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/******/ (() => {
// webpackBootstrap
/******/ var __webpack_modules__ = {
/***/ "./src/js/index.js":
!*** ./src/js/index.js ***!
/***/ (
) => {
"use strict";
"__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n/* harmony import */ var _node_modules_tiny_slider_dist_tiny_slider_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../../node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css */ \"./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css\");\n/* harmony import */ var _css_animate_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../css/animate.css */ \"./src/css/animate.css\");\n/* harmony import */ var _css_style_css__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../css/style.css */ \"./src/css/style.css\");\n/* harmony import */ var _js_typewriter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__ = __webpack_require__(/*! ../js/typewriter */ \"./src/js/typewriter.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var _js_typewriter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(_js_typewriter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__);\n/* harmony import */ var tiny_slider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__ = __webpack_require__(/*! tiny-slider */ \"./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var isotope_layout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__ = __webpack_require__(/*! isotope-layout */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/isotope.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var isotope_layout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(isotope_layout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5__);\n/* harmony import */ var wowjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__ = __webpack_require__(/*! wowjs */ \"./node_modules/wowjs/dist/wow.js\");\n/* harmony import */ var wowjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(wowjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6__);\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\ = new (wowjs__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6___default().WOW)({\n live: false\n});\{\n offset: 50\n});\n\n//========= testimonial\nvar testimonial = document.querySelectorAll('.testimonial-active');\nif (testimonial.length) {\n (0,tiny_slider__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__.tns)({\n container: '.testimonial-active',\n items: 1,\n slideBy: 'page',\n autoplay: false,\n mouseDrag: true,\n gutter: 0,\n nav: false,\n controlsText: [\"<svg\\n width=\\\"20\\\"\\n height=\\\"20\\\"\\n viewBox=\\\"0 0 20 20\\\"\\n class=\\\"fill-current\\\"\\n >\\n <path\\n d=\\\"M6.52329 10.8331L10.9933 15.3031L9.81496 16.4814L3.3333 9.99978L9.81496 3.51811L10.9933 4.69645L6.52329 9.16645L16.6666 9.16645L16.6666 10.8331L6.52329 10.8331Z\\\"\\n \\n />\\n </svg>\", \"<svg\\n width=\\\"20\\\"\\n height=\\\"20\\\"\\n viewBox=\\\"0 0 20 20\\\"\\n class=\\\"fill-current\\\"\\n >\\n <path\\n d=\\\"M13.4767 9.16689L9.00671 4.69689L10.185 3.51855L16.6667 10.0002L10.185 16.4819L9.00671 15.3036L13.4767 10.8336H3.33337V9.16689H13.4767Z\\\"\\n \\n />\\n </svg>\"]\n });\n}\n\n//============== isotope masonry js\n\nvar elem = document.querySelector('.portfolio-grid');\nvar iso = new (isotope_layout__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5___default())(elem, {\n // options\n itemSelector: '.grid-item',\n masonry: {\n // use outer width of grid-sizer for columnWidth\n columnWidth: '.grid-sizer'\n }\n});\nvar filterButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.portfolio-btn-wrapper button');\nfilterButtons.forEach(function (e) {\n return e.addEventListener('click', function () {\n var filterValue ='data-filter');\n iso.arrange({\n filter: filterValue\n });\n });\n});\n\n//======= portfolio-btn active\nvar elements = document.querySelectorAll('.portfolio-btn-wrapper button');\nfor (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {\n elements[i].onclick = function () {\n // remove class from sibling\n\n var el = elements[0];\n while (el) {\n if (el.tagName === 'BUTTON') {\n //remove class\n el.classList.remove('active');\n }\n // pass to the new sibling\n el = el.nextSibling;\n }\n this.classList.add('active');\n };\n}\n(function () {\n 'use strict';\n\n // ======= Sticky\n window.onscroll = function () {\n var ud_header = document.querySelector('.header');\n var sticky = ud_header.offsetTop;\n if (window.pageYOffset > sticky) {\n ud_header.classList.add('sticky');\n } else {\n ud_header.classList.remove('sticky');\n }\n\n // show or hide the back-top-top button\n var backToTop = document.querySelector('.back-to-top');\n if (document.body.scrollTop > 50 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 50) {\n = 'flex';\n } else {\n = 'none';\n }\n };\n\n // Mobile Menu\n var menuToggler = document.querySelector('.menu-toggler');\n var menuWrapper = document.querySelector('.menu-wrapper');\n menuToggler.addEventListener('click', function () {\n menuWrapper.classList.toggle('show');\n document.body.classList.toggle('overflow-y-hidden');\n menuToggler.querySelector('.cross').classList.toggle('hidden');\n menuToggler.querySelector('.menu').classList.toggle('hidden');\n });\n\n //===== close navbar-collapse when a clicked\n document.querySelectorAll('.navbar li:not(.submenu-item) a').forEach(function (e) {\n return e.addEventListener('click', function () {\n menuWrapper.classList.toggle('show');\n document.body.classList.toggle('overflow-y-hidden');\n menuToggler.querySelector('.cross').classList.toggle('hidden');\n menuToggler.querySelector('.menu').classList.toggle('hidden');\n });\n });\n\n // ===== Sub-menu\n var submenuItems = document.querySelectorAll('.submenu-item');\n submenuItems.forEach(function (el) {\n el.querySelector('a').addEventListener('click', function () {\n el.querySelector('a').classList.toggle('active');\n el.querySelector('.submenu').classList.toggle('hidden');\n });\n });\n\n // ====== scroll top js\n function scrollTo(element) {\n var to = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;\n var duration = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 500;\n var start = element.scrollTop;\n var change = to - start;\n var increment = 20;\n var currentTime = 0;\n var animateScroll = function animateScroll() {\n currentTime += increment;\n var val = Math.easeInOutQuad(currentTime, start, change, duration);\n element.scrollTop = val;\n if (currentTime < duration) {\n setTimeout(animateScroll, increment);\n }\n };\n animateScroll();\n }\n Math.easeInOutQuad = function (t, b, c, d) {\n t /= d / 2;\n if (t < 1) return c / 2 * t * t + b;\n t--;\n return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b;\n };\n document.querySelector('.back-to-top').onclick = function () {\n scrollTo(document.documentElement);\n };\n})();\n\n// Document Loaded\ndocument.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {\n // ==== darkToggler\n var darkTogglerCheckbox = document.querySelector('#darkToggler');\n var html = document.querySelector('html');\n var darkModeToggler = function darkModeToggler() {\n darkTogglerCheckbox.checked ? html.classList.remove('dark') : html.classList.add('dark');\n };\n darkModeToggler();\n darkTogglerCheckbox.addEventListener('click', darkModeToggler);\n});\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./src/js/index.js?",
/***/ "./src/js/typewriter.js":
!*** ./src/js/typewriter.js ***!
/***/ () => {
'function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); }\nfunction _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }\nfunction _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, _toPropertyKey(descriptor.key), descriptor); } }\nfunction _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); Object.defineProperty(Constructor, "prototype", { writable: false }); return Constructor; }\nfunction _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, "string"); return _typeof(key) === "symbol" ? key : String(key); }\nfunction _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (_typeof(input) !== "object" || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || "default"); if (_typeof(res) !== "object") return res; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return (hint === "string" ? String : Number)(input); }\n// ES6 Class\nvar TypeWriter = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n function TypeWriter(txtElement, words) {\n var wait = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : 3000;\n _classCallCheck(this, TypeWriter);\n this.txtElement = txtElement;\n this.words = words;\n this.txt = "";\n this.wordIndex = 0;\n this.wait = parseInt(wait, 10);\n this.type();\n this.isDeleting = false;\n }\n _createClass(TypeWriter, [{\n key: "type",\n value: function type() {\n var _this = this;\n // Current index of word\n var current = this.wordIndex % this.words.length;\n // Get full text of current word\n var fullTxt = this.words[current];\n\n // Check if deleting\n if (this.isDeleting) {\n // Remove char\n this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length - 1);\n } else {\n // Add char\n this.txt = fullTxt.substring(0, this.txt.length + 1);\n }\n\n // Insert txt into element\n this.txtElement.innerHTML = "<span class=\\"txt\\">".concat(this.txt, "</span>");\n\n // Initial Type Speed\n var typeSpeed = 300;\n if (this.isDeleting) {\n typeSpeed /= 2;\n }\n\n // If word is complete\n if (!this.isDeleting && this.txt === fullTxt) {\n // Make pause at end\n typeSpeed = this.wait;\n // Set delete to true\n this.isDeleting = true;\n } else if (this.isDeleting && this.txt === "") {\n this.isDeleting = false;\n // Move to next word\n this.wordIndex++;\n // Pause before start typing\n typeSpeed = 500;\n }\n setTimeout(function () {\n return _this.type();\n }, typeSpeed);\n }\n }]);\n return TypeWriter;\n}(); // Init On DOM Load\ndocument.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", init);\n\n// Init App\nfunction init() {\n var txtElement = document.querySelectorAll(".txt-type");\n if (txtElement.length) {\n var _txtElement = document.querySelector(\'.txt-type\');\n var words = JSON.parse(_txtElement.getAttribute("data-words"));\n var wait = _txtElement.getAttribute("data-wait");\n // Init TypeWriter\n new TypeWriter(_txtElement, words, wait);\n }\n}\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./src/js/typewriter.js?',
/***/ "./node_modules/desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector.js":
!*** ./node_modules/desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * matchesSelector v2.0.2\n * matchesSelector( element, '.selector' )\n * MIT license\n */\n\n/*jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n /*global define: false, module: false */\n 'use strict';\n // universal module definition\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) :\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory() {\n 'use strict';\n\n var matchesMethod = ( function() {\n var ElemProto = window.Element.prototype;\n // check for the standard method name first\n if ( ElemProto.matches ) {\n return 'matches';\n }\n // check un-prefixed\n if ( ElemProto.matchesSelector ) {\n return 'matchesSelector';\n }\n // check vendor prefixes\n var prefixes = [ 'webkit', 'moz', 'ms', 'o' ];\n\n for ( var i=0; i < prefixes.length; i++ ) {\n var prefix = prefixes[i];\n var method = prefix + 'MatchesSelector';\n if ( ElemProto[ method ] ) {\n return method;\n }\n }\n })();\n\n return function matchesSelector( elem, selector ) {\n return elem[ matchesMethod ]( selector );\n };\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/ev-emitter/ev-emitter.js":
!*** ./node_modules/ev-emitter/ev-emitter.js ***!
/***/ function (module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * EvEmitter v1.1.0\n * Lil' event emitter\n * MIT License\n */\n\n/* jshint unused: true, undef: true, strict: true */\n\n( function( global, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module, window */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD - RequireJS\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) :\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( typeof window != 'undefined' ? window : this, function() {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nfunction EvEmitter() {}\n\nvar proto = EvEmitter.prototype;\n\nproto.on = function( eventName, listener ) {\n if ( !eventName || !listener ) {\n return;\n }\n // set events hash\n var events = this._events = this._events || {};\n // set listeners array\n var listeners = events[ eventName ] = events[ eventName ] || [];\n // only add once\n if ( listeners.indexOf( listener ) == -1 ) {\n listeners.push( listener );\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nproto.once = function( eventName, listener ) {\n if ( !eventName || !listener ) {\n return;\n }\n // add event\n this.on( eventName, listener );\n // set once flag\n // set onceEvents hash\n var onceEvents = this._onceEvents = this._onceEvents || {};\n // set onceListeners object\n var onceListeners = onceEvents[ eventName ] = onceEvents[ eventName ] || {};\n // set flag\n onceListeners[ listener ] = true;\n\n return this;\n};\n\ = function( eventName, listener ) {\n var listeners = this._events && this._events[ eventName ];\n if ( !listeners || !listeners.length ) {\n return;\n }\n var index = listeners.indexOf( listener );\n if ( index != -1 ) {\n listeners.splice( index, 1 );\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nproto.emitEvent = function( eventName, args ) {\n var listeners = this._events && this._events[ eventName ];\n if ( !listeners || !listeners.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // copy over to avoid interference if .off() in listener\n listeners = listeners.slice(0);\n args = args || [];\n // once stuff\n var onceListeners = this._onceEvents && this._onceEvents[ eventName ];\n\n for ( var i=0; i < listeners.length; i++ ) {\n var listener = listeners[i]\n var isOnce = onceListeners && onceListeners[ listener ];\n if ( isOnce ) {\n // remove listener\n // remove before trigger to prevent recursion\n eventName, listener );\n // unset once flag\n delete onceListeners[ listener ];\n }\n // trigger listener\n listener.apply( this, args );\n }\n\n return this;\n};\n\nproto.allOff = function() {\n delete this._events;\n delete this._onceEvents;\n};\n\nreturn EvEmitter;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/ev-emitter/ev-emitter.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/fizzy-ui-utils/utils.js":
!*** ./node_modules/fizzy-ui-utils/utils.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * Fizzy UI utils v2.0.7\n * MIT license\n */\n\n/*jshint browser: true, undef: true, unused: true, strict: true */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /*jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector */ \"./node_modules/desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function( matchesSelector ) {\n return factory( window, matchesSelector );\n }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( window, matchesSelector ) {\n\n'use strict';\n\nvar utils = {};\n\n// ----- extend ----- //\n\n// extends objects\nutils.extend = function( a, b ) {\n for ( var prop in b ) {\n a[ prop ] = b[ prop ];\n }\n return a;\n};\n\n// ----- modulo ----- //\n\nutils.modulo = function( num, div ) {\n return ( ( num % div ) + div ) % div;\n};\n\n// ----- makeArray ----- //\n\nvar arraySlice = Array.prototype.slice;\n\n// turn element or nodeList into an array\nutils.makeArray = function( obj ) {\n if ( Array.isArray( obj ) ) {\n // use object if already an array\n return obj;\n }\n // return empty array if undefined or null. #6\n if ( obj === null || obj === undefined ) {\n return [];\n }\n\n var isArrayLike = typeof obj == 'object' && typeof obj.length == 'number';\n if ( isArrayLike ) {\n // convert nodeList to array\n return obj );\n }\n\n // array of single index\n return [ obj ];\n};\n\n// ----- removeFrom ----- //\n\nutils.removeFrom = function( ary, obj ) {\n var index = ary.indexOf( obj );\n if ( index != -1 ) {\n ary.splice( index, 1 );\n }\n};\n\n// ----- getParent ----- //\n\nutils.getParent = function( elem, selector ) {\n while ( elem.parentNode && elem != document.body ) {\n elem = elem.parentNode;\n if ( matchesSelector( elem, selector ) ) {\n return elem;\n }\n }\n};\n\n// ----- getQueryElement ----- //\n\n// use element as selector string\nutils.getQueryElement = function( elem ) {\n if ( typeof elem == 'string' ) {\n return document.querySelector( elem );\n }\n return elem;\n};\n\n// ----- handleEvent ----- //\n\n// enable .ontype to trigger from .addEventListener( elem, 'type' )\nutils.handleEvent = function( event ) {\n var method = 'on' + event.type;\n if ( this[ method ] ) {\n this[ method ]( event );\n }\n};\n\n// ----- filterFindElements ----- //\n\nutils.filterFindElements = function( elems, selector ) {\n // make array of elems\n elems = utils.makeArray( elems );\n var ffElems = [];\n\n elems.forEach( function( elem ) {\n // check that elem is an actual element\n if ( !( elem instanceof HTMLElement ) ) {\n return;\n }\n // add elem if no selector\n if ( !selector ) {\n ffElems.push( elem );\n return;\n }\n // filter & find items if we have a selector\n // filter\n if ( matchesSelector( elem, selector ) ) {\n ffElems.push( elem );\n }\n // find children\n var childElems = elem.querySelectorAll( selector );\n // concat childElems to filterFound array\n for ( var i=0; i < childElems.length; i++ ) {\n ffElems.push( childElems[i] );\n }\n });\n\n return ffElems;\n};\n\n// ----- debounceMethod ----- //\n\nutils.debounceMethod = function( _class, methodName, threshold ) {\n threshold = threshold || 100;\n // original method\n var method = _class.prototype[ methodName ];\n var timeoutName = methodName + 'Timeout';\n\n _class.prototype[ methodName ] = function() {\n var timeout = this[ timeoutName ];\n clearTimeout( timeout );\n\n var args = arguments;\n var _this = this;\n this[ timeoutName ] = setTimeout( function() {\n method.apply( _this, args );\n delete _this[ timeoutName ];\n }, threshold );\n };\n};\n\n// ----- docReady ----- //\n\nutils.docReady = function( callback ) {\n var readyState = document.readyState;\n if ( readyState == 'complete' || readyState == 'interactive' ) {\n // do async to allow for other scripts to run. metafizzy/flickity#441\n setTimeout( callback );\n } else {\n document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', callback );\n }\n};\n\n// ----- htmlInit ----- //\n\n//\nutils.toDashed = function( str ) {\n return str.replace( /(.)([A-Z])/g, function( match, $1, $2 ) {\n return $1 + '-' + $2;\n }).toLowerCase();\n};\n\nvar console = window.console;\n/**\n * allow user to initialize classes via [data-namespace] or .js-namespace class\n * htmlInit( Widget, 'widgetName' )\n * options are parsed from data-namespace-options\n */\nutils.htmlInit = function( WidgetClass, namespace ) {\n utils.docReady( function() {\n var dashedNamespace = utils.toDashed( namespace );\n var dataAttr = 'data-' + dashedNamespace;\n var dataAttrElems = document.querySelectorAll( '[' + dataAttr + ']' );\n var jsDashElems = document.querySelectorAll( '.js-' + dashedNamespace );\n var elems = utils.makeArray( dataAttrElems )\n .concat( utils.makeArray( jsDashElems ) );\n var dataOptionsAttr = dataAttr + '-options';\n var jQuery = window.jQuery;\n\n elems.forEach( function( elem ) {\n var attr = elem.getAttribute( dataAttr ) ||\n elem.getAttribute( dataOptionsAttr );\n var options;\n try {\n options = attr && JSON.parse( attr );\n } catch ( error ) {\n // log error, do not initialize\n if ( console ) {\n console.error( 'Error parsing ' + dataAttr + ' on ' + elem.className +\n ': ' + error );\n }\n return;\n }\n // initialize\n var instance = new WidgetClass( elem, options );\n // make available via $().data('namespace')\n if ( jQuery ) {\n elem, namespace, instance );\n }\n });\n\n });\n};\n\n// ----- ----- //\n\nreturn utils;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/fizzy-ui-utils/utils.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js":
!*** ./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * getSize v2.0.3\n * measure size of elements\n * MIT license\n */\n\n/* jshint browser: true, strict: true, undef: true, unused: true */\n/* globals console: false */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(, __webpack_require__, exports, module)) :\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n})( window, function factory() {\n'use strict';\n\n// -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- //\n\n// get a number from a string, not a percentage\nfunction getStyleSize( value ) {\n var num = parseFloat( value );\n // not a percent like '100%', and a number\n var isValid = value.indexOf('%') == -1 && !isNaN( num );\n return isValid && num;\n}\n\nfunction noop() {}\n\nvar logError = typeof console == 'undefined' ? noop :\n function( message ) {\n console.error( message );\n };\n\n// -------------------------- measurements -------------------------- //\n\nvar measurements = [\n 'paddingLeft',\n 'paddingRight',\n 'paddingTop',\n 'paddingBottom',\n 'marginLeft',\n 'marginRight',\n 'marginTop',\n 'marginBottom',\n 'borderLeftWidth',\n 'borderRightWidth',\n 'borderTopWidth',\n 'borderBottomWidth'\n];\n\nvar measurementsLength = measurements.length;\n\nfunction getZeroSize() {\n var size = {\n width: 0,\n height: 0,\n innerWidth: 0,\n innerHeight: 0,\n outerWidth: 0,\n outerHeight: 0\n };\n for ( var i=0; i < measurementsLength; i++ ) {\n var measurement = measurements[i];\n size[ measurement ] = 0;\n }\n return size;\n}\n\n// -------------------------- getStyle -------------------------- //\n\n/**\n * getStyle, get style of element, check for Firefox bug\n *\n */\nfunction getStyle( elem ) {\n var style = getComputedStyle( elem );\n if ( !style ) {\n logError( 'Style returned ' + style +\n '. Are you running this code in a hidden iframe on Firefox? ' +\n 'See' );\n }\n return style;\n}\n\n// -------------------------- setup -------------------------- //\n\nvar isSetup = false;\n\nvar isBoxSizeOuter;\n\n/**\n * setup\n * check isBoxSizerOuter\n * do on first getSize() rather than on page load for Firefox bug\n */\nfunction setup() {\n // setup once\n if ( isSetup ) {\n return;\n }\n isSetup = true;\n\n // -------------------------- box sizing -------------------------- //\n\n /**\n * Chrome & Safari measure the outer-width on style.width on border-box elems\n * IE11 & Firefox<29 measures the inner-width\n */\n var div = document.createElement('div');\n = '200px';\n = '1px 2px 3px 4px';\n = 'solid';\n = '1px 2px 3px 4px';\n = 'border-box';\n\n var body = document.body || document.documentElement;\n body.appendChild( div );\n var style = getStyle( div );\n // round value for browser zoom. desandro/masonry#928\n isBoxSizeOuter = Math.round( getStyleSize( style.width ) ) == 200;\n getSize.isBoxSizeOuter = isBoxSizeOuter;\n\n body.removeChild( div );\n}\n\n// -------------------------- getSize -------------------------- //\n\nfunction getSize( elem ) {\n setup();\n\n // use querySeletor if elem is string\n if ( typeof elem == 'string' ) {\n elem = document.querySelector( elem );\n }\n\n // do not proceed on non-objects\n if ( !elem || typeof elem != 'object' || !elem.nodeType ) {\n return;\n }\n\n var style = getStyle( elem );\n\n // if hidden, everything is 0\n if ( style.display == 'none' ) {\n return getZeroSize();\n }\n\n var size = {};\n size.width = elem.offsetWidth;\n size.height = elem.offsetHeight;\n\n var isBorderBox = size.isBorderBox = style.boxSizing == 'border-box';\n\n // get all measurements\n for ( var i=0; i < measurementsLength; i++ ) {\n var measurement = measurements[i];\n var value = style[ measurement ];\n var num = parseFloat( value );\n // any 'auto', 'medium' value will be 0\n size[ measurement ] = !isNaN( num ) ? num : 0;\n }\n\n var paddingWidth = size.paddingLeft + size.paddingRight;\n var paddingHeight = size.paddingTop + size.paddingBottom;\n var marginWidth = size.marginLeft + size.marginRight;\n var marginHeight = size.marginTop + size.marginBottom;\n var borderWidth = size.borderLeftWidth + size.borderRightWidth;\n var borderHeight = size.borderTopWidth + size.borderBottomWidth;\n\n var isBorderBoxSizeOuter = isBorderBox && isBoxSizeOuter;\n\n // overwrite width and height if we can get it from style\n var styleWidth = getStyleSize( style.width );\n if ( styleWidth !== false ) {\n size.width = styleWidth +\n // add padding and border unless it's already including it\n ( isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingWidth + borderWidth );\n }\n\n var styleHeight = getStyleSize( style.height );\n if ( styleHeight !== false ) {\n size.height = styleHeight +\n // add padding and border unless it's already including it\n ( isBorderBoxSizeOuter ? 0 : paddingHeight + borderHeight );\n }\n\n size.innerWidth = size.width - ( paddingWidth + borderWidth );\n size.innerHeight = size.height - ( paddingHeight + borderHeight );\n\n size.outerWidth = size.width + marginWidth;\n size.outerHeight = size.height + marginHeight;\n\n return size;\n}\n\nreturn getSize;\n\n});\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/isotope.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/isotope.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * Isotope v3.0.6\n *\n * Licensed GPLv3 for open source use\n * or Isotope Commercial License for commercial use\n *\n *\n * Copyright 2010-2018 Metafizzy\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! outlayer/outlayer */ \"./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! get-size/get-size */ \"./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector */ \"./node_modules/desandro-matches-selector/matches-selector.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! fizzy-ui-utils/utils */ \"./node_modules/fizzy-ui-utils/utils.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./item */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/item.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout-mode */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js\"),\n // include default layout modes\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout-modes/masonry */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout-modes/fit-rows */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./layout-modes/vertical */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function( Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils, Item, LayoutMode ) {\n return factory( window, Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils, Item, LayoutMode );\n }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( window, Outlayer, getSize, matchesSelector, utils,\n Item, LayoutMode ) {\n\n'use strict';\n\n// -------------------------- vars -------------------------- //\n\nvar jQuery = window.jQuery;\n\n// -------------------------- helpers -------------------------- //\n\nvar trim = String.prototype.trim ?\n function( str ) {\n return str.trim();\n } :\n function( str ) {\n return str.replace( /^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '' );\n };\n\n// -------------------------- isotopeDefinition -------------------------- //\n\n // create an Outlayer layout class\n var Isotope = Outlayer.create( 'isotope', {\n layoutMode: 'masonry',\n isJQueryFiltering: true,\n sortAscending: true\n });\n\n Isotope.Item = Item;\n Isotope.LayoutMode = LayoutMode;\n\n var proto = Isotope.prototype;\n\n proto._create = function() {\n this.itemGUID = 0;\n // functions that sort items\n this._sorters = {};\n this._getSorters();\n // call super\n this );\n\n // create layout modes\n this.modes = {};\n // start filteredItems with all items\n this.filteredItems = this.items;\n // keep of track of sortBys\n this.sortHistory = [ 'original-order' ];\n // create from registered layout modes\n for ( var name in LayoutMode.modes ) {\n this._initLayoutMode( name );\n }\n };\n\n proto.reloadItems = function() {\n // reset item ID counter\n this.itemGUID = 0;\n // call super\n this );\n };\n\n proto._itemize = function() {\n var items = Outlayer.prototype._itemize.apply( this, arguments );\n // assign ID for original-order\n for ( var i=0; i < items.length; i++ ) {\n var item = items[i];\n = this.itemGUID++;\n }\n this._updateItemsSortData( items );\n return items;\n };\n\n\n // -------------------------- layout -------------------------- //\n\n proto._initLayoutMode = function( name ) {\n var Mode = LayoutMode.modes[ name ];\n // set mode options\n // HACK extend initial options, back-fill in default options\n var initialOpts = this.options[ name ] || {};\n this.options[ name ] = Mode.options ?