To enable automated enrolment in an aliance, each institutions will play the role of the home institition (sending students out) and the host institution (receiving students). The home institution must have the required OOAPI endpoints available. The host institution will run a component called enrollment receiver for authentication and authorisation. The host institution will always be in the lead for communication.
- How to connect OOAPI endpoints?
- What OOAPI endpoints are needed for enrollment?
GET /persons/me
POST /associations/external/me
GET /associations/{associationId}
PATCH /associations/{associationId}
These endpoints will be protected using oauth tokens.
- Where can I find an example of protecting my API (
) using oauth/MyAcademicID?
- What is the edubroker?
- The edubroker is a component hosted by SURF that initiates the enrollment-process for a student. The broker provides a visual interface with feedback for the student.
- How can I enable the edubroker for my offerings on the frontend?
- Currently, when a student clicks on a enrollment button in, the student is sent to a form or an email. After installing the enrollmengt receiver and connecting it to your SIS it can be enabled in the catalog. To enable the broker for your offerings, SURF has to change a setting for you. Ask SURF if you want to activate the broker for your offerings.
For enrollment to work, an institution has to implement functionality to play two "roles":
- The Host Institution, where you receive incoming enrollment requests. The Host Institution sends several (OOAPI) requests (via the Enrollment Receiver) to the Home Institution of the student to:
- Get personal information about the student.
- Let the Home Instution know the students want to enroll at the Host Institution, giving the Home Institution a chance to allow or deny the enrollment.
- Check whether a student is still "active" at the Home Institution, for example just before the course starts.
- Inform the Home Insitution that the students has cancelled the enrollment.
- Inform the Home Insitution of the result that student achieved when the course has finished.
- The Home Insitution, who will receive OOAPI requests from the Host Institution and responds to them. In the responses, the Home Institution can inform the Host Institution about decisions regarding the enrollment of the student.
In general, the Host Institution is in charge of the communication and will initiate requests. The Home Institution responds to those request.
- How does the enrollment work in general?
- What are the possible initial states of an association?
Once the Host instutution has done the initial processing after the Enrollment Request starts, the Host should do a POST /associations/external/me
request to the Home institution (via the enrollment receiver). The purpose of this call is to provide the Home Institution with enough information to make an informed decision about the enrollment request of the student. Therefore it should include information about:
- The association
- The offering the student is requesting to be enrolled in
- An expanded course attribute in the offering
- An issuer, e.g. information about the Host Institution
An example for the body of this request
- How do I install or the enrollment receiver?
- It's advised to use the docker image as described here
- Can you tell me more about the communication between the generic part of the enrollment receiver and the custom implementation at the host institution?
- Do you have an example configuration of the enrollment receiver?
- What is the response from the SIS to the enrollment receiver?
After processing the enrollment request in the host institution, and informing the home institution a response is returned to the enrollment receiver. The HTTP status code should always be 200, and the response should look like this:
{ "result": "ok", "code": 200, "message": "Message to show to the student", "oo-api-offering-id": "offeringId_value_here", "redirect" : "https://optional.redirect/for-extra-information" }
For the
use these values:Value Label 200 200 - All is good 400 400 - Backend error 404 404 - Person endpoint not found 409 409 - Queue-session validation failed 412 412 - Invalid enrollmentRequest 417 417 - Token request failed 419 419 - eduID not present in the ARP 422 422 - Administrative error (already enrolled) 500 500 - Not so good If a value is present for
, the user will be asked to provide extra information. A butten will be shown sending the user to the form in a new window. Leave out this field if no extra form is required.If enrollment is denied for any reason, use HTTP code 200 and 'code' 400 in the json message. Mention the reason for denying in the
field. This message will be shown to the end user directly, so be short and clear.
What are the url's for starting authentication/introspection/tokens at MyAcedemicID?
- The MyAcademidID endpoints for openID can be found in the well-known location. Please use a widely used library for all openID parts, instead of builing it.
How can we start an enrollment for testing?
There is a demo enrollment broker available for testing.
To connect to the demo enrollment broker, edit this yaml document and send it to Peter or Jelmer:
schacHome: name: Demo 02 home # The display name for your institution abbreviation: Demo02home # The short name courseEndpoint: "" # The OOAPI endpoint for courses courseAuthentication: BASIC # For authenticating to the offerings endpoint, Not used when useEduHubForOffering=True courseAuthenticationUserName: "user" # For authenticating to the offerings endpoint, Not used when useEduHubForOffering=True courseAuthenticationPassword: "secret" # For authenticating to the offerings endpoint, Not used when useEduHubForOffering=True personsEndpoint: "" # The OOAPI endpoint for persons personAuthentication: HEADER # Should always be HEADER for token based authentication associationsEndpoint: "" # The OOAPI endpoint for courses authenticationEndpoint: "" # This is on the enrollment-receiver registrationEndpoint: "" # This is on the enrollment-receiver registrationUser: "user" # These are configured in the broker section of the enrollment-receiver config file registrationPassword: "secret" # These are configured in the broker section of the enrollment-receiver config file logoURI: # The logo to be displayed for your institution scopes: email schac_personal_unique_code # Always "email schac_personal_unique_code" plus the scopes required for accessing the persons and associations endpoints privacyEndpoint: # A link to the privacy declaration useEduHubForOffering: True # Should always be True for EuroTeq useQueueIt: False # Should always be False for EuroTeq
What are scopes? What should I use for scopes?
Scope is a mechanism in OAuth 2.0 to limit an application's access to a user's account. An application can request one or more scopes, this information is then presented to the user in the consent screen, and the access token issued to the application will be limited to the scopes granted.
For EuroTeQ, two general scopes are used:
: To retrieve the user's home institution emailschac_personal_unique_code
: To retrieve the user's identifier at the home institution
Also, two institution specific scopes are used:
: Personal Informationresults
: Enrollment and results
To make the scope identifier unique, the institutiond primary domain is added. So to request access to the personal data of a student of MyUniversity, the scope
is requested.Currently, these scopes are known for EutoTeQ institutions:
When receiving a token, the MyUniversity's API endpoint must validate if the scope is valid for the API being called.
How do I connect to MyAcademicID?
- The enrollment receiver needs to be connected as a relying party to MyAcademicID. The API server needs to be connected as a Resource Server. Both can be registered by filling in the myacademic id registration form
How does this OpenID connect Oauth thing work? What is the flow for token introspection?
- Here is a nice explanation of how OpenID connect works.
- The OpenID Connect flow is projected on the euroteq usecase in this diagram
How do I do introspection?
- Example using curl:
curl -k -u RS-Client-ID:RS-CLIENT-Secret -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -X POST --data 'token=eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik1sVm9jb...' -q | jq
- Example Response:
{ "active": true, "scope": "openid email schac_personal_unique_code institution.tld/persons institution.tld/results", "client_id": "APP-02BDEC4A-6B0D-4488-8932-4E92A8A80F71", "exp": 1730715844, "iat": 1730712244, "sub": "[email protected]", "iss": "", "token_type": "Bearer", "aud": [ "APP-02BDEC4A-6B0D-4488-8932-4E92A8A80F71" ], "email": "[email protected]" }
- In the response validate
"active": true
and the scopes for your institution are present. In the exampleinstitution.tld/persons
- Use the email to look up your user
- Example using curl:
- How can I test the registration flow?
- Where can I see what has to be done, and what has already been done by all institutions?