变更
- 绑定实体类的属性名(表的列名)
- 当前对象变更事件对象
- 当前对象的子类变更事件对象
- 重置子类绑定事件
- 设置禁用事件绑定
- 清除子类事件句柄
- 禁用子类事件通知
- 添加子对象监听
- 移除子对象监听
- 触发UnChange事件通知
- 更新通知
- Get exclusive modify entity property.
- locked modify value.
- 推迟数据改变通知
- 触发通知
- 触发修改通知事件
- 绑定事件且通知
- 当前对象(包括继承)的属性触发通知事件
- 触发事件源
- 当前对象中的属性包含的子类触发通知事件
- 触发事件源
- Enter lock
- Exit lock
- To json string.
- 实体映射的字段名
- 当前对象绑定的Chang事件
- 当前对象绑定的Chang事件
- 正在被修改中
- 是否有改变
- 返回False结束遍历
- 缓存池管理者
- Initialize cache.
- Initialize cache.
- db trans object
- redis trans object
- setting.
- Check queue is completed.
- Reset cache.
- 通过Redis键获取实体对象
- Get entity of personal object
- 通过Redis键从缓存中获取实体对象
- 通过Redis键从缓存中获取实体对象
- 从Redis内存移除,并保存到数据库
- 启动缓存写库监听
- 停止缓存写库监听
- 释放所有资源
- 获取缓存容器对象,不存在则创建空容器对象
- 获取缓存容器对象,不存在则创建空容器对象
- 内存是否是只读
- 注册全局共享缓存变更通知事件
- 实体类型
- 注册私有缓存变更通知事件(如单个玩家的数据)
- 实体类型
- 触发缓存数据更新
- 更新的模式:是否仅更新有发生isChange的实例
- 缓存项对象
- 移除过期键
- 缓存项
- 实体改变通知事件
- 缓存项集合,缓存改变事件通知到此层为根,不需要再向上触发(父亲容器Change事件监听已禁用)
- 设置缓存项
- 获取缓存项对象,会刷新缓存项生命时间
- 刷新访问时间
- 移除过期数据
- 加载成功
- 加载失败
- 是否数据已加载成功
- 加载异常
- 是否只读
- 缓存项类型
- 是否集合
- 是否为空
- 获取缓存项对象,不刷新缓存项生命时间
- 过期对象
- 缓存List结构
- Func返回false跳出遍历
- 以指定的顺序,插入项
- 缓存周期
- 过期时间,单位秒
- 是否过期
- 是否持久(周期)
- 访问计数频率
- 尝试取出
- Func返回false跳出遍历
- The cache setting info.
- The cache setting init.
- is auto run listen event.
- The cache expiry interval.
- The cache update interval.
- Redis data is storage to Db.
- The entity has be changed event notify.
- Data sync queue manager
- 是否启用Redis队列
- test
- Start
- Send entity to db saved.
- Send to queue pool
- Sync to redis queue's key
- Check to be synchronized queue of redis
- Process synchronized queue of redis
- Check to be synchronized wait queue of Sql
- Process synchronized wait queue of Sql
- Generate Sql statements from the Keys-Values
- 同步缓存数据到Redis的队列名,存储格式:key值:typename_keycode, value值:len(4)+head[id(4)+state(4)] + value,state:1 移除操作
- 同步缓存出错队列,格式同RedisSyncQueueKey
- 同步到数据库的Sql等待队列, 存储格式:key值:typename_keycode, value值:head[id(4)+state(4)]
- Is run completed.
- 默认缓存对象,负责通用更新事件通知
- 缓存容器操作类,负责数据加载管理
- 缓存数据容器
- 实体类型
- 数据是否改变
- 遍历取
- 遍历实体
- 遍历项委托方法,返回值为:false结束遍历
- 遍历
- 遍历项委托方法,第一个参数为分组Key,第二个为实体Key,返回值为:false结束遍历
- 取数据以List方式
- 判断条件是否存在数据
- 重新加载全部数据
- 加载全部数据
- 加载指定Key数据
- 重新加载指定Key数据
- 尝试取实体
- 尝试增加实体
- 尝试取实体分组
- 尝试增加实体分组
- 初始化容器
- 尝试取实体队列
- 尝试增加实体队列
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 尝试加载接收数据
- 实体类型
- 接收转发器参数
- 尝试从Redis历史记录数中检索
- 实体类型
- redis Key
- 传送数据
- 实体类型
- 输送转发器参数
- 获取变更的实体数据
- 获取变更的分组数据
- 获取变更的队列数据
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 触发UnChange事件数据通知
- Group键
- 尝试从DB中恢复数据
- 是否只读容器
- 缓存池的键,缓存的根部
- 缓存数量
- 容器是否为空
- 分配内存
- 数据是否改变
- 实体Key
- 遍历实体
- 遍历
- 第一个参数为分组Key,第二个为实体Key
- 重新加载数据
- 加载数据
- 加载指定Key数据
- 单一实体模型
- 分组集合模型
- 初始化容器
- 队列模型
- Remove entity from the cache, if use loaded from Redis
- Remove entity from the cache, if use loaded from Redis
- 尝试从DB中恢复数据
- 尝试取缓存项,若不存在则自动加载
- 是否要自动加载
- 内存中一定时间存在的实体,不存储数据库
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调
- 查找第一个匹配数据
- 查找所有匹配数据
- Inits the cache.
- true, if cache was inited, false otherwise.
- 是否空
- 容器数量
- 私有的缓存模型
- 数据项是否改变
- 是否存在数据
- 通过Key查找
- 取子类的Key,不需要personalId,不加载数据
- 查找第一个匹配数据
- 查找所有匹配数据
- 查找所有匹配数据
- 在整个缓存中查找,不加载数据
- 查找匹配条件
- 遍历数据
- 第一个参数为分组Key,第二个为实体Key,返回值为:false结束遍历
- 是否存在
- 获取缓存对象
- 自动加载
- 私有分组ID
- 从Redis加载所有缓存
- 增加
- add or update
- 更新自已的数据
- 处理加载数据参数
- 更新所有的数据
- The value has be removed from the cache
- 删除数据并移出缓存
- 是否存在数据
- 缓存池对象,主键:T的类型名,值:CacheContainer对象
- 初始化容器
- 空器主键
- 是否包括指定Key
- 尝试增加
- 尝试增加子项
- 尝试获取或增加
- 尝试获取
- 尝试获取或增加子项
- 尝试获取子项
- 尝试移除
- 移除成功回调方法
- 尝试移除子项
- 移除成功回调方法
- 清除
- 尝试接收数据
- return null is load error
- 尝试从数据库中加载数据,并更新到Redis
- 从历史库中加载数据
- 尝试发送数据
- 检查数据是否改变
- 获取改变的数据,只读的数据不更新
- 根主键,规则以实体(T)类型名
- 实体的主键
- 更新到库中是全部数据还是改变的数据
- 清除过期缓存
- 是否只读
- 数量
- 是否为空
- 缓存池
- 只读的缓存集合
- 共享的缓存模型
- 遍历数据
- 通过Key查找
- 查找第一个匹配数据
- 查找所有匹配数据
- 查找所有匹配数据
- 数据项是否改变
- 是否存在
- 自动加载
- 更新所有的数据
- 增加
- add or update
- The value has be removed from the cache
- 删除数据并移出缓存
- Get loading status from redis or DB
- 扩展线程安全字典
- 分组List
- 扩展Hashtable
- Func返回false跳出遍历
- 以指定的顺序,插入项
- 脚本文件改变延迟时间(ms)
- 脚本当前运行目录
- 脚本运行的Dll目录,Web程序是在Bin目录下
- 脚本在当前运行目录的相对位置
- 脚本入口程序
- 脚本入口程序类型,C#脚本时配置
- C# Model实体脚本路径
- C#脚本路径
- 脚本是否可调试
- Py脚本是否启用
- Py是否可调试
- Py脚本目录
- Py脚本包含的Import头信息
- Lua脚本是否开启
- Lua脚本目录
- Host, format:password@ip:port
- ReadOnlyHost
- MaxWritePoolSize
- MaxReadPoolSize
- ConnectTimeout(ms)
- PoolTimeOut(ms), default 2000ms
- DbIndex
- ver: 0 is old versin
- Log table name format string.
- prior build month table, default:3
- enable field of ModifyTime
- Slave message queue name
- Enable redis queue
- Enable write to Db.
- default 5min
- The cache expiry interval.
- The cache update interval.
- Redis data is storage to Db.
- cache serialize to redis's type, protobuf or json
- Personal cache expire period, default 24h
- Personal cache expire period
- 程序集内使用
- 实体更新方式
- The inquiry.
- 执行命令结构
- Inquiry table columns
- 添加参数
- 字段名称
- 参数
- 添加参数
- 字段名称
- 数据类型
- 参数
- 添加参数
- 字段名称
- 数据类型
- 长度
- 参数
- 添加参数
- 提交
- Parsers the inquiry.
- Appends to data parameter.
- Parameter list.
- Data parameters.
- Formats the update insert sql.
- The update insert sql.
- Table name.
- Update sets.
- Condition.
- Insert fields.
- Insert values.
- Parsers the update.
- Parsers the delete.
- 格式化Select语句中的列名
- CommandType
- Set top record.
- 是否返回自增ID值
- Gets or sets the index of the from.
- The index of the from.
- Gets or sets the index of the to.
- The index of the to.
- Gets or sets the order by.
- The order by.
- Is generate
- 数据库级别
- 未知
- 配置
- 游戏
- 日志
- 本机的Sql数据服务
- 本机的MySql数据服务
- 数据提供者类型
- Connection setting.
- clear setting
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- provider type name.
- Connection string.
- config name
- Provider type name.
- mysql connect charset.
- Gets or sets the connection string.
- The connection string.