\n utils.extend( Mode.options, initialOpts ) : initialOpts;\n // init layout mode instance\n this.modes[ name ] = new Mode( this );\n };\n\n\n proto.layout = function() {\n // if first time doing layout, do all magic\n if ( !this._isLayoutInited && this._getOption('initLayout') ) {\n this.arrange();\n return;\n }\n this._layout();\n };\n\n // private method to be used in layout() & magic()\n proto._layout = function() {\n // don't animate first layout\n var isInstant = this._getIsInstant();\n // layout flow\n this._resetLayout();\n this._manageStamps();\n this.layoutItems( this.filteredItems, isInstant );\n\n // flag for initalized\n this._isLayoutInited = true;\n };\n\n // filter + sort + layout\n proto.arrange = function( opts ) {\n // set any options pass\n this.option( opts );\n this._getIsInstant();\n // filter, sort, and layout\n\n // filter\n var filtered = this._filter( this.items );\n this.filteredItems = filtered.matches;\n\n this._bindArrangeComplete();\n\n if ( this._isInstant ) {\n this._noTransition( this._hideReveal, [ filtered ] );\n } else {\n this._hideReveal( filtered );\n }\n\n this._sort();\n this._layout();\n };\n // alias to _init for main plugin method\n proto._init = proto.arrange;\n\n proto._hideReveal = function( filtered ) {\n this.reveal( filtered.needReveal );\n this.hide( filtered.needHide );\n };\n\n // HACK\n // Don't animate/transition first layout\n // Or don't animate/transition other layouts\n proto._getIsInstant = function() {\n var isLayoutInstant = this._getOption('layoutInstant');\n var isInstant = isLayoutInstant !== undefined ? isLayoutInstant :\n !this._isLayoutInited;\n this._isInstant = isInstant;\n return isInstant;\n };\n\n // listen for layoutComplete, hideComplete and revealComplete\n // to trigger arrangeComplete\n proto._bindArrangeComplete = function() {\n // listen for 3 events to trigger arrangeComplete\n var isLayoutComplete, isHideComplete, isRevealComplete;\n var _this = this;\n function arrangeParallelCallback() {\n if ( isLayoutComplete && isHideComplete && isRevealComplete ) {\n _this.dispatchEvent( 'arrangeComplete', null, [ _this.filteredItems ] );\n }\n }\n this.once( 'layoutComplete', function() {\n isLayoutComplete = true;\n arrangeParallelCallback();\n });\n this.once( 'hideComplete', function() {\n isHideComplete = true;\n arrangeParallelCallback();\n });\n this.once( 'revealComplete', function() {\n isRevealComplete = true;\n arrangeParallelCallback();\n });\n };\n\n // -------------------------- filter -------------------------- //\n\n proto._filter = function( items ) {\n var filter = this.options.filter;\n filter = filter || '*';\n var matches = [];\n var hiddenMatched = [];\n var visibleUnmatched = [];\n\n var test = this._getFilterTest( filter );\n\n // test each item\n for ( var i=0; i < items.length; i++ ) {\n var item = items[i];\n if ( item.isIgnored ) {\n continue;\n }\n // add item to either matched or unmatched group\n var isMatched = test( item );\n // item.isFilterMatched = isMatched;\n // add to matches if its a match\n if ( isMatched ) {\n matches.push( item );\n }\n // add to additional group if item needs to be hidden or revealed\n if ( isMatched && item.isHidden ) {\n hiddenMatched.push( item );\n } else if ( !isMatched && !item.isHidden ) {\n visibleUnmatched.push( item );\n }\n }\n\n // return collections of items to be manipulated\n return {\n matches: matches,\n needReveal: hiddenMatched,\n needHide: visibleUnmatched\n };\n };\n\n // get a jQuery, function, or a matchesSelector test given the filter\n proto._getFilterTest = function( filter ) {\n if ( jQuery && this.options.isJQueryFiltering ) {\n // use jQuery\n return function( item ) {\n return jQuery( item.element ).is( filter );\n };\n }\n if ( typeof filter == 'function' ) {\n // use filter as function\n return function( item ) {\n return filter( item.element );\n };\n }\n // default, use filter as selector string\n return function( item ) {\n return matchesSelector( item.element, filter );\n };\n };\n\n // -------------------------- sorting -------------------------- //\n\n /**\n * @params {Array} elems\n * @public\n */\n proto.updateSortData = function( elems ) {\n // get items\n var items;\n if ( elems ) {\n elems = utils.makeArray( elems );\n items = this.getItems( elems );\n } else {\n // update all items if no elems provided\n items = this.items;\n }\n\n this._getSorters();\n this._updateItemsSortData( items );\n };\n\n proto._getSorters = function() {\n var getSortData = this.options.getSortData;\n for ( var key in getSortData ) {\n var sorter = getSortData[ key ];\n this._sorters[ key ] = mungeSorter( sorter );\n }\n };\n\n /**\n * @params {Array} items - of Isotope.Items\n * @private\n */\n proto._updateItemsSortData = function( items ) {\n // do not update if no items\n var len = items && items.length;\n\n for ( var i=0; len && i < len; i++ ) {\n var item = items[i];\n item.updateSortData();\n }\n };\n\n // ----- munge sorter ----- //\n\n // encapsulate this, as we just need mungeSorter\n // other functions in here are just for munging\n var mungeSorter = ( function() {\n // add a magic layer to sorters for convienent shorthands\n // `.foo-bar` will use the text of .foo-bar querySelector\n // `[foo-bar]` will use attribute\n // you can also add parser\n // `.foo-bar parseInt` will parse that as a number\n function mungeSorter( sorter ) {\n // if not a string, return function or whatever it is\n if ( typeof sorter != 'string' ) {\n return sorter;\n }\n // parse the sorter string\n var args = trim( sorter ).split(' ');\n var query = args[0];\n // check if query looks like [an-attribute]\n var attrMatch = query.match( /^\\[(.+)\\]$/ );\n var attr = attrMatch && attrMatch[1];\n var getValue = getValueGetter( attr, query );\n // use second argument as a parser\n var parser = Isotope.sortDataParsers[ args[1] ];\n // parse the value, if there was a parser\n sorter = parser ? function( elem ) {\n return elem && parser( getValue( elem ) );\n } :\n // otherwise just return value\n function( elem ) {\n return elem && getValue( elem );\n };\n\n return sorter;\n }\n\n // get an attribute getter, or get text of the querySelector\n function getValueGetter( attr, query ) {\n // if query looks like [foo-bar], get attribute\n if ( attr ) {\n return function getAttribute( elem ) {\n return elem.getAttribute( attr );\n };\n }\n\n // otherwise, assume its a querySelector, and get its text\n return function getChildText( elem ) {\n var child = elem.querySelector( query );\n return child && child.textContent;\n };\n }\n\n return mungeSorter;\n })();\n\n // parsers used in getSortData shortcut strings\n Isotope.sortDataParsers = {\n 'parseInt': function( val ) {\n return parseInt( val, 10 );\n },\n 'parseFloat': function( val ) {\n return parseFloat( val );\n }\n };\n\n // ----- sort method ----- //\n\n // sort filteredItem order\n proto._sort = function() {\n if ( !this.options.sortBy ) {\n return;\n }\n // keep track of sortBy History\n var sortBys = utils.makeArray( this.options.sortBy );\n if ( !this._getIsSameSortBy( sortBys ) ) {\n // concat all sortBy and sortHistory, add to front, oldest goes in last\n this.sortHistory = sortBys.concat( this.sortHistory );\n }\n // sort magic\n var itemSorter = getItemSorter( this.sortHistory, this.options.sortAscending );\n this.filteredItems.sort( itemSorter );\n };\n\n // check if sortBys is same as start of sortHistory\n proto._getIsSameSortBy = function( sortBys ) {\n for ( var i=0; i < sortBys.length; i++ ) {\n if ( sortBys[i] != this.sortHistory[i] ) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n return true;\n };\n\n // returns a function used for sorting\n function getItemSorter( sortBys, sortAsc ) {\n return function sorter( itemA, itemB ) {\n // cycle through all sortKeys\n for ( var i = 0; i < sortBys.length; i++ ) {\n var sortBy = sortBys[i];\n var a = itemA.sortData[ sortBy ];\n var b = itemB.sortData[ sortBy ];\n if ( a > b || a < b ) {\n // if sortAsc is an object, use the value given the sortBy key\n var isAscending = sortAsc[ sortBy ] !== undefined ? sortAsc[ sortBy ] : sortAsc;\n var direction = isAscending ? 1 : -1;\n return ( a > b ? 1 : -1 ) * direction;\n }\n }\n return 0;\n };\n }\n\n // -------------------------- methods -------------------------- //\n\n // get layout mode\n proto._mode = function() {\n var layoutMode = this.options.layoutMode;\n var mode = this.modes[ layoutMode ];\n if ( !mode ) {\n // TODO console.error\n throw new Error( 'No layout mode: ' + layoutMode );\n }\n // HACK sync mode's options\n // any options set after init for layout mode need to be synced\n mode.options = this.options[ layoutMode ];\n return mode;\n };\n\n proto._resetLayout = function() {\n // trigger original reset layout\n this );\n this._mode()._resetLayout();\n };\n\n proto._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) {\n return this._mode()._getItemLayoutPosition( item );\n };\n\n proto._manageStamp = function( stamp ) {\n this._mode()._manageStamp( stamp );\n };\n\n proto._getContainerSize = function() {\n return this._mode()._getContainerSize();\n };\n\n proto.needsResizeLayout = function() {\n return this._mode().needsResizeLayout();\n };\n\n // -------------------------- adding & removing -------------------------- //\n\n // HEADS UP overwrites default Outlayer appended\n proto.appended = function( elems ) {\n var items = this.addItems( elems );\n if ( !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // filter, layout, reveal new items\n var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded( items );\n // add to filteredItems\n this.filteredItems = this.filteredItems.concat( filteredItems );\n };\n\n // HEADS UP overwrites default Outlayer prepended\n proto.prepended = function( elems ) {\n var items = this._itemize( elems );\n if ( !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // start new layout\n this._resetLayout();\n this._manageStamps();\n // filter, layout, reveal new items\n var filteredItems = this._filterRevealAdded( items );\n // layout previous items\n this.layoutItems( this.filteredItems );\n // add to items and filteredItems\n this.filteredItems = filteredItems.concat( this.filteredItems );\n this.items = items.concat( this.items );\n };\n\n proto._filterRevealAdded = function( items ) {\n var filtered = this._filter( items );\n this.hide( filtered.needHide );\n // reveal all new items\n this.reveal( filtered.matches );\n // layout new items, no transition\n this.layoutItems( filtered.matches, true );\n return filtered.matches;\n };\n\n /**\n * Filter, sort, and layout newly-appended item elements\n * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems\n */\n proto.insert = function( elems ) {\n var items = this.addItems( elems );\n if ( !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // append item elements\n var i, item;\n var len = items.length;\n for ( i=0; i < len; i++ ) {\n item = items[i];\n this.element.appendChild( item.element );\n }\n // filter new stuff\n var filteredInsertItems = this._filter( items ).matches;\n // set flag\n for ( i=0; i < len; i++ ) {\n items[i].isLayoutInstant = true;\n }\n this.arrange();\n // reset flag\n for ( i=0; i < len; i++ ) {\n delete items[i].isLayoutInstant;\n }\n this.reveal( filteredInsertItems );\n };\n\n var _remove = proto.remove;\n proto.remove = function( elems ) {\n elems = utils.makeArray( elems );\n var removeItems = this.getItems( elems );\n // do regular thing\n this, elems );\n // bail if no items to remove\n var len = removeItems && removeItems.length;\n // remove elems from filteredItems\n for ( var i=0; len && i < len; i++ ) {\n var item = removeItems[i];\n // remove item from collection\n utils.removeFrom( this.filteredItems, item );\n }\n };\n\n proto.shuffle = function() {\n // update random sortData\n for ( var i=0; i < this.items.length; i++ ) {\n var item = this.items[i];\n item.sortData.random = Math.random();\n }\n this.options.sortBy = 'random';\n this._sort();\n this._layout();\n };\n\n /**\n * trigger fn without transition\n * kind of hacky to have this in the first place\n * @param {Function} fn\n * @param {Array} args\n * @returns ret\n * @private\n */\n proto._noTransition = function( fn, args ) {\n // save transitionDuration before disabling\n var transitionDuration = this.options.transitionDuration;\n // disable transition\n this.options.transitionDuration = 0;\n // do it\n var returnValue = fn.apply( this, args );\n // re-enable transition for reveal\n this.options.transitionDuration = transitionDuration;\n return returnValue;\n };\n\n // ----- helper methods ----- //\n\n /**\n * getter method for getting filtered item elements\n * @returns {Array} elems - collection of item elements\n */\n proto.getFilteredItemElements = function() {\n return function( item ) {\n return item.element;\n });\n };\n\n // ----- ----- //\n\n return Isotope;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/isotope.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/item.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/item.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * Isotope Item\n**/\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! outlayer/outlayer */ \"./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( Outlayer ) {\n'use strict';\n\n// -------------------------- Item -------------------------- //\n\n// sub-class Outlayer Item\nfunction Item() {\n Outlayer.Item.apply( this, arguments );\n}\n\nvar proto = Item.prototype = Object.create( Outlayer.Item.prototype );\n\nvar _create = proto._create;\nproto._create = function() {\n // assign id, used for original-order sorting\n = this.layout.itemGUID++;\n this );\n this.sortData = {};\n};\n\nproto.updateSortData = function() {\n if ( this.isIgnored ) {\n return;\n }\n // default sorters\n =;\n // for backward compatibility\n this.sortData['original-order'] =;\n this.sortData.random = Math.random();\n // go thru getSortData obj and apply the sorters\n var getSortData = this.layout.options.getSortData;\n var sorters = this.layout._sorters;\n for ( var key in getSortData ) {\n var sorter = sorters[ key ];\n this.sortData[ key ] = sorter( this.element, this );\n }\n};\n\nvar _destroy = proto.destroy;\nproto.destroy = function() {\n // call super\n _destroy.apply( this, arguments );\n // reset display, #741\n this.css({\n display: ''\n });\n};\n\nreturn Item;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/item.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * Isotope LayoutMode\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! get-size/get-size */ \"./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! outlayer/outlayer */ \"./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( getSize, Outlayer ) {\n 'use strict';\n\n // layout mode class\n function LayoutMode( isotope ) {\n this.isotope = isotope;\n // link properties\n if ( isotope ) {\n this.options = isotope.options[ this.namespace ];\n this.element = isotope.element;\n this.items = isotope.filteredItems;\n this.size = isotope.size;\n }\n }\n\n var proto = LayoutMode.prototype;\n\n /**\n * some methods should just defer to default Outlayer method\n * and reference the Isotope instance as `this`\n **/\n var facadeMethods = [\n '_resetLayout',\n '_getItemLayoutPosition',\n '_manageStamp',\n '_getContainerSize',\n '_getElementOffset',\n 'needsResizeLayout',\n '_getOption'\n ];\n\n facadeMethods.forEach( function( methodName ) {\n proto[ methodName ] = function() {\n return Outlayer.prototype[ methodName ].apply( this.isotope, arguments );\n };\n });\n\n // ----- ----- //\n\n // for horizontal layout modes, check vertical size\n proto.needsVerticalResizeLayout = function() {\n // don't trigger if size did not change\n var size = getSize( this.isotope.element );\n // check that this.size and size are there\n // IE8 triggers resize on body size change, so they might not be\n var hasSizes = this.isotope.size && size;\n return hasSizes && size.innerHeight != this.isotope.size.innerHeight;\n };\n\n // ----- measurements ----- //\n\n proto._getMeasurement = function() {\n this.isotope._getMeasurement.apply( this, arguments );\n };\n\n proto.getColumnWidth = function() {\n this.getSegmentSize( 'column', 'Width' );\n };\n\n proto.getRowHeight = function() {\n this.getSegmentSize( 'row', 'Height' );\n };\n\n /**\n * get columnWidth or rowHeight\n * segment: 'column' or 'row'\n * size 'Width' or 'Height'\n **/\n proto.getSegmentSize = function( segment, size ) {\n var segmentName = segment + size;\n var outerSize = 'outer' + size;\n // columnWidth / outerWidth // rowHeight / outerHeight\n this._getMeasurement( segmentName, outerSize );\n // got rowHeight or columnWidth, we can chill\n if ( this[ segmentName ] ) {\n return;\n }\n // fall back to item of first element\n var firstItemSize = this.getFirstItemSize();\n this[ segmentName ] = firstItemSize && firstItemSize[ outerSize ] ||\n // or size of container\n this.isotope.size[ 'inner' + size ];\n };\n\n proto.getFirstItemSize = function() {\n var firstItem = this.isotope.filteredItems[0];\n return firstItem && firstItem.element && getSize( firstItem.element );\n };\n\n // ----- methods that should reference isotope ----- //\n\n proto.layout = function() {\n this.isotope.layout.apply( this.isotope, arguments );\n };\n\n proto.getSize = function() {\n this.isotope.getSize();\n this.size = this.isotope.size;\n };\n\n // -------------------------- create -------------------------- //\n\n LayoutMode.modes = {};\n\n LayoutMode.create = function( namespace, options ) {\n\n function Mode() {\n LayoutMode.apply( this, arguments );\n }\n\n Mode.prototype = Object.create( proto );\n Mode.prototype.constructor = Mode;\n\n // default options\n if ( options ) {\n Mode.options = options;\n }\n\n Mode.prototype.namespace = namespace;\n // register in Isotope\n LayoutMode.modes[ namespace ] = Mode;\n\n return Mode;\n };\n\n return LayoutMode;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * fitRows layout mode\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! ../layout-mode */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( LayoutMode ) {\n'use strict';\n\nvar FitRows = LayoutMode.create('fitRows');\n\nvar proto = FitRows.prototype;\n\nproto._resetLayout = function() {\n this.x = 0;\n this.y = 0;\n this.maxY = 0;\n this._getMeasurement( 'gutter', 'outerWidth' );\n};\n\nproto._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) {\n item.getSize();\n\n var itemWidth = item.size.outerWidth + this.gutter;\n // if this element cannot fit in the current row\n var containerWidth = this.isotope.size.innerWidth + this.gutter;\n if ( this.x !== 0 && itemWidth + this.x > containerWidth ) {\n this.x = 0;\n this.y = this.maxY;\n }\n\n var position = {\n x: this.x,\n y: this.y\n };\n\n this.maxY = Math.max( this.maxY, this.y + item.size.outerHeight );\n this.x += itemWidth;\n\n return position;\n};\n\nproto._getContainerSize = function() {\n return { height: this.maxY };\n};\n\nreturn FitRows;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/fit-rows.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * Masonry layout mode\n * sub-classes Masonry\n *\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! ../layout-mode */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! masonry-layout/masonry */ \"./node_modules/masonry-layout/masonry.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( LayoutMode, Masonry ) {\n'use strict';\n\n// -------------------------- masonryDefinition -------------------------- //\n\n // create an Outlayer layout class\n var MasonryMode = LayoutMode.create('masonry');\n\n var proto = MasonryMode.prototype;\n\n var keepModeMethods = {\n _getElementOffset: true,\n layout: true,\n _getMeasurement: true\n };\n\n // inherit Masonry prototype\n for ( var method in Masonry.prototype ) {\n // do not inherit mode methods\n if ( !keepModeMethods[ method ] ) {\n proto[ method ] = Masonry.prototype[ method ];\n }\n }\n\n var measureColumns = proto.measureColumns;\n proto.measureColumns = function() {\n // set items, used if measuring first item\n this.items = this.isotope.filteredItems;\n this );\n };\n\n // point to mode options for fitWidth\n var _getOption = proto._getOption;\n proto._getOption = function( option ) {\n if ( option == 'fitWidth' ) {\n return this.options.isFitWidth !== undefined ?\n this.options.isFitWidth : this.options.fitWidth;\n }\n return _getOption.apply( this.isotope, arguments );\n };\n\n return MasonryMode;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/masonry.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical.js":
!*** ./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * vertical layout mode\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! ../layout-mode */ \"./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-mode.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( LayoutMode ) {\n'use strict';\n\nvar Vertical = LayoutMode.create( 'vertical', {\n horizontalAlignment: 0\n});\n\nvar proto = Vertical.prototype;\n\nproto._resetLayout = function() {\n this.y = 0;\n};\n\nproto._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) {\n item.getSize();\n var x = ( this.isotope.size.innerWidth - item.size.outerWidth ) *\n this.options.horizontalAlignment;\n var y = this.y;\n this.y += item.size.outerHeight;\n return { x: x, y: y };\n};\n\nproto._getContainerSize = function() {\n return { height: this.y };\n};\n\nreturn Vertical;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/isotope-layout/js/layout-modes/vertical.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/masonry-layout/masonry.js":
!*** ./node_modules/masonry-layout/masonry.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * Masonry v4.2.2\n * Cascading grid layout library\n *\n * MIT License\n * by David DeSandro\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /*globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! outlayer/outlayer */ \"./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! get-size/get-size */ \"./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( Outlayer, getSize ) {\n\n'use strict';\n\n// -------------------------- masonryDefinition -------------------------- //\n\n // create an Outlayer layout class\n var Masonry = Outlayer.create('masonry');\n // isFitWidth -> fitWidth\n Masonry.compatOptions.fitWidth = 'isFitWidth';\n\n var proto = Masonry.prototype;\n\n proto._resetLayout = function() {\n this.getSize();\n this._getMeasurement( 'columnWidth', 'outerWidth' );\n this._getMeasurement( 'gutter', 'outerWidth' );\n this.measureColumns();\n\n // reset column Y\n this.colYs = [];\n for ( var i=0; i < this.cols; i++ ) {\n this.colYs.push( 0 );\n }\n\n this.maxY = 0;\n this.horizontalColIndex = 0;\n };\n\n proto.measureColumns = function() {\n this.getContainerWidth();\n // if columnWidth is 0, default to outerWidth of first item\n if ( !this.columnWidth ) {\n var firstItem = this.items[0];\n var firstItemElem = firstItem && firstItem.element;\n // columnWidth fall back to item of first element\n this.columnWidth = firstItemElem && getSize( firstItemElem ).outerWidth ||\n // if first elem has no width, default to size of container\n this.containerWidth;\n }\n\n var columnWidth = this.columnWidth += this.gutter;\n\n // calculate columns\n var containerWidth = this.containerWidth + this.gutter;\n var cols = containerWidth / columnWidth;\n // fix rounding errors, typically with gutters\n var excess = columnWidth - containerWidth % columnWidth;\n // if overshoot is less than a pixel, round up, otherwise floor it\n var mathMethod = excess && excess < 1 ? 'round' : 'floor';\n cols = Math[ mathMethod ]( cols );\n this.cols = Math.max( cols, 1 );\n };\n\n proto.getContainerWidth = function() {\n // container is parent if fit width\n var isFitWidth = this._getOption('fitWidth');\n var container = isFitWidth ? this.element.parentNode : this.element;\n // check that this.size and size are there\n // IE8 triggers resize on body size change, so they might not be\n var size = getSize( container );\n this.containerWidth = size && size.innerWidth;\n };\n\n proto._getItemLayoutPosition = function( item ) {\n item.getSize();\n // how many columns does this brick span\n var remainder = item.size.outerWidth % this.columnWidth;\n var mathMethod = remainder && remainder < 1 ? 'round' : 'ceil';\n // round if off by 1 pixel, otherwise use ceil\n var colSpan = Math[ mathMethod ]( item.size.outerWidth / this.columnWidth );\n colSpan = Math.min( colSpan, this.cols );\n // use horizontal or top column position\n var colPosMethod = this.options.horizontalOrder ?\n '_getHorizontalColPosition' : '_getTopColPosition';\n var colPosition = this[ colPosMethod ]( colSpan, item );\n // position the brick\n var position = {\n x: this.columnWidth * colPosition.col,\n y: colPosition.y\n };\n // apply setHeight to necessary columns\n var setHeight = colPosition.y + item.size.outerHeight;\n var setMax = colSpan + colPosition.col;\n for ( var i = colPosition.col; i < setMax; i++ ) {\n this.colYs[i] = setHeight;\n }\n\n return position;\n };\n\n proto._getTopColPosition = function( colSpan ) {\n var colGroup = this._getTopColGroup( colSpan );\n // get the minimum Y value from the columns\n var minimumY = Math.min.apply( Math, colGroup );\n\n return {\n col: colGroup.indexOf( minimumY ),\n y: minimumY,\n };\n };\n\n /**\n * @param {Number} colSpan - number of columns the element spans\n * @returns {Array} colGroup\n */\n proto._getTopColGroup = function( colSpan ) {\n if ( colSpan < 2 ) {\n // if brick spans only one column, use all the column Ys\n return this.colYs;\n }\n\n var colGroup = [];\n // how many different places could this brick fit horizontally\n var groupCount = this.cols + 1 - colSpan;\n // for each group potential horizontal position\n for ( var i = 0; i < groupCount; i++ ) {\n colGroup[i] = this._getColGroupY( i, colSpan );\n }\n return colGroup;\n };\n\n proto._getColGroupY = function( col, colSpan ) {\n if ( colSpan < 2 ) {\n return this.colYs[ col ];\n }\n // make an array of colY values for that one group\n var groupColYs = this.colYs.slice( col, col + colSpan );\n // and get the max value of the array\n return Math.max.apply( Math, groupColYs );\n };\n\n // get column position based on horizontal index. #873\n proto._getHorizontalColPosition = function( colSpan, item ) {\n var col = this.horizontalColIndex % this.cols;\n var isOver = colSpan > 1 && col + colSpan > this.cols;\n // shift to next row if item can't fit on current row\n col = isOver ? 0 : col;\n // don't let zero-size items take up space\n var hasSize = item.size.outerWidth && item.size.outerHeight;\n this.horizontalColIndex = hasSize ? col + colSpan : this.horizontalColIndex;\n\n return {\n col: col,\n y: this._getColGroupY( col, colSpan ),\n };\n };\n\n proto._manageStamp = function( stamp ) {\n var stampSize = getSize( stamp );\n var offset = this._getElementOffset( stamp );\n // get the columns that this stamp affects\n var isOriginLeft = this._getOption('originLeft');\n var firstX = isOriginLeft ? offset.left : offset.right;\n var lastX = firstX + stampSize.outerWidth;\n var firstCol = Math.floor( firstX / this.columnWidth );\n firstCol = Math.max( 0, firstCol );\n var lastCol = Math.floor( lastX / this.columnWidth );\n // lastCol should not go over if multiple of columnWidth #425\n lastCol -= lastX % this.columnWidth ? 0 : 1;\n lastCol = Math.min( this.cols - 1, lastCol );\n // set colYs to bottom of the stamp\n\n var isOriginTop = this._getOption('originTop');\n var stampMaxY = ( isOriginTop ? : offset.bottom ) +\n stampSize.outerHeight;\n for ( var i = firstCol; i <= lastCol; i++ ) {\n this.colYs[i] = Math.max( stampMaxY, this.colYs[i] );\n }\n };\n\n proto._getContainerSize = function() {\n this.maxY = Math.max.apply( Math, this.colYs );\n var size = {\n height: this.maxY\n };\n\n if ( this._getOption('fitWidth') ) {\n size.width = this._getContainerFitWidth();\n }\n\n return size;\n };\n\n proto._getContainerFitWidth = function() {\n var unusedCols = 0;\n // count unused columns\n var i = this.cols;\n while ( --i ) {\n if ( this.colYs[i] !== 0 ) {\n break;\n }\n unusedCols++;\n }\n // fit container to columns that have been used\n return ( this.cols - unusedCols ) * this.columnWidth - this.gutter;\n };\n\n proto.needsResizeLayout = function() {\n var previousWidth = this.containerWidth;\n this.getContainerWidth();\n return previousWidth != this.containerWidth;\n };\n\n return Masonry;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/masonry-layout/masonry.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css":
!*** ./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css ***!
