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84 lines (57 loc) · 3.13 KB


An experiment in implementing static checks of regular expressions in Typescript using Brzozowski derivatives.

This is also an experiment in what an API for what a RegEx-validated string type might look like. There has already been discussion of the use cases and potential API in the Typescript RegEx-validated string types issue.

Use case

This allows you to make assertions about string constants:

import type { Compile, Exec, Recognize } from "brzozowski-ts/src";

type HexStrRE = Compile<"(?<hex>[0-9A-Fa-f]{5,})">;
type Match = Exec<HexStrRE, "abc123">;
const captures: Match["captures"] = ["abc123"];
const groups: Match["groups"] = { hex: "abc123" };

type HexStr<S extends string> = Recognize<HexStrRE, S>;
type NominalHex = string & { readonly isHex: unique symbol };

const castSpell = <S extends string>(hex: HexStr<S> | NominalHex) => hex;

const spell = castSpell("00dead00" as const); // ok!
const spellCheck: typeof spell = "00dead00"; // ok!

// @ts-expect-error

let dynamicHex: string = "a5df0";
castSpell(dynamicHex as NominalHex); // ok!


  • RecognizePattern<RE, Str> uses a limited and naively-implemented regular expression language:
    • no lookaround:
      • no positive or negative lookahead: (?=no) (?!nope)
      • no positive or negative lookbehind: (?<=no) (?<!nope)
    • matches always start from the start of the string: /^always/
    • string recognition is implemented as a series of potentially-nested commands rather than state transitions within a finite automaton.
    • no flags:
      • no case-insensitive matching: /NOPE/i
      • no multiline mode: nope$
  • Using these types likely slows down builds


This is pre-alpha software: the API will change without warning, the implementation is brittle and incomplete, and none of this code has been optimized for memory usage or speed.

If you're brave, you can:

pnpm add -D "git+"

and import the types like

import type { Compile, Exec } from "brzozowski-ts/src";


Compile-time parsing follows this general algorithm:

  1. Given a constant string type S and a regular expression string type R
  2. take the derivative of R with respect the start of S to produce a shorter regular expression r and a shorter string s
  3. recur using s and r
  4. when r is empty, the entire regular expression has been matched.
  5. if s is empty and r is not, the expression has not been matched

Prior art

These DFA-based pure-type RegEx implementations were an inspiration! brzozowski_ts adds the ability to compile regular expressions, but uses a naive backtracking algorithm based on Brzozowski derivatives rather than DFAs.