- Gets or sets the data source.
- The data source.
- Gets or sets the name of the data base.
- The name of the data base.
- 获得参数的字段名,不带前缀字符
- 提供数据访问基类
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- clear connection pools
- Check connect
- 执行Sql语句
- 执行Sql语句,返回第一行第一列值
- 执行Sql语句
- 写入消息队列
- 生成Sql命令对象
- 检查是否有指定表名
- 创建表
- 创建列
- 创建参数
- 创建参数
- 创建Guid类型的参数
- 创建Text类型的参数
- 创建CommandStruct对象
- 查询列
- 创建CommandFilter对象
- 格式化条件语句中的参数
- 比较字符,大于、等于、小于等
- 格式化Select语句中的列名
- 格式化关键词
- 提供者
- 连接数据库字符串
- Gets or sets the connection setting.
- The connection setting.
- 数据列对象
- 编号
- 是否是主键
- 名称
- 类型
- 长度
- decimal类型指精度范围
- 是否可为空
- 是否是修改列,False则新增列
- 是否是自增列
- true if this instance is identity; otherwise, false.
- 自增开始编号
- Db映射类型
- 数据连接提供类
- 初始化DB连接
- 查找库连接
- 取第一个
- The expression.
- 添加参数
- 字段名称
- 参数
- Formats the update insert sql.
- The update insert sql.
- Table name.
- Update sets.
- Condition.
- Insert fields.
- Insert values.
- Parsers the inquiry.
- 格式化Select语句中的列名
- MSSQL数据库服务提供者
- connection setting.
- ColumnDbType枚举类型
- 创建CommandStruct对象
- 创建CommandFilter对象
- 格式化条件语句中的参数
- 格式化Select语句中的列名
- MySQL数据库参数辅助类
- 参数前缀字符
- sql
- ParamName
- DbType
- Size
- Value
- Sql语句对象
- init
- 标识ID
- 数据库连接串设置
- 数据驱动连接提供者类型
- 命令类型
- 语句
- 参数
- sql命令管理
- 同步到数据库的Sql队列, 存储格式List:SqlStatement对象
- 同步到数据库的Sql出错队列,格式同SqlSyncQueueKey
- Start
- 放到Redsi中
- put error sql
- Sql process queue
- MSSQL数据库服务提供者
- connection setting
- 创建CommandStruct对象
- 创建CommandFilter对象
- 格式化条件语句中的参数
- 格式化Select语句中的列名
- MSSQL数据库查询、删除、更新操作辅助类
- MSSQL数据库参数缓存
- MSSQL数据库参数辅助类
- 参数前缀字符
- 缓存项改变的方式
- 重置未改变
- 增加
- 修改
- 移除
- 移除指定
- 清除
- 禁用事件
- 缓存项事件参数
- 判断缓存是否已变动
- 绑定的字段名
- The event source.
- 缓存项改变事件
- 增加单一
- 增加
- 移除
- 实体数据基类
- 存储改变的属性集合
- 等待更新属性
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Access.
- 重置状态
- 设置属性值之前处理
- 设置属性值之后处理
- 标识ID,消息队列分发
- 当前对象(包括继承)的属性触发通知事件
- 触发事件源
- 由IContainer对象触发
- 设置UnChange事件通知
- Get property value.
- Set property value.
- 生成Key
- 获取实体KEY
- 获得实体DB架构信息
- 返回值会为Null
- Mark entity remove state.
- The entity has be delete from DB and Redis.
- 设置为非新的实体
- 在索引属性调用
- 绑定事件且通知
- 设置变更的属性
- 重置改变的字段属性
- 完成更新处理
- 取出改变的字段属性
- 获取等待更新的属性列表
- 获取改变的字段属性
- 转换自定对象类型,并绑定集合字段信息
- 移除过期的键
- Set key from keycode
- 初始键值,未配置EntityField属性时
- 判断是否处理加载中设置属性,只读实体为False后才不可修改
- Is remoce flag.
- 删除实体标记,将从源数据(DB、Redis)中删除
- 分组Key
- entity modify time.
- 对象索引器属性
- 属性名
- 是否有改变的字段列属性
- 访问权限级别
- 只读的,值=0
- 只写,值=1
- 读写,值=2
- 私有实体基类
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- If set to true is readonly.
- 缓存项类型
- 空
- 单一实体方式ShareEntity
- Personal结构
- 队列方式
- 数据库列类型
- Guid
- Int
- Varchar
- DateTime
- Text
- 实体字段映射属性
- 字段名
- 列的大小长度
- 列的小数位数
- 列允许为空
- 读写模式
- 是否主键
- 是否自增
- 自增开始编号
- 禁用或排除数据库取值
- 是否使用Json序列化
- 使用Json日期格式化
- 取值范围
- 取值范围
- Db映射类型
- Entity field allow child extend.
- Redis backup entity
- 共享实体数据基类
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- If set to true is readonly.
- init
- The key.
- The bytes data for hash(key/value).
- 实体架构信息集合
- 启动创建表结构检查定时器
- 生成存储在Redis的Key
- 生成存储在Redis的Key
- 加载实体程序集
- Export to sync model format content.
- Export entity schema for client sync.
- The type has be supported.
- Get column type to string.
- 初始化架构信息
- 更新表架构信息
- 过期时间
- 增加架构配置表,存在则更新
- Get entity schema.
- Get entity schema.
- Get entity schema.
- Get schema for typename
- 检测数据表结构变动
- 聊天缓存生命周期
- 全局缓存生命周期
- 玩家缓存生命周期
- 聊天缓存生命周期
- The entity sync attribute.
- 实体表映射属性
- 默认构造配置
- 提供给私有缓存模型(PersonalCacheStruct)的初始化构造配置
- 映射到数据连接Key配置
- 映射到表名
- 缓存的生命周期,0:永久
- 绑定表中主键字段名,如:UserId
- 提供给共享缓存模型(ShareCacheStruct)的初始化构造配置
- 缓存的存储结构类型
- 映射到数据连接Key配置
- 映射到表名
- 缓存的生命周期,0:永久
- 提供给共享缓存模型(只读或只写方式)的字典类型的初始化构造配置
- 只读或只写方式
- 映射到数据连接Key配置
- 映射到表名
- 缓存的生命周期,0:永久
- 提供给不更新到数据库中的初始化构造配置
- 访问级别
- 缓存的存储结构类型
- 缓存变动是否更新到数据库
- 提供初始化构造配置
- 访问级别
- 缓存的类型
- 缓存变动是否更新到数据库
- 映射到数据连接Key配置
- 映射到表名
- 缓存的生命周期
- 绑定表中主键字段名,如:UserId
- 访问权限级别
- 存储在缓存的类型
- 是否存储到DB
- 是否持久化到DB,当从Redis内存移除后
- 自增的启始编号[Redis]
- StorageType.
- 是否过期
- 生命周期,单位秒
- 容量
- 连接串的KEY
- 数据表名
- 表名的格式
- 绑定分组字段
- 条件,不需要加Where
- 排序列,多个以逗号分隔
- 加载状态
- 手动增加到内存的
- 成功
- 被移除
- 加载出错
- 日志实体基类
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- 内存中一定时间存在的实体,不存储数据库
- k
- 实体架构的列信息
- 反射出的类型参数的个数
- 编号
- 字段名
- 列类型
- 是否支持可读
- 是否支持可写
- 列的大小长度
- 列的小数位数
- 列允许为空
- 读写模式
- 是否主键
- 是否自增
- 自增开始编号
- 禁用或排除数据库取值
- 是否使用Json序列化
- 是否序列化存储
- 使用Json日期格式化
- 取值范围
- 取值范围
- Db映射类型
- 子类集合
- The column Is list child type.
- The column Is dictionary child type.
- StorageType
- 数据库映射表
- 访问级别
- 缓存的类型
- 是否存储到DB
- Get schema column to list.
- Get schema column name to list.
- 获取动态的表名
- 使用表达式时的日期增量,默认当天
- 绑定的实体类型
- 访问权限级别
- StorageType
- 存储在缓存的类型
- Whether synchronous entity, for sync mode use.
- 是否持久化到DB,当从Redis内存移除后
- 自增的启始编号
- 是否过期
- 生命周期,单位秒
- 容量
- 数据库配置连接KEY
- 数据库配置连接类型:Sql,mysql
- 数据库配置连接字串
- 表名的格式:$date[yyyyMMdd] or $week
- 主键
- Gets or sets the entity name.
- 绑定分组字段
- Get schema column.
- get column
- 条件,不需要加Where
- 排序列,多个以逗号分隔
- 数据同步管理类
- 数据同步类型
- 数据库过滤条件
- 获取结果的容量
- 获取或设置条件
- 获取或设置排序字段
- 获取或设置参数
- 数据转发器
- 数据转发器
- 数据接收处理接口
- 实体事件
- 绑定的实体对象
- 字段名
- 字体值
- 数据处理句柄,跨服战时,可重新设置KEY主键规则
- 数据传送操作接口
- 发送数据到Redis和Db
- 是否只发送发生变化的实体数据
- 数据库连接字符串的连接键值
- 发送之前处理委托方法
- 参数
- 储存格式:
- Generate sql statement
- 转发器接收参数
- 转发器发送参数
- 更新到库中是全部列,还是改变的列
- Python运行环境上下方对象
- 创建实例
- 创建实例
- 脚本文件
- nu
- 作用域
- 检查对象是否已被显示释放了
- 获取对象的变量值
- 设置对象的变量值
- 获取脚本类的实例,T定义类的构造方法要返回类型(Func[object,object])
- >("MyClass");
- var myInstance = myClass("hello");
- context.GetClassMember
- Func[object,object]
- 获取变量
- 变量名
- 尝试获取变量
- 获取变量
- 尝试获取变量
- 执行脚本
- 执行脚本
- 执行脚本
- 编译后的脚本
- 动态加载程序集,与主运行程序的运行目录相同
- Call:LoadAssembly(new []{"LibforPython.dll"});
- 获取全部变量
- 获取全部变量名
- 移除变量
- 设置变量
- 释放资源
- 释放资源
- 作用域
- python bariable
- 运行时相对路径
- 自带类库路径
- 是否使用调试模式
- 初始化
- 运行时相对路径
- 自带类库路径
- 设置查找路径
- 获取脚本Scope
- 移除脚本
- 尝试重新加载脚本
- Python自带类库路径
- 运行时路径
- Python工具
- 执行Python代码
- 全局变量
- 全局变量
- public class DemoCase : BaseCase
- {
- public DemoCase() : base("Demo")
- {
- }
- public void TestCase()
- {
- //do samething
- }
- }
- 连接池管理
- init
- init
- pool setting
- SetNo
- GetNo
- increase num,defalut 1
- Process delegate
- Process ReadOnly delegate
- check connect to redis.