/***/ (
) => {
"use strict";
"__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.css?",
/***/ "./src/css/animate.css":
!*** ./src/css/animate.css ***!
/***/ (
) => {
"use strict";
"__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./src/css/animate.css?",
/***/ "./src/css/style.css":
!*** ./src/css/style.css ***!
/***/ (
) => {
"use strict";
"__webpack_require__.r(__webpack_exports__);\n// extracted by mini-css-extract-plugin\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./src/css/style.css?",
/***/ "./node_modules/outlayer/item.js":
!*** ./node_modules/outlayer/item.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/**\n * Outlayer Item\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD - RequireJS\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! ev-emitter/ev-emitter */ \"./node_modules/ev-emitter/ev-emitter.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! get-size/get-size */ \"./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ = (factory),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (typeof __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__ === 'function' ?\n\t\t(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__.apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__)) : __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_FACTORY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( EvEmitter, getSize ) {\n'use strict';\n\n// ----- helpers ----- //\n\nfunction isEmptyObj( obj ) {\n for ( var prop in obj ) {\n return false;\n }\n prop = null;\n return true;\n}\n\n// -------------------------- CSS3 support -------------------------- //\n\n\nvar docElemStyle =;\n\nvar transitionProperty = typeof docElemStyle.transition == 'string' ?\n 'transition' : 'WebkitTransition';\nvar transformProperty = typeof docElemStyle.transform == 'string' ?\n 'transform' : 'WebkitTransform';\n\nvar transitionEndEvent = {\n WebkitTransition: 'webkitTransitionEnd',\n transition: 'transitionend'\n}[ transitionProperty ];\n\n// cache all vendor properties that could have vendor prefix\nvar vendorProperties = {\n transform: transformProperty,\n transition: transitionProperty,\n transitionDuration: transitionProperty + 'Duration',\n transitionProperty: transitionProperty + 'Property',\n transitionDelay: transitionProperty + 'Delay'\n};\n\n// -------------------------- Item -------------------------- //\n\nfunction Item( element, layout ) {\n if ( !element ) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.element = element;\n // parent layout class, i.e. Masonry, Isotope, or Packery\n this.layout = layout;\n this.position = {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n };\n\n this._create();\n}\n\n// inherit EvEmitter\nvar proto = Item.prototype = Object.create( EvEmitter.prototype );\nproto.constructor = Item;\n\nproto._create = function() {\n // transition objects\n this._transn = {\n ingProperties: {},\n clean: {},\n onEnd: {}\n };\n\n this.css({\n position: 'absolute'\n });\n};\n\n// trigger specified handler for event type\nproto.handleEvent = function( event ) {\n var method = 'on' + event.type;\n if ( this[ method ] ) {\n this[ method ]( event );\n }\n};\n\nproto.getSize = function() {\n this.size = getSize( this.element );\n};\n\n/**\n * apply CSS styles to element\n * @param {Object} style\n */\nproto.css = function( style ) {\n var elemStyle =;\n\n for ( var prop in style ) {\n // use vendor property if available\n var supportedProp = vendorProperties[ prop ] || prop;\n elemStyle[ supportedProp ] = style[ prop ];\n }\n};\n\n // measure position, and sets it\nproto.getPosition = function() {\n var style = getComputedStyle( this.element );\n var isOriginLeft = this.layout._getOption('originLeft');\n var isOriginTop = this.layout._getOption('originTop');\n var xValue = style[ isOriginLeft ? 'left' : 'right' ];\n var yValue = style[ isOriginTop ? 'top' : 'bottom' ];\n var x = parseFloat( xValue );\n var y = parseFloat( yValue );\n // convert percent to pixels\n var layoutSize = this.layout.size;\n if ( xValue.indexOf('%') != -1 ) {\n x = ( x / 100 ) * layoutSize.width;\n }\n if ( yValue.indexOf('%') != -1 ) {\n y = ( y / 100 ) * layoutSize.height;\n }\n // clean up 'auto' or other non-integer values\n x = isNaN( x ) ? 0 : x;\n y = isNaN( y ) ? 0 : y;\n // remove padding from measurement\n x -= isOriginLeft ? layoutSize.paddingLeft : layoutSize.paddingRight;\n y -= isOriginTop ? layoutSize.paddingTop : layoutSize.paddingBottom;\n\n this.position.x = x;\n this.position.y = y;\n};\n\n// set settled position, apply padding\nproto.layoutPosition = function() {\n var layoutSize = this.layout.size;\n var style = {};\n var isOriginLeft = this.layout._getOption('originLeft');\n var isOriginTop = this.layout._getOption('originTop');\n\n // x\n var xPadding = isOriginLeft ? 'paddingLeft' : 'paddingRight';\n var xProperty = isOriginLeft ? 'left' : 'right';\n var xResetProperty = isOriginLeft ? 'right' : 'left';\n\n var x = this.position.x + layoutSize[ xPadding ];\n // set in percentage or pixels\n style[ xProperty ] = this.getXValue( x );\n // reset other property\n style[ xResetProperty ] = '';\n\n // y\n var yPadding = isOriginTop ? 'paddingTop' : 'paddingBottom';\n var yProperty = isOriginTop ? 'top' : 'bottom';\n var yResetProperty = isOriginTop ? 'bottom' : 'top';\n\n var y = this.position.y + layoutSize[ yPadding ];\n // set in percentage or pixels\n style[ yProperty ] = this.getYValue( y );\n // reset other property\n style[ yResetProperty ] = '';\n\n this.css( style );\n this.emitEvent( 'layout', [ this ] );\n};\n\nproto.getXValue = function( x ) {\n var isHorizontal = this.layout._getOption('horizontal');\n return this.layout.options.percentPosition && !isHorizontal ?\n ( ( x / this.layout.size.width ) * 100 ) + '%' : x + 'px';\n};\n\nproto.getYValue = function( y ) {\n var isHorizontal = this.layout._getOption('horizontal');\n return this.layout.options.percentPosition && isHorizontal ?\n ( ( y / this.layout.size.height ) * 100 ) + '%' : y + 'px';\n};\n\nproto._transitionTo = function( x, y ) {\n this.getPosition();\n // get current x & y from top/left\n var curX = this.position.x;\n var curY = this.position.y;\n\n var didNotMove = x == this.position.x && y == this.position.y;\n\n // save end position\n this.setPosition( x, y );\n\n // if did not move and not transitioning, just go to layout\n if ( didNotMove && !this.isTransitioning ) {\n this.layoutPosition();\n return;\n }\n\n var transX = x - curX;\n var transY = y - curY;\n var transitionStyle = {};\n transitionStyle.transform = this.getTranslate( transX, transY );\n\n this.transition({\n to: transitionStyle,\n onTransitionEnd: {\n transform: this.layoutPosition\n },\n isCleaning: true\n });\n};\n\nproto.getTranslate = function( x, y ) {\n // flip cooridinates if origin on right or bottom\n var isOriginLeft = this.layout._getOption('originLeft');\n var isOriginTop = this.layout._getOption('originTop');\n x = isOriginLeft ? x : -x;\n y = isOriginTop ? y : -y;\n return 'translate3d(' + x + 'px, ' + y + 'px, 0)';\n};\n\n// non transition + transform support\nproto.goTo = function( x, y ) {\n this.setPosition( x, y );\n this.layoutPosition();\n};\n\nproto.moveTo = proto._transitionTo;\n\nproto.setPosition = function( x, y ) {\n this.position.x = parseFloat( x );\n this.position.y = parseFloat( y );\n};\n\n// ----- transition ----- //\n\n/**\n * @param {Object} style - CSS\n * @param {Function} onTransitionEnd\n */\n\n// non transition, just trigger callback\nproto._nonTransition = function( args ) {\n this.css( );\n if ( args.isCleaning ) {\n this._removeStyles( );\n }\n for ( var prop in args.onTransitionEnd ) {\n args.onTransitionEnd[ prop ].call( this );\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * proper transition\n * @param {Object} args - arguments\n * @param {Object} to - style to transition to\n * @param {Object} from - style to start transition from\n * @param {Boolean} isCleaning - removes transition styles after transition\n * @param {Function} onTransitionEnd - callback\n */\nproto.transition = function( args ) {\n // redirect to nonTransition if no transition duration\n if ( !parseFloat( this.layout.options.transitionDuration ) ) {\n this._nonTransition( args );\n return;\n }\n\n var _transition = this._transn;\n // keep track of onTransitionEnd callback by css property\n for ( var prop in args.onTransitionEnd ) {\n _transition.onEnd[ prop ] = args.onTransitionEnd[ prop ];\n }\n // keep track of properties that are transitioning\n for ( prop in ) {\n _transition.ingProperties[ prop ] = true;\n // keep track of properties to clean up when transition is done\n if ( args.isCleaning ) {\n _transition.clean[ prop ] = true;\n }\n }\n\n // set from styles\n if ( args.from ) {\n this.css( args.from );\n // force redraw.\n var h = this.element.offsetHeight;\n // hack for JSHint to hush about unused var\n h = null;\n }\n // enable transition\n this.enableTransition( );\n // set styles that are transitioning\n this.css( );\n\n this.isTransitioning = true;\n\n};\n\n// dash before all cap letters, including first for\n// WebkitTransform => -webkit-transform\nfunction toDashedAll( str ) {\n return str.replace( /([A-Z])/g, function( $1 ) {\n return '-' + $1.toLowerCase();\n });\n}\n\nvar transitionProps = 'opacity,' + toDashedAll( transformProperty );\n\nproto.enableTransition = function(/* style */) {\n // HACK changing transitionProperty during a transition\n // will cause transition to jump\n if ( this.isTransitioning ) {\n return;\n }\n\n // make `transition: foo, bar, baz` from style object\n // HACK un-comment this when enableTransition can work\n // while a transition is happening\n // var transitionValues = [];\n // for ( var prop in style ) {\n // // dash-ify camelCased properties like WebkitTransition\n // prop = vendorProperties[ prop ] || prop;\n // transitionValues.push( toDashedAll( prop ) );\n // }\n // munge number to millisecond, to match stagger\n var duration = this.layout.options.transitionDuration;\n duration = typeof duration == 'number' ? duration + 'ms' : duration;\n // enable transition styles\n this.css({\n transitionProperty: transitionProps,\n transitionDuration: duration,\n transitionDelay: this.staggerDelay || 0\n });\n // listen for transition end event\n this.element.addEventListener( transitionEndEvent, this, false );\n};\n\n// ----- events ----- //\n\nproto.onwebkitTransitionEnd = function( event ) {\n this.ontransitionend( event );\n};\n\nproto.onotransitionend = function( event ) {\n this.ontransitionend( event );\n};\n\n// properties that I munge to make my life easier\nvar dashedVendorProperties = {\n '-webkit-transform': 'transform'\n};\n\nproto.ontransitionend = function( event ) {\n // disregard bubbled events from children\n if ( !== this.element ) {\n return;\n }\n var _transition = this._transn;\n // get property name of transitioned property, convert to prefix-free\n var propertyName = dashedVendorProperties[ event.propertyName ] || event.propertyName;\n\n // remove property that has completed transitioning\n delete _transition.ingProperties[ propertyName ];\n // check if any properties are still transitioning\n if ( isEmptyObj( _transition.ingProperties ) ) {\n // all properties have completed transitioning\n this.disableTransition();\n }\n // clean style\n if ( propertyName in _transition.clean ) {\n // clean up style\n[ event.propertyName ] = '';\n delete _transition.clean[ propertyName ];\n }\n // trigger onTransitionEnd callback\n if ( propertyName in _transition.onEnd ) {\n var onTransitionEnd = _transition.onEnd[ propertyName ];\n this );\n delete _transition.onEnd[ propertyName ];\n }\n\n this.emitEvent( 'transitionEnd', [ this ] );\n};\n\nproto.disableTransition = function() {\n this.removeTransitionStyles();\n this.element.removeEventListener( transitionEndEvent, this, false );\n this.isTransitioning = false;\n};\n\n/**\n * removes style property from element\n * @param {Object} style\n**/\nproto._removeStyles = function( style ) {\n // clean up transition styles\n var cleanStyle = {};\n for ( var prop in style ) {\n cleanStyle[ prop ] = '';\n }\n this.css( cleanStyle );\n};\n\nvar cleanTransitionStyle = {\n transitionProperty: '',\n transitionDuration: '',\n transitionDelay: ''\n};\n\nproto.removeTransitionStyles = function() {\n // remove transition\n this.css( cleanTransitionStyle );\n};\n\n// ----- stagger ----- //\n\nproto.stagger = function( delay ) {\n delay = isNaN( delay ) ? 0 : delay;\n this.staggerDelay = delay + 'ms';\n};\n\n// ----- show/hide/remove ----- //\n\n// remove element from DOM\nproto.removeElem = function() {\n this.element.parentNode.removeChild( this.element );\n // remove display: none\n this.css({ display: '' });\n this.emitEvent( 'remove', [ this ] );\n};\n\nproto.remove = function() {\n // just remove element if no transition support or no transition\n if ( !transitionProperty || !parseFloat( this.layout.options.transitionDuration ) ) {\n this.removeElem();\n return;\n }\n\n // start transition\n this.once( 'transitionEnd', function() {\n this.removeElem();\n });\n this.hide();\n};\n\nproto.reveal = function() {\n delete this.isHidden;\n // remove display: none\n this.css({ display: '' });\n\n var options = this.layout.options;\n\n var onTransitionEnd = {};\n var transitionEndProperty = this.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty('visibleStyle');\n onTransitionEnd[ transitionEndProperty ] = this.onRevealTransitionEnd;\n\n this.transition({\n from: options.hiddenStyle,\n to: options.visibleStyle,\n isCleaning: true,\n onTransitionEnd: onTransitionEnd\n });\n};\n\nproto.onRevealTransitionEnd = function() {\n // check if still visible\n // during transition, item may have been hidden\n if ( !this.isHidden ) {\n this.emitEvent('reveal');\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * get style property use for hide/reveal transition end\n * @param {String} styleProperty - hiddenStyle/visibleStyle\n * @returns {String}\n */\nproto.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty = function( styleProperty ) {\n var optionStyle = this.layout.options[ styleProperty ];\n // use opacity\n if ( optionStyle.opacity ) {\n return 'opacity';\n }\n // get first property\n for ( var prop in optionStyle ) {\n return prop;\n }\n};\n\nproto.hide = function() {\n // set flag\n this.isHidden = true;\n // remove display: none\n this.css({ display: '' });\n\n var options = this.layout.options;\n\n var onTransitionEnd = {};\n var transitionEndProperty = this.getHideRevealTransitionEndProperty('hiddenStyle');\n onTransitionEnd[ transitionEndProperty ] = this.onHideTransitionEnd;\n\n this.transition({\n from: options.visibleStyle,\n to: options.hiddenStyle,\n // keep hidden stuff hidden\n isCleaning: true,\n onTransitionEnd: onTransitionEnd\n });\n};\n\nproto.onHideTransitionEnd = function() {\n // check if still hidden\n // during transition, item may have been un-hidden\n if ( this.isHidden ) {\n this.css({ display: 'none' });\n this.emitEvent('hide');\n }\n};\n\nproto.destroy = function() {\n this.css({\n position: '',\n left: '',\n right: '',\n top: '',\n bottom: '',\n transition: '',\n transform: ''\n });\n};\n\nreturn Item;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/outlayer/item.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js":
!*** ./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js ***!
/***/ (module, exports, __webpack_require__) => {
"var __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__;/*!\n * Outlayer v2.1.1\n * the brains and guts of a layout library\n * MIT license\n */\n\n( function( window, factory ) {\n 'use strict';\n // universal module definition\n /* jshint strict: false */ /* globals define, module, require */\n if ( true ) {\n // AMD - RequireJS\n !(__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__ = [\n __webpack_require__(/*! ev-emitter/ev-emitter */ \"./node_modules/ev-emitter/ev-emitter.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! get-size/get-size */ \"./node_modules/get-size/get-size.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! fizzy-ui-utils/utils */ \"./node_modules/fizzy-ui-utils/utils.js\"),\n __webpack_require__(/*! ./item */ \"./node_modules/outlayer/item.js\")\n ], __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ = (function( EvEmitter, getSize, utils, Item ) {\n return factory( window, EvEmitter, getSize, utils, Item);\n }).apply(exports, __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_ARRAY__),\n\t\t__WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__ !== undefined && (module.exports = __WEBPACK_AMD_DEFINE_RESULT__));\n } else {}\n\n}( window, function factory( window, EvEmitter, getSize, utils, Item ) {\n'use strict';\n\n// ----- vars ----- //\n\nvar console = window.console;\nvar jQuery = window.jQuery;\nvar noop = function() {};\n\n// -------------------------- Outlayer -------------------------- //\n\n// globally unique identifiers\nvar GUID = 0;\n// internal store of all Outlayer intances\nvar instances = {};\n\n\n/**\n * @param {Element, String} element\n * @param {Object} options\n * @constructor\n */\nfunction Outlayer( element, options ) {\n var queryElement = utils.getQueryElement( element );\n if ( !queryElement ) {\n if ( console ) {\n console.error( 'Bad element for ' + this.constructor.namespace +\n ': ' + ( queryElement || element ) );\n }\n return;\n }\n this.element = queryElement;\n // add jQuery\n if ( jQuery ) {\n this.$element = jQuery( this.element );\n }\n\n // options\n this.options = utils.extend( {}, this.constructor.defaults );\n this.option( options );\n\n // add id for Outlayer.getFromElement\n var id = ++GUID;\n this.element.outlayerGUID = id; // expando\n instances[ id ] = this; // associate via id\n\n // kick it off\n this._create();\n\n var isInitLayout = this._getOption('initLayout');\n if ( isInitLayout ) {\n this.layout();\n }\n}\n\n// settings are for internal use only\nOutlayer.namespace = 'outlayer';\nOutlayer.Item = Item;\n\n// default options\nOutlayer.defaults = {\n containerStyle: {\n position: 'relative'\n },\n initLayout: true,\n originLeft: true,\n originTop: true,\n resize: true,\n resizeContainer: true,\n // item options\n transitionDuration: '0.4s',\n hiddenStyle: {\n opacity: 0,\n transform: 'scale(0.001)'\n },\n visibleStyle: {\n opacity: 1,\n transform: 'scale(1)'\n }\n};\n\nvar proto = Outlayer.prototype;\n// inherit EvEmitter\nutils.extend( proto, EvEmitter.prototype );\n\n/**\n * set options\n * @param {Object} opts\n */\nproto.option = function( opts ) {\n utils.extend( this.options, opts );\n};\n\n/**\n * get backwards compatible option value, check old name\n */\nproto._getOption = function( option ) {\n var oldOption = this.constructor.compatOptions[ option ];\n return oldOption && this.options[ oldOption ] !== undefined ?\n this.options[ oldOption ] : this.options[ option ];\n};\n\nOutlayer.compatOptions = {\n // currentName: oldName\n initLayout: 'isInitLayout',\n horizontal: 'isHorizontal',\n layoutInstant: 'isLayoutInstant',\n originLeft: 'isOriginLeft',\n originTop: 'isOriginTop',\n resize: 'isResizeBound',\n resizeContainer: 'isResizingContainer'\n};\n\nproto._create = function() {\n // get items from children\n this.reloadItems();\n // elements that affect layout, but are not laid out\n this.stamps = [];\n this.stamp( this.options.stamp );\n // set container style\n utils.extend(, this.options.containerStyle );\n\n // bind resize method\n var canBindResize = this._getOption('resize');\n if ( canBindResize ) {\n this.bindResize();\n }\n};\n\n// goes through all children again and gets bricks in proper order\nproto.reloadItems = function() {\n // collection of item elements\n this.items = this._itemize( this.element.children );\n};\n\n\n/**\n * turn elements into Outlayer.Items to be used in layout\n * @param {Array or NodeList or HTMLElement} elems\n * @returns {Array} items - collection of new Outlayer Items\n */\nproto._itemize = function( elems ) {\n\n var itemElems = this._filterFindItemElements( elems );\n var Item = this.constructor.Item;\n\n // create new Outlayer Items for collection\n var items = [];\n for ( var i=0; i < itemElems.length; i++ ) {\n var elem = itemElems[i];\n var item = new Item( elem, this );\n items.push( item );\n }\n\n return items;\n};\n\n/**\n * get item elements to be used in layout\n * @param {Array or NodeList or HTMLElement} elems\n * @returns {Array} items - item elements\n */\nproto._filterFindItemElements = function( elems ) {\n return utils.filterFindElements( elems, this.options.itemSelector );\n};\n\n/**\n * getter method for getting item elements\n * @returns {Array} elems - collection of item elements\n */\nproto.getItemElements = function() {\n return function( item ) {\n return item.element;\n });\n};\n\n// ----- init & layout ----- //\n\n/**\n * lays out all items\n */\nproto.layout = function() {\n this._resetLayout();\n this._manageStamps();\n\n // don't animate first layout\n var layoutInstant = this._getOption('layoutInstant');\n var isInstant = layoutInstant !== undefined ?\n layoutInstant : !this._isLayoutInited;\n this.layoutItems( this.items, isInstant );\n\n // flag for initalized\n this._isLayoutInited = true;\n};\n\n// _init is alias for layout\nproto._init = proto.layout;\n\n/**\n * logic before any new layout\n */\nproto._resetLayout = function() {\n this.getSize();\n};\n\n\nproto.getSize = function() {\n this.size = getSize( this.element );\n};\n\n/**\n * get measurement from option, for columnWidth, rowHeight, gutter\n * if option is String -> get element from selector string, & get size of element\n * if option is Element -> get size of element\n * else use option as a number\n *\n * @param {String} measurement\n * @param {String} size - width or height\n * @private\n */\nproto._getMeasurement = function( measurement, size ) {\n var option = this.options[ measurement ];\n var elem;\n if ( !option ) {\n // default to 0\n this[ measurement ] = 0;\n } else {\n // use option as an element\n if ( typeof option == 'string' ) {\n elem = this.element.querySelector( option );\n } else if ( option instanceof HTMLElement ) {\n elem = option;\n }\n // use size of element, if element\n this[ measurement ] = elem ? getSize( elem )[ size ] : option;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * layout a collection of item elements\n * @api public\n */\nproto.layoutItems = function( items, isInstant ) {\n items = this._getItemsForLayout( items );\n\n this._layoutItems( items, isInstant );\n\n this._postLayout();\n};\n\n/**\n * get the items to be laid out\n * you may want to skip over some items\n * @param {Array} items\n * @returns {Array} items\n */\nproto._getItemsForLayout = function( items ) {\n return items.filter( function( item ) {\n return !item.isIgnored;\n });\n};\n\n/**\n * layout items\n * @param {Array} items\n * @param {Boolean} isInstant\n */\nproto._layoutItems = function( items, isInstant ) {\n this._emitCompleteOnItems( 'layout', items );\n\n if ( !items || !items.length ) {\n // no items, emit event with empty array\n return;\n }\n\n var queue = [];\n\n items.forEach( function( item ) {\n // get x/y object from method\n var position = this._getItemLayoutPosition( item );\n // enqueue\n position.item = item;\n position.isInstant = isInstant || item.isLayoutInstant;\n queue.push( position );\n }, this );\n\n this._processLayoutQueue( queue );\n};\n\n/**\n * get item layout position\n * @param {Outlayer.Item} item\n * @returns {Object} x and y position\n */\nproto._getItemLayoutPosition = function( /* item */ ) {\n return {\n x: 0,\n y: 0\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * iterate over array and position each item\n * Reason being - separating this logic prevents 'layout invalidation'\n * thx @paul_irish\n * @param {Array} queue\n */\nproto._processLayoutQueue = function( queue ) {\n this.updateStagger();\n queue.forEach( function( obj, i ) {\n this._positionItem( obj.item, obj.x, obj.y, obj.isInstant, i );\n }, this );\n};\n\n// set stagger from option in milliseconds number\nproto.updateStagger = function() {\n var stagger = this.options.stagger;\n if ( stagger === null || stagger === undefined ) {\n this.stagger = 0;\n return;\n }\n this.stagger = getMilliseconds( stagger );\n return this.stagger;\n};\n\n/**\n * Sets position of item in DOM\n * @param {Outlayer.Item} item\n * @param {Number} x - horizontal position\n * @param {Number} y - vertical position\n * @param {Boolean} isInstant - disables transitions\n */\nproto._positionItem = function( item, x, y, isInstant, i ) {\n if ( isInstant ) {\n // if not transition, just set CSS\n item.goTo( x, y );\n } else {\n item.stagger( i * this.stagger );\n item.moveTo( x, y );\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Any logic you want to do after each layout,\n * i.e. size the container\n */\nproto._postLayout = function() {\n this.resizeContainer();\n};\n\nproto.resizeContainer = function() {\n var isResizingContainer = this._getOption('resizeContainer');\n if ( !isResizingContainer ) {\n return;\n }\n var size = this._getContainerSize();\n if ( size ) {\n this._setContainerMeasure( size.width, true );\n this._setContainerMeasure( size.height, false );\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * Sets width or height of container if returned\n * @returns {Object} size\n * @param {Number} width\n * @param {Number} height\n */\nproto._getContainerSize = noop;\n\n/**\n * @param {Number} measure - size of width or height\n * @param {Boolean} isWidth\n */\nproto._setContainerMeasure = function( measure, isWidth ) {\n if ( measure === undefined ) {\n return;\n }\n\n var elemSize = this.size;\n // add padding and border width if border box\n if ( elemSize.isBorderBox ) {\n measure += isWidth ? elemSize.paddingLeft + elemSize.paddingRight +\n elemSize.borderLeftWidth + elemSize.borderRightWidth :\n elemSize.paddingBottom + elemSize.paddingTop +\n elemSize.borderTopWidth + elemSize.borderBottomWidth;\n }\n\n measure = Math.max( measure, 0 );\n[ isWidth ? 