From ab808562131e2a6f619f7ae1c06bcb0bd4546c24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: clarkenj Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 12:41:01 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] updated --- adni/ | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/adni/ b/adni/ index cff7712..e04442e 100644 --- a/adni/ +++ b/adni/ @@ -7,21 +7,21 @@ Scripts for preprocessing ADNI data with fMRIPrep2.2.7lts. Data not openly available. Used BIDS-ified dataset on Elm. ## BIDS validation fixes Ran the following scripts to fix errors: -1. `` +- `` - creates `dataset_description.json` at the root directory with minimal information - BIDS version used is unknown, so specified latest version (see [discussion]( - fixes BIDS validation error `code: 57 DATASET_DESCRIPTION_JSON_MISSING` -2. `` +- `` - creates `task-rest_bold.json` at the root directory, detailing bold task - fixes BIDS validation error `code: 50 TASK_NAME_MUST_DEFINE` -3. `` +- `` - creates `.bidsignore` at the root and adds `*T1w_cropped.nii` to ignore these files, which are not needed - fixes BIDS validation error `code: 1 - NOT_INCLUDED` - TODO: check this also fixes error `code: 63 - SESSION_VALUE_CONTAINS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER`, it should do -3. `` +- `` - halves the slice timing for sub-109S4594 (ses-20160502), which appears to be doubled (see [discussion]( - fixes BIDS validation error `code: 66 SLICETIMING_VALUES_GREATOR_THAN_REPETITION_TIME`