- Ping ip
- Get read and write connection
- Get read only connection
- Try get entity
- Try update entity
- Try update entity
- Get key name of store redis entity
- 从TypeName转成成Redis的Key
- 从Redis的Key转成成TypeName
- Pool Count
- Server redis info
- Server info hash
- Redis client version
- Redis Pool Setting
- Host, format:password@ip:port
- ReadOnlyHost
- MaxWritePoolSize
- MaxReadPoolSize
- ConnectTimeout(ms)
- PoolTimeOut(ms), default 2000ms
- DbIndex
- ClientVersion
- Represents any HTTP response action to respond to a client with.
- Execute the intended response action against the Response.
- The current connection's request/response context.
- A task which represents an asynchronous operation to await or null if a synchronous operation already completed.
- Main execution method of the handler which returns an HTTP response intent.
- Run the server host and block the current thread.
- Gets the set of server bindings.
- Creates an asynchronous HTTP host.
- Handler to serve requests with
- Higher values mean more connections can be maintained yet at a much slower average response time; fewer connections will be rejected.
- Lower values mean less connections can be maintained yet at a much faster average response time; more connections will be rejected.
- An exception to be converted to a JSON error result.
- Provides a 302 redirect response to the given url.
- 缓冲区读取器
- 是否还有数据
- 读取内存流中的头4位并转换成整型
- 读取分包字节流,头部前4位是分包的长度
- 读取内存流中一段字符串
- 缓冲区大小
- 将1个2维数据包整合成以个一维数据包
- 将一个32位整形转换成一个BYTE[]4字节
- 将一个64位整型转换成以个BYTE[] 8字节
- 将一个 1位CHAR转换成1位的BYTE
- 将一个BYTE[]数据包添加首位长度
- 将一个字符串转换成BYTE[],BYTE[]的首位是字符串的长度
- 将一个DATATIME转换成为BYTE[]数组
- 数据压缩类,数据长度大于50000,压缩才有意义
- 压缩流数据
- 压缩数据
- 解压数据
- 解压数据
- 系统错误
- 消息头
- default st
- 消息包总字节
- Gzip压缩包的长度
- 消息体总字节
- Push:固定下发0,R-R:下发请求的MsgId
- 是否包括Gzip压缩头部长度信息
- 客户端版本,0:旧版本
- 消息结构体
- Use stream create MessageStructure object.
- 当前循环体字节长度
- Reset from 0 pos start read.
- Clear buffer.
- Read bool
- Read float
- Read short
- Read int
- Read long
- Read int
- Read long
- Read string
- Read DateTime
- Read object of Protobuf serialize.
- 读取字节
- Read record count.
- 循环开始
- 循环结束
- 读取字节
- 读取的个数
- 获取缓冲区字节数据,不移除
- 从偏移量位置开始读取缓冲区字节流
- Read and remove buffer.
- Read and remove buffer of gzip.
- 读取缓冲数据至结尾转为字符串
- 读取缓冲数据至结尾转为字符串
- 读取消息头
- 读取消息头,如果有Gzip压缩时自动解压字节流
- To Hex(16) string
- 检查是否有压缩数据
- 检查是否有Gzip压缩
- Write bool
- Write float
- Write byte
- Write long
- Write Int
- Write short
- Write long
- Write Int
- Write short
- Write string
- Write object
- Write byte
- Write bytes
- 写入字节
- Push bool
- Push byte
- Push short
- Push int
- Push long
- Push short
- Push int
- Push long
- Push float
- Push double
- Push string
- 时间转为Ticks的long
- Push object
- 放入缓冲队列中
- 写入启用Gzip压缩的字节流,格式: Len(4) + gzip(buffer)
- 未压缩的字节流
- 自动压缩
- 返回压缩后的字节
- 将缓冲队列写入缓冲区,大于10k开始压缩
- 写入Gzip压缩的Buffer,返回压缩后的长度
- 处理队列写入缓冲区
- 获取占用字节大小
- 占用字节大小
- 启用Gzip压缩的最小字节
- 开启Gzip压缩
- 缓冲数据大小
- 读取的当前位置
- to bytes.
- 心跳包
- 注册
- 请求
- 推送
- 内部通道接入
- 广播
- 关闭
- 未知
- 参数获取者
- 释放
- 释放
- 接收消息
- 对消息解码
- 较验签名
- 处理
- Releases all resource used by the object.
- Call when you are finished using the . The
- method leaves the in an unusable state.
- After calling , you must release all references to the
- so the garbage collector can reclaim the memory that the
- was occupying.
- Dos the dispose.
- If set to true disposing.
- 请求参数
- sign param name
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Sets the chat set.
- Encoding.
- Tos the post string.
- The post string.
- 过滤签名参数值
- 签名加密
- Get or set signKey
- Gets the content.
- The content.
- Gets the count.
- The count.
- 编码
- 加签名
- Dos the dispose.
- If set to true disposing.
- 签名配置
- The default key of 32 bit.
- md5 encode sign
- Remote client for socket
- Remote client
- Send
- Send
- Remote Target
- callback event.
- Is socket client
- init
- ms
- Connect
- Close
- Heartbeat packet data.
- Remote client for http
- init
- allow null
- use cookies
- Send
- Send
- use http post method request.
- Get cookies
- Remote EventArgs
- data
- user data
- RemoteCallback delegate
- Socket event arguments.
- The empty.
- Gets or sets the data.
- The data.
- Socket event handler.
- Client socket.
- not proccess buildpack
- has trigger CloseHandshake method
- 0: no connect, 1: connected, 2: closed
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Client settings.
- Connect this instance.
- Posts the send.
- Data.
- Offset.
- Count.
- 接收到数据事件
- 连接断开事件
- 0: no connect, 1: connected, 2: closed
- connected.
- Client socket settings.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Buffer size.
- Remote end point.
- Gets the size of the buffer.
- The size of the buffer.
- Gets the remote end point.
- The remote end point.
- Client cookies.
- Connection event handler.
- Connection event arguments.
- Gets or sets the socket.
- The socket.
- Gets or sets the data.
- The data.
- Receive meeage data
- Receive message head data
- received message length
- received message head length
- Wait has be received message length
- in buffer pool offset
- in buffer pool read offset
- socket
- websocket handshake data.
- Receive message head2 data
- received message head2 length
- received mask
- received mask length
- init
- Web socket head
- Web socket data
- offset
- Remain byte length
- message data is receive complated
- Ex socket.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Socket.
- HashCode
- Is closed flag.
- Is connected of socket
- Gets the work socket.
- The work socket.
- Gets the remote end point.
- The remote end point.
- Gets the length of the queue.
- The length of the queue.
- Web socket handshake data
- stream reader
- Response is encode mask data
- no process
- websocket schema is wss, need use sub protocol
- Socket send async result
- Socket listener.
- Initializes a new instance
- Socket settings.
- Starts the listen.
- 投递接收数据请求
- 处理数据接收回调
- Posts the send.
- Socket.
- Data.
- Offset.
- Count.
- Close this instance.
- 连接事件
- 握手事件
- 断开连接事件
- 接收到数据包事件
- Socket settings.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Max connections.
- Backlog.
- Max accept ops.
- Buffer size.
- Local end point.
- Expire interval.
- Expire time.
- Gets the max connections.
- The max connections.
- Gets the number of saea for rec send.
- The number of saea for rec send.
- Gets the backlog.
- The backlog.
- Gets the max accept ops.
- The max accept ops.
- Gets the size of the buffer.
- The size of the buffer.
- Gets the local end point.
- The local end point.
- Gets the expire interval.
- The expire interval.
- Gets the expire time.
- The expire time.
- This class stores the caller call context in order to restore
- it when the work item is executed in the thread pool environment.
- Constructor
- Captures the current thread context
- Applies the thread context stored earlier
- EventWaitHandleFactory class.
- This is a static class that creates AutoResetEvent and ManualResetEvent objects.
- In WindowCE the WaitForMultipleObjects API fails to use the Handle property
- of XxxResetEvent. It can use only handles that were created by the CreateEvent API.
- Consequently this class creates the needed XxxResetEvent and replaces the handle if
- it's a WindowsCE OS.
- Create a new AutoResetEvent object
- Return a new AutoResetEvent object
- Create a new ManualResetEvent object
- Return a new ManualResetEvent object
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been canceled
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been canceled
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- E.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Si.
- Sc.
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been timed out
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been timed out
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- E.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Si.
- Sc.
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been timed out
- Represents an exception in case IWorkItemResult.GetResult has been timed out
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Message.
- E.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Si.
- Sc.
- A delegate that represents the method to run as the work item
- A state object for the method to run
- A delegate to call after the WorkItemCallback completed
- The work item result object
- A delegate to call after the WorkItemCallback completed
- The work item result object
- A delegate to call when a WorkItemsGroup becomes idle
- A reference to the WorkItemsGroup that became idle
- A delegate to call after a thread is created, but before
- it's first use.