'width' : 'height' ] = measure + 'px';\n};\n\n/**\n * emit eventComplete on a collection of items events\n * @param {String} eventName\n * @param {Array} items - Outlayer.Items\n */\nproto._emitCompleteOnItems = function( eventName, items ) {\n var _this = this;\n function onComplete() {\n _this.dispatchEvent( eventName + 'Complete', null, [ items ] );\n }\n\n var count = items.length;\n if ( !items || !count ) {\n onComplete();\n return;\n }\n\n var doneCount = 0;\n function tick() {\n doneCount++;\n if ( doneCount == count ) {\n onComplete();\n }\n }\n\n // bind callback\n items.forEach( function( item ) {\n item.once( eventName, tick );\n });\n};\n\n/**\n * emits events via EvEmitter and jQuery events\n * @param {String} type - name of event\n * @param {Event} event - original event\n * @param {Array} args - extra arguments\n */\nproto.dispatchEvent = function( type, event, args ) {\n // add original event to arguments\n var emitArgs = event ? [ event ].concat( args ) : args;\n this.emitEvent( type, emitArgs );\n\n if ( jQuery ) {\n // set this.$element\n this.$element = this.$element || jQuery( this.element );\n if ( event ) {\n // create jQuery event\n var $event = jQuery.Event( event );\n $event.type = type;\n this.$element.trigger( $event, args );\n } else {\n // just trigger with type if no event available\n this.$element.trigger( type, args );\n }\n }\n};\n\n// -------------------------- ignore & stamps -------------------------- //\n\n\n/**\n * keep item in collection, but do not lay it out\n * ignored items do not get skipped in layout\n * @param {Element} elem\n */\nproto.ignore = function( elem ) {\n var item = this.getItem( elem );\n if ( item ) {\n item.isIgnored = true;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * return item to layout collection\n * @param {Element} elem\n */\nproto.unignore = function( elem ) {\n var item = this.getItem( elem );\n if ( item ) {\n delete item.isIgnored;\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * adds elements to stamps\n * @param {NodeList, Array, Element, or String} elems\n */\nproto.stamp = function( elems ) {\n elems = this._find( elems );\n if ( !elems ) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.stamps = this.stamps.concat( elems );\n // ignore\n elems.forEach( this.ignore, this );\n};\n\n/**\n * removes elements to stamps\n * @param {NodeList, Array, or Element} elems\n */\nproto.unstamp = function( elems ) {\n elems = this._find( elems );\n if ( !elems ){\n return;\n }\n\n elems.forEach( function( elem ) {\n // filter out removed stamp elements\n utils.removeFrom( this.stamps, elem );\n this.unignore( elem );\n }, this );\n};\n\n/**\n * finds child elements\n * @param {NodeList, Array, Element, or String} elems\n * @returns {Array} elems\n */\nproto._find = function( elems ) {\n if ( !elems ) {\n return;\n }\n // if string, use argument as selector string\n if ( typeof elems == 'string' ) {\n elems = this.element.querySelectorAll( elems );\n }\n elems = utils.makeArray( elems );\n return elems;\n};\n\nproto._manageStamps = function() {\n if ( !this.stamps || !this.stamps.length ) {\n return;\n }\n\n this._getBoundingRect();\n\n this.stamps.forEach( this._manageStamp, this );\n};\n\n// update boundingLeft / Top\nproto._getBoundingRect = function() {\n // get bounding rect for container element\n var boundingRect = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();\n var size = this.size;\n this._boundingRect = {\n left: boundingRect.left + size.paddingLeft + size.borderLeftWidth,\n top: + size.paddingTop + size.borderTopWidth,\n right: boundingRect.right - ( size.paddingRight + size.borderRightWidth ),\n bottom: boundingRect.bottom - ( size.paddingBottom + size.borderBottomWidth )\n };\n};\n\n/**\n * @param {Element} stamp\n**/\nproto._manageStamp = noop;\n\n/**\n * get x/y position of element relative to container element\n * @param {Element} elem\n * @returns {Object} offset - has left, top, right, bottom\n */\nproto._getElementOffset = function( elem ) {\n var boundingRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect();\n var thisRect = this._boundingRect;\n var size = getSize( elem );\n var offset = {\n left: boundingRect.left - thisRect.left - size.marginLeft,\n top: - - size.marginTop,\n right: thisRect.right - boundingRect.right - size.marginRight,\n bottom: thisRect.bottom - boundingRect.bottom - size.marginBottom\n };\n return offset;\n};\n\n// -------------------------- resize -------------------------- //\n\n// enable event handlers for listeners\n// i.e. resize -> onresize\nproto.handleEvent = utils.handleEvent;\n\n/**\n * Bind layout to window resizing\n */\nproto.bindResize = function() {\n window.addEventListener( 'resize', this );\n this.isResizeBound = true;\n};\n\n/**\n * Unbind layout to window resizing\n */\nproto.unbindResize = function() {\n window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this );\n this.isResizeBound = false;\n};\n\nproto.onresize = function() {\n this.resize();\n};\n\nutils.debounceMethod( Outlayer, 'onresize', 100 );\n\nproto.resize = function() {\n // don't trigger if size did not change\n // or if resize was unbound. See #9\n if ( !this.isResizeBound || !this.needsResizeLayout() ) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.layout();\n};\n\n/**\n * check if layout is needed post layout\n * @returns Boolean\n */\nproto.needsResizeLayout = function() {\n var size = getSize( this.element );\n // check that this.size and size are there\n // IE8 triggers resize on body size change, so they might not be\n var hasSizes = this.size && size;\n return hasSizes && size.innerWidth !== this.size.innerWidth;\n};\n\n// -------------------------- methods -------------------------- //\n\n/**\n * add items to Outlayer instance\n * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems\n * @returns {Array} items - Outlayer.Items\n**/\nproto.addItems = function( elems ) {\n var items = this._itemize( elems );\n // add items to collection\n if ( items.length ) {\n this.items = this.items.concat( items );\n }\n return items;\n};\n\n/**\n * Layout newly-appended item elements\n * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems\n */\nproto.appended = function( elems ) {\n var items = this.addItems( elems );\n if ( !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // layout and reveal just the new items\n this.layoutItems( items, true );\n this.reveal( items );\n};\n\n/**\n * Layout prepended elements\n * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems\n */\nproto.prepended = function( elems ) {\n var items = this._itemize( elems );\n if ( !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n // add items to beginning of collection\n var previousItems = this.items.slice(0);\n this.items = items.concat( previousItems );\n // start new layout\n this._resetLayout();\n this._manageStamps();\n // layout new stuff without transition\n this.layoutItems( items, true );\n this.reveal( items );\n // layout previous items\n this.layoutItems( previousItems );\n};\n\n/**\n * reveal a collection of items\n * @param {Array of Outlayer.Items} items\n */\nproto.reveal = function( items ) {\n this._emitCompleteOnItems( 'reveal', items );\n if ( !items || !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n var stagger = this.updateStagger();\n items.forEach( function( item, i ) {\n item.stagger( i * stagger );\n item.reveal();\n });\n};\n\n/**\n * hide a collection of items\n * @param {Array of Outlayer.Items} items\n */\nproto.hide = function( items ) {\n this._emitCompleteOnItems( 'hide', items );\n if ( !items || !items.length ) {\n return;\n }\n var stagger = this.updateStagger();\n items.forEach( function( item, i ) {\n item.stagger( i * stagger );\n item.hide();\n });\n};\n\n/**\n * reveal item elements\n * @param {Array}, {Element}, {NodeList} items\n */\nproto.revealItemElements = function( elems ) {\n var items = this.getItems( elems );\n this.reveal( items );\n};\n\n/**\n * hide item elements\n * @param {Array}, {Element}, {NodeList} items\n */\nproto.hideItemElements = function( elems ) {\n var items = this.getItems( elems );\n this.hide( items );\n};\n\n/**\n * get Outlayer.Item, given an Element\n * @param {Element} elem\n * @param {Function} callback\n * @returns {Outlayer.Item} item\n */\nproto.getItem = function( elem ) {\n // loop through items to get the one that matches\n for ( var i=0; i < this.items.length; i++ ) {\n var item = this.items[i];\n if ( item.element == elem ) {\n // return item\n return item;\n }\n }\n};\n\n/**\n * get collection of Outlayer.Items, given Elements\n * @param {Array} elems\n * @returns {Array} items - Outlayer.Items\n */\nproto.getItems = function( elems ) {\n elems = utils.makeArray( elems );\n var items = [];\n elems.forEach( function( elem ) {\n var item = this.getItem( elem );\n if ( item ) {\n items.push( item );\n }\n }, this );\n\n return items;\n};\n\n/**\n * remove element(s) from instance and DOM\n * @param {Array or NodeList or Element} elems\n */\nproto.remove = function( elems ) {\n var removeItems = this.getItems( elems );\n\n this._emitCompleteOnItems( 'remove', removeItems );\n\n // bail if no items to remove\n if ( !removeItems || !removeItems.length ) {\n return;\n }\n\n removeItems.forEach( function( item ) {\n item.remove();\n // remove item from collection\n utils.removeFrom( this.items, item );\n }, this );\n};\n\n// ----- destroy ----- //\n\n// remove and disable Outlayer instance\nproto.destroy = function() {\n // clean up dynamic styles\n var style =;\n style.height = '';\n style.position = '';\n style.width = '';\n // destroy items\n this.items.forEach( function( item ) {\n item.destroy();\n });\n\n this.unbindResize();\n\n var id = this.element.outlayerGUID;\n delete instances[ id ]; // remove reference to instance by id\n delete this.element.outlayerGUID;\n // remove data for jQuery\n if ( jQuery ) {\n jQuery.removeData( this.element, this.constructor.namespace );\n }\n\n};\n\n// -------------------------- data -------------------------- //\n\n/**\n * get Outlayer instance from element\n * @param {Element} elem\n * @returns {Outlayer}\n */\ = function( elem ) {\n elem = utils.getQueryElement( elem );\n var id = elem && elem.outlayerGUID;\n return id && instances[ id ];\n};\n\n\n// -------------------------- create Outlayer class -------------------------- //\n\n/**\n * create a layout class\n * @param {String} namespace\n */\nOutlayer.create = function( namespace, options ) {\n // sub-class Outlayer\n var Layout = subclass( Outlayer );\n // apply new options and compatOptions\n Layout.defaults = utils.extend( {}, Outlayer.defaults );\n utils.extend( Layout.defaults, options );\n Layout.compatOptions = utils.extend( {}, Outlayer.compatOptions );\n\n Layout.namespace = namespace;\n\n =;\n\n // sub-class Item\n Layout.Item = subclass( Item );\n\n // -------------------------- declarative -------------------------- //\n\n utils.htmlInit( Layout, namespace );\n\n // -------------------------- jQuery bridge -------------------------- //\n\n // make into jQuery plugin\n if ( jQuery && jQuery.bridget ) {\n jQuery.bridget( namespace, Layout );\n }\n\n return Layout;\n};\n\nfunction subclass( Parent ) {\n function SubClass() {\n Parent.apply( this, arguments );\n }\n\n SubClass.prototype = Object.create( Parent.prototype );\n SubClass.prototype.constructor = SubClass;\n\n return SubClass;\n}\n\n// ----- helpers ----- //\n\n// how many milliseconds are in each unit\nvar msUnits = {\n ms: 1,\n s: 1000\n};\n\n// munge time-like parameter into millisecond number\n// '0.4s' -> 40\nfunction getMilliseconds( time ) {\n if ( typeof time == 'number' ) {\n return time;\n }\n var matches = time.match( /(^\\d*\\.?\\d*)(\\w*)/ );\n var num = matches && matches[1];\n var unit = matches && matches[2];\n if ( !num.length ) {\n return 0;\n }\n num = parseFloat( num );\n var mult = msUnits[ unit ] || 1;\n return num * mult;\n}\n\n// ----- fin ----- //\n\n// back in global\nOutlayer.Item = Item;\n\nreturn Outlayer;\n\n}));\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/outlayer/outlayer.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.js":
!*** ./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.js ***!
/***/ (__unused_webpack_module, exports) => {
"use strict";
"\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", ({ value: true }));\n\nvar win$1 = window;\nvar raf = win$1.requestAnimationFrame || win$1.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || win$1.mozRequestAnimationFrame || win$1.msRequestAnimationFrame || function (cb) {\n return setTimeout(cb, 16);\n};\n\nvar win = window;\nvar caf = win.cancelAnimationFrame || win.mozCancelAnimationFrame || function (id) {\n clearTimeout(id);\n};\n\nfunction extend() {\n var obj,\n name,\n copy,\n target = arguments[0] || {},\n i = 1,\n length = arguments.length;\n\n for (; i < length; i++) {\n if ((obj = arguments[i]) !== null) {\n for (name in obj) {\n copy = obj[name];\n\n if (target === copy) {\n continue;\n } else if (copy !== undefined) {\n target[name] = copy;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n}\n\nfunction checkStorageValue(value) {\n return ['true', 'false'].indexOf(value) >= 0 ? JSON.parse(value) : value;\n}\n\nfunction setLocalStorage(storage, key, value, access) {\n if (access) {\n try {\n storage.setItem(key, value);\n } catch (e) {}\n }\n\n return value;\n}\n\nfunction getSlideId() {\n var id = window.tnsId;\n window.tnsId = !id ? 1 : id + 1;\n return 'tns' + window.tnsId;\n}\n\nfunction getBody() {\n var doc = document,\n body = doc.body;\n\n if (!body) {\n body = doc.createElement('body');\n body.fake = true;\n }\n\n return body;\n}\n\nvar docElement = document.documentElement;\n\nfunction setFakeBody(body) {\n var docOverflow = '';\n\n if (body.fake) {\n docOverflow =; //avoid crashing IE8, if background image is used\n\n = ''; //Safari 5.13/5.1.4 OSX stops loading if ::-webkit-scrollbar is used and scrollbars are visible\n\n = = 'hidden';\n docElement.appendChild(body);\n }\n\n return docOverflow;\n}\n\nfunction resetFakeBody(body, docOverflow) {\n if (body.fake) {\n body.remove();\n = docOverflow; // Trigger layout so kinetic scrolling isn't disabled in iOS6+\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n\n docElement.offsetHeight;\n }\n}\n\n// get css-calc \nfunction calc() {\n var doc = document,\n body = getBody(),\n docOverflow = setFakeBody(body),\n div = doc.createElement('div'),\n result = false;\n body.appendChild(div);\n\n try {\n var str = '(10px * 10)',\n vals = ['calc' + str, '-moz-calc' + str, '-webkit-calc' + str],\n val;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {\n val = vals[i];\n = val;\n\n if (div.offsetWidth === 100) {\n result = val.replace(str, '');\n break;\n }\n }\n } catch (e) {}\n\n body.fake ? resetFakeBody(body, docOverflow) : div.remove();\n return result;\n}\n\n// get subpixel support value\nfunction percentageLayout() {\n // check subpixel layout supporting\n var doc = document,\n body = getBody(),\n docOverflow = setFakeBody(body),\n wrapper = doc.createElement('div'),\n outer = doc.createElement('div'),\n str = '',\n count = 70,\n perPage = 3,\n supported = false;\n wrapper.className = \"tns-t-subp2\";\n outer.className = \"tns-t-ct\";\n\n for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {\n str += '<div></div>';\n }\n\n outer.innerHTML = str;\n wrapper.appendChild(outer);\n body.appendChild(wrapper);\n supported = Math.abs(wrapper.getBoundingClientRect().left - outer.children[count - perPage].getBoundingClientRect().left) < 2;\n body.fake ? resetFakeBody(body, docOverflow) : wrapper.remove();\n return supported;\n}\n\nfunction mediaquerySupport() {\n if (window.matchMedia || window.msMatchMedia) {\n return true;\n }\n\n var doc = document,\n body = getBody(),\n docOverflow = setFakeBody(body),\n div = doc.createElement('div'),\n style = doc.createElement('style'),\n rule = '@media all and (min-width:1px){.tns-mq-test{position:absolute}}',\n position;\n style.type = 'text/css';\n div.className = 'tns-mq-test';\n body.appendChild(style);\n body.appendChild(div);\n\n if (style.styleSheet) {\n style.styleSheet.cssText = rule;\n } else {\n style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(rule));\n }\n\n position = window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(div).position : div.currentStyle['position'];\n body.fake ? resetFakeBody(body, docOverflow) : div.remove();\n return position === \"absolute\";\n}\n\n// create and append style sheet\nfunction createStyleSheet(media, nonce) {\n // Create the <style> tag\n var style = document.createElement(\"style\"); // style.setAttribute(\"type\", \"text/css\");\n // Add a media (and/or media query) here if you'd like!\n // style.setAttribute(\"media\", \"screen\")\n // style.setAttribute(\"media\", \"only screen and (max-width : 1024px)\")\n\n if (media) {\n style.setAttribute(\"media\", media);\n } // Add nonce attribute for Content Security Policy\n\n\n if (nonce) {\n style.setAttribute(\"nonce\", nonce);\n } // WebKit hack :(\n // style.appendChild(document.createTextNode(\"\"));\n // Add the <style> element to the page\n\n\n document.querySelector('head').appendChild(style);\n return style.sheet ? style.sheet : style.styleSheet;\n}\n\n// cross browsers addRule method\nfunction addCSSRule(sheet, selector, rules, index) {\n // return raf(function() {\n 'insertRule' in sheet ? sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules + '}', index) : sheet.addRule(selector, rules, index); // });\n}\n\n// cross browsers addRule method\nfunction removeCSSRule(sheet, index) {\n // return raf(function() {\n 'deleteRule' in sheet ? sheet.deleteRule(index) : sheet.removeRule(index); // });\n}\n\nfunction getCssRulesLength(sheet) {\n var rule = 'insertRule' in sheet ? sheet.cssRules : sheet.rules;\n return rule.length;\n}\n\nfunction toDegree(y, x) {\n return Math.atan2(y, x) * (180 / Math.PI);\n}\n\nfunction getTouchDirection(angle, range) {\n var direction = false,\n gap = Math.abs(90 - Math.abs(angle));\n\n if (gap >= 90 - range) {\n direction = 'horizontal';\n } else if (gap <= range) {\n direction = 'vertical';\n }\n\n return direction;\n}\n\n//\nfunction forEach(arr, callback, scope) {\n for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) {\n, arr[i], i);\n }\n}\n\nvar classListSupport = ('classList' in document.createElement('_'));\n\nvar hasClass = classListSupport ? function (el, str) {\n return el.classList.contains(str);\n} : function (el, str) {\n return el.className.indexOf(str) >= 0;\n};\n\nvar addClass = classListSupport ? function (el, str) {\n if (!hasClass(el, str)) {\n el.classList.add(str);\n }\n} : function (el, str) {\n if (!hasClass(el, str)) {\n el.className += ' ' + str;\n }\n};\n\nvar removeClass = classListSupport ? function (el, str) {\n if (hasClass(el, str)) {\n el.classList.remove(str);\n }\n} : function (el, str) {\n if (hasClass(el, str)) {\n el.className = el.className.replace(str, '');\n }\n};\n\nfunction hasAttr(el, attr) {\n return el.hasAttribute(attr);\n}\n\nfunction getAttr(el, attr) {\n return el.getAttribute(attr);\n}\n\nfunction isNodeList(el) {\n // Only NodeList has the \"item()\" function\n return typeof el.item !== \"undefined\";\n}\n\nfunction setAttrs(els, attrs) {\n els = isNodeList(els) || els instanceof Array ? els : [els];\n\n if ( !== '[object Object]') {\n return;\n }\n\n for (var i = els.length; i--;) {\n for (var key in attrs) {\n els[i].setAttribute(key, attrs[key]);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeAttrs(els, attrs) {\n els = isNodeList(els) || els instanceof Array ? els : [els];\n attrs = attrs instanceof Array ? attrs : [attrs];\n var attrLength = attrs.length;\n\n for (var i = els.length; i--;) {\n for (var j = attrLength; j--;) {\n els[i].removeAttribute(attrs[j]);\n }\n }\n}\n\nfunction arrayFromNodeList(nl) {\n var arr = [];\n\n for (var i = 0, l = nl.length; i < l; i++) {\n arr.push(nl[i]);\n }\n\n return arr;\n}\n\nfunction hideElement(el, forceHide) {\n if ( !== 'none') {\n = 'none';\n }\n}\n\nfunction showElement(el, forceHide) {\n if ( === 'none') {\n = '';\n }\n}\n\nfunction isVisible(el) {\n return window.getComputedStyle(el).display !== 'none';\n}\n\nfunction whichProperty(props) {\n if (typeof props === 'string') {\n var arr = [props],\n Props = props.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + props.substr(1),\n prefixes = ['Webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'];\n prefixes.forEach(function (prefix) {\n if (prefix !== 'ms' || props === 'transform') {\n arr.push(prefix + Props);\n }\n });\n props = arr;\n }\n\n var el = document.createElement('fakeelement');\n props.length;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {\n var prop = props[i];\n\n if ([prop] !== undefined) {\n return prop;\n }\n }\n\n return false; // explicit for ie9-\n}\n\nfunction has3DTransforms(tf) {\n if (!tf) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (!window.getComputedStyle) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var doc = document,\n body = getBody(),\n docOverflow = setFakeBody(body),\n el = doc.createElement('p'),\n has3d,\n cssTF = tf.length > 9 ? '-' + tf.slice(0, -9).toLowerCase() + '-' : '';\n cssTF += 'transform'; // Add it to the body to get the computed style\n\n body.insertBefore(el, null);\n[tf] = 'translate3d(1px,1px,1px)';\n has3d = window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue(cssTF);\n body.fake ? resetFakeBody(body, docOverflow) : el.remove();\n return has3d !== undefined && has3d.length > 0 && has3d !== \"none\";\n}\n\n// get transitionend, animationend based on transitionDuration\n// @propin: string\n// @propOut: string, first-letter uppercase\n// Usage: getEndProperty('WebkitTransitionDuration', 'Transition') => webkitTransitionEnd\nfunction getEndProperty(propIn, propOut) {\n var endProp = false;\n\n if (/^Webkit/.test(propIn)) {\n endProp = 'webkit' + propOut + 'End';\n } else if (/^O/.test(propIn)) {\n endProp = 'o' + propOut + 'End';\n } else if (propIn) {\n endProp = propOut.toLowerCase() + 'end';\n }\n\n return endProp;\n}\n\n// Test via a getter in the options object to see if the passive property is accessed\nvar supportsPassive = false;\n\ntry {\n var opts = Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {\n get: function () {\n supportsPassive = true;\n }\n });\n window.addEventListener(\"test\", null, opts);\n} catch (e) {}\n\nvar passiveOption = supportsPassive ? {\n passive: true\n} : false;\n\nfunction addEvents(el, obj, preventScrolling) {\n for (var prop in obj) {\n var option = ['touchstart', 'touchmove'].indexOf(prop) >= 0 && !preventScrolling ? passiveOption : false;\n el.addEventListener(prop, obj[prop], option);\n }\n}\n\nfunction removeEvents(el, obj) {\n for (var prop in obj) {\n var option = ['touchstart', 'touchmove'].indexOf(prop) >= 0 ? passiveOption : false;\n el.removeEventListener(prop, obj[prop], option);\n }\n}\n\nfunction Events() {\n return {\n topics: {},\n on: function (eventName, fn) {\n this.topics[eventName] = this.topics[eventName] || [];\n this.topics[eventName].push(fn);\n },\n off: function (eventName, fn) {\n if (this.topics[eventName]) {\n for (var i = 0; i < this.topics[eventName].length; i++) {\n if (this.topics[eventName][i] === fn) {\n this.topics[eventName].splice(i, 1);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n },\n emit: function (eventName, data) {\n data.type = eventName;\n\n if (this.topics[eventName]) {\n this.topics[eventName].forEach(function (fn) {\n fn(data, eventName);\n });\n }\n }\n };\n}\n\nfunction jsTransform(element, attr, prefix, postfix, to, duration, callback) {\n var tick = Math.min(duration, 10),\n unit = to.indexOf('%') >= 0 ? '%' : 'px',\n to = to.replace(unit, ''),\n from = Number([attr].replace(prefix, '').replace(postfix, '').replace(unit, '')),\n positionTick = (to - from) / duration * tick;\n setTimeout(moveElement, tick);\n\n function moveElement() {\n duration -= tick;\n from += positionTick;\n[attr] = prefix + from + unit + postfix;\n\n if (duration > 0) {\n setTimeout(moveElement, tick);\n } else {\n callback();\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Object.keys\nif (!Object.keys) {\n Object.keys = function (object) {\n var keys = [];\n\n for (var name in object) {\n if (, name)) {\n keys.push(name);\n }\n }\n\n return keys;\n };\n} // ChildNode.remove\n\n\nif (!