diff --git a/.vscode/launch.json b/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f284fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+ // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+ // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+ // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "Debug CLI command",
+ "type": "go",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "mode": "debug",
+ "preLaunchTask": "Build CLI",
+ "program": "${workspaceFolder}/main.go",
+ "args": "${input:cliArgs}",
+ "console": "integratedTerminal",
+ "env": {
+ "BTP_ENABLE_SSO": "true",
+ },
+ //"envFile": "${workspaceFolder}/.env"
+ },
+ ],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "id": "cliArgs",
+ "type": "promptString",
+ "description": "Args for launching btptfexporter CLI. Use --cwd to set the working directory.",
+ "default": "resource all -s"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47b300e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "label": "Build CLI",
+ "detail": "Builds the CLI make build",
+ "command": "make",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "args": [
+ "build"
+ ],
+ "options": {
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
+ },
+ "group": {
+ "kind": "build",
+ "isDefault": true
+ },
+ "problemMatcher": "$gcc",
+ "presentation": {
+ "echo": true,
+ "reveal": "silent",
+ "panel": "shared",
+ "showReuseMessage": false,
+ "clear": true
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/.wordlist.txt b/.wordlist.txt
index 6333b32..1c8299b 100644
--- a/.wordlist.txt
+++ b/.wordlist.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
@@ -26,6 +27,8 @@ powershell
index 366aabc..4bd0e9a 100644
@@ -2,9 +2,48 @@
+## Debug the CLI
+We provide a configuration for debugging the btptfexporter commands in VS Code. The configuration is available in the `.vscode` directory as `launch.json`
+Here is an example on how to debug the command `btptfexporter resource all`:
+1. Set a breakpoint in the file `cmd/exportAll.go` in the run section of the command:
+1. Adjust the `launch.json` configuration to consider your environment variable values. The default are single variables using SSO in the root of the repository:
+ > [!WARNING]
+ > The environment values will be displayed as clear text in the debug console. If you are using your password as environment paramater this will become visible when you start debugging. We therefore highly recommend to use the SSO option.
+1. Open the debug perspective in the VS Code side bar:
+1. Select the configuration `Debug CLI command`:
+1. Run the selection by pressing the green triangle:
+1. VS Code will prompt you for the command via the command palette. It defaults to `resource all -s`. Enter the command and the parameters you want to use for the command execution. In our case we add a subaccount ID and confirm by pressing `Enter`:
+1. The debugger will start and hit the breakpoint:
+Happy debugging!
## Generate markdown documentation
-We can generate the markdown documentation via the make file:
+When updating command descriptions you must generate the markdown documentation via the make file:
make docs
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ee53954..a868c63 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,13 +37,14 @@ If you want to build the binary from scratch, follow these steps:
1. The system will store the binary as `btptfexporter` (`btptfexporter.exe` in case of Windows) in the default binary path of your Go installation `$GOPATH/bin`.
- > **Note** - You find the value of the GOPATH via `go env GOPATH`
+ > > [!TIP]
+ > You find the value of the GOPATH via `go env GOPATH`
#### Troubleshooting
##### Binary not executable (MacOS or Linux)
-In case you get an error that the binary is not executable, naviigate to the location of the binary and execute the following command:
+In case you get an error that the binary is not executable, navigate to the location of the binary and execute the following command:
chomd +x btptfexporter
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ After executing the [setup](#setup) of the CLI you must set some required enviro
- Specify a custom IdP for the authentication via `BTP_IDP`
- Specify a URL of the BTP CLI server (SAP internal only) via `BTP_CLI_SERVER_URL`
+ - Specify the login using SSO via `BTP_ENABLE_SSO` (true/false)
The parameters correspond to the Terraform provider configuration options you find in the [BTP Terraform Provider documentation](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/SAP/btp/latest/docs)
@@ -104,10 +106,11 @@ How to set the parameters depends on your setup and is OS-specific:
- Execute the following command in a terminal:
- export $(xargs <.env)`
+ export $(xargs <.env)
- > **Note** - There is no predefined fucntionality in PowerShell to achieve the same. A custom script would be needed.