- A delegate to call when a thread is about to exit, after
- it is no longer belong to the pool.
- Defines the availeable priorities of a work item.
- The higher the priority a work item has, the sooner
- it will be executed.
- The lowest.
- The below normal.
- The normal.
- The above normal.
- The highest.
- IWorkItemsGroup interface
- Created by SmartThreadPool.CreateWorkItemsGroup()
- Get an array with all the state objects of the currently running items.
- The array represents a snap shot and impact performance.
- Starts to execute work items
- Cancel all the work items.
- Same as Cancel(false)
- Cancel all work items using thread abortion
- True to stop work items by raising ThreadAbortException
- Wait for all work item to complete.
- Wait for all work item to complete, until timeout expired
- How long to wait for the work items to complete
- Returns true if work items completed within the timeout, otherwise false.
- Wait for all work item to complete, until timeout expired
- How long to wait for the work items to complete in milliseconds
- Returns true if work items completed within the timeout, otherwise false.
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The priority of the work item
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- Work item info
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- Work item information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult<TResult> object.
- its GetResult() returns a TResult object
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult<TResult> object.
- its GetResult() returns a TResult object
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult<TResult> object.
- its GetResult() returns a TResult object
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult<TResult> object.
- its GetResult() returns a TResult object
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult<TResult> object.
- its GetResult() returns a TResult object
- Get/Set the name of the WorkItemsGroup
- Get/Set the maximum number of workitem that execute cocurrency on the thread pool
- Get the number of work items waiting in the queue.
- Get the WorkItemsGroup start information
- IsIdle is true when there are no work items running or queued.
- This event is fired when all work items are completed.
- (When IsIdle changes to true)
- This event only work on WorkItemsGroup. On SmartThreadPool
- it throws the NotImplementedException.
- Call to post execute.
- Never call to the PostExecute call back
- Call to the PostExecute only when the work item is cancelled
- Call to the PostExecute only when the work item is not cancelled
- Always call to the PostExecute
- The common interface of IWorkItemResult and IWorkItemResult<T>
- This method intent is for internal use.
- This method intent is for internal use.
- IWorkItemResult interface.
- Created when a WorkItemCallback work item is queued.
- IWorkItemResult<TResult> interface.
- Created when a Func<TResult> work item is queued.
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits.
- The result of the work item
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout.
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout.
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout or until the cancelWaitHandle is signaled.
- Timeout in milliseconds, or -1 for infinite
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the blocking if needed
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- On cancel throws WorkItemCancelException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout or until the cancelWaitHandle is signaled.
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- On cancel throws WorkItemCancelException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits.
- Filled with the exception if one was thrown
- The result of the work item
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout.
- Filled with the exception if one was thrown
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout.
- Filled with the exception if one was thrown
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout or until the cancelWaitHandle is signaled.
- Timeout in milliseconds, or -1 for infinite
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the blocking if needed
- Filled with the exception if one was thrown
- The result of the work item
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- On cancel throws WorkItemCancelException
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits until timeout or until the cancelWaitHandle is signaled.
- The result of the work item
- Filled with the exception if one was thrown
- On timeout throws WorkItemTimeoutException
- On cancel throws WorkItemCancelException
- Same as Cancel(false).
- Cancel the work item execution.
- If the work item is in the queue then it won't execute
- If the work item is completed, it will remain completed
- If the work item is in progress then the user can check the SmartThreadPool.IsWorkItemCanceled
- property to check if the work item has been cancelled. If the abortExecution is set to true then
- the Smart Thread Pool will send an AbortException to the running thread to stop the execution
- of the work item. When an in progress work item is canceled its GetResult will throw WorkItemCancelException.
- If the work item is already cancelled it will remain cancelled
- When true send an AbortException to the executing thread.
- Returns true if the work item was not completed, otherwise false.
- Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has completed.
- Gets an indication whether the asynchronous operation has been canceled.
- Gets the user-defined object that contains context data
- for the work item method.
- Get the work item's priority
- Return the result, same as GetResult()
- Returns the exception if occured otherwise returns null.
- Action.
- Action.
- Action.
- Action.
- Func.
- Func.
- Func.
- Func.
- Func.
- An internal delegate to call when the WorkItem starts or completes
- This method is intent for internal use.
- I has work item priority.
- Gets the work item priority.
- The work item priority.
- PriorityQueue class
- This class is not thread safe because we use external lock
- The number of queues, there is one for each type of priority
- Work items queues. There is one for each type of priority
- The total number of work items within the queues
- Use with IEnumerable interface
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Enqueue a work item.
- A work item
- Dequeque a work item.
- Returns the next work item
- Find the next non empty queue starting at queue queueIndex+1
- The index-1 to start from
- The index of the next non empty queue or -1 if all the queues are empty
- Clear all the work items
- Returns an enumerator to iterate over the work items
- Returns an enumerator
- The number of work items
- The class the implements the enumerator
- Smart thread pool class.
- Work items group base.
- Contains the name of this instance of SmartThreadPool.
- Can be changed by the user.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Get an array with all the state objects of the currently running items.
- The array represents a snap shot and impact performance.
- The states.
- Starts to execute work items
- Cancel all work items using thread abortion
- True to stop work items by raising ThreadAbortException
- true if this instance cancel abortExecution; otherwise, false.
- Wait for all work item to complete, until timeout expired
- How long to wait for the work items to complete
- Returns true if work items completed within the timeout, otherwise false.
- Cancel all the work items.
- Same as Cancel(false)
- Wait for the SmartThreadPool/WorkItemsGroup to be idle
- Wait for the SmartThreadPool/WorkItemsGroup to be idle
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The priority of the work item
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- Work item info
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- Work item information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- A callback to execute
- The priority of the work item
- Returns a work item result
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Argument.
- The 1st type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Argument.
- Priority.
- The 1st type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Priority.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- Priority.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- Arg4.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- The 4th type parameter.
- Queue a work item.
- Returns a IWorkItemResult object, but its GetResult() will always return null
- Action.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- Arg4.
- Priority.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- The 4th type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Func.
- The 1st type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Func.
- Argument.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Func.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Returns a work item result
- Func.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- The 4th type parameter.
- Queue a work item
- Returns a work item result
- Func.
- Arg1.
- Arg2.
- Arg3.
- Arg4.
- The 1st type parameter.
- The 2nd type parameter.
- The 3rd type parameter.
- The 4th type parameter.
- The 5th type parameter.
- Get/Set the name of the SmartThreadPool/WorkItemsGroup instance
- Get/Set the maximum number of workitem that execute cocurrency on the thread pool
- The concurrency.
- Get the number of work items waiting in the queue.
- The waiting callbacks.
- Get the WorkItemsGroup start information
- The WIG start info.
- This event is fired when all work items are completed.
- (When IsIdle changes to true)
- This event only work on WorkItemsGroup. On SmartThreadPool
- it throws the NotImplementedException.
- IsIdle is true when there are no work items running or queued.
- Default minimum number of threads the thread pool contains. (0)
- Default maximum number of threads the thread pool contains. (25)
- Default idle timeout in milliseconds. (One minute)
- Indicate to copy the security context of the caller and then use it in the call. (false)
- Indicate to copy the HTTP context of the caller and then use it in the call. (false)
- Indicate to dispose of the state objects if they support the IDispose interface. (false)
- The default option to run the post execute (CallToPostExecute.Always)
- The default work item priority (WorkItemPriority.Normal)
- The default is to work on work items as soon as they arrive
- and not to wait for the start. (false)
- The default thread priority (ThreadPriority.Normal)
- The default thread pool name. (SmartThreadPool)
- The default fill state with params. (false)
- It is relevant only to QueueWorkItem of Action<...>/Func<...>
- The default thread backgroundness. (true)
- The default apartment state of a thread in the thread pool.
- The default is ApartmentState.Unknown which means the STP will not
- set the apartment of the thread. It will use the .NET default.
- The default post execute method to run. (None)
- When null it means not to call it.
- The default name to use for the performance counters instance. (null)
- The default Max Stack Size. (SmartThreadPool)
- Dictionary of all the threads in the thread pool.
- Queue of work items.
- Count the work items handled.
- Used by the performance counter.
- Number of threads that currently work (not idle).
- Stores a copy of the original STPStartInfo.
- It is used to change the MinThread and MaxThreads
- Total number of work items that are stored in the work items queue
- plus the work items that the threads in the pool are working on.
- Signaled when the thread pool is idle, i.e. no thread is busy
- and the work items queue is empty
- An event to signal all the threads to quit immediately.
- A flag to indicate if the Smart Thread Pool is now suspended.
- A flag to indicate the threads to quit.
- Counts the threads created in the pool.
- It is used to name the threads.
- Indicate that the SmartThreadPool has been disposed
- Holds all the WorkItemsGroup instaces that have at least one
- work item int the SmartThreadPool
- This variable is used in case of Shutdown
- A common object for all the work items int the STP
- so we can mark them to cancel in O(1)
- Windows STP performance counters
- Local STP performance counters
- Constructor
- Constructor
- Idle timeout in milliseconds
- Constructor
- Idle timeout in milliseconds
- Upper limit of threads in the pool
- Constructor
- Idle timeout in milliseconds
- Upper limit of threads in the pool
- Lower limit of threads in the pool
- Constructor
- A SmartThreadPool configuration that overrides the default behavior
- Waits on the queue for a work item, shutdown, or timeout.
- Returns the WaitingCallback or null in case of timeout or shutdown.
- Put a new work item in the queue
- A work item to queue
- Inform that the current thread is about to quit or quiting.
- The same thread may call this method more than once.
- Starts new threads
- The number of threads to start
- A worker thread method that processes work items from the work items queue.