(\"remove\" in Element.prototype)) {\n Element.prototype.remove = function () {\n if (this.parentNode) {\n this.parentNode.removeChild(this);\n }\n };\n}\nvar tns = function (options) {\n options = extend({\n container: '.slider',\n mode: 'carousel',\n axis: 'horizontal',\n items: 1,\n gutter: 0,\n edgePadding: 0,\n fixedWidth: false,\n autoWidth: false,\n viewportMax: false,\n slideBy: 1,\n center: false,\n controls: true,\n controlsPosition: 'top',\n controlsText: ['prev', 'next'],\n controlsContainer: false,\n prevButton: false,\n nextButton: false,\n nav: true,\n navPosition: 'top',\n navContainer: false,\n navAsThumbnails: false,\n arrowKeys: false,\n speed: 300,\n autoplay: false,\n autoplayPosition: 'top',\n autoplayTimeout: 5000,\n autoplayDirection: 'forward',\n autoplayText: ['start', 'stop'],\n autoplayHoverPause: false,\n autoplayButton: false,\n autoplayButtonOutput: true,\n autoplayResetOnVisibility: true,\n animateIn: 'tns-fadeIn',\n animateOut: 'tns-fadeOut',\n animateNormal: 'tns-normal',\n animateDelay: false,\n loop: true,\n rewind: false,\n autoHeight: false,\n responsive: false,\n lazyload: false,\n lazyloadSelector: '.tns-lazy-img',\n touch: true,\n mouseDrag: false,\n swipeAngle: 15,\n nested: false,\n preventActionWhenRunning: false,\n preventScrollOnTouch: false,\n freezable: true,\n onInit: false,\n useLocalStorage: true,\n nonce: false\n }, options || {});\n var doc = document,\n win = window,\n KEYS = {\n ENTER: 13,\n SPACE: 32,\n LEFT: 37,\n RIGHT: 39\n },\n tnsStorage = {},\n localStorageAccess = options.useLocalStorage;\n\n if (localStorageAccess) {\n // check browser version and local storage access\n var browserInfo = navigator.userAgent;\n var uid = new Date();\n\n try {\n tnsStorage = win.localStorage;\n\n if (tnsStorage) {\n tnsStorage.setItem(uid, uid);\n localStorageAccess = tnsStorage.getItem(uid) == uid;\n tnsStorage.removeItem(uid);\n } else {\n localStorageAccess = false;\n }\n\n if (!localStorageAccess) {\n tnsStorage = {};\n }\n } catch (e) {\n localStorageAccess = false;\n }\n\n if (localStorageAccess) {\n // remove storage when browser version changes\n if (tnsStorage['tnsApp'] && tnsStorage['tnsApp'] !== browserInfo) {\n ['tC', 'tPL', 'tMQ', 'tTf', 't3D', 'tTDu', 'tTDe', 'tADu', 'tADe', 'tTE', 'tAE'].forEach(function (item) {\n tnsStorage.removeItem(item);\n });\n } // update browserInfo\n\n\n localStorage['tnsApp'] = browserInfo;\n }\n }\n\n var CALC = tnsStorage['tC'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tC']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tC', calc(), localStorageAccess),\n PERCENTAGELAYOUT = tnsStorage['tPL'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tPL']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tPL', percentageLayout(), localStorageAccess),\n CSSMQ = tnsStorage['tMQ'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tMQ']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tMQ', mediaquerySupport(), localStorageAccess),\n TRANSFORM = tnsStorage['tTf'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tTf']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tTf', whichProperty('transform'), localStorageAccess),\n HAS3DTRANSFORMS = tnsStorage['t3D'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['t3D']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 't3D', has3DTransforms(TRANSFORM), localStorageAccess),\n TRANSITIONDURATION = tnsStorage['tTDu'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tTDu']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tTDu', whichProperty('transitionDuration'), localStorageAccess),\n TRANSITIONDELAY = tnsStorage['tTDe'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tTDe']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tTDe', whichProperty('transitionDelay'), localStorageAccess),\n ANIMATIONDURATION = tnsStorage['tADu'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tADu']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tADu', whichProperty('animationDuration'), localStorageAccess),\n ANIMATIONDELAY = tnsStorage['tADe'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tADe']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tADe', whichProperty('animationDelay'), localStorageAccess),\n TRANSITIONEND = tnsStorage['tTE'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tTE']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tTE', getEndProperty(TRANSITIONDURATION, 'Transition'), localStorageAccess),\n ANIMATIONEND = tnsStorage['tAE'] ? checkStorageValue(tnsStorage['tAE']) : setLocalStorage(tnsStorage, 'tAE', getEndProperty(ANIMATIONDURATION, 'Animation'), localStorageAccess); // get element nodes from selectors\n\n var supportConsoleWarn = win.console && typeof win.console.warn === \"function\",\n tnsList = ['container', 'controlsContainer', 'prevButton', 'nextButton', 'navContainer', 'autoplayButton'],\n optionsElements = {};\n tnsList.forEach(function (item) {\n if (typeof options[item] === 'string') {\n var str = options[item],\n el = doc.querySelector(str);\n optionsElements[item] = str;\n\n if (el && el.nodeName) {\n options[item] = el;\n } else {\n if (supportConsoleWarn) {\n console.warn('Can\\'t find', options[item]);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n }); // make sure at least 1 slide\n\n if (options.container.children.length < 1) {\n if (supportConsoleWarn) {\n console.warn('No slides found in', options.container);\n }\n\n return;\n } // update options\n\n\n var responsive = options.responsive,\n nested = options.nested,\n carousel = options.mode === 'carousel' ? true : false;\n\n if (responsive) {\n // apply responsive[0] to options and remove it\n if (0 in responsive) {\n options = extend(options, responsive[0]);\n delete responsive[0];\n }\n\n var responsiveTem = {};\n\n for (var key in responsive) {\n var val = responsive[key]; // update responsive\n // from: 300: 2\n // to:\n // 300: {\n // items: 2\n // }\n\n val = typeof val === 'number' ? {\n items: val\n } : val;\n responsiveTem[key] = val;\n }\n\n responsive = responsiveTem;\n responsiveTem = null;\n } // update options\n\n\n function updateOptions(obj) {\n for (var key in obj) {\n if (!carousel) {\n if (key === 'slideBy') {\n obj[key] = 'page';\n }\n\n if (key === 'edgePadding') {\n obj[key] = false;\n }\n\n if (key === 'autoHeight') {\n obj[key] = false;\n }\n } // update responsive options\n\n\n if (key === 'responsive') {\n updateOptions(obj[key]);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!carousel) {\n updateOptions(options);\n } // === define and set variables ===\n\n\n if (!carousel) {\n options.axis = 'horizontal';\n options.slideBy = 'page';\n options.edgePadding = false;\n var animateIn = options.animateIn,\n animateOut = options.animateOut,\n animateDelay = options.animateDelay,\n animateNormal = options.animateNormal;\n }\n\n var horizontal = options.axis === 'horizontal' ? true : false,\n outerWrapper = doc.createElement('div'),\n innerWrapper = doc.createElement('div'),\n middleWrapper,\n container = options.container,\n containerParent = container.parentNode,\n containerHTML = container.outerHTML,\n slideItems = container.children,\n slideCount = slideItems.length,\n breakpointZone,\n windowWidth = getWindowWidth(),\n isOn = false;\n\n if (responsive) {\n setBreakpointZone();\n }\n\n if (carousel) {\n container.className += ' tns-vpfix';\n } // fixedWidth: viewport > rightBoundary > indexMax\n\n\n var autoWidth = options.autoWidth,\n fixedWidth = getOption('fixedWidth'),\n edgePadding = getOption('edgePadding'),\n gutter = getOption('gutter'),\n viewport = getViewportWidth(),\n center = getOption('center'),\n items = !autoWidth ? Math.floor(getOption('items')) : 1,\n slideBy = getOption('slideBy'),\n viewportMax = options.viewportMax || options.fixedWidthViewportWidth,\n arrowKeys = getOption('arrowKeys'),\n speed = getOption('speed'),\n rewind = options.rewind,\n loop = rewind ? false : options.loop,\n autoHeight = getOption('autoHeight'),\n controls = getOption('controls'),\n controlsText = getOption('controlsText'),\n nav = getOption('nav'),\n touch = getOption('touch'),\n mouseDrag = getOption('mouseDrag'),\n autoplay = getOption('autoplay'),\n autoplayTimeout = getOption('autoplayTimeout'),\n autoplayText = getOption('autoplayText'),\n autoplayHoverPause = getOption('autoplayHoverPause'),\n autoplayResetOnVisibility = getOption('autoplayResetOnVisibility'),\n sheet = createStyleSheet(null, getOption('nonce')),\n lazyload = options.lazyload,\n lazyloadSelector = options.lazyloadSelector,\n slidePositions,\n // collection of slide positions\n slideItemsOut = [],\n cloneCount = loop ? getCloneCountForLoop() : 0,\n slideCountNew = !carousel ? slideCount + cloneCount : slideCount + cloneCount * 2,\n hasRightDeadZone = (fixedWidth || autoWidth) && !loop ? true : false,\n rightBoundary = fixedWidth ? getRightBoundary() : null,\n updateIndexBeforeTransform = !carousel || !loop ? true : false,\n // transform\n transformAttr = horizontal ? 'left' : 'top',\n transformPrefix = '',\n transformPostfix = '',\n // index\n getIndexMax = function () {\n if (fixedWidth) {\n return function () {\n return center && !loop ? slideCount - 1 : Math.ceil(-rightBoundary / (fixedWidth + gutter));\n };\n } else if (autoWidth) {\n return function () {\n for (var i = 0; i < slideCountNew; i++) {\n if (slidePositions[i] >= -rightBoundary) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n };\n } else {\n return function () {\n if (center && carousel && !loop) {\n return slideCount - 1;\n } else {\n return loop || carousel ? Math.max(0, slideCountNew - Math.ceil(items)) : slideCountNew - 1;\n }\n };\n }\n }(),\n index = getStartIndex(getOption('startIndex')),\n indexCached = index;\n getCurrentSlide();\n var indexMin = 0,\n indexMax = !autoWidth ? getIndexMax() : null,\n preventActionWhenRunning = options.preventActionWhenRunning,\n swipeAngle = options.swipeAngle,\n moveDirectionExpected = swipeAngle ? '?' : true,\n running = false,\n onInit = options.onInit,\n events = new Events(),\n // id, class\n newContainerClasses = ' tns-slider tns-' + options.mode,\n slideId = || getSlideId(),\n disable = getOption('disable'),\n disabled = false,\n freezable = options.freezable,\n freeze = freezable && !autoWidth ? getFreeze() : false,\n frozen = false,\n controlsEvents = {\n 'click': onControlsClick,\n 'keydown': onControlsKeydown\n },\n navEvents = {\n 'click': onNavClick,\n 'keydown': onNavKeydown\n },\n hoverEvents = {\n 'mouseover': mouseoverPause,\n 'mouseout': mouseoutRestart\n },\n visibilityEvent = {\n 'visibilitychange': onVisibilityChange\n },\n docmentKeydownEvent = {\n 'keydown': onDocumentKeydown\n },\n touchEvents = {\n 'touchstart': onPanStart,\n 'touchmove': onPanMove,\n 'touchend': onPanEnd,\n 'touchcancel': onPanEnd\n },\n dragEvents = {\n 'mousedown': onPanStart,\n 'mousemove': onPanMove,\n 'mouseup': onPanEnd,\n 'mouseleave': onPanEnd\n },\n hasControls = hasOption('controls'),\n hasNav = hasOption('nav'),\n navAsThumbnails = autoWidth ? true : options.navAsThumbnails,\n hasAutoplay = hasOption('autoplay'),\n hasTouch = hasOption('touch'),\n hasMouseDrag = hasOption('mouseDrag'),\n slideActiveClass = 'tns-slide-active',\n slideClonedClass = 'tns-slide-cloned',\n imgCompleteClass = 'tns-complete',\n imgEvents = {\n 'load': onImgLoaded,\n 'error': onImgFailed\n },\n imgsComplete,\n liveregionCurrent,\n preventScroll = options.preventScrollOnTouch === 'force' ? true : false; // controls\n\n\n if (hasControls) {\n var controlsContainer = options.controlsContainer,\n controlsContainerHTML = options.controlsContainer ? options.controlsContainer.outerHTML : '',\n prevButton = options.prevButton,\n nextButton = options.nextButton,\n prevButtonHTML = options.prevButton ? options.prevButton.outerHTML : '',\n nextButtonHTML = options.nextButton ? options.nextButton.outerHTML : '',\n prevIsButton,\n nextIsButton;\n } // nav\n\n\n if (hasNav) {\n var navContainer = options.navContainer,\n navContainerHTML = options.navContainer ? options.navContainer.outerHTML : '',\n navItems,\n pages = autoWidth ? slideCount : getPages(),\n pagesCached = 0,\n navClicked = -1,\n navCurrentIndex = getCurrentNavIndex(),\n navCurrentIndexCached = navCurrentIndex,\n navActiveClass = 'tns-nav-active',\n navStr = 'Carousel Page ',\n navStrCurrent = ' (Current Slide)';\n } // autoplay\n\n\n if (hasAutoplay) {\n var autoplayDirection = options.autoplayDirection === 'forward' ? 1 : -1,\n autoplayButton = options.autoplayButton,\n autoplayButtonHTML = options.autoplayButton ? options.autoplayButton.outerHTML : '',\n autoplayHtmlStrings = ['<span class=\\'tns-visually-hidden\\'>', ' animation</span>'],\n autoplayTimer,\n animating,\n autoplayHoverPaused,\n autoplayUserPaused,\n autoplayVisibilityPaused;\n }\n\n if (hasTouch || hasMouseDrag) {\n var initPosition = {},\n lastPosition = {},\n translateInit,\n panStart = false,\n rafIndex,\n getDist = horizontal ? function (a, b) {\n return a.x - b.x;\n } : function (a, b) {\n return a.y - b.y;\n };\n } // disable slider when slidecount <= items\n\n\n if (!autoWidth) {\n resetVariblesWhenDisable(disable || freeze);\n }\n\n if (TRANSFORM) {\n transformAttr = TRANSFORM;\n transformPrefix = 'translate';\n\n if (HAS3DTRANSFORMS) {\n transformPrefix += horizontal ? '3d(' : '3d(0px, ';\n transformPostfix = horizontal ? ', 0px, 0px)' : ', 0px)';\n } else {\n transformPrefix += horizontal ? 'X(' : 'Y(';\n transformPostfix = ')';\n }\n }\n\n if (carousel) {\n container.className = container.className.replace('tns-vpfix', '');\n }\n\n initStructure();\n initSheet();\n initSliderTransform(); // === COMMON FUNCTIONS === //\n\n function resetVariblesWhenDisable(condition) {\n if (condition) {\n controls = nav = touch = mouseDrag = arrowKeys = autoplay = autoplayHoverPause = autoplayResetOnVisibility = false;\n }\n }\n\n function getCurrentSlide() {\n var tem = carousel ? index - cloneCount : index;\n\n while (tem < 0) {\n tem += slideCount;\n }\n\n return tem % slideCount + 1;\n }\n\n function getStartIndex(ind) {\n ind = ind ? Math.max(0, Math.min(loop ? slideCount - 1 : slideCount - items, ind)) : 0;\n return carousel ? ind + cloneCount : ind;\n }\n\n function getAbsIndex(i) {\n if (i == null) {\n i = index;\n }\n\n if (carousel) {\n i -= cloneCount;\n }\n\n while (i < 0) {\n i += slideCount;\n }\n\n return Math.floor(i % slideCount);\n }\n\n function getCurrentNavIndex() {\n var absIndex = getAbsIndex(),\n result;\n result = navAsThumbnails ? absIndex : fixedWidth || autoWidth ? Math.ceil((absIndex + 1) * pages / slideCount - 1) : Math.floor(absIndex / items); // set active nav to the last one when reaches the right edge\n\n if (!loop && carousel && index === indexMax) {\n result = pages - 1;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n function getItemsMax() {\n // fixedWidth or autoWidth while viewportMax is not available\n if (autoWidth || fixedWidth && !viewportMax) {\n return slideCount - 1; // most cases\n } else {\n var str = fixedWidth ? 'fixedWidth' : 'items',\n arr = [];\n\n if (fixedWidth || options[str] < slideCount) {\n arr.push(options[str]);\n }\n\n if (responsive) {\n for (var bp in responsive) {\n var tem = responsive[bp][str];\n\n if (tem && (fixedWidth || tem < slideCount)) {\n arr.push(tem);\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (!arr.length) {\n arr.push(0);\n }\n\n return Math.ceil(fixedWidth ? viewportMax / Math.min.apply(null, arr) : Math.max.apply(null, arr));\n }\n }\n\n function getCloneCountForLoop() {\n var itemsMax = getItemsMax(),\n result = carousel ? Math.ceil((itemsMax * 5 - slideCount) / 2) : itemsMax * 4 - slideCount;\n result = Math.max(itemsMax, result);\n return hasOption('edgePadding') ? result + 1 : result;\n }\n\n function getWindowWidth() {\n return win.innerWidth || doc.documentElement.clientWidth || doc.body.clientWidth;\n }\n\n function getInsertPosition(pos) {\n return pos === 'top' ? 'afterbegin' : 'beforeend';\n }\n\n function getClientWidth(el) {\n if (el == null) {\n return;\n }\n\n var div = doc.createElement('div'),\n rect,\n width;\n el.appendChild(div);\n rect = div.getBoundingClientRect();\n width = rect.right - rect.left;\n div.remove();\n return width || getClientWidth(el.parentNode);\n }\n\n function getViewportWidth() {\n var gap = edgePadding ? edgePadding * 2 - gutter : 0;\n return getClientWidth(containerParent) - gap;\n }\n\n function hasOption(item) {\n if (options[item]) {\n return true;\n } else {\n if (responsive) {\n for (var bp in responsive) {\n if (responsive[bp][item]) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n } // get option:\n // fixed width: viewport, fixedWidth, gutter => items\n // others: window width => all variables\n // all: items => slideBy\n\n\n function getOption(item, ww) {\n if (ww == null) {\n ww = windowWidth;\n }\n\n if (item === 'items' && fixedWidth) {\n return Math.floor((viewport + gutter) / (fixedWidth + gutter)) || 1;\n } else {\n var result = options[item];\n\n if (responsive) {\n for (var bp in responsive) {\n // bp: convert string to number\n if (ww >= parseInt(bp)) {\n if (item in responsive[bp]) {\n result = responsive[bp][item];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (item === 'slideBy' && result === 'page') {\n result = getOption('items');\n }\n\n if (!carousel && (item === 'slideBy' || item === 'items')) {\n result = Math.floor(result);\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n }\n\n function getSlideMarginLeft(i) {\n return CALC ? CALC + '(' + i * 100 + '% / ' + slideCountNew + ')' : i * 100 / slideCountNew + '%';\n }\n\n function getInnerWrapperStyles(edgePaddingTem, gutterTem, fixedWidthTem, speedTem, autoHeightBP) {\n var str = '';\n\n if (edgePaddingTem !== undefined) {\n var gap = edgePaddingTem;\n\n if (gutterTem) {\n gap -= gutterTem;\n }\n\n str = horizontal ? 'margin: 0 ' + gap + 'px 0 ' + edgePaddingTem + 'px;' : 'margin: ' + edgePaddingTem + 'px 0 ' + gap + 'px 0;';\n } else if (gutterTem && !fixedWidthTem) {\n var gutterTemUnit = '-' + gutterTem + 'px',\n dir = horizontal ? gutterTemUnit + ' 0 0' : '0 ' + gutterTemUnit + ' 0';\n str = 'margin: 0 ' + dir + ';';\n }\n\n if (!carousel && autoHeightBP && TRANSITIONDURATION && speedTem) {\n str += getTransitionDurationStyle(speedTem);\n }\n\n return str;\n }\n\n function getContainerWidth(fixedWidthTem, gutterTem, itemsTem) {\n if (fixedWidthTem) {\n return (fixedWidthTem + gutterTem) * slideCountNew + 'px';\n } else {\n return CALC ? CALC + '(' + slideCountNew * 100 + '% / ' + itemsTem + ')' : slideCountNew * 100 / itemsTem + '%';\n }\n }\n\n function getSlideWidthStyle(fixedWidthTem, gutterTem, itemsTem) {\n var width;\n\n if (fixedWidthTem) {\n width = fixedWidthTem + gutterTem + 'px';\n } else {\n if (!carousel) {\n itemsTem = Math.floor(itemsTem);\n }\n\n var dividend = carousel ? slideCountNew : itemsTem;\n width = CALC ? CALC + '(100% / ' + dividend + ')' : 100 / dividend + '%';\n }\n\n width = 'width:' + width; // inner slider: overwrite outer slider styles\n\n return nested !== 'inner' ? width + ';' : width + ' !important;';\n }\n\n function getSlideGutterStyle(gutterTem) {\n var str = ''; // gutter maybe interger || 0\n // so can't use 'if (gutter)'\n\n if (gutterTem !== false) {\n var prop = horizontal ? 'padding-' : 'margin-',\n dir = horizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom';\n str = prop + dir + ': ' + gutterTem + 'px;';\n }\n\n return str;\n }\n\n function getCSSPrefix(name, num) {\n var prefix = name.substring(0, name.length - num).toLowerCase();\n\n if (prefix) {\n prefix = '-' + prefix + '-';\n }\n\n return prefix;\n }\n\n function getTransitionDurationStyle(speed) {\n return getCSSPrefix(TRANSITIONDURATION, 18) + 'transition-duration:' + speed / 1000 + 's;';\n }\n\n function getAnimationDurationStyle(speed) {\n return getCSSPrefix(ANIMATIONDURATION, 17) + 'animation-duration:' + speed / 1000 + 's;';\n }\n\n function initStructure() {\n var classOuter = 'tns-outer',\n classInner = 'tns-inner';\n hasOption('gutter');\n outerWrapper.className = classOuter;\n innerWrapper.className = classInner;\n = slideId + '-ow';\n = slideId + '-iw'; // set container properties\n\n if ( === '') {\n = slideId;\n }\n\n newContainerClasses += PERCENTAGELAYOUT || autoWidth ? ' tns-subpixel' : ' tns-no-subpixel';\n newContainerClasses += CALC ? ' tns-calc' : ' tns-no-calc';\n\n if (autoWidth) {\n newContainerClasses += ' tns-autowidth';\n }\n\n newContainerClasses += ' tns-' + options.axis;\n container.className += newContainerClasses; // add constrain layer for carousel\n\n if (carousel) {\n middleWrapper = doc.createElement('div');\n = slideId + '-mw';\n middleWrapper.className = 'tns-ovh';\n outerWrapper.appendChild(middleWrapper);\n middleWrapper.appendChild(innerWrapper);\n } else {\n outerWrapper.appendChild(innerWrapper);\n }\n\n if (autoHeight) {\n var wp = middleWrapper ? middleWrapper : innerWrapper;\n wp.className += ' tns-ah';\n }\n\n containerParent.insertBefore(outerWrapper, container);\n innerWrapper.appendChild(container); // add id, class, aria attributes\n // before clone slides\n\n forEach(slideItems, function (item, i) {\n addClass(item, 'tns-item');\n\n if (! {\n = slideId + '-item' + i;\n }\n\n if (!carousel && animateNormal) {\n addClass(item, animateNormal);\n }\n\n setAttrs(item, {\n 'aria-hidden': 'true',\n 'tabindex': '-1'\n });\n }); // ## clone slides\n // carousel: n + slides + n\n // gallery: slides + n\n\n if (cloneCount) {\n var fragmentBefore = doc.createDocumentFragment(),\n fragmentAfter = doc.createDocumentFragment();\n\n for (var j = cloneCount; j--;) {\n var num = j % slideCount,\n cloneFirst = slideItems[num].cloneNode(true);\n addClass(cloneFirst, slideClonedClass);\n removeAttrs(cloneFirst, 'id');\n fragmentAfter.insertBefore(cloneFirst, fragmentAfter.firstChild);\n\n if (carousel) {\n var cloneLast = slideItems[slideCount - 1 - num].cloneNode(true);\n addClass(cloneLast, slideClonedClass);\n removeAttrs(cloneLast, 'id');\n fragmentBefore.appendChild(cloneLast);\n }\n }\n\n container.insertBefore(fragmentBefore, container.firstChild);\n container.appendChild(fragmentAfter);\n slideItems = container.children;\n }\n }\n\n function initSliderTransform() {\n // ## images loaded/failed\n if (hasOption('autoHeight') || autoWidth || !horizontal) {\n var imgs = container.querySelectorAll('img'); // add img load event listener\n\n forEach(imgs, function (img) {\n var src = img.src;\n\n if (!lazyload) {\n // not data img\n if (src && src.indexOf('data:image') < 0) {\n img.src = '';\n addEvents(img, imgEvents);\n addClass(img, 'loading');\n img.src = src; // data img\n } else {\n imgLoaded(img);\n }\n }\n }); // set imgsComplete\n\n raf(function () {\n imgsLoadedCheck(arrayFromNodeList(imgs), function () {\n imgsComplete = true;\n });\n }); // reset imgs for auto height: check visible imgs only\n\n if (hasOption('autoHeight')) {\n imgs = getImageArray(index, Math.min(index + items - 1, slideCountNew - 1));\n }\n\n lazyload ? initSliderTransformStyleCheck() : raf(function () {\n imgsLoadedCheck(arrayFromNodeList(imgs), initSliderTransformStyleCheck);\n });\n } else {\n // set container transform property\n if (carousel) {\n doContainerTransformSilent();\n } // update slider tools and events\n\n\n initTools();\n initEvents();\n }\n }\n\n function initSliderTransformStyleCheck() {\n if (autoWidth && slideCount > 1) {\n // check styles application\n var num = loop ? index : slideCount - 1;\n\n (function stylesApplicationCheck() {\n var left = slideItems[num].getBoundingClientRect().left;\n var right = slideItems[num - 1].getBoundingClientRect().right;\n Math.abs(left - right) <= 1 ? initSliderTransformCore() : setTimeout(function () {\n stylesApplicationCheck();\n }, 16);\n })();\n } else {\n initSliderTransformCore();\n }\n }\n\n function initSliderTransformCore() {\n // run Fn()s which are rely on image loading\n if (!horizontal || autoWidth) {\n setSlidePositions();\n\n if (autoWidth) {\n rightBoundary = getRightBoundary();\n\n if (freezable) {\n freeze = getFreeze();\n }\n\n indexMax = getIndexMax(); // <= slidePositions, rightBoundary <=\n\n resetVariblesWhenDisable(disable || freeze);\n } else {\n updateContentWrapperHeight();\n }\n } // set container transform property\n\n\n if (carousel) {\n doContainerTransformSilent();\n } // update slider tools and events\n\n\n initTools();\n initEvents();\n }\n\n function initSheet() {\n // gallery:\n // set animation classes and left value for gallery slider\n if (!carousel) {\n for (var i = index, l = index + Math.min(slideCount, items); i < l; i++) {\n var item = slideItems[i];\n = (i - index) * 100 / items + '%';\n addClass(item, animateIn);\n removeClass(item, animateNormal);\n }\n } // #### LAYOUT\n // ## INLINE-BLOCK VS FLOAT\n // ## PercentageLayout:\n // slides: inline-block\n // remove blank space between slides by set font-size: 0\n // ## Non PercentageLayout:\n // slides: float\n // margin-right: -100%\n // margin-left: ~\n // Resource:\n\n\n if (horizontal) {\n if (PERCENTAGELAYOUT || autoWidth) {\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + ' > .tns-item', 'font-size:' + win.getComputedStyle(slideItems[0]).fontSize + ';', getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId, 'font-size:0;', getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n } else if (carousel) {\n forEach(slideItems, function (slide, i) {\n = getSlideMarginLeft(i);\n });\n }\n } // ## BASIC STYLES\n\n\n if (CSSMQ) {\n // middle wrapper style\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n var str = middleWrapper && options.autoHeight ? getTransitionDurationStyle(options.speed) : '';\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + '-mw', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n } // inner wrapper styles\n\n\n str = getInnerWrapperStyles(options.edgePadding, options.gutter, options.fixedWidth, options.speed, options.autoHeight);\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + '-iw', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet)); // container styles\n\n if (carousel) {\n str = horizontal && !autoWidth ? 