This project provides a Bash script to simplify the process of configuring Git. It guides users through setting up Git with personalized details, selecting a preferred text editor, and applying useful aliases and settings for an enhanced Git experience.
- User-Friendly Prompts: Easily input your Git username and email address.
- Editor Selection: Choose your favorite text editor from a wide range of options, displayed in an organized, two-column format.
- Automatic Git Configuration:
- Establishes helpful Git aliases for common commands.
- Lets the default branch name to main.
- Enables autocorrection for mistyped commands.
- Ensures commits and tags are signed with GPG by default.
Clone the repository git clone
Make sure git is avaialable on your system
git --version
- if this throws an error, you can download the latest version of git for your operating system at
- verify the script and make any modifications if required suitable to your choice and run the script
git cl → git clone git st → git status
git newbr → Create a new branch (git switch -c) git rmbr → Delete a branch (git branch -d) git rmfbr → Force delete a branch (git branch -D) git lastbr → Switch to the previously checked-out branch (git switch -)
git last → View the last commit (git log -1 HEAD) git glog → Display a graphical commit log (git log --oneline --decorate --graph) git fixlc → Amend the last commit (git commit --amend)
If you want to learn more about git, checkout progit It's amazing.