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Purvesh Kothari Project Log (Eliminate Waste).md

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This Wiki page contains information about how team implemented LEAN value Eliminate Waste during each week.

What is Eliminate Waste?

It is a core principle of LEAN which provides guidelines to remove waste during software development. A feature, functionality, process step is considered as a waste if it doesn't add up as a value to a customer. It is considered as an opposite of value. When a waste is identified, it should be removed from the system, product or process.


  • As this was the first week of the project, we did not have any code or feature related issues where we can apply this principle.
  • While discussing the overall project architecture and technologies, we tried to eliminate the waste which is created by re-learning. Meaning, not using the knowledge that is available within team members.
  • Based on the experience and knowledge, each team member gave information about the database and front-end technologies which can be used to develop the project so that a team member doesn't select some technology to which no one is familiar and get stuck in the upcoming phase.


  • This week we have tried to eliminate the waste which is generally created by the extra features. This type of waste is created by providing more than what is needed or asked for.
  • As we were discussing the functionalities of the Shopping Portal, each team member came up with the functionalities of their domains. Some of those features were not needed to get the shopping portal work. Those were the extra features.
  • Mutually, we agreed upon such features and decided to prepare the list of only basic and necessary features for individual's domain so that we don't complicate the development and prioritize tasks.


  • This week we tried to eliminate the waste which is generally created by partially done work. One of the possible reasons of this type of waste is improper dependencies for a story based on other stories.
  • As we have started development of the web services from this week for all the data domains, there are number of services for which the result is dependent on the output of the web service of other domain.
  • During this meeting, we identified several possible dependencies for some features. We decided to develop web services in such a way that it doesn't create wait time for the dependent web service. We will try to do tasks in parallel as much as possible.


  • This week we tried to eliminate the waste which is generally created by the Hand-offs. Meaning passing the work from one person to other person after completing first person's work.
  • During last week, we identified some web services which are possible dependencies. In this week, we implemented and documented these web services so that other team members who are waiting for it can use these services for their development.
  • Since, different web services have to be developed by the respective member avoiding hand-offs was impossible. We tried to maintain the Kanban board appropriately so that it helped to reduce the hand-off time.


  • This week, we identified some waste which is generated by the delays. This type of waste can occur when something causes more time to deliver a value-added activity.
  • We decided to complete the implementation of the web services of all the domains by the starting of the week. However, due to the technical difficulties and dependencies, couple of team members were not able to complete all the web service implementation.
  • To eliminate this kind of waste generated by the delays, we decided to split up the tasks so that who already completed the web service implementation can start with the front-end development while others complete the web service implementation. So that they can get the head start for the front end development.


  • This week, we identified the waste which is generated by the task switching. This type of waste is generated when a team member moves to another task without completing the first one.
  • One of the team members was developing the web services and was facing some issues that took more time than expected. Since, we have a time constraint it was required to move from the development of web services to setting up the code on a cloud instance. In this way, a waste was generated because of the task switching.
  • This kind of waste can be eliminated by figuring out the proper details about the task before starting it so that it doesn't cause the interruptions. Also, proper and timely coordination between the team helps to reduce this kind of waste.


  • This week, we identified the waste which is generated by the defects. This type of waste is generated when a functionality produces the wrong or erroneous results.
  • During the team meeting, when every team member demonstrated the web services they have implemented, a couple of web services had some issues which was not creating the output as per the requirement discussed. This way the waste was created by the defects.
  • This kind of waste can be eliminated by writing the test cases and performing proper testing during the development. We decided to test our web services thoroughly so that it produces the output as per the requirements.


  • This week, the major portion of the waste generated because of the partially done work as the selected platform didn't match the expected requirement for the presentation.
  • One of the team member had used Neo4j for the product recommendation. Since Neo4j is has the CA property for the CAP theorem, it was not possible to demonstrate the partition tolerance for the Neo4j. That's why all the services and data had to be migrated to the MongoDB thereby creating the waste of previously done work.
  • Since, in this week, we integrated the services, some of the waste generated by the task hand-off as the task completed was not as per the expectation of the receiving team member.