'width:' + getContainerWidth(options.fixedWidth, options.gutter, options.items) + ';' : '';\n\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n str += getTransitionDurationStyle(speed);\n }\n\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId, str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n } // slide styles\n\n\n str = horizontal && !autoWidth ? getSlideWidthStyle(options.fixedWidth, options.gutter, options.items) : '';\n\n if (options.gutter) {\n str += getSlideGutterStyle(options.gutter);\n } // set gallery items transition-duration\n\n\n if (!carousel) {\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n str += getTransitionDurationStyle(speed);\n }\n\n if (ANIMATIONDURATION) {\n str += getAnimationDurationStyle(speed);\n }\n }\n\n if (str) {\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + ' > .tns-item', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n } // non CSS mediaqueries: IE8\n // ## update inner wrapper, container, slides if needed\n // set inline styles for inner wrapper & container\n // insert stylesheet (one line) for slides only (since slides are many)\n\n } else {\n // middle wrapper styles\n update_carousel_transition_duration(); // inner wrapper styles\n\n = getInnerWrapperStyles(edgePadding, gutter, fixedWidth, autoHeight); // container styles\n\n if (carousel && horizontal && !autoWidth) {\n = getContainerWidth(fixedWidth, gutter, items);\n } // slide styles\n\n\n var str = horizontal && !autoWidth ? getSlideWidthStyle(fixedWidth, gutter, items) : '';\n\n if (gutter) {\n str += getSlideGutterStyle(gutter);\n } // append to the last line\n\n\n if (str) {\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + ' > .tns-item', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n }\n } // ## MEDIAQUERIES\n\n\n if (responsive && CSSMQ) {\n for (var bp in responsive) {\n // bp: convert string to number\n bp = parseInt(bp);\n var opts = responsive[bp],\n str = '',\n middleWrapperStr = '',\n innerWrapperStr = '',\n containerStr = '',\n slideStr = '',\n itemsBP = !autoWidth ? getOption('items', bp) : null,\n fixedWidthBP = getOption('fixedWidth', bp),\n speedBP = getOption('speed', bp),\n edgePaddingBP = getOption('edgePadding', bp),\n autoHeightBP = getOption('autoHeight', bp),\n gutterBP = getOption('gutter', bp); // middle wrapper string\n\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION && middleWrapper && getOption('autoHeight', bp) && 'speed' in opts) {\n middleWrapperStr = '#' + slideId + '-mw{' + getTransitionDurationStyle(speedBP) + '}';\n } // inner wrapper string\n\n\n if ('edgePadding' in opts || 'gutter' in opts) {\n innerWrapperStr = '#' + slideId + '-iw{' + getInnerWrapperStyles(edgePaddingBP, gutterBP, fixedWidthBP, speedBP, autoHeightBP) + '}';\n } // container string\n\n\n if (carousel && horizontal && !autoWidth && ('fixedWidth' in opts || 'items' in opts || fixedWidth && 'gutter' in opts)) {\n containerStr = 'width:' + getContainerWidth(fixedWidthBP, gutterBP, itemsBP) + ';';\n }\n\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION && 'speed' in opts) {\n containerStr += getTransitionDurationStyle(speedBP);\n }\n\n if (containerStr) {\n containerStr = '#' + slideId + '{' + containerStr + '}';\n } // slide string\n\n\n if ('fixedWidth' in opts || fixedWidth && 'gutter' in opts || !carousel && 'items' in opts) {\n slideStr += getSlideWidthStyle(fixedWidthBP, gutterBP, itemsBP);\n }\n\n if ('gutter' in opts) {\n slideStr += getSlideGutterStyle(gutterBP);\n } // set gallery items transition-duration\n\n\n if (!carousel && 'speed' in opts) {\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n slideStr += getTransitionDurationStyle(speedBP);\n }\n\n if (ANIMATIONDURATION) {\n slideStr += getAnimationDurationStyle(speedBP);\n }\n }\n\n if (slideStr) {\n slideStr = '#' + slideId + ' > .tns-item{' + slideStr + '}';\n } // add up\n\n\n str = middleWrapperStr + innerWrapperStr + containerStr + slideStr;\n\n if (str) {\n sheet.insertRule('@media (min-width: ' + bp / 16 + 'em) {' + str + '}', sheet.cssRules.length);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n function initTools() {\n // == slides ==\n updateSlideStatus(); // == live region ==\n\n outerWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<div class=\"tns-liveregion tns-visually-hidden\" aria-live=\"polite\" aria-atomic=\"true\">slide <span class=\"current\">' + getLiveRegionStr() + '</span> of ' + slideCount + '</div>');\n liveregionCurrent = outerWrapper.querySelector('.tns-liveregion .current'); // == autoplayInit ==\n\n if (hasAutoplay) {\n var txt = autoplay ? 'stop' : 'start';\n\n if (autoplayButton) {\n setAttrs(autoplayButton, {\n 'data-action': txt\n });\n } else if (options.autoplayButtonOutput) {\n outerWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML(getInsertPosition(options.autoplayPosition), '<button type=\"button\" data-action=\"' + txt + '\">' + autoplayHtmlStrings[0] + txt + autoplayHtmlStrings[1] + autoplayText[0] + '</button>');\n autoplayButton = outerWrapper.querySelector('[data-action]');\n } // add event\n\n\n if (autoplayButton) {\n addEvents(autoplayButton, {\n 'click': toggleAutoplay\n });\n }\n\n if (autoplay) {\n startAutoplay();\n\n if (autoplayHoverPause) {\n addEvents(container, hoverEvents);\n }\n\n if (autoplayResetOnVisibility) {\n addEvents(container, visibilityEvent);\n }\n }\n } // == navInit ==\n\n\n if (hasNav) {\n // will not hide the navs in case they're thumbnails\n\n if (navContainer) {\n setAttrs(navContainer, {\n 'aria-label': 'Carousel Pagination'\n });\n navItems = navContainer.children;\n forEach(navItems, function (item, i) {\n setAttrs(item, {\n 'data-nav': i,\n 'tabindex': '-1',\n 'aria-label': navStr + (i + 1),\n 'aria-controls': slideId\n });\n }); // generated nav\n } else {\n var navHtml = '',\n hiddenStr = navAsThumbnails ? '' : 'style=\"display:none\"';\n\n for (var i = 0; i < slideCount; i++) {\n // hide nav items by default\n navHtml += '<button type=\"button\" data-nav=\"' + i + '\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-controls=\"' + slideId + '\" ' + hiddenStr + ' aria-label=\"' + navStr + (i + 1) + '\"></button>';\n }\n\n navHtml = '<div class=\"tns-nav\" aria-label=\"Carousel Pagination\">' + navHtml + '</div>';\n outerWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML(getInsertPosition(options.navPosition), navHtml);\n navContainer = outerWrapper.querySelector('.tns-nav');\n navItems = navContainer.children;\n }\n\n updateNavVisibility(); // add transition\n\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n var prefix = TRANSITIONDURATION.substring(0, TRANSITIONDURATION.length - 18).toLowerCase(),\n str = 'transition: all ' + speed / 1000 + 's';\n\n if (prefix) {\n str = '-' + prefix + '-' + str;\n }\n\n addCSSRule(sheet, '[aria-controls^=' + slideId + '-item]', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n }\n\n setAttrs(navItems[navCurrentIndex], {\n 'aria-label': navStr + (navCurrentIndex + 1) + navStrCurrent\n });\n removeAttrs(navItems[navCurrentIndex], 'tabindex');\n addClass(navItems[navCurrentIndex], navActiveClass); // add events\n\n addEvents(navContainer, navEvents);\n } // == controlsInit ==\n\n\n if (hasControls) {\n if (!controlsContainer && (!prevButton || !nextButton)) {\n outerWrapper.insertAdjacentHTML(getInsertPosition(options.controlsPosition), '<div class=\"tns-controls\" aria-label=\"Carousel Navigation\" tabindex=\"0\"><button type=\"button\" data-controls=\"prev\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-controls=\"' + slideId + '\">' + controlsText[0] + '</button><button type=\"button\" data-controls=\"next\" tabindex=\"-1\" aria-controls=\"' + slideId + '\">' + controlsText[1] + '</button></div>');\n controlsContainer = outerWrapper.querySelector('.tns-controls');\n }\n\n if (!prevButton || !nextButton) {\n prevButton = controlsContainer.children[0];\n nextButton = controlsContainer.children[1];\n }\n\n if (options.controlsContainer) {\n setAttrs(controlsContainer, {\n 'aria-label': 'Carousel Navigation',\n 'tabindex': '0'\n });\n }\n\n if (options.controlsContainer || options.prevButton && options.nextButton) {\n setAttrs([prevButton, nextButton], {\n 'aria-controls': slideId,\n 'tabindex': '-1'\n });\n }\n\n if (options.controlsContainer || options.prevButton && options.nextButton) {\n setAttrs(prevButton, {\n 'data-controls': 'prev'\n });\n setAttrs(nextButton, {\n 'data-controls': 'next'\n });\n }\n\n prevIsButton = isButton(prevButton);\n nextIsButton = isButton(nextButton);\n updateControlsStatus(); // add events\n\n if (controlsContainer) {\n addEvents(controlsContainer, controlsEvents);\n } else {\n addEvents(prevButton, controlsEvents);\n addEvents(nextButton, controlsEvents);\n }\n } // hide tools if needed\n\n\n disableUI();\n }\n\n function initEvents() {\n // add events\n if (carousel && TRANSITIONEND) {\n var eve = {};\n eve[TRANSITIONEND] = onTransitionEnd;\n addEvents(container, eve);\n }\n\n if (touch) {\n addEvents(container, touchEvents, options.preventScrollOnTouch);\n }\n\n if (mouseDrag) {\n addEvents(container, dragEvents);\n }\n\n if (arrowKeys) {\n addEvents(doc, docmentKeydownEvent);\n }\n\n if (nested === 'inner') {\n events.on('outerResized', function () {\n resizeTasks();\n events.emit('innerLoaded', info());\n });\n } else if (responsive || fixedWidth || autoWidth || autoHeight || !horizontal) {\n addEvents(win, {\n 'resize': onResize\n });\n }\n\n if (autoHeight) {\n if (nested === 'outer') {\n events.on('innerLoaded', doAutoHeight);\n } else if (!disable) {\n doAutoHeight();\n }\n }\n\n doLazyLoad();\n\n if (disable) {\n disableSlider();\n } else if (freeze) {\n freezeSlider();\n }\n\n events.on('indexChanged', additionalUpdates);\n\n if (nested === 'inner') {\n events.emit('innerLoaded', info());\n }\n\n if (typeof onInit === 'function') {\n onInit(info());\n }\n\n isOn = true;\n }\n\n function destroy() {\n // sheet\n sheet.disabled = true;\n\n if (sheet.ownerNode) {\n sheet.ownerNode.remove();\n } // remove win event listeners\n\n\n removeEvents(win, {\n 'resize': onResize\n }); // arrowKeys, controls, nav\n\n if (arrowKeys) {\n removeEvents(doc, docmentKeydownEvent);\n }\n\n if (controlsContainer) {\n removeEvents(controlsContainer, controlsEvents);\n }\n\n if (navContainer) {\n removeEvents(navContainer, navEvents);\n } // autoplay\n\n\n removeEvents(container, hoverEvents);\n removeEvents(container, visibilityEvent);\n\n if (autoplayButton) {\n removeEvents(autoplayButton, {\n 'click': toggleAutoplay\n });\n }\n\n if (autoplay) {\n clearInterval(autoplayTimer);\n } // container\n\n\n if (carousel && TRANSITIONEND) {\n var eve = {};\n eve[TRANSITIONEND] = onTransitionEnd;\n removeEvents(container, eve);\n }\n\n if (touch) {\n removeEvents(container, touchEvents);\n }\n\n if (mouseDrag) {\n removeEvents(container, dragEvents);\n } // cache Object values in options && reset HTML\n\n\n var htmlList = [containerHTML, controlsContainerHTML, prevButtonHTML, nextButtonHTML, navContainerHTML, autoplayButtonHTML];\n tnsList.forEach(function (item, i) {\n var el = item === 'container' ? outerWrapper : options[item];\n\n if (typeof el === 'object' && el) {\n var prevEl = el.previousElementSibling ? el.previousElementSibling : false,\n parentEl = el.parentNode;\n el.outerHTML = htmlList[i];\n options[item] = prevEl ? prevEl.nextElementSibling : parentEl.firstElementChild;\n }\n }); // reset variables\n\n tnsList = animateIn = animateOut = animateDelay = animateNormal = horizontal = outerWrapper = innerWrapper = container = containerParent = containerHTML = slideItems = slideCount = breakpointZone = windowWidth = autoWidth = fixedWidth = edgePadding = gutter = viewport = items = slideBy = viewportMax = arrowKeys = speed = rewind = loop = autoHeight = sheet = lazyload = slidePositions = slideItemsOut = cloneCount = slideCountNew = hasRightDeadZone = rightBoundary = updateIndexBeforeTransform = transformAttr = transformPrefix = transformPostfix = getIndexMax = index = indexCached = indexMin = indexMax = swipeAngle = moveDirectionExpected = running = onInit = events = newContainerClasses = slideId = disable = disabled = freezable = freeze = frozen = controlsEvents = navEvents = hoverEvents = visibilityEvent = docmentKeydownEvent = touchEvents = dragEvents = hasControls = hasNav = navAsThumbnails = hasAutoplay = hasTouch = hasMouseDrag = slideActiveClass = imgCompleteClass = imgEvents = imgsComplete = controls = controlsText = controlsContainer = controlsContainerHTML = prevButton = nextButton = prevIsButton = nextIsButton = nav = navContainer = navContainerHTML = navItems = pages = pagesCached = navClicked = navCurrentIndex = navCurrentIndexCached = navActiveClass = navStr = navStrCurrent = autoplay = autoplayTimeout = autoplayDirection = autoplayText = autoplayHoverPause = autoplayButton = autoplayButtonHTML = autoplayResetOnVisibility = autoplayHtmlStrings = autoplayTimer = animating = autoplayHoverPaused = autoplayUserPaused = autoplayVisibilityPaused = initPosition = lastPosition = translateInit = panStart = rafIndex = getDist = touch = mouseDrag = null; // check variables\n // [animateIn, animateOut, animateDelay, animateNormal, horizontal, outerWrapper, innerWrapper, container, containerParent, containerHTML, slideItems, slideCount, breakpointZone, windowWidth, autoWidth, fixedWidth, edgePadding, gutter, viewport, items, slideBy, viewportMax, arrowKeys, speed, rewind, loop, autoHeight, sheet, lazyload, slidePositions, slideItemsOut, cloneCount, slideCountNew, hasRightDeadZone, rightBoundary, updateIndexBeforeTransform, transformAttr, transformPrefix, transformPostfix, getIndexMax, index, indexCached, indexMin, indexMax, resizeTimer, swipeAngle, moveDirectionExpected, running, onInit, events, newContainerClasses, slideId, disable, disabled, freezable, freeze, frozen, controlsEvents, navEvents, hoverEvents, visibilityEvent, docmentKeydownEvent, touchEvents, dragEvents, hasControls, hasNav, navAsThumbnails, hasAutoplay, hasTouch, hasMouseDrag, slideActiveClass, imgCompleteClass, imgEvents, imgsComplete, controls, controlsText, controlsContainer, controlsContainerHTML, prevButton, nextButton, prevIsButton, nextIsButton, nav, navContainer, navContainerHTML, navItems, pages, pagesCached, navClicked, navCurrentIndex, navCurrentIndexCached, navActiveClass, navStr, navStrCurrent, autoplay, autoplayTimeout, autoplayDirection, autoplayText, autoplayHoverPause, autoplayButton, autoplayButtonHTML, autoplayResetOnVisibility, autoplayHtmlStrings, autoplayTimer, animating, autoplayHoverPaused, autoplayUserPaused, autoplayVisibilityPaused, initPosition, lastPosition, translateInit, disX, disY, panStart, rafIndex, getDist, touch, mouseDrag ].forEach(function(item) { if (item !== null) { console.log(item); } });\n\n for (var a in this) {\n if (a !== 'rebuild') {\n this[a] = null;\n }\n }\n\n isOn = false;\n } // === ON RESIZE ===\n // responsive || fixedWidth || autoWidth || !horizontal\n\n\n function onResize(e) {\n raf(function () {\n resizeTasks(getEvent(e));\n });\n }\n\n function resizeTasks(e) {\n if (!isOn) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (nested === 'outer') {\n events.emit('outerResized', info(e));\n }\n\n windowWidth = getWindowWidth();\n var bpChanged,\n breakpointZoneTem = breakpointZone,\n needContainerTransform = false;\n\n if (responsive) {\n setBreakpointZone();\n bpChanged = breakpointZoneTem !== breakpointZone; // if (hasRightDeadZone) { needContainerTransform = true; } // *?\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n events.emit('newBreakpointStart', info(e));\n }\n }\n\n var indChanged,\n itemsChanged,\n itemsTem = items,\n disableTem = disable,\n freezeTem = freeze,\n arrowKeysTem = arrowKeys,\n controlsTem = controls,\n navTem = nav,\n touchTem = touch,\n mouseDragTem = mouseDrag,\n autoplayTem = autoplay,\n autoplayHoverPauseTem = autoplayHoverPause,\n autoplayResetOnVisibilityTem = autoplayResetOnVisibility,\n indexTem = index;\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n var fixedWidthTem = fixedWidth,\n autoHeightTem = autoHeight,\n controlsTextTem = controlsText,\n centerTem = center,\n autoplayTextTem = autoplayText;\n\n if (!CSSMQ) {\n var gutterTem = gutter,\n edgePaddingTem = edgePadding;\n }\n } // get option:\n // fixed width: viewport, fixedWidth, gutter => items\n // others: window width => all variables\n // all: items => slideBy\n\n\n arrowKeys = getOption('arrowKeys');\n controls = getOption('controls');\n nav = getOption('nav');\n touch = getOption('touch');\n center = getOption('center');\n mouseDrag = getOption('mouseDrag');\n autoplay = getOption('autoplay');\n autoplayHoverPause = getOption('autoplayHoverPause');\n autoplayResetOnVisibility = getOption('autoplayResetOnVisibility');\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n disable = getOption('disable');\n fixedWidth = getOption('fixedWidth');\n speed = getOption('speed');\n autoHeight = getOption('autoHeight');\n controlsText = getOption('controlsText');\n autoplayText = getOption('autoplayText');\n autoplayTimeout = getOption('autoplayTimeout');\n\n if (!CSSMQ) {\n edgePadding = getOption('edgePadding');\n gutter = getOption('gutter');\n }\n } // update options\n\n\n resetVariblesWhenDisable(disable);\n viewport = getViewportWidth(); // <= edgePadding, gutter\n\n if ((!horizontal || autoWidth) && !disable) {\n setSlidePositions();\n\n if (!horizontal) {\n updateContentWrapperHeight(); // <= setSlidePositions\n\n needContainerTransform = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (fixedWidth || autoWidth) {\n rightBoundary = getRightBoundary(); // autoWidth: <= viewport, slidePositions, gutter\n // fixedWidth: <= viewport, fixedWidth, gutter\n\n indexMax = getIndexMax(); // autoWidth: <= rightBoundary, slidePositions\n // fixedWidth: <= rightBoundary, fixedWidth, gutter\n }\n\n if (bpChanged || fixedWidth) {\n items = getOption('items');\n slideBy = getOption('slideBy');\n itemsChanged = items !== itemsTem;\n\n if (itemsChanged) {\n if (!fixedWidth && !autoWidth) {\n indexMax = getIndexMax();\n } // <= items\n // check index before transform in case\n // slider reach the right edge then items become bigger\n\n\n updateIndex();\n }\n }\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n if (disable !== disableTem) {\n if (disable) {\n disableSlider();\n } else {\n enableSlider(); // <= slidePositions, rightBoundary, indexMax\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (freezable && (bpChanged || fixedWidth || autoWidth)) {\n freeze = getFreeze(); // <= autoWidth: slidePositions, gutter, viewport, rightBoundary\n // <= fixedWidth: fixedWidth, gutter, rightBoundary\n // <= others: items\n\n if (freeze !== freezeTem) {\n if (freeze) {\n doContainerTransform(getContainerTransformValue(getStartIndex(0)));\n freezeSlider();\n } else {\n unfreezeSlider();\n needContainerTransform = true;\n }\n }\n }\n\n resetVariblesWhenDisable(disable || freeze); // controls, nav, touch, mouseDrag, arrowKeys, autoplay, autoplayHoverPause, autoplayResetOnVisibility\n\n if (!autoplay) {\n autoplayHoverPause = autoplayResetOnVisibility = false;\n }\n\n if (arrowKeys !== arrowKeysTem) {\n arrowKeys ? addEvents(doc, docmentKeydownEvent) : removeEvents(doc, docmentKeydownEvent);\n }\n\n if (controls !== controlsTem) {\n if (controls) {\n if (controlsContainer) {\n showElement(controlsContainer);\n } else {\n if (prevButton) {\n showElement(prevButton);\n }\n\n if (nextButton) {\n showElement(nextButton);\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (controlsContainer) {\n hideElement(controlsContainer);\n } else {\n if (prevButton) {\n hideElement(prevButton);\n }\n\n if (nextButton) {\n hideElement(nextButton);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (nav !== navTem) {\n if (nav) {\n showElement(navContainer);\n updateNavVisibility();\n } else {\n hideElement(navContainer);\n }\n }\n\n if (touch !== touchTem) {\n touch ? addEvents(container, touchEvents, options.preventScrollOnTouch) : removeEvents(container, touchEvents);\n }\n\n if (mouseDrag !== mouseDragTem) {\n mouseDrag ? addEvents(container, dragEvents) : removeEvents(container, dragEvents);\n }\n\n if (autoplay !== autoplayTem) {\n if (autoplay) {\n if (autoplayButton) {\n showElement(autoplayButton);\n }\n\n if (!animating && !autoplayUserPaused) {\n startAutoplay();\n }\n } else {\n if (autoplayButton) {\n hideElement(autoplayButton);\n }\n\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplay();\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (autoplayHoverPause !== autoplayHoverPauseTem) {\n autoplayHoverPause ? addEvents(container, hoverEvents) : removeEvents(container, hoverEvents);\n }\n\n if (autoplayResetOnVisibility !== autoplayResetOnVisibilityTem) {\n autoplayResetOnVisibility ? addEvents(doc, visibilityEvent) : removeEvents(doc, visibilityEvent);\n }\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n if (fixedWidth !== fixedWidthTem || center !== centerTem) {\n needContainerTransform = true;\n }\n\n if (autoHeight !== autoHeightTem) {\n if (!autoHeight) {\n = '';\n }\n }\n\n if (controls && controlsText !== controlsTextTem) {\n prevButton.innerHTML = controlsText[0];\n nextButton.innerHTML = controlsText[1];\n }\n\n if (autoplayButton && autoplayText !== autoplayTextTem) {\n var i = autoplay ? 1 : 0,\n html = autoplayButton.innerHTML,\n len = html.length - autoplayTextTem[i].length;\n\n if (html.substring(len) === autoplayTextTem[i]) {\n autoplayButton.innerHTML = html.substring(0, len) + autoplayText[i];\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (center && (fixedWidth || autoWidth)) {\n needContainerTransform = true;\n }\n }\n\n if (itemsChanged || fixedWidth && !autoWidth) {\n pages = getPages();\n updateNavVisibility();\n }\n\n indChanged = index !== indexTem;\n\n if (indChanged) {\n events.emit('indexChanged', info());\n needContainerTransform = true;\n } else if (itemsChanged) {\n if (!indChanged) {\n additionalUpdates();\n }\n } else if (fixedWidth || autoWidth) {\n doLazyLoad();\n updateSlideStatus();\n updateLiveRegion();\n }\n\n if (itemsChanged && !carousel) {\n updateGallerySlidePositions();\n }\n\n if (!disable && !freeze) {\n // non-mediaqueries: IE8\n if (bpChanged && !CSSMQ) {\n // middle wrapper styles\n // inner wrapper styles\n if (edgePadding !== edgePaddingTem || gutter !