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Element Event

StefansArya edited this page May 8, 2020 · 6 revisions

This is how we define callback on our model

sf.model('...', function(self){
    self.callMe = function(event){

        // this == Related element
        // arguments[0] == Event
        // arguments[1] == self

        /* When using sf-repeat-this element (RepetedElement feature) */
        // arguments[1] == item value
        // arguments[2] == self (model scope)

    self.callMeArguments = function(text, ev){
        // arguments[0] == 'hello'
        // arguments[1] == Event

And you can register any element for listening to an event by adding attribute with @ and the event name, that pointing to function name.

<a @click="callMe"></a>
<a @mouseup.left="callMe"></a>

<!-- You can also define the parameter -->
<a @click="callMeArguments('hello', event)"></a>

<!-- With control button -->
<a @mouseup.ctrl.left="callMe"></a>

<!-- Keyboard key must be started with UpperCase-->
<input type="text" @keyup.ctrl.Enter="callMe"/>
<input type="text" @keyup.ArrowUp.once="callMe"/> 

once, prevent, stop, passive, capture are available

<!-- Letters are case sensitive -->
<input type="text" @keyup.Z="callMe"/> UpperCase `Z`
<input type="text" @keyup.z="callMe"/> LowerCase `z`

Almost all event are supported like keyup, mousedown, touchup, scroll, etc.


Key name
left Primary button (usually the left button)
right Secondary button (usually the right button)
middle Auxilary button (usually the mouse wheel button or middle button)
4th 4th button (typically the "Browser Back" button)
5th 5th button (typically the "Browser Forward" button)

The pointer event is coming from pointerup, pointerdown, pointermove, etc.

<!-- Right click but prevent context menu -->
<a @pointerup.right.prevent="callMe"></a>

<!-- Ctrl + Left click -->
<a @pointerup.left.ctrl="callMe"></a>

Addional event

event description
taphold Trigger event when user clicked around 0.7s
gesture Trigger event when user doing 2 finger tap or CTRL + Click for rotate or scale behaviour
dragmove Trigger event when user doing 2 finger tap for move behaviour
filedrop Trigger event when file was dropped on the element

There are small example for you to try.

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