- Force the SmartThreadPool to shutdown
- Force the SmartThreadPool to shutdown with timeout
- Empties the queue of work items and abort the threads in the pool.
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- true when every work item in workItemResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or a TimeSpan that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- true when every work item in workItemResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or a TimeSpan that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- true when every work item in workItemResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- true when every work item in workItemResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- true when every work item in workItemResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if any of the work items has been canceled.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or a TimeSpan that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if no work item result satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to millisecondsTimeout has passed or the work item has been canceled.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or a TimeSpan that represents -1 milliseconds to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if no work item result satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to millisecondsTimeout has passed or the work item has been canceled.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if no work item result satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to millisecondsTimeout has passed or the work item has been canceled.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if no work item result satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to millisecondsTimeout has passed or the work item has been canceled.
- Creates a new WorkItemsGroup.
- The number of work items that can be run concurrently
- A reference to the WorkItemsGroup
- Creates a new WorkItemsGroup.
- The number of work items that can be run concurrently
- A WorkItemsGroup configuration that overrides the default behavior
- A reference to the WorkItemsGroup
- Checks if the work item has been cancelled, and if yes then abort the thread.
- Can be used with Cancel and timeout
- Releases all resource used by the object.
- Call when you are finished using the
- . The method leaves the
- in an unusable state. After calling
- , you must release all references to the
- so the garbage collector can reclaim the
- memory that the was occupying.
- Get an array with all the state objects of the currently running items.
- The array represents a snap shot and impact performance.
- Start the thread pool if it was started suspended.
- If it is already running, this method is ignored.
- Cancel all work items using thread abortion
- True to stop work items by raising ThreadAbortException
- Wait for the thread pool to be idle
- Executes all actions in parallel.
- Returns when they all finish.
- Actions to execute
- Executes all actions in parallel.
- Returns when they all finish.
- Actions to execute
- Executes all actions in parallel
- Returns when the first one completes
- Actions to execute
- Executes all actions in parallel
- Returns when the first one completes
- Actions to execute
- Executes actions in sequence asynchronously.
- Returns immediately.
- A state context that passes
- Actions to execute in the order they should run
- Executes actions in sequence asynchronously.
- Returns immediately.
- Actions to execute in the order they should run
- An event to call after a thread is created, but before
- it's first use.
- An event to call when a thread is about to exit, after
- it is no longer belong to the pool.
- A reference to the current work item a thread from the thread pool
- is executing.
- This event is fired when a thread is created.
- Use it to initialize a thread before the work items use it.
- This event is fired when a thread is terminating.
- Use it for cleanup.
- Get/Set the lower limit of threads in the pool.
- Get/Set the upper limit of threads in the pool.
- Get the number of threads in the thread pool.
- Should be between the lower and the upper limits.
- Get the number of busy (not idle) threads in the thread pool.
- Returns true if the current running work item has been cancelled.
- Must be used within the work item's callback method.
- The work item should sample this value in order to know if it
- needs to quit before its completion.
- Thread Pool start information (readonly)
- Gets a value indicating whether this instance is shuttingdown.
- true if this instance is shuttingdown; otherwise, false.
- Return the local calculated performance counters
- Available only if STPStartInfo.EnableLocalPerformanceCounters is true.
- Get/Set the maximum number of work items that execute cocurrency on the thread pool
- Get the number of work items in the queue.
- WorkItemsGroup start information (readonly)
- This event is fired when all work items are completed.
- (When IsIdle changes to true)
- This event only work on WorkItemsGroup. On SmartThreadPool
- it throws the NotImplementedException.
- The thread creation time
- The value is stored as UTC value.
- The last time this thread has been running
- It is updated by IAmAlive() method
- The value is stored as UTC value.
- A reference from each thread in the thread pool to its SmartThreadPool
- object container.
- With this variable a thread can know whatever it belongs to a
- SmartThreadPool.
- A reference to the current work item a thread from the thread pool
- is executing.
- Stopwatch class
- Used with WindowsCE and Silverlight which don't have Stopwatch
- ISTP performance counters reader.
- Gets the in use threads.
- The in use threads.
- Gets the active threads.
- The active threads.
- Gets the work items queued.
- The work items queued.
- Gets the work items processed.
- The work items processed.
- Summary description for STPPerformanceCounter.
- Summary description for STPStartInfo.
- Summary description for WIGStartInfo.
- The _read only.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Wig start info.
- Throws if read only.
- Get a readonly version of this WIGStartInfo
- Returns a readonly reference to this WIGStartInfoRO
- Get/Set if to use the caller's security context
- Get/Set if to use the caller's HTTP context
- Get/Set if to dispose of the state object of a work item
- Get/Set the run the post execute options
- Get/Set the default post execute callback
- Get/Set if the work items execution should be suspended until the Start()
- method is called.
- Get/Set the default priority that a work item gets when it is enqueued
- Get/Set the if QueueWorkItem of Action<...>/Func<...> fill the
- arguments as an object array into the state of the work item.
- The arguments can be access later by IWorkItemResult.State.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Stp start info.
- Get a readonly version of this STPStartInfo.
- Returns a readonly reference to this STPStartInfo
- Get/Set the idle timeout in milliseconds.
- If a thread is idle (starved) longer than IdleTimeout then it may quit.
- Get/Set the lower limit of threads in the pool.
- Get/Set the upper limit of threads in the pool.
- Get/Set the scheduling priority of the threads in the pool.
- The Os handles the scheduling.
- Get/Set the thread pool name. Threads will get names depending on this.
- Get/Set the performance counter instance name of this SmartThreadPool
- The default is null which indicate not to use performance counters at all.
- Enable/Disable the local performance counter.
- This enables the user to get some performance information about the SmartThreadPool
- without using Windows performance counters. (Useful on WindowsCE, Silverlight, etc.)
- The default is false.
- Get/Set backgroundness of thread in thread pool.
- Get/Set the apartment state of threads in the thread pool
- Get/Set the max stack size of threads in the thread pool
- Holds a callback delegate and the state for that delegate.
- Callback delegate for the callback.
- State with which to call the callback delegate.
- Stores the caller's context
- Holds the result of the mehtod
- Hold the exception if the method threw it
- Hold the state of the work item
- A ManualResetEvent to indicate that the result is ready
- A reference count to the _workItemCompleted.
- When it reaches to zero _workItemCompleted is Closed
- Represents the result state of the work item
- Work item info
- A reference to an object that indicates whatever the
- WorkItemsGroup has been canceled
- A reference to an object that indicates whatever the
- SmartThreadPool has been canceled
- The work item group this work item belong to.
- The thread that executes this workitem.
- This field is available for the period when the work item is executed, before and after it is null.
- The absulote time when the work item will be timeout
- Stores how long the work item waited on the stp queue
- Stores how much time it took the work item to execute after it went out of the queue
- Initialize the callback holding object.
- The workItemGroup of the workitem
- The WorkItemInfo of te workitem
- Callback delegate for the callback.
- State with which to call the callback delegate.
- We assume that the WorkItem object is created within the thread
- that meant to run the callback
- Change the state of the work item to in progress if it wasn't canceled.
- Return true on success or false in case the work item was canceled.
- If the work item needs to run a post execute then the method will return true.
- Execute the work item and the post execute
- Execute the work item
- Runs the post execute callback
- Set the result of the work item to return
- The result of the work item
- The exception that was throw while the workitem executed, null
- if there was no exception.
- Returns the work item result
- The work item result
- Wait for all work items to complete
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- true when every work item in waitableResults has completed; otherwise false.
- Waits for any of the work items in the specified array to complete, cancel, or timeout
- Array of work item result objects
- The number of milliseconds to wait, or Timeout.Infinite (-1) to wait indefinitely.
- true to exit the synchronization domain for the context before the wait (if in a synchronized context), and reacquire it; otherwise, false.
- A cancel wait handle to interrupt the wait if needed
- The array index of the work item result that satisfied the wait, or WaitTimeout if no work item result satisfied the wait and a time interval equivalent to millisecondsTimeout has passed or the work item has been canceled.
- Fill an array of wait handles with the work items wait handles.
- An array of work item results
- An array of wait handles to fill
- Release the work items' wait handles
- An array of work item results
- Sets the work item's state
- The state to set the work item to
- Signals that work item has been completed or canceled
- Indicates that the work item has been canceled
- Cancel the work item if it didn't start running yet.
- Returns true on success or false if the work item is in progress or already completed
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits for the result, timeout, or cancel.
- In case of error the method throws and exception
- The result of the work item
- Get the result of the work item.
- If the work item didn't run yet then the caller waits for the result, timeout, or cancel.
- In case of error the e argument is filled with the exception
- The result of the work item
- A wait handle to wait for completion, cancel, or timeout
- Disposes the state of the of.
- Called when the WorkItem starts
- Called when the WorkItem completes
- Gets the waiting time.
- The waiting time.
- Gets the process time.
- The process time.
- Returns true when the work item has completed or canceled
- Returns true when the work item has canceled
- Returns the priority of the work item
- Indicates the state of the work item in the thread pool
- A back reference to the work item
- Return the result, same as GetResult()
- Returns the exception if occured otherwise returns null.
- This value is valid only after the work item completed,
- before that it is always null.
- Work item factory.
- Create a new work item
- The WorkItemsGroup of this workitem
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The WorkItemsGroup of this workitem
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The priority of the work item
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The WorkItemsGroup of this workitem
- Work item group start information
- Work item info
- A callback to execute
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The WorkItemsGroup of this workitem
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- Work item information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- Returns a work item
- Create a new work item
- The work items group
- Work item group start information
- A callback to execute
- The context object of the work item. Used for passing arguments to the work item.
- A delegate to call after the callback completion
- Indicates on which cases to call to the post execute callback
- The work item priority
- Returns a work item
- Summary description for WorkItemInfo.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Work item info.