== gutterTem) {\n = getInnerWrapperStyles(edgePadding, gutter, fixedWidth, speed, autoHeight);\n }\n\n if (horizontal) {\n // container styles\n if (carousel) {\n = getContainerWidth(fixedWidth, gutter, items);\n } // slide styles\n\n\n var str = getSlideWidthStyle(fixedWidth, gutter, items) + getSlideGutterStyle(gutter); // remove the last line and\n // add new styles\n\n removeCSSRule(sheet, getCssRulesLength(sheet) - 1);\n addCSSRule(sheet, '#' + slideId + ' > .tns-item', str, getCssRulesLength(sheet));\n }\n } // auto height\n\n\n if (autoHeight) {\n doAutoHeight();\n }\n\n if (needContainerTransform) {\n doContainerTransformSilent();\n indexCached = index;\n }\n }\n\n if (bpChanged) {\n events.emit('newBreakpointEnd', info(e));\n }\n } // === INITIALIZATION FUNCTIONS === //\n\n\n function getFreeze() {\n if (!fixedWidth && !autoWidth) {\n var a = center ? items - (items - 1) / 2 : items;\n return slideCount <= a;\n }\n\n var width = fixedWidth ? (fixedWidth + gutter) * slideCount : slidePositions[slideCount],\n vp = edgePadding ? viewport + edgePadding * 2 : viewport + gutter;\n\n if (center) {\n vp -= fixedWidth ? (viewport - fixedWidth) / 2 : (viewport - (slidePositions[index + 1] - slidePositions[index] - gutter)) / 2;\n }\n\n return width <= vp;\n }\n\n function setBreakpointZone() {\n breakpointZone = 0;\n\n for (var bp in responsive) {\n bp = parseInt(bp); // convert string to number\n\n if (windowWidth >= bp) {\n breakpointZone = bp;\n }\n }\n } // (slideBy, indexMin, indexMax) => index\n\n\n var updateIndex = function () {\n return loop ? carousel ? // loop + carousel\n function () {\n var leftEdge = indexMin,\n rightEdge = indexMax;\n leftEdge += slideBy;\n rightEdge -= slideBy; // adjust edges when has edge paddings\n // or fixed-width slider with extra space on the right side\n\n if (edgePadding) {\n leftEdge += 1;\n rightEdge -= 1;\n } else if (fixedWidth) {\n if ((viewport + gutter) % (fixedWidth + gutter)) {\n rightEdge -= 1;\n }\n }\n\n if (cloneCount) {\n if (index > rightEdge) {\n index -= slideCount;\n } else if (index < leftEdge) {\n index += slideCount;\n }\n }\n } : // loop + gallery\n function () {\n if (index > indexMax) {\n while (index >= indexMin + slideCount) {\n index -= slideCount;\n }\n } else if (index < indexMin) {\n while (index <= indexMax - slideCount) {\n index += slideCount;\n }\n }\n } : // non-loop\n function () {\n index = Math.max(indexMin, Math.min(indexMax, index));\n };\n }();\n\n function disableUI() {\n if (!autoplay && autoplayButton) {\n hideElement(autoplayButton);\n }\n\n if (!nav && navContainer) {\n hideElement(navContainer);\n }\n\n if (!controls) {\n if (controlsContainer) {\n hideElement(controlsContainer);\n } else {\n if (prevButton) {\n hideElement(prevButton);\n }\n\n if (nextButton) {\n hideElement(nextButton);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n function enableUI() {\n if (autoplay && autoplayButton) {\n showElement(autoplayButton);\n }\n\n if (nav && navContainer) {\n showElement(navContainer);\n }\n\n if (controls) {\n if (controlsContainer) {\n showElement(controlsContainer);\n } else {\n if (prevButton) {\n showElement(prevButton);\n }\n\n if (nextButton) {\n showElement(nextButton);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n function freezeSlider() {\n if (frozen) {\n return;\n } // remove edge padding from inner wrapper\n\n\n if (edgePadding) {\n = '0px';\n } // add class tns-transparent to cloned slides\n\n\n if (cloneCount) {\n var str = 'tns-transparent';\n\n for (var i = cloneCount; i--;) {\n if (carousel) {\n addClass(slideItems[i], str);\n }\n\n addClass(slideItems[slideCountNew - i - 1], str);\n }\n } // update tools\n\n\n disableUI();\n frozen = true;\n }\n\n function unfreezeSlider() {\n if (!frozen) {\n return;\n } // restore edge padding for inner wrapper\n // for mordern browsers\n\n\n if (edgePadding && CSSMQ) {\n = '';\n } // remove class tns-transparent to cloned slides\n\n\n if (cloneCount) {\n var str = 'tns-transparent';\n\n for (var i = cloneCount; i--;) {\n if (carousel) {\n removeClass(slideItems[i], str);\n }\n\n removeClass(slideItems[slideCountNew - i - 1], str);\n }\n } // update tools\n\n\n enableUI();\n frozen = false;\n }\n\n function disableSlider() {\n if (disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n sheet.disabled = true;\n container.className = container.className.replace(newContainerClasses.substring(1), '');\n removeAttrs(container, ['style']);\n\n if (loop) {\n for (var j = cloneCount; j--;) {\n if (carousel) {\n hideElement(slideItems[j]);\n }\n\n hideElement(slideItems[slideCountNew - j - 1]);\n }\n } // vertical slider\n\n\n if (!horizontal || !carousel) {\n removeAttrs(innerWrapper, ['style']);\n } // gallery\n\n\n if (!carousel) {\n for (var i = index, l = index + slideCount; i < l; i++) {\n var item = slideItems[i];\n removeAttrs(item, ['style']);\n removeClass(item, animateIn);\n removeClass(item, animateNormal);\n }\n } // update tools\n\n\n disableUI();\n disabled = true;\n }\n\n function enableSlider() {\n if (!disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n sheet.disabled = false;\n container.className += newContainerClasses;\n doContainerTransformSilent();\n\n if (loop) {\n for (var j = cloneCount; j--;) {\n if (carousel) {\n showElement(slideItems[j]);\n }\n\n showElement(slideItems[slideCountNew - j - 1]);\n }\n } // gallery\n\n\n if (!carousel) {\n for (var i = index, l = index + slideCount; i < l; i++) {\n var item = slideItems[i],\n classN = i < index + items ? animateIn : animateNormal;\n = (i - index) * 100 / items + '%';\n addClass(item, classN);\n }\n } // update tools\n\n\n enableUI();\n disabled = false;\n }\n\n function updateLiveRegion() {\n var str = getLiveRegionStr();\n\n if (liveregionCurrent.innerHTML !== str) {\n liveregionCurrent.innerHTML = str;\n }\n }\n\n function getLiveRegionStr() {\n var arr = getVisibleSlideRange(),\n start = arr[0] + 1,\n end = arr[1] + 1;\n return start === end ? start + '' : start + ' to ' + end;\n }\n\n function getVisibleSlideRange(val) {\n if (val == null) {\n val = getContainerTransformValue();\n }\n\n var start = index,\n end,\n rangestart,\n rangeend; // get range start, range end for autoWidth and fixedWidth\n\n if (center || edgePadding) {\n if (autoWidth || fixedWidth) {\n rangestart = -(parseFloat(val) + edgePadding);\n rangeend = rangestart + viewport + edgePadding * 2;\n }\n } else {\n if (autoWidth) {\n rangestart = slidePositions[index];\n rangeend = rangestart + viewport;\n }\n } // get start, end\n // - check auto width\n\n\n if (autoWidth) {\n slidePositions.forEach(function (point, i) {\n if (i < slideCountNew) {\n if ((center || edgePadding) && point <= rangestart + 0.5) {\n start = i;\n }\n\n if (rangeend - point >= 0.5) {\n end = i;\n }\n }\n }); // - check percentage width, fixed width\n } else {\n if (fixedWidth) {\n var cell = fixedWidth + gutter;\n\n if (center || edgePadding) {\n start = Math.floor(rangestart / cell);\n end = Math.ceil(rangeend / cell - 1);\n } else {\n end = start + Math.ceil(viewport / cell) - 1;\n }\n } else {\n if (center || edgePadding) {\n var a = items - 1;\n\n if (center) {\n start -= a / 2;\n end = index + a / 2;\n } else {\n end = index + a;\n }\n\n if (edgePadding) {\n var b = edgePadding * items / viewport;\n start -= b;\n end += b;\n }\n\n start = Math.floor(start);\n end = Math.ceil(end);\n } else {\n end = start + items - 1;\n }\n }\n\n start = Math.max(start, 0);\n end = Math.min(end, slideCountNew - 1);\n }\n\n return [start, end];\n }\n\n function doLazyLoad() {\n if (lazyload && !disable) {\n var arg = getVisibleSlideRange();\n arg.push(lazyloadSelector);\n getImageArray.apply(null, arg).forEach(function (img) {\n if (!hasClass(img, imgCompleteClass)) {\n // stop propagation transitionend event to container\n var eve = {};\n\n eve[TRANSITIONEND] = function (e) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n };\n\n addEvents(img, eve);\n addEvents(img, imgEvents); // update src\n\n img.src = getAttr(img, 'data-src'); // update srcset\n\n var srcset = getAttr(img, 'data-srcset');\n\n if (srcset) {\n img.srcset = srcset;\n }\n\n addClass(img, 'loading');\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function onImgLoaded(e) {\n imgLoaded(getTarget(e));\n }\n\n function onImgFailed(e) {\n imgFailed(getTarget(e));\n }\n\n function imgLoaded(img) {\n addClass(img, 'loaded');\n imgCompleted(img);\n }\n\n function imgFailed(img) {\n addClass(img, 'failed');\n imgCompleted(img);\n }\n\n function imgCompleted(img) {\n addClass(img, imgCompleteClass);\n removeClass(img, 'loading');\n removeEvents(img, imgEvents);\n }\n\n function getImageArray(start, end, imgSelector) {\n var imgs = [];\n\n if (!imgSelector) {\n imgSelector = 'img';\n }\n\n while (start <= end) {\n forEach(slideItems[start].querySelectorAll(imgSelector), function (img) {\n imgs.push(img);\n });\n start++;\n }\n\n return imgs;\n } // check if all visible images are loaded\n // and update container height if it's done\n\n\n function doAutoHeight() {\n var imgs = getImageArray.apply(null, getVisibleSlideRange());\n raf(function () {\n imgsLoadedCheck(imgs, updateInnerWrapperHeight);\n });\n }\n\n function imgsLoadedCheck(imgs, cb) {\n // execute callback function if all images are complete\n if (imgsComplete) {\n return cb();\n } // check image classes\n\n\n imgs.forEach(function (img, index) {\n if (!lazyload && img.complete) {\n imgCompleted(img);\n } // Check image.complete\n\n\n if (hasClass(img, imgCompleteClass)) {\n imgs.splice(index, 1);\n }\n }); // execute callback function if selected images are all complete\n\n if (!imgs.length) {\n return cb();\n } // otherwise execute this functiona again\n\n\n raf(function () {\n imgsLoadedCheck(imgs, cb);\n });\n }\n\n function additionalUpdates() {\n doLazyLoad();\n updateSlideStatus();\n updateLiveRegion();\n updateControlsStatus();\n updateNavStatus();\n }\n\n function update_carousel_transition_duration() {\n if (carousel && autoHeight) {\n[TRANSITIONDURATION] = speed / 1000 + 's';\n }\n }\n\n function getMaxSlideHeight(slideStart, slideRange) {\n var heights = [];\n\n for (var i = slideStart, l = Math.min(slideStart + slideRange, slideCountNew); i < l; i++) {\n heights.push(slideItems[i].offsetHeight);\n }\n\n return Math.max.apply(null, heights);\n } // update inner wrapper height\n // 1. get the max-height of the visible slides\n // 2. set transitionDuration to speed\n // 3. update inner wrapper height to max-height\n // 4. set transitionDuration to 0s after transition done\n\n\n function updateInnerWrapperHeight() {\n var maxHeight = autoHeight ? getMaxSlideHeight(index, items) : getMaxSlideHeight(cloneCount, slideCount),\n wp = middleWrapper ? middleWrapper : innerWrapper;\n\n if ( !== maxHeight) {\n = maxHeight + 'px';\n }\n } // get the distance from the top edge of the first slide to each slide\n // (init) => slidePositions\n\n\n function setSlidePositions() {\n slidePositions = [0];\n var attr = horizontal ? 'left' : 'top',\n attr2 = horizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom',\n base = slideItems[0].getBoundingClientRect()[attr];\n forEach(slideItems, function (item, i) {\n // skip the first slide\n if (i) {\n slidePositions.push(item.getBoundingClientRect()[attr] - base);\n } // add the end edge\n\n\n if (i === slideCountNew - 1) {\n slidePositions.push(item.getBoundingClientRect()[attr2] - base);\n }\n });\n } // update slide\n\n\n function updateSlideStatus() {\n var range = getVisibleSlideRange(),\n start = range[0],\n end = range[1];\n forEach(slideItems, function (item, i) {\n // show slides\n if (i >= start && i <= end) {\n if (hasAttr(item, 'aria-hidden')) {\n removeAttrs(item, ['aria-hidden', 'tabindex']);\n addClass(item, slideActiveClass);\n } // hide slides\n\n } else {\n if (!hasAttr(item, 'aria-hidden')) {\n setAttrs(item, {\n 'aria-hidden': 'true',\n 'tabindex': '-1'\n });\n removeClass(item, slideActiveClass);\n }\n }\n });\n } // gallery: update slide position\n\n\n function updateGallerySlidePositions() {\n var l = index + Math.min(slideCount, items);\n\n for (var i = slideCountNew; i--;) {\n var item = slideItems[i];\n\n if (i >= index && i < l) {\n // add transitions to visible slides when adjusting their positions\n addClass(item, 'tns-moving');\n = (i - index) * 100 / items + '%';\n addClass(item, animateIn);\n removeClass(item, animateNormal);\n } else if ( {\n = '';\n addClass(item, animateNormal);\n removeClass(item, animateIn);\n } // remove outlet animation\n\n\n removeClass(item, animateOut);\n } // removing '.tns-moving'\n\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n forEach(slideItems, function (el) {\n removeClass(el, 'tns-moving');\n });\n }, 300);\n } // set tabindex on Nav\n\n\n function updateNavStatus() {\n // get current nav\n if (nav) {\n navCurrentIndex = navClicked >= 0 ? navClicked : getCurrentNavIndex();\n navClicked = -1;\n\n if (navCurrentIndex !== navCurrentIndexCached) {\n var navPrev = navItems[navCurrentIndexCached],\n navCurrent = navItems[navCurrentIndex];\n setAttrs(navPrev, {\n 'tabindex': '-1',\n 'aria-label': navStr + (navCurrentIndexCached + 1)\n });\n removeClass(navPrev, navActiveClass);\n setAttrs(navCurrent, {\n 'aria-label': navStr + (navCurrentIndex + 1) + navStrCurrent\n });\n removeAttrs(navCurrent, 'tabindex');\n addClass(navCurrent, navActiveClass);\n navCurrentIndexCached = navCurrentIndex;\n }\n }\n }\n\n function getLowerCaseNodeName(el) {\n return el.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n }\n\n function isButton(el) {\n return getLowerCaseNodeName(el) === 'button';\n }\n\n function isAriaDisabled(el) {\n return el.getAttribute('aria-disabled') === 'true';\n }\n\n function disEnableElement(isButton, el, val) {\n if (isButton) {\n el.disabled = val;\n } else {\n el.setAttribute('aria-disabled', val.toString());\n }\n } // set 'disabled' to true on controls when reach the edges\n\n\n function updateControlsStatus() {\n if (!controls || rewind || loop) {\n return;\n }\n\n var prevDisabled = prevIsButton ? prevButton.disabled : isAriaDisabled(prevButton),\n nextDisabled = nextIsButton ? nextButton.disabled : isAriaDisabled(nextButton),\n disablePrev = index <= indexMin ? true : false,\n disableNext = !rewind && index >= indexMax ? true : false;\n\n if (disablePrev && !prevDisabled) {\n disEnableElement(prevIsButton, prevButton, true);\n }\n\n if (!disablePrev && prevDisabled) {\n disEnableElement(prevIsButton, prevButton, false);\n }\n\n if (disableNext && !nextDisabled) {\n disEnableElement(nextIsButton, nextButton, true);\n }\n\n if (!disableNext && nextDisabled) {\n disEnableElement(nextIsButton, nextButton, false);\n }\n } // set duration\n\n\n function resetDuration(el, str) {\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION) {\n[TRANSITIONDURATION] = str;\n }\n }\n\n function getSliderWidth() {\n return fixedWidth ? (fixedWidth + gutter) * slideCountNew : slidePositions[slideCountNew];\n }\n\n function getCenterGap(num) {\n if (num == null) {\n num = index;\n }\n\n var gap = edgePadding ? gutter : 0;\n return autoWidth ? (viewport - gap - (slidePositions[num + 1] - slidePositions[num] - gutter)) / 2 : fixedWidth ? (viewport - fixedWidth) / 2 : (items - 1) / 2;\n }\n\n function getRightBoundary() {\n var gap = edgePadding ? gutter : 0,\n result = viewport + gap - getSliderWidth();\n\n if (center && !loop) {\n result = fixedWidth ? -(fixedWidth + gutter) * (slideCountNew - 1) - getCenterGap() : getCenterGap(slideCountNew - 1) - slidePositions[slideCountNew - 1];\n }\n\n if (result > 0) {\n result = 0;\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n function getContainerTransformValue(num) {\n if (num == null) {\n num = index;\n }\n\n var val;\n\n if (horizontal && !autoWidth) {\n if (fixedWidth) {\n val = -(fixedWidth + gutter) * num;\n\n if (center) {\n val += getCenterGap();\n }\n } else {\n var denominator = TRANSFORM ? slideCountNew : items;\n\n if (center) {\n num -= getCenterGap();\n }\n\n val = -num * 100 / denominator;\n }\n } else {\n val = -slidePositions[num];\n\n if (center && autoWidth) {\n val += getCenterGap();\n }\n }\n\n if (hasRightDeadZone) {\n val = Math.max(val, rightBoundary);\n }\n\n val += horizontal && !autoWidth && !fixedWidth ? '%' : 'px';\n return val;\n }\n\n function doContainerTransformSilent(val) {\n resetDuration(container, '0s');\n doContainerTransform(val);\n }\n\n function doContainerTransform(val) {\n if (val == null) {\n val = getContainerTransformValue();\n }\n\n[transformAttr] = transformPrefix + val + transformPostfix;\n }\n\n function animateSlide(number, classOut, classIn, isOut) {\n var l = number + items;\n\n if (!loop) {\n l = Math.min(l, slideCountNew);\n }\n\n for (var i = number; i < l; i++) {\n var item = slideItems[i]; // set item positions\n\n if (!isOut) {\n = (i - index) * 100 / items + '%';\n }\n\n if (animateDelay && TRANSITIONDELAY) {\n[TRANSITIONDELAY] =[ANIMATIONDELAY] = animateDelay * (i - number) / 1000 + 's';\n }\n\n removeClass(item, classOut);\n addClass(item, classIn);\n\n if (isOut) {\n slideItemsOut.push(item);\n }\n }\n } // make transfer after click/drag:\n // 1. change 'transform' property for mordern browsers\n // 2. change 'left' property for legacy browsers\n\n\n var transformCore = function () {\n return carousel ? function () {\n resetDuration(container, '');\n\n if (TRANSITIONDURATION || !speed) {\n // for morden browsers with non-zero duration or\n // zero duration for all browsers\n doContainerTransform(); // run fallback function manually\n // when duration is 0 / container is hidden\n\n if (!speed || !isVisible(container)) {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n } else {\n // for old browser with non-zero duration\n jsTransform(container, transformAttr, transformPrefix, transformPostfix, getContainerTransformValue(), speed, onTransitionEnd);\n }\n\n if (!horizontal) {\n updateContentWrapperHeight();\n }\n } : function () {\n slideItemsOut = [];\n var eve = {};\n eve[TRANSITIONEND] = eve[ANIMATIONEND] = onTransitionEnd;\n removeEvents(slideItems[indexCached], eve);\n addEvents(slideItems[index], eve);\n animateSlide(indexCached, animateIn, animateOut, true);\n animateSlide(index, animateNormal, animateIn); // run fallback function manually\n // when transition or animation not supported / duration is 0\n\n if (!TRANSITIONEND || !ANIMATIONEND || !speed || !isVisible(container)) {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n };\n }();\n\n function render(e, sliderMoved) {\n if (updateIndexBeforeTransform) {\n updateIndex();\n } // render when slider was moved (touch or drag) even though index may not change\n\n\n if (index !== indexCached || sliderMoved) {\n // events\n events.emit('indexChanged', info());\n events.emit('transitionStart', info());\n\n if (autoHeight) {\n doAutoHeight();\n } // pause autoplay when click or keydown from user\n\n\n if (animating && e && ['click', 'keydown'].indexOf(e.type) >= 0) {\n stopAutoplay();\n }\n\n running = true;\n transformCore();\n }\n }\n /*\n * Transfer prefixed properties to the same format\n * CSS: -Webkit-Transform => webkittransform\n * JS: WebkitTransform => webkittransform\n * @param {string} str - property\n *\n */\n\n\n function strTrans(str) {\n return str.toLowerCase().replace(/-/g, '');\n } // AFTER TRANSFORM\n // Things need to be done after a transfer:\n // 1. check index\n // 2. add classes to visible slide\n // 3. disable controls buttons when reach the first/last slide in non-loop slider\n // 4. update nav status\n // 5. lazyload images\n // 6. update container height\n\n\n function onTransitionEnd(event) {\n // check running on gallery mode\n // make sure trantionend/animationend events run only once\n if (carousel || running) {\n events.emit('transitionEnd', info(event));\n\n if (!carousel && slideItemsOut.length > 0) {\n for (var i = 0; i < slideItemsOut.length; i++) {\n var item = slideItemsOut[i]; // set item positions\n\n = '';\n\n if (ANIMATIONDELAY && TRANSITIONDELAY) {\n[ANIMATIONDELAY] = '';\n[TRANSITIONDELAY] = '';\n }\n\n removeClass(item, animateOut);\n addClass(item, animateNormal);\n }\n }\n /* update slides, nav, controls after checking ...\n * => legacy browsers who don't support 'event'\n * have to check event first, otherwise will cause an error\n * => or 'gallery' mode:\n * + event target is slide item\n * => or 'carousel' mode:\n * + event target is container,\n * + is the same with transform attribute\n */\n\n\n if (!event || !carousel && === container || === container && strTrans(event.propertyName) === strTrans(transformAttr)) {\n if (!updateIndexBeforeTransform) {\n var indexTem = index;\n updateIndex();\n\n if (index !== indexTem) {\n events.emit('indexChanged', info());\n doContainerTransformSilent();\n }\n }\n\n if (nested === 'inner') {\n events.emit('innerLoaded', info());\n }\n\n running = false;\n indexCached = index;\n }\n }\n } // # ACTIONS\n\n\n function goTo(targetIndex, e) {\n if (freeze) {\n return;\n } // prev slideBy\n\n\n if (targetIndex === 'prev') {\n onControlsClick(e, -1); // next slideBy\n } else if (targetIndex === 'next') {\n onControlsClick(e, 1); // go to exact slide\n } else {\n if (running) {\n if (preventActionWhenRunning) {\n return;\n } else {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n }\n\n var absIndex = getAbsIndex(),\n indexGap = 0;\n\n if (targetIndex === 'first') {\n indexGap = -absIndex;\n } else if (targetIndex === 'last') {\n indexGap = carousel ? slideCount - items - absIndex : slideCount - 1 - absIndex;\n } else {\n if (typeof targetIndex !== 'number') {\n targetIndex = parseInt(targetIndex);\n }\n\n if (!isNaN(targetIndex)) {\n // from directly called goTo function\n if (!e) {\n targetIndex = Math.max(0, Math.min(slideCount - 1, targetIndex));\n }\n\n indexGap = targetIndex - absIndex;\n }\n } // gallery: make sure new page won't overlap with current page\n\n\n if (!carousel && indexGap && Math.abs(indexGap) < items) {\n var factor = indexGap > 0 ? 1 : -1;\n indexGap += index + indexGap - slideCount >= indexMin ? slideCount * factor : slideCount * 2 * factor * -1;\n }\n\n index += indexGap; // make sure index is in range\n\n if (carousel && loop) {\n if (index < indexMin) {\n index += slideCount;\n }\n\n if (index > indexMax) {\n index -= slideCount;\n }\n } // if index is changed, start rendering\n\n\n if (getAbsIndex(index) !== getAbsIndex(indexCached)) {\n render(e);\n }\n }\n } // on controls click\n\n\n function onControlsClick(e, dir) {\n if (running) {\n if (preventActionWhenRunning) {\n return;\n } else {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n }\n\n var passEventObject;\n\n if (!dir) {\n e = getEvent(e);\n var target = getTarget(e);\n\n while (target !== controlsContainer && [prevButton, nextButton].indexOf(target) < 0) {\n target = target.parentNode;\n }\n\n var targetIn = [prevButton, nextButton].indexOf(target);\n\n if (targetIn >= 0) {\n passEventObject = true;\n dir = targetIn === 0 ? -1 : 1;\n }\n }\n\n if (rewind) {\n if (index === indexMin && dir === -1) {\n goTo('last', e);\n return;\n } else if (index === indexMax && dir === 1) {\n goTo('first', e);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (dir) {\n index += slideBy * dir;\n\n if (autoWidth) {\n index = Math.floor(index);\n } // pass e when click control buttons or keydown\n\n\n render(passEventObject || e && e.type === 'keydown' ? e : null);\n }\n } // on nav click\n\n\n function onNavClick(e) {\n if (running) {\n if (preventActionWhenRunning) {\n return;\n } else {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n }\n\n e = getEvent(e);\n var target = getTarget(e),\n navIndex; // find the clicked nav item\n\n while (target !