/sdg/ - SCUBA Diving General
Should remain consistently so for easy discovery. Especially the /sdg/ part.
Linking to the previous thread using >> in the first line is good practice. Make sure you don't accidentally use ›› instead, those won't work.
Afterwards should follow a concise description of this thread's purpose and contents.
Finally, add a link to the guide in this repository (unless you hate it) as well as a link to an external archive of previous threads (see example below).
Previous thread: >>2105851
SCUBA = Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Share your most memorable dives here, good and bad.
Post pictures, videos, and memes.
Brag about certs, experience, and achievements.
Discuss/recommend equipment, techniques, and otherwise share your love for diving in general,
Divers of all levels welcome, freedivers, as well as people just thinking about diving.
Don't dive beyond your limits!
Archives of previous threads:
Feel free to contribute to it either directly or indirectly through the thread.
Not strictly necessary, but you can post the guide FAQ in two susequent posts. Copy&paste below.
>Why bother?
It's a pretty based hobby if you like getting wet. Staying and breathing underwater for longer periods of time exposes you to a completely different world and experience. You should at least try this once in your lifetime. Also, there's no talking underwater (except occasional hand signals), so you won't have to deal with nagging from other people except for a short period on the surface.
>Is it expensive?
Any hobby has its expenses. If you choose to own your own gear instead of renting it you'll quickly drive up quite a hefty cost. However, if you turn out to be an active diver the initial investment is usually worth it over time.
>Isn't SCUBA diving dangerous?
Yes, you could die with very little effort (hold your breath and ascend: boom, you're dead). You should keep this in mind every time you dive. The risk is worth it though, and quite low when it comes to recreational diving between or shallower than 18-20 meters.
>Can I dive alone?
Only if you accept x2 the risk of dying.
>Where do I start?
Get certified (beware Ko Tao in Thailand though). There are many organizations who certify divers, notable among them PADI, SSI, GUE, CMAS. PADI is probably the largest organization, but is usually a little more expensive than alternatives. Before even getting certified though practice only breathing through your mouth.
FAQ continued:
>Why learn breathing only through your mouth?
Besides likely getting water in your mask while diving at some point, there's mask flooding and mask off exercises in the course. You don't want to bolt to the surface in a panic because you suddenly snorted some water. For practice, try snorkeling with swimming goggles (which won't cover your nose). Don't forget about mask squeeze though (see video in guide).
>Where to dive?
The guide is sparse for now, but if you can't find anything there then ask ITT.
>Best way to log dives?
Subsurface is free as in freedom software for logging and planning dives, and it's quite possibly the best software out there. A physical logbook is also fine and should probably be used in conjunction with it.