- Get/Set if to use the caller's security context
- Get/Set if to use the caller's HTTP context
- Get/Set if to dispose of the state object of a work item
- Get/Set the run the post execute options
- Get/Set the post execute callback
- Get/Set the work item's priority
- Get/Set the work item's timout in milliseconds.
- This is a passive timout. When the timout expires the work item won't be actively aborted!
- Summary description for WorkItemsGroup.
- A reference to the SmartThreadPool instance that created this
- WorkItemsGroup.
- A flag to indicate if the Work Items Group is now suspended.
- Defines how many work items of this WorkItemsGroup can run at once.
- Priority queue to hold work items before they are passed
- to the SmartThreadPool.
- Indicate how many work items are waiting in the SmartThreadPool
- queue.
- This value is used to apply the concurrency.
- Indicate how many work items are currently running in the SmartThreadPool.
- This value is used with the Cancel, to calculate if we can send new
- work items to the STP.
- WorkItemsGroup start information
- Signaled when all of the WorkItemsGroup's work item completed.
- A common object for all the work items that this work items group
- generate so we can mark them to cancel in O(1)
- Initializes a new instance of the class.
- Stp.
- Concurrency.
- Wig start info.
- Get an array with all the state objects of the currently running items.
- The array represents a snap shot and impact performance.
- The states.
- Start the Work Items Group if it was started suspended
- Cancel all work items using thread abortion
- True to stop work items by raising ThreadAbortException
- true if this instance cancel abortExecution; otherwise, false.
- Wait for the thread pool to be idle
- Raises the STP is starting event.
- Enqueues to STP next N work item.
- Count.
- The OnIdle event
- Get/Set the maximum number of workitem that execute cocurrency on the thread pool
- The concurrency.
- Get the number of work items waiting in the queue.
- The waiting callbacks.
- WorkItemsGroup start information
- This event is fired when all work items are completed.
- (When IsIdle changes to true)
- This event only work on WorkItemsGroup. On SmartThreadPool
- it throws the NotImplementedException.
- WorkItemsQueue class.
- Waiters queue (implemented as stack).
- Waiters count
- Work items queue
- Indicate that work items are allowed to be queued
- A flag that indicates if the WorkItemsQueue has been disposed.
- Enqueue a work item to the queue.
- Waits for a work item or exits on timeout or cancel
- Timeout in milliseconds
- Cancel wait handle
- Returns true if the resource was granted
- Cleanup the work items queue, hence no more work
- items are allowed to be queue
- Gets the states.
- The states.
- Returns the WaiterEntry of the current thread
- In order to avoid creation and destuction of WaiterEntry
- objects each thread has its own WaiterEntry object.
- Push a new waiter into the waiter's stack
- A waiter to put in the stack
- Pop a waiter from the waiter's stack
- Returns the first waiter in the stack
- Remove a waiter from the stack
- A waiter entry to remove
- If true the waiter count is always decremented
- Releases all resource used by the object.
- Call when you are finished using the
- . The method leaves the
- in an unusable state. After calling
- , you must release all references to the
- so the garbage collector can reclaim the
- memory that the was occupying.
- Each thread in the thread pool keeps its own waiter entry.
- Returns the current number of work items in the queue
- Returns the current number of waiters
- A waiter entry in the _waiters queue.
- Event to signal the waiter that it got the work item.
- Flag to know if this waiter already quited from the queue
- because of a timeout.
- Flag to know if the waiter was signaled and got a work item.
- A work item that passed directly to the waiter withou going
- through the queue
- Initializes a new instance of the
- Signal the waiter that it got a work item.
- Return true on success
- The method fails if Timeout() preceded its call
- Mark the wait entry that it has been timed out
- Return true on success
- The method fails if Signal() preceded its call
- Reset the wait entry so it can be used again
- Free resources
- Releases all resource used by the
- Gets the wait handle.
- The wait handle.
- Gets the work item.
- The work item.
- Handshake processor
- min version http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00
- init
- Receive handshake
- WebSocket client
- 1000
- 1001
- 1002
- 1003
- 1004
- 1005
- 1006
- 1007
- 1008
- 1009
- 1010
- 1011 RFC-6455
- 1015 RFC-6455
- Hybi10
- Message Head Frame
- init
- RSV is 0
- Is Finsh
- custom protocol
- custom protocol
- custom protocol
- op code:
- 0: continue
- 1: text message
- 2: bir message
- 3-7: no use
- 8: close connect
- 9: ping message
- A: pong message
- B-F: no use
- has mask
- message length
- version http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-10
- version http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-00
- chars
- numbers
- init
- init
- init
- init
- init
- init
- length 2
- true: message is complate
- init
- init
- true: is continue receive
- Web socket handshake data
- init
- ws or wss
- Http request method, GET
- Http request url path
- Client http verion, HTTP/1.1
- client host
- Client WebSocket Version
- Client request param items.
- Client cookies.
- Sec protocol
- CSharp文件信息
- 脚本文件信息
- 文件编号
- 完整路径和文件名
- 文件编号
- 源文件
- 完整路径和文件名
- MD5哈希Code
- Script runtime scope
- init
- 初始化
- 执行脚本
- 执行脚本方法
- 脚本解码
- 脚本文件
- 扩展名
- filename or typeName,return relative to "Script" path
- 附加脚本扩展名
- 脚本存储目录
- .cs .py .lua
- 是否是Model类型的脚本
- Process csharp script.
- 调用方法
- Init csharp script.
- 创建脚本文件信息对象
- 生成Python引用的头文件
- Lua方法属性
- init
- Script domain context.
- 返回的类型需要加Serializable标识属性
- 返回的类型需要加Serializable标识属性
- Script main class interface
- Main
- Stop
- Python文件信息
- The Compiled Code.
- Script compiler
- compile temp
- Script assembly temp
- Clear temp assmbly.
- Clear temp assmbly.
- Compile
- Compile
- Compile
- Compile csharp srcipt and injection code.
- Get Script generate path.
- script loaded delegate
- 脚本对象引擎
- 初始化
- Register model script has changed before event.
- Register model script has changed after event.
- Add system reference
- 添加CSharp脚本动态引用DLL
- Get model entity assembly.
- Run main class.
- Request of main class.
- stop main class.
- 执行脚本
- 脚本标识
- csharp脚本指定对象类型
- csharp脚本指定类型构造函数的参数
- csharp脚本返回指定typeName实例对象;python脚本返回ScriptCode对象
- Process csharp script.
- ExecutePython
- 向Lua注册NET的方法
- 向Lua注册NET的方法,方法需要加LuaMethod属性
- ExecuteCSharp
- Dispose
- Script loaded event
- Is error
- Settup info
- Main function args.
- IMainScript
- 脚本执行顺序:cs -> py -> lua
- Script settup info
- init
- 是否取消执行脚本
- 脚本文件改变延迟时间(ms)
- 脚本当前运行目录
- 脚本运行的Dll目录,Web程序是在Bin目录下
- 脚本在当前运行目录的相对位置
- 脚本入口程序
- 脚本入口程序类型,C#脚本时配置
- C# Model实体脚本路径
- C#脚本路径
- 脚本是否可调试
- Py脚本是否启用
- Py是否可调试
- Py脚本目录
- Py脚本包含的Import头信息
- Lua脚本是否开启
- Lua脚本目录
- 脚本引用的程序集名
- Register model script has changed before event.
- Register model script has changed after event.
- 脚本解码回调方法
- 同步lock锁
- 同步lock锁
- 进入锁内条件
- 同步Monitor锁
- 同步Monitor锁
- 同步Monitor锁
- 获取锁字符串Key同步Monitor锁
- 退出锁字符串Key同步Monitor锁
- 提供原子操作值类型增加
- 提供原子操作值类型增加
- 提供原子操作值类型减少
- 提供原子操作值类型减少
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 537e6b6f..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index ee044b5a..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 48f3bf0d..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-@echo off
-xcopy /y ..\Lib\*.dll .\
-ECHO Install Ok & PAUSE
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1cdf77b..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using GameServer.Model;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Cache.Generic;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Contract;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Service;
-namespace GameServer.CsScript.Action
- public class Action1000 : BaseStruct
- {
- private string UserName;
- private int Score;
- public Action1000(HttpGet httpGet)
- : base(1000, httpGet)
- {
- }
- public override void BuildPacket()
- {
- }
- public override bool GetUrlElement()
- {
- if (httpGet.GetString("UserName", ref UserName)
- && httpGet.GetInt("Score", ref Score))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public override bool TakeAction()
- {
- var cache = new ShareCacheStruct();
- var ranking = cache.Find(m => m.UserName == UserName);
- if (ranking == null)
- {
- var user = new GameUser() { UserId = (int)cache.GetNextNo(), NickName = UserName};
- new PersonalCacheStruct().Add(user);
- ranking = new UserRanking();
- ranking.UserID = user.UserId;
- ranking.UserName = UserName;
- ranking.Score = Score;
- cache.Add(ranking);
- }
- else
- {
- ranking.UserName = UserName;
- ranking.Score = Score;
- }
- return true;
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16e51770..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using GameServer.Model;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Cache.Generic;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Common;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Contract;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Service;
-namespace GameServer.CsScript.Action
- public class Action1001 : BaseStruct
- {
- private int PageIndex;
- private int PageSize;
- private int PageCount;
- private List rankingList;
- public Action1001(HttpGet httpGet)
- : base(1001, httpGet)
- {
- }
- public override void BuildPacket()
- {
- this.PushIntoStack(PageCount);
- this.PushIntoStack(rankingList.Count);
- foreach (var item in rankingList)
- {
- DataStruct dsItem = new DataStruct();
- dsItem.PushIntoStack(item.UserName);
- dsItem.PushIntoStack(item.Score);
- //Console.WriteLine("Num count:{0}", item.Items.Count);
- this.PushIntoStack(dsItem);
- }
- }
- public override bool GetUrlElement()
- {
- if (httpGet.GetInt("PageIndex", ref PageIndex)
- && httpGet.GetInt("PageSize", ref PageSize))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- public override bool TakeAction()
- {
- var cache = new ShareCacheStruct();
- rankingList = cache.FindAll(false);
- rankingList = MathUtils.QuickSort(rankingList, compareTo);
- rankingList = rankingList.GetPaging(PageIndex, PageSize, out PageCount);
- return true;
- }
- private int compareTo(UserRanking x, UserRanking y)
- {
- int result = y.Score - x.Score;
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = y.UserID - x.UserID;
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index a65f5415..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Lang;
-namespace GameServer.CsScript.Locale
- public class SimplifiedLanguage : Language
- {
- ///
- /// Sign error
- ///
- public new string SignError = "验证签名出错";
- ///
- /// validate error
- ///
- public new string ValidateError = "请求的参数无效";
- ///
- /// The system is busy
- ///
- public new string ServerBusy = "服务器繁忙";
- ///
- /// param error
- ///
- public new string UrlElement = "缺少请求参数-";
- ///
- /// 参数名:{0}不存在
- ///
- public new string UrlNoParam = "参数名:{0}是必须的";
- ///
- /// 参数名:{0}超出范围[{1}-{2}]
- ///
- public new string UrlParamOutRange = "参数:{0}超出范围[{1} - {2}]";
- ///
- /// 服务器正在维护
- ///
- public new string ServerMaintain = "服务器正在维护";
- ///
- /// 服务器正在重启中,请稍候...