== navContainer && !hasAttr(target, 'data-nav')) {\n target = target.parentNode;\n }\n\n if (hasAttr(target, 'data-nav')) {\n var navIndex = navClicked = Number(getAttr(target, 'data-nav')),\n targetIndexBase = fixedWidth || autoWidth ? navIndex * slideCount / pages : navIndex * items,\n targetIndex = navAsThumbnails ? navIndex : Math.min(Math.ceil(targetIndexBase), slideCount - 1);\n goTo(targetIndex, e);\n\n if (navCurrentIndex === navIndex) {\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplay();\n }\n\n navClicked = -1; // reset navClicked\n }\n }\n } // autoplay functions\n\n\n function setAutoplayTimer() {\n autoplayTimer = setInterval(function () {\n onControlsClick(null, autoplayDirection);\n }, autoplayTimeout);\n animating = true;\n }\n\n function stopAutoplayTimer() {\n clearInterval(autoplayTimer);\n animating = false;\n }\n\n function updateAutoplayButton(action, txt) {\n setAttrs(autoplayButton, {\n 'data-action': action\n });\n autoplayButton.innerHTML = autoplayHtmlStrings[0] + action + autoplayHtmlStrings[1] + txt;\n }\n\n function startAutoplay() {\n setAutoplayTimer();\n\n if (autoplayButton) {\n updateAutoplayButton('stop', autoplayText[1]);\n }\n }\n\n function stopAutoplay() {\n stopAutoplayTimer();\n\n if (autoplayButton) {\n updateAutoplayButton('start', autoplayText[0]);\n }\n } // programaitcally play/pause the slider\n\n\n function play() {\n if (autoplay && !animating) {\n startAutoplay();\n autoplayUserPaused = false;\n }\n }\n\n function pause() {\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplay();\n autoplayUserPaused = true;\n }\n }\n\n function toggleAutoplay() {\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplay();\n autoplayUserPaused = true;\n } else {\n startAutoplay();\n autoplayUserPaused = false;\n }\n }\n\n function onVisibilityChange() {\n if (doc.hidden) {\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplayTimer();\n autoplayVisibilityPaused = true;\n }\n } else if (autoplayVisibilityPaused) {\n setAutoplayTimer();\n autoplayVisibilityPaused = false;\n }\n }\n\n function mouseoverPause() {\n if (animating) {\n stopAutoplayTimer();\n autoplayHoverPaused = true;\n }\n }\n\n function mouseoutRestart() {\n if (autoplayHoverPaused) {\n setAutoplayTimer();\n autoplayHoverPaused = false;\n }\n } // keydown events on document\n\n\n function onDocumentKeydown(e) {\n e = getEvent(e);\n var keyIndex = [KEYS.LEFT, KEYS.RIGHT].indexOf(e.keyCode);\n\n if (keyIndex >= 0) {\n onControlsClick(e, keyIndex === 0 ? -1 : 1);\n }\n } // on key control\n\n\n function onControlsKeydown(e) {\n e = getEvent(e);\n var keyIndex = [KEYS.LEFT, KEYS.RIGHT].indexOf(e.keyCode);\n\n if (keyIndex >= 0) {\n if (keyIndex === 0) {\n if (!prevButton.disabled) {\n onControlsClick(e, -1);\n }\n } else if (!nextButton.disabled) {\n onControlsClick(e, 1);\n }\n }\n } // set focus\n\n\n function setFocus(el) {\n el.focus();\n } // on key nav\n\n\n function onNavKeydown(e) {\n e = getEvent(e);\n var curElement = doc.activeElement;\n\n if (!hasAttr(curElement, 'data-nav')) {\n return;\n } // var code = e.keyCode,\n\n\n var keyIndex = [KEYS.LEFT, KEYS.RIGHT, KEYS.ENTER, KEYS.SPACE].indexOf(e.keyCode),\n navIndex = Number(getAttr(curElement, 'data-nav'));\n\n if (keyIndex >= 0) {\n if (keyIndex === 0) {\n if (navIndex > 0) {\n setFocus(navItems[navIndex - 1]);\n }\n } else if (keyIndex === 1) {\n if (navIndex < pages - 1) {\n setFocus(navItems[navIndex + 1]);\n }\n } else {\n navClicked = navIndex;\n goTo(navIndex, e);\n }\n }\n }\n\n function getEvent(e) {\n e = e || win.event;\n return isTouchEvent(e) ? e.changedTouches[0] : e;\n }\n\n function getTarget(e) {\n return || win.event.srcElement;\n }\n\n function isTouchEvent(e) {\n return e.type.indexOf('touch') >= 0;\n }\n\n function preventDefaultBehavior(e) {\n e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = false;\n }\n\n function getMoveDirectionExpected() {\n return getTouchDirection(toDegree(lastPosition.y - initPosition.y, lastPosition.x - initPosition.x), swipeAngle) === options.axis;\n }\n\n function onPanStart(e) {\n if (running) {\n if (preventActionWhenRunning) {\n return;\n } else {\n onTransitionEnd();\n }\n }\n\n if (autoplay && animating) {\n stopAutoplayTimer();\n }\n\n panStart = true;\n\n if (rafIndex) {\n caf(rafIndex);\n rafIndex = null;\n }\n\n var $ = getEvent(e);\n events.emit(isTouchEvent(e) ? 'touchStart' : 'dragStart', info(e));\n\n if (!isTouchEvent(e) && ['img', 'a'].indexOf(getLowerCaseNodeName(getTarget(e))) >= 0) {\n preventDefaultBehavior(e);\n }\n\n lastPosition.x = initPosition.x = $.clientX;\n lastPosition.y = initPosition.y = $.clientY;\n\n if (carousel) {\n translateInit = parseFloat([transformAttr].replace(transformPrefix, ''));\n resetDuration(container, '0s');\n }\n }\n\n function onPanMove(e) {\n if (panStart) {\n var $ = getEvent(e);\n lastPosition.x = $.clientX;\n lastPosition.y = $.clientY;\n\n if (carousel) {\n if (!rafIndex) {\n rafIndex = raf(function () {\n panUpdate(e);\n });\n }\n } else {\n if (moveDirectionExpected === '?') {\n moveDirectionExpected = getMoveDirectionExpected();\n }\n\n if (moveDirectionExpected) {\n preventScroll = true;\n }\n }\n\n if ((typeof e.cancelable !== 'boolean' || e.cancelable) && preventScroll) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n }\n\n function panUpdate(e) {\n if (!moveDirectionExpected) {\n panStart = false;\n return;\n }\n\n caf(rafIndex);\n\n if (panStart) {\n rafIndex = raf(function () {\n panUpdate(e);\n });\n }\n\n if (moveDirectionExpected === '?') {\n moveDirectionExpected = getMoveDirectionExpected();\n }\n\n if (moveDirectionExpected) {\n if (!preventScroll && isTouchEvent(e)) {\n preventScroll = true;\n }\n\n try {\n if (e.type) {\n events.emit(isTouchEvent(e) ? 'touchMove' : 'dragMove', info(e));\n }\n } catch (err) {}\n\n var x = translateInit,\n dist = getDist(lastPosition, initPosition);\n\n if (!horizontal || fixedWidth || autoWidth) {\n x += dist;\n x += 'px';\n } else {\n var percentageX = TRANSFORM ? dist * items * 100 / ((viewport + gutter) * slideCountNew) : dist * 100 / (viewport + gutter);\n x += percentageX;\n x += '%';\n }\n\n[transformAttr] = transformPrefix + x + transformPostfix;\n }\n }\n\n function onPanEnd(e) {\n if (panStart) {\n if (rafIndex) {\n caf(rafIndex);\n rafIndex = null;\n }\n\n if (carousel) {\n resetDuration(container, '');\n }\n\n panStart = false;\n var $ = getEvent(e);\n lastPosition.x = $.clientX;\n lastPosition.y = $.clientY;\n var dist = getDist(lastPosition, initPosition);\n\n if (Math.abs(dist)) {\n // drag vs click\n if (!isTouchEvent(e)) {\n // prevent \"click\"\n var target = getTarget(e);\n addEvents(target, {\n 'click': function preventClick(e) {\n preventDefaultBehavior(e);\n removeEvents(target, {\n 'click': preventClick\n });\n }\n });\n }\n\n if (carousel) {\n rafIndex = raf(function () {\n if (horizontal && !autoWidth) {\n var indexMoved = -dist * items / (viewport + gutter);\n indexMoved = dist > 0 ? Math.floor(indexMoved) : Math.ceil(indexMoved);\n index += indexMoved;\n } else {\n var moved = -(translateInit + dist);\n\n if (moved <= 0) {\n index = indexMin;\n } else if (moved >= slidePositions[slideCountNew - 1]) {\n index = indexMax;\n } else {\n var i = 0;\n\n while (i < slideCountNew && moved >= slidePositions[i]) {\n index = i;\n\n if (moved > slidePositions[i] && dist < 0) {\n index += 1;\n }\n\n i++;\n }\n }\n }\n\n render(e, dist);\n events.emit(isTouchEvent(e) ? 'touchEnd' : 'dragEnd', info(e));\n });\n } else {\n if (moveDirectionExpected) {\n onControlsClick(e, dist > 0 ? -1 : 1);\n }\n }\n }\n } // reset\n\n\n if (options.preventScrollOnTouch === 'auto') {\n preventScroll = false;\n }\n\n if (swipeAngle) {\n moveDirectionExpected = '?';\n }\n\n if (autoplay && !animating) {\n setAutoplayTimer();\n }\n } // === RESIZE FUNCTIONS === //\n // (slidePositions, index, items) => vertical_conentWrapper.height\n\n\n function updateContentWrapperHeight() {\n var wp = middleWrapper ? middleWrapper : innerWrapper;\n = slidePositions[index + items] - slidePositions[index] + 'px';\n }\n\n function getPages() {\n var rough = fixedWidth ? (fixedWidth + gutter) * slideCount / viewport : slideCount / items;\n return Math.min(Math.ceil(rough), slideCount);\n }\n /*\n * 1. update visible nav items list\n * 2. add \"hidden\" attributes to previous visible nav items\n * 3. remove \"hidden\" attrubutes to new visible nav items\n */\n\n\n function updateNavVisibility() {\n if (!nav || navAsThumbnails) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (pages !== pagesCached) {\n var min = pagesCached,\n max = pages,\n fn = showElement;\n\n if (pagesCached > pages) {\n min = pages;\n max = pagesCached;\n fn = hideElement;\n }\n\n while (min < max) {\n fn(navItems[min]);\n min++;\n } // cache pages\n\n\n pagesCached = pages;\n }\n }\n\n function info(e) {\n return {\n container: container,\n slideItems: slideItems,\n navContainer: navContainer,\n navItems: navItems,\n controlsContainer: controlsContainer,\n hasControls: hasControls,\n prevButton: prevButton,\n nextButton: nextButton,\n items: items,\n slideBy: slideBy,\n cloneCount: cloneCount,\n slideCount: slideCount,\n slideCountNew: slideCountNew,\n index: index,\n indexCached: indexCached,\n displayIndex: getCurrentSlide(),\n navCurrentIndex: navCurrentIndex,\n navCurrentIndexCached: navCurrentIndexCached,\n pages: pages,\n pagesCached: pagesCached,\n sheet: sheet,\n isOn: isOn,\n event: e || {}\n };\n }\n\n return {\n version: '2.9.4',\n getInfo: info,\n events: events,\n goTo: goTo,\n play: play,\n pause: pause,\n isOn: isOn,\n updateSliderHeight: updateInnerWrapperHeight,\n refresh: initSliderTransform,\n destroy: destroy,\n rebuild: function () {\n return tns(extend(options, optionsElements));\n }\n };\n};\n\nexports.tns = tns;\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/tiny-slider/dist/tiny-slider.js?",
/***/ "./node_modules/wowjs/dist/wow.js":
!*** ./node_modules/wowjs/dist/wow.js ***!
/***/ function () {
"(function() {\n var MutationObserver, Util, WeakMap, getComputedStyle, getComputedStyleRX,\n bind = function(fn, me){ return function(){ return fn.apply(me, arguments); }; },\n indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };\n\n Util = (function() {\n function Util() {}\n\n Util.prototype.extend = function(custom, defaults) {\n var key, value;\n for (key in defaults) {\n value = defaults[key];\n if (custom[key] == null) {\n custom[key] = value;\n }\n }\n return custom;\n };\n\n Util.prototype.isMobile = function(agent) {\n return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(agent);\n };\n\n Util.prototype.createEvent = function(event, bubble, cancel, detail) {\n var customEvent;\n if (bubble == null) {\n bubble = false;\n }\n if (cancel == null) {\n cancel = false;\n }\n if (detail == null) {\n detail = null;\n }\n if (document.createEvent != null) {\n customEvent = document.createEvent('CustomEvent');\n customEvent.initCustomEvent(event, bubble, cancel, detail);\n } else if (document.createEventObject != null) {\n customEvent = document.createEventObject();\n customEvent.eventType = event;\n } else {\n customEvent.eventName = event;\n }\n return customEvent;\n };\n\n Util.prototype.emitEvent = function(elem, event) {\n if (elem.dispatchEvent != null) {\n return elem.dispatchEvent(event);\n } else if (event in (elem != null)) {\n return elem[event]();\n } else if ((\"on\" + event) in (elem != null)) {\n return elem[\"on\" + event]();\n }\n };\n\n Util.prototype.addEvent = function(elem, event, fn) {\n if (elem.addEventListener != null) {\n return elem.addEventListener(event, fn, false);\n } else if (elem.attachEvent != null) {\n return elem.attachEvent(\"on\" + event, fn);\n } else {\n return elem[event] = fn;\n }\n };\n\n Util.prototype.removeEvent = function(elem, event, fn) {\n if (elem.removeEventListener != null) {\n return elem.removeEventListener(event, fn, false);\n } else if (elem.detachEvent != null) {\n return elem.detachEvent(\"on\" + event, fn);\n } else {\n return delete elem[event];\n }\n };\n\n Util.prototype.innerHeight = function() {\n if ('innerHeight' in window) {\n return window.innerHeight;\n } else {\n return document.documentElement.clientHeight;\n }\n };\n\n return Util;\n\n })();\n\n WeakMap = this.WeakMap || this.MozWeakMap || (WeakMap = (function() {\n function WeakMap() {\n this.keys = [];\n this.values = [];\n }\n\n WeakMap.prototype.get = function(key) {\n var i, item, j, len, ref;\n ref = this.keys;\n for (i = j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; i = ++j) {\n item = ref[i];\n if (item === key) {\n return this.values[i];\n }\n }\n };\n\n WeakMap.prototype.set = function(key, value) {\n var i, item, j, len, ref;\n ref = this.keys;\n for (i = j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; i = ++j) {\n item = ref[i];\n if (item === key) {\n this.values[i] = value;\n return;\n }\n }\n this.keys.push(key);\n return this.values.push(value);\n };\n\n return WeakMap;\n\n })());\n\n MutationObserver = this.MutationObserver || this.WebkitMutationObserver || this.MozMutationObserver || (MutationObserver = (function() {\n function MutationObserver() {\n if (typeof console !== \"undefined\" && console !== null) {\n console.warn('MutationObserver is not supported by your browser.');\n }\n if (typeof console !== \"undefined\" && console !== null) {\n console.warn('WOW.js cannot detect dom mutations, please call .sync() after loading new content.');\n }\n }\n\n MutationObserver.notSupported = true;\n\n MutationObserver.prototype.observe = function() {};\n\n return MutationObserver;\n\n })());\n\n getComputedStyle = this.getComputedStyle || function(el, pseudo) {\n this.getPropertyValue = function(prop) {\n var ref;\n if (prop === 'float') {\n prop = 'styleFloat';\n }\n if (getComputedStyleRX.test(prop)) {\n prop.replace(getComputedStyleRX, function(_, _char) {\n return _char.toUpperCase();\n });\n }\n return ((ref = el.currentStyle) != null ? ref[prop] : void 0) || null;\n };\n return this;\n };\n\n getComputedStyleRX = /(\\-([a-z]){1})/g;\n\n this.WOW = (function() {\n WOW.prototype.defaults = {\n boxClass: 'wow',\n animateClass: 'animated',\n offset: 0,\n mobile: true,\n live: true,\n callback: null,\n scrollContainer: null\n };\n\n function WOW(options) {\n if (options == null) {\n options = {};\n }\n this.scrollCallback = bind(this.scrollCallback, this);\n this.scrollHandler = bind(this.scrollHandler, this);\n this.resetAnimation = bind(this.resetAnimation, this);\n this.start = bind(this.start, this);\n this.scrolled = true;\n this.config = this.util().extend(options, this.defaults);\n if (options.scrollContainer != null) {\n this.config.scrollContainer = document.querySelector(options.scrollContainer);\n }\n this.animationNameCache = new WeakMap();\n this.wowEvent = this.util().createEvent(this.config.boxClass);\n }\n\n WOW.prototype.init = function() {\n var ref;\n this.element = window.document.documentElement;\n if ((ref = document.readyState) === \"interactive\" || ref === \"complete\") {\n this.start();\n } else {\n this.util().addEvent(document, 'DOMContentLoaded', this.start);\n }\n return this.finished = [];\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.start = function() {\n var box, j, len, ref;\n this.stopped = false;\n this.boxes = (function() {\n var j, len, ref, results;\n ref = this.element.querySelectorAll(\".\" + this.config.boxClass);\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n results.push(box);\n }\n return results;\n }).call(this);\n this.all = (function() {\n var j, len, ref, results;\n ref = this.boxes;\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n results.push(box);\n }\n return results;\n }).call(this);\n if (this.boxes.length) {\n if (this.disabled()) {\n this.resetStyle();\n } else {\n ref = this.boxes;\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n this.applyStyle(box, true);\n }\n }\n }\n if (!this.disabled()) {\n this.util().addEvent(this.config.scrollContainer || window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler);\n this.util().addEvent(window, 'resize', this.scrollHandler);\n this.interval = setInterval(this.scrollCallback, 50);\n }\n if ( {\n return new MutationObserver((function(_this) {\n return function(records) {\n var k, len1, node, record, results;\n results = [];\n for (k = 0, len1 = records.length; k < len1; k++) {\n record = records[k];\n results.push((function() {\n var l, len2, ref1, results1;\n ref1 = record.addedNodes || [];\n results1 = [];\n for (l = 0, len2 = ref1.length; l < len2; l++) {\n node = ref1[l];\n results1.push(this.doSync(node));\n }\n return results1;\n }).call(_this));\n }\n return results;\n };\n })(this)).observe(document.body, {\n childList: true,\n subtree: true\n });\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.stop = function() {\n this.stopped = true;\n this.util().removeEvent(this.config.scrollContainer || window, 'scroll', this.scrollHandler);\n this.util().removeEvent(window, 'resize', this.scrollHandler);\n if (this.interval != null) {\n return clearInterval(this.interval);\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.sync = function(element) {\n if (MutationObserver.notSupported) {\n return this.doSync(this.element);\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.doSync = function(element) {\n var box, j, len, ref, results;\n if (element == null) {\n element = this.element;\n }\n if (element.nodeType !== 1) {\n return;\n }\n element = element.parentNode || element;\n ref = element.querySelectorAll(\".\" + this.config.boxClass);\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n if (, box) < 0) {\n this.boxes.push(box);\n this.all.push(box);\n if (this.stopped || this.disabled()) {\n this.resetStyle();\n } else {\n this.applyStyle(box, true);\n }\n results.push(this.scrolled = true);\n } else {\n results.push(void 0);\n }\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n = function(box) {\n this.applyStyle(box);\n box.className = box.className + \" \" + this.config.animateClass;\n if (this.config.callback != null) {\n this.config.callback(box);\n }\n this.util().emitEvent(box, this.wowEvent);\n this.util().addEvent(box, 'animationend', this.resetAnimation);\n this.util().addEvent(box, 'oanimationend', this.resetAnimation);\n this.util().addEvent(box, 'webkitAnimationEnd', this.resetAnimation);\n this.util().addEvent(box, 'MSAnimationEnd', this.resetAnimation);\n return box;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.applyStyle = function(box, hidden) {\n var delay, duration, iteration;\n duration = box.getAttribute('data-wow-duration');\n delay = box.getAttribute('data-wow-delay');\n iteration = box.getAttribute('data-wow-iteration');\n return this.animate((function(_this) {\n return function() {\n return _this.customStyle(box, hidden, duration, delay, iteration);\n };\n })(this));\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.animate = (function() {\n if ('requestAnimationFrame' in window) {\n return function(callback) {\n return window.requestAnimationFrame(callback);\n };\n } else {\n return function(callback) {\n return callback();\n };\n }\n })();\n\n WOW.prototype.resetStyle = function() {\n var box, j, len, ref, results;\n ref = this.boxes;\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n results.push( = 'visible');\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.resetAnimation = function(event) {\n var target;\n if (event.type.toLowerCase().indexOf('animationend') >= 0) {\n target = || event.srcElement;\n return target.className = target.className.replace(this.config.animateClass, '').trim();\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.customStyle = function(box, hidden, duration, delay, iteration) {\n if (hidden) {\n this.cacheAnimationName(box);\n }\n = hidden ? 'hidden' : 'visible';\n if (duration) {\n this.vendorSet(, {\n animationDuration: duration\n });\n }\n if (delay) {\n this.vendorSet(, {\n animationDelay: delay\n });\n }\n if (iteration) {\n this.vendorSet(, {\n animationIterationCount: iteration\n });\n }\n this.vendorSet(, {\n animationName: hidden ? 'none' : this.cachedAnimationName(box)\n });\n return box;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.vendors = [\"moz\", \"webkit\"];\n\n WOW.prototype.vendorSet = function(elem, properties) {\n var name, results, value, vendor;\n results = [];\n for (name in properties) {\n value = properties[name];\n elem[\"\" + name] = value;\n results.push((function() {\n var j, len, ref, results1;\n ref = this.vendors;\n results1 = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n vendor = ref[j];\n results1.push(elem[\"\" + vendor + (name.charAt(0).toUpperCase()) + (name.substr(1))] = value);\n }\n return results1;\n }).call(this));\n }\n return results;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.vendorCSS = function(elem, property) {\n var j, len, ref, result, style, vendor;\n style = getComputedStyle(elem);\n result = style.getPropertyCSSValue(property);\n ref = this.vendors;\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n vendor = ref[j];\n result = result || style.getPropertyCSSValue(\"-\" + vendor + \"-\" + property);\n }\n return result;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.animationName = function(box) {\n var animationName, error;\n try {\n animationName = this.vendorCSS(box, 'animation-name').cssText;\n } catch (error) {\n animationName = getComputedStyle(box).getPropertyValue('animation-name');\n }\n if (animationName === 'none') {\n return '';\n } else {\n return animationName;\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.cacheAnimationName = function(box) {\n return this.animationNameCache.set(box, this.animationName(box));\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.cachedAnimationName = function(box) {\n return this.animationNameCache.get(box);\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.scrollHandler = function() {\n return this.scrolled = true;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.scrollCallback = function() {\n var box;\n if (this.scrolled) {\n this.scrolled = false;\n this.boxes = (function() {\n var j, len, ref, results;\n ref = this.boxes;\n results = [];\n for (j = 0, len = ref.length; j < len; j++) {\n box = ref[j];\n if (!(box)) {\n continue;\n }\n if (this.isVisible(box)) {\n;\n continue;\n }\n results.push(box);\n }\n return results;\n }).call(this);\n if (!(this.boxes.length || {\n return this.stop();\n }\n }\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.offsetTop = function(element) {\n var top;\n while (element.offsetTop === void 0) {\n element = element.parentNode;\n }\n top = element.offsetTop;\n while (element = element.offsetParent) {\n top += element.offsetTop;\n }\n return top;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.isVisible = function(box) {\n var bottom, offset, top, viewBottom, viewTop;\n offset = box.getAttribute('data-wow-offset') || this.config.offset;\n viewTop = (this.config.scrollContainer && this.config.scrollContainer.scrollTop) || window.pageYOffset;\n viewBottom = viewTop + Math.min(this.element.clientHeight, this.util().innerHeight()) - offset;\n top = this.offsetTop(box);\n bottom = top + box.clientHeight;\n return top <= viewBottom && bottom >= viewTop;\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.util = function() {\n return this._util != null ? this._util : this._util = new Util();\n };\n\n WOW.prototype.disabled = function() {\n return ! && this.util().isMobile(navigator.userAgent);\n };\n\n return WOW;\n\n })();\n\n}).call(this);\n\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://gotw/./node_modules/wowjs/dist/wow.js?",
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId];
/******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) {
/******/ return cachedModule.exports;
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = (__webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = {
/******/ // no needed
/******/ // no module.loaded needed
/******/ exports: {},
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId].call(
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/compat get default export */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
/******/ __webpack_require__.n = (module) => {
/******/ var getter =
module && module.__esModule
? /******/ () => module["default"]
: /******/ () => module;
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, { a: getter });
/******/ return getter;
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/define property getters */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define getter functions for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = (exports, definition) => {
/******/ for (var key in definition) {
/******/ if (
__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) &&
!__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)
) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, {
enumerable: true,
get: definition[key],
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/hasOwnProperty shorthand */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = (obj, prop) =>, prop);
/******/ /* webpack/runtime/make namespace object */
/******/ (() => {
/******/ // define __esModule on exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.r = (exports) => {
/******/ if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && Symbol.toStringTag) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, {
value: "Module",
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
/******/ // startup
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ // This entry module can't be inlined because the eval devtool is used.
/******/ var __webpack_exports__ = __webpack_require__("./src/js/index.js");