+ > > [!IMPORTANT]
+ > There is no predefined functionality in PowerShell to achieve the same. A custom script would be needed.
## Commands
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug0.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug0.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..642039c
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug0.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug0b.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug0b.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb0d4ec
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug0b.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug1.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug1.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f951e
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug1.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug2.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9aa02d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug2.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug3.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc2bfa
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug3.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug4.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug4.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a733d2
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug4.png differ
diff --git a/assets/devguide-pics/debug5.png b/assets/devguide-pics/debug5.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ada987
Binary files /dev/null and b/assets/devguide-pics/debug5.png differ
diff --git a/generated_configurations/.terraform.lock.hcl b/generated_configurations/.terraform.lock.hcl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b0f08a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/.terraform.lock.hcl
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This file is maintained automatically by "terraform init".
+# Manual edits may be lost in future updates.
+provider "registry.terraform.io/sap/btp" {
+ version = "1.6.0"
+ constraints = "1.6.0"
+ hashes = [
+ "h1:VyJD9wT05C/tF5g7qfO8m5MG+4IWl7CtgS+GvFWQkvM=",
+ "zh:11c1c2337692d633a2355365ebc2cc9aae8ba33a1469d8b65bcb382dc3d3c8d0",
+ "zh:285ccd614ae14142cd59a5b453bed7311cd140e6839e791b84a3bbd0e0e4ba4f",
+ "zh:2e05fae8eff9b52c7f8f6e7b68be6e38e491fbc2187faf0f8520a11b374bce67",
+ "zh:312b05cbd74a920da5fdeb3aab570790d9e2e1dd57760e38303a11cf7872700f",
+ "zh:3292f3cb91b228061edfedd15eb793468fc6ef9a07e754fcccebd662c5058c24",
+ "zh:586d994f0f23273478d51907ba1f323fbdb60dfd845291d8ac076794318998e1",
+ "zh:7a11d52390f1f9db30669224d3602052e44b92ac979e0876b3f1d9da67c6f231",
+ "zh:7f049abd24b8403574414d5bdb4689058e1a57cfc3c1af9774be91b4a1580a87",
+ "zh:88968d9c25ac8b0d1e7ea843c7f17d24531af49c924302e6a672d652fdc4a1cb",
+ "zh:ae5f41416464ae8cf3f364e7d213235d90c95614c19966e96064d7bfdefcf58b",
+ "zh:b3dbb9ebea911bc1b102f5294bcb317ac70e751646d9777f5c243b02b69c66c8",
+ "zh:da9bc1384b16c5e2401173e8636216eb3cb779d4e5c8ec1bea1a83f375142579",
+ "zh:f29fe118d01a45cbfee653c5dccd8c5ceb71e7a36f05b9656ed8290c2d9036d8",
+ "zh:f6057496ac45093be445ed8423dc9dfcdbb21e5cc6d6348dbe3a8d5641882f3f",
+ "zh:f9c9d8fa0eb3d16bd347456cc17c179afb0fba84474359e890d9fc67f5af3353",
+ ]
diff --git a/generated_configurations/provider.tf b/generated_configurations/provider.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77ecdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/provider.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+terraform {
+ required_providers {
+ btp = {
+ source = "SAP/btp"
+ version = "1.6.0"
+ }
+ }
+provider "btp" {
+ globalaccount = "terraformintprod"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/generated_configurations/resources.tf b/generated_configurations/resources.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18b0450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/resources.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+# __generated__ by Terraform
+# Please review these resources and move them into your main configuration files.