- ///
- public new string ServerLoading = "服务器正在重启中,请稍候...";
- ///
- /// 请求超时
- ///
- public new string RequestTimeout = "请求超时";
- ///
- /// 您输入的账号或密码不正确
- ///
- public new string PasswordError = "您输入的账号或密码不正确";
- ///
- /// 加载数据失败
- ///
- public new string LoadDataError = "加载数据失败";
- ///
- /// 该账号已被封禁
- ///
- public new string AcountIsLocked = "该账号已被封禁";
- ///
- /// 您的账号未登录或已过期
- ///
- public new string AcountNoLogin = "您的账号未登录或已过期";
- ///
- /// 您的账号已在其它地方登录
- ///
- public new string AcountLogined = "您的账号已在其它地方登录";
- ///
- /// 充值失败
- ///
- public new string AppStorePayError = "充值失败";
- ///
- /// 获取受权失败
- ///
- public new string GetAccessFailure = "获取受权失败";
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 91bcab9f..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Cache.Generic;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Common;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Contract;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Service;
-using GameServer.Model;
-namespace Game.Script
-public class LuaFuncProxy
- private static LuaFuncProxy instance = new LuaFuncProxy();
- public static LuaFuncProxy GetIntance()
- {
- return instance;
- }
- private LuaFuncProxy()
- {
- }
- ///
- /// 鑾峰彇Url鍙傛暟
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public string GetActionParam(ActionGetter actionGetter, string name)
- {
- return actionGetter != null ? actionGetter.GetString(name) : "";
- }
- ///
- ///
- ///
- ///
- public UserRanking[] GetUserRankingList()
- {
- var cache = new ShareCacheStruct();
- var rankingList = cache.FindAll(false);
- //rankingList = MathUtils.QuickSort(rankingList, compareTo);
- //rankingList = rankingList.GetPaging(PageIndex, PageSize, out PageCount);
- return rankingList.ToArray();
- }
- private int compareTo(UserRanking x, UserRanking y)
- {
- int result = y.Score - x.Score;
- if (result == 0)
- {
- result = y.UserID - x.UserID;
- }
- return result;
- }
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index d27bf784..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-using System;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Contract;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Game.Runtime;
-using ZyGames.Framework.Script;
-namespace Game.Script
- public class MainClass : GameSocketHost, IMainScript
- {
- public MainClass()
- {
- }
- protected override void OnStartAffer()
- {
- }
- protected override void OnServiceStop()
- {
- GameEnvironment.Stop();
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf35662..00000000
--- a/Release/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Action1001 ={}
-function Action1001:getUrlElement(httpGet)
- local urlParam = {}
- urlParam.Result = true
- --urlParam.PageIndex = ScutReaderReadString(httpGet, "PageIndex")
- return urlParam
-function Action1001:takeAction(urlParam)
- local actionResult = {}
- actionResult.Result = true
- --actionResult.Table = GetUserRankingList()
- return actionResult
-function Action1001:buildPacket(writer, urlParam, actionResult)
- return true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Release/ Readme.chm b/Release/ Readme.chm
deleted file mode 100644
index 9eb20deb..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ Readme.chm and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index dcf78d10..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index e519d9e3..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index fe643ebc..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e5bf590..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9c2399f..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14515250..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index d04c1a12..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index c75d8843..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d313907..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9791e0e8..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c16c11f..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index a83bf067..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f29bd72..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8049b5c..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index f015ccfd..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34f79015..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8e6d25..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 68ebd464..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c0da697..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
deleted file mode 100644
index 265671f2..00000000
Binary files a/Release/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 88%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index f54c053a..fbb97499 100644
Binary files a/Release/ and b/Release/ differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ Readme.chm b/Release/ Readme.chm
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/ Readme.chm
rename to Release/ Readme.chm
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 98%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index 940a1971..7f3c114c 100644
--- a/Release/
+++ b/Release/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define MyAppName "SCUT Server"
-#define MyAppVersion ""
+#define MyAppVersion ""
#define MyAppPublisher "ScutGame, Inc."
#define MyAppCopyright "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com Inc."
#define MyAppURL "http://www.scutgame.com/"
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 98%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index 40d07187..326abcb4 100644
--- a/Release/
+++ b/Release/
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#define MyAppName "SCUT Server"
-#define MyAppVersion ""
+#define MyAppVersion ""
#define MyAppPublisher "ScutGame, Inc."
#define MyAppCopyright "Copyright (c) 2013-2015 scutgame.com Inc."
#define MyAppURL "http://www.scutgame.com/"
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 95%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index 3e187c60..5f1f0009 100644
Binary files a/Release/ and b/Release/ differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 97%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index c68af347..01216e4c 100644
--- a/Release/
+++ b/Release/
@@ -6173,6 +6173,11 @@
Code timer
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..839ad990
Binary files /dev/null and b/Release/ differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..52deeca5
Binary files /dev/null and b/Release/ differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 96%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index ba3954d8..a9fcfcc9 100644
--- a/Release/
+++ b/Release/
@@ -2459,7 +2459,7 @@
@@ -2468,9 +2468,10 @@
@@ -2504,40 +2505,40 @@
+ Allow Parameters or Custom object as paramter
@@ -2554,51 +2555,51 @@
+ Allow Parameters or Custom object as paramter
+ Allow Parameters or Custom object as paramter
@@ -9325,6 +9326,17 @@
DataStruct 的摘要说明
@@ -10690,6 +10702,11 @@
+ 防多次点击产生多个账号与imei绑定
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 97%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
index 942d33ea..421d88c6 100644
--- a/Release/
+++ b/Release/
@@ -2614,6 +2614,12 @@
+ 检查是否有绑定事件,防止没有绑定导致数据丢失
@@ -7890,6 +7896,12 @@
+ Get serialized object columns.
Get schema column name to list.
@@ -11178,6 +11190,13 @@
@@ -11444,6 +11463,11 @@
@@ -11479,6 +11503,12 @@
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..91aab7a8
Binary files /dev/null and b/Release/ differ
diff --git a/Release/ b/Release/
similarity index 100%
rename from Release/
rename to Release/
diff --git a/Release/readme.md b/Release/readme.md
index 703512e7..f6733e2e 100644
--- a/Release/readme.md
+++ b/Release/readme.md
@@ -6,6 +6,6 @@ Release
- PythonLib: A library of Python scripts
- Is the latest beta version of the library Scut Server
- Is the latest R1 version of the library Scut Server
Old versions of libraries need to http://scutgame.com/download/
diff --git "a/Source/Framework/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat" "b/Source/Framework/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
index cece9ae7..54dcd192 100644
--- "a/Source/Framework/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
+++ "b/Source/Framework/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
@echo off
-xcopy /y lib\*.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
-xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
-xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.xml ..\..\Release\\Lib\
-xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Common\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Common.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
-xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Common\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Common.xml ..\..\Release\\Lib\
+xcopy /y lib\*.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
+xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
+xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.xml ..\..\Release\\Lib\
+xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Common\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Common.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\
+xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Common\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Common.xml ..\..\Release\\Lib\
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git "a/Source/Middleware/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat" "b/Source/Middleware/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
index 7e878691..cba3cfba 100644
--- "a/Source/Middleware/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
+++ "b/Source/Middleware/\345\217\221\345\270\203\345\244\204\347\220\206.bat"
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
@echo off
-xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Game\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Game.* ..\..\Release\\Lib\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
-xcopy /y ScutSecurity\bin\Release\*.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
+xcopy /y ZyGames.Framework.Game\bin\Release\ZyGames.Framework.Game.* ..\..\Release\\Lib\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
+xcopy /y ScutSecurity\bin\Release\*.dll ..\..\Release\\Lib\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
-xcopy /y GameServer\bin\Release\GameServer.* ..\..\Release\\Console\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
-xcopy /y GameServer\bin\Release\NLog.config ..\..\Release\\Console\
-xcopy /y /s GameServer\Script\*.* ..\..\Release\\Console\Script\
+xcopy /y GameServer\bin\Release\GameServer.* ..\..\Release\\Console\ /EXCLUDE:copyfilter.txt
+xcopy /y GameServer\bin\Release\NLog.config ..\..\Release\\Console\
+xcopy /y /s GameServer\Script\*.* ..\..\Release\\Console\Script\
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Base/BasePage.cs b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Base/BasePage.cs
index cd5f0810..60e90b97 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Base/BasePage.cs
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Base/BasePage.cs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
+using ContractTools.WebApp.Base;
using ContractTools.WebApp.Model;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Checksums;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
@@ -196,6 +197,28 @@ public bool TryZipFileMain(IEnumerable fileEnumerable, out byte[] o
return result;
+ public static void GetParamInfo(int slnId, int contractId, int versionId, out List requestParams, out List responseParams)
+ {
+ var paramList = DbDataLoader.GetParamInfo(slnId, contractId, versionId);
+ var pairs = paramList.GroupBy(t => t.ParamType);
+ requestParams = new List();
+ responseParams = new List();
+ foreach (var pair in pairs)
+ {
+ switch (pair.Key)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ requestParams = pair.ToList();
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ responseParams = pair.ToList();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx
index ce6bef4a..2260cc3e 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx
@@ -5,46 +5,69 @@
- 项目方案
+ 当前项目
- 协议ID
+ 协议编号
- Copy至项目
+ 复制到项目
- Copy至项目协议ID
+ 新协议编号
+ |
+ 新增到位置
+ |
+ |
+ 复制参数从位置
+ |
+ 到
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.cs b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.cs
index b00e973a..013d7e6b 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.cs
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.cs
@@ -5,10 +5,13 @@
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using ContractTools.WebApp.Base;
+using ContractTools.WebApp.Model;
+using ZyGames.Framework.Common;
+using ZyGames.Framework.Common.Log;
namespace ContractTools.WebApp
- public partial class ContractCopy : System.Web.UI.Page
+ public partial class ContractCopy : BasePage
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
@@ -16,7 +19,8 @@ protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtSlnID.Text = SlnID.ToString();
txtCopyID.Text = ContractID.ToString();
- Bind(SlnID);
+ txtVerID.Text = VerID.ToString();
+ Bind(SlnID, ContractID, SlnID, ContractID, VerID);
@@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ protected int ContractID
- private void Bind(int slnID)
+ private void Bind(int slnID, int contractID, int newSlnId, int newContractID, int verId)
var slnList = DbDataLoader.GetSolution();
@@ -62,6 +66,7 @@ private void Bind(int slnID)
ddlSolution.DataTextField = "SlnName";
ddlSolution.DataValueField = "SlnID";
+ ddlSolution.SelectedValue = newSlnId.ToString();
var slnModel = slnList.Where(p => p.SlnID == slnID).FirstOrDefault();
if (slnModel != null)
@@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ private void Bind(int slnID)
- var contractList = DbDataLoader.GetContract(slnID, VerID);
+ var contractList = DbDataLoader.GetContract(slnID, verId);
if (contractList.Count > 0)
ddContract.DataSource = contractList;
@@ -78,7 +83,40 @@ private void Bind(int slnID)
ddContract.DataValueField = "ID";
- ddContract.SelectedValue = ContractID.ToString();
+ ddContract.SelectedValue = contractID.ToString();
+ }
+ List requestParams;
+ List responseParams;
+ GetParamInfo(slnID, contractID, verId, out requestParams, out responseParams);
+ int paramtype = 2;
+ BindResponseParams(paramtype == 1 ? requestParams : responseParams);
+ GetParamInfo(newSlnId, newContractID, 0, out requestParams, out responseParams);
+ BindNewResponseParams(paramtype == 1 ? requestParams : responseParams);
+ }
+ private void BindResponseParams(List list)
+ {
+ ddParamCopyFrom.DataSource = list;
+ ddParamCopyFrom.DataTextField = "ComboxDescp";
+ ddParamCopyFrom.DataValueField = "SortID";
+ ddParamCopyFrom.DataBind();
+ ddParamCopyTo.DataSource = list;
+ ddParamCopyTo.DataTextField = "ComboxDescp";
+ ddParamCopyTo.DataValueField = "SortID";
+ ddParamCopyTo.DataBind();
+ }
+ private void BindNewResponseParams(List list)
+ {
+ ddResponseParams.DataSource = list;
+ ddResponseParams.DataTextField = "ComboxDescp";
+ ddResponseParams.DataValueField = "SortID";
+ ddResponseParams.DataBind();
+ if (list.Count > 0)
+ {
+ ddResponseParams.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("", "0"));
+ ddResponseParams.SelectedValue = (list[list.Count - 1].SortID).ToString();
@@ -103,7 +141,66 @@ protected void butSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void ddContract_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
- this.txtCopyID.Text = ddContract.Text;
+ Bind(txtSlnID.Text.ToInt(), ddContract.Text.ToInt(), ddlSolution.Text.ToInt(), txtCopyID.Text.ToInt(), txtVerID.Text.ToInt());
+ }
+ protected void btnRefesh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ Bind(txtSlnID.Text.ToInt(), ddContract.Text.ToInt(), ddlSolution.Text.ToInt(), txtCopyID.Text.ToInt(), txtVerID.Text.ToInt());
+ protected void btnCopyParam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ int sortFrom = ddParamCopyFrom.Text.ToInt();
+ int sortTo = ddParamCopyTo.Text.ToInt();
+ if (sortFrom > sortTo) return;
+ int paramType = 2;
+ int insertPos = ddResponseParams.Text.ToInt();
+ int copySlnId = txtSlnID.Text.ToInt();
+ int copyContractId = ddContract.Text.ToInt();
+ int verId = txtVerID.Text.ToInt();
+ var copyParamList = DbDataLoader.GetParamInfo(copySlnId, copyContractId, paramType, verId);
+ var copyList = copyParamList.FindAll(t => t.SortID >= sortFrom && t.SortID <= sortTo);
+ int sortId = insertPos + copyList.Count;
+ int slnId = ddlSolution.Text.ToInt();
+ int contractId = txtCopyID.Text.ToInt();
+ var paramList = DbDataLoader.GetParamInfo(slnId, contractId, paramType, 0);
+ paramList = paramList.FindAll(t => t.SortID >= insertPos);
+ foreach (var param in paramList)
+ {
+ if (param.SortID > insertPos)
+ {
+ sortId++;
+ DbDataLoader.UpdateParamSort(param.ID, sortId);
+ }
+ }
+ sortId = insertPos;
+ foreach (var param in copyList)
+ {
+ sortId++;
+ param.SlnID = slnId;
+ param.ContractID = contractId;
+ param.SortID = sortId;
+ param.VerID = verId;
+ param.ModifyDate = DateTime.MinValue;
+ param.CreateDate = DateTime.Now;
+ DbDataLoader.Add(param);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ TraceLog.WriteError("Default ParamCopy error:{0}", ex);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.designer.cs b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.designer.cs
index ae894f1e..2a6067d3 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.designer.cs
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/ContractCopy.aspx.designer.cs
@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@ public partial class ContractCopy {
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtSlnID;
+ ///
+ /// txtVerID 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtVerID;
/// ddContract 控件。
@@ -57,6 +66,24 @@ public partial class ContractCopy {
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox txtCopyID;
+ ///
+ /// btnRefesh 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnRefesh;
+ ///
+ /// ddResponseParams 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddResponseParams;
/// butSubmit 控件。
@@ -65,5 +92,32 @@ public partial class ContractCopy {
/// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button butSubmit;
+ ///
+ /// btnCopyParam 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button btnCopyParam;
+ ///
+ /// ddParamCopyFrom 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddParamCopyFrom;
+ ///
+ /// ddParamCopyTo 控件。
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// 自动生成的字段。
+ /// 若要进行修改,请将字段声明从设计器文件移到代码隐藏文件。
+ ///
+ protected global::System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList ddParamCopyTo;
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Default.aspx.cs b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Default.aspx.cs
index 916ce21d..c036eded 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Default.aspx.cs
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Default.aspx.cs
@@ -1130,27 +1130,6 @@ protected void OnExportAllClientCode(object sender, EventArgs e)
- private static void GetParamInfo(int slnId, int contractId, int versionId, out List requestParams, out List responseParams)
- {
- var paramList = DbDataLoader.GetParamInfo(slnId, contractId, versionId);
- var pairs = paramList.GroupBy(t => t.ParamType);
- requestParams = new List();
- responseParams = new List();
- foreach (var pair in pairs)
- {
- switch (pair.Key)
- {
- case 1:
- requestParams = pair.ToList();
- break;
- case 2:
- responseParams = pair.ToList();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
index 23293ba1..cbeb1ce2 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -54,4 +54,4 @@ THE SOFTWARE.
// 您可以指定所有这些值,也可以使用“修订号”和“内部版本号”的默认值,
// 方法是按如下所示使用“*”:
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.0.133")]
\ No newline at end of file
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("2.0.135")]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/skin.css b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/skin.css
index db901440..93d55465 100644
--- a/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/skin.css
+++ b/Source/Tools/ContractTools/src/ContractTools.WebApp/skin.css
@@ -47,6 +47,8 @@ ul{ list-style: none;}
.tab_item{width:100%; height:582px;background: #fff;overflow:auto;}
.space{ padding-right: 5px;}
+.table { border:0; }
+.table tr td{ padding: 3px 2px; }
.codeBox{ width: 100%;height: 542px;border: 0;}
.promptStyle{border: solid 1px #eee;padding:3px;width: 200px;min-height: 100px;visibility: hidden;background-color: rgb(253,253,203);position: absolute;overflow:auto;}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md
index 29ad260a..d7615e49 100644
--- a/readme.md
+++ b/readme.md
@@ -94,6 +94,11 @@ Language:
## Update Log
+### Version: (2015-4-24) R1
+* Modify bug.
### Version: (2015-4-9) RC
* Modify framework bug.