There is a publish.gradle file in each module to be published
In this file there are 3 properties related to the artifact to be published that must be updated when it is necessary to make a new release
- LIB_GROUP_ID the group name
- LIB_ARTIFACT_ID the name
- LIB_VERSION the version number
For instance: implementation "" it's the group, st-blue-sdk it's the name and 0.5.0-alpha13 the version
The GPR_USER, GPR_API_KEY properties, on the other hand, are linked to the user who can perform a release.
This property are genereted on the Github user profile (Settings> Developer Settings> Personal Access token> Generate new token) Choosing the validity period and scope (read/write github packages checkboxes)
These properties can be put as environment variables or as Gradle properties in your global user ****
For more details on this topic: here
In the settings.gradle file of an application that needs to use these artifacts, the maven is defined with the credentials to access the artifacts for reading.