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,sap.default"
+resource "btp_subaccount_trust_configuration" "trust0" {
+ auto_create_shadow_users = false
+ available_for_user_logon = true
+ description = null
+ domain = null
+ identity_provider = ""
+ link_text = "Default Identity Provider"
+ name = "sap.default"
+ status = "active"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,cias,oauth2"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "cias_oauth2" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "oauth2"
+ service_name = "cias"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,application"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "xsuaa_application" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "application"
+ service_name = "xsuaa"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,apiaccess"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "xsuaa_apiaccess" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "apiaccess"
+ service_name = "xsuaa"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,destination,lite"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "destination_lite" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "lite"
+ service_name = "destination"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,application-logs,lite"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "application-logs_lite" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "lite"
+ service_name = "application-logs"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent-ui,free"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "content-agent-ui_free" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "free"
+ service_name = "content-agent-ui"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,connectivity,connectivity_proxy"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "connectivity_connectivity_proxy" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "connectivity_proxy"
+ service_name = "connectivity"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,subaccount-admin"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "service-manager_subaccount-admin" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "subaccount-admin"
+ service_name = "service-manager"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,connectivity,lite"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "connectivity_lite" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "lite"
+ service_name = "connectivity"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,container"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "service-manager_container" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "container"
+ service_name = "service-manager"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,terraformeds-platform"
+resource "btp_subaccount_trust_configuration" "trust1" {
+ auto_create_shadow_users = false
+ available_for_user_logon = false
+ description = "Identity Authentication tenant terraformeds.accounts.ondemand.com used for platform users"
+ domain = "terraformeds.accounts.ondemand.com"
+ identity_provider = "terraformeds.accounts.ondemand.com"
+ link_text = null
+ name = "terraformeds.accounts.ondemand.com (platform users)"
+ status = "active"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,broker"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "xsuaa_broker" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "broker"
+ service_name = "xsuaa"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags-dashboard,dashboard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "feature-flags-dashboard_dashboard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "dashboard"
+ service_name = "feature-flags-dashboard"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,auditlog-management,default"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "auditlog-management_default" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "default"
+ service_name = "auditlog-management"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,identity,application"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "identity_application" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "application"
+ service_name = "identity"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,global-offerings-audit"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "service-manager_global-offerings-audit" {
+ amount = 2
+ plan_name = "global-offerings-audit"
+ service_name = "service-manager"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent,application"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "content-agent_application" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "application"
+ service_name = "content-agent"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,html5-apps-repo,app-runtime"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "html5-apps-repo_app-runtime" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "app-runtime"
+ service_name = "html5-apps-repo"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,service-operator-access"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "service-manager_service-operator-access" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "service-operator-access"
+ service_name = "service-manager"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,one-mds,sap-integration"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "one-mds_sap-integration" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "sap-integration"
+ service_name = "one-mds"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,autoscaler,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "autoscaler_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "autoscaler"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,mdo-one-mds-master,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "mdo-one-mds-master_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "mdo-one-mds-master"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+resource "btp_subaccount" "btptfexporter-validate" {
+ beta_enabled = false
+ description = null
+ labels = null
+ name = "btptfexporter-validate"
+ parent_id = "cb0997e4-a8e3-4c4c-9ed2-a90e3fff8c3a"
+ region = "us10"
+ subdomain = "btptfexporter-validate-xhyu0cme"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags,lite"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "feature-flags_lite" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "lite"
+ service_name = "feature-flags"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,cias,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "cias_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "cias"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "content-agent_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "content-agent"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,html5-apps-repo,app-host"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "html5-apps-repo_app-host" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "app-host"
+ service_name = "html5-apps-repo"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,one-mds-master,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "one-mds-master_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "one-mds-master"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,sap-identity-services-onboarding,default"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "sap-identity-services-onboarding_default" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "default"
+ service_name = "sap-identity-services-onboarding"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags,standard"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "feature-flags_standard" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "standard"
+ service_name = "feature-flags"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,print,receiver"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "print_receiver" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "receiver"
+ service_name = "print"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,space"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "xsuaa_space" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "space"
+ service_name = "xsuaa"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,auditlog-api,default"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "auditlog-api_default" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "default"
+ service_name = "auditlog-api"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,subaccount-audit"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "service-manager_subaccount-audit" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "subaccount-audit"
+ service_name = "service-manager"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,saas-registry,application"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "saas-registry_application" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "application"
+ service_name = "saas-registry"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
+# __generated__ by Terraform from "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,credstore,proxy"
+resource "btp_subaccount_entitlement" "credstore_proxy" {
+ amount = 1
+ plan_name = "proxy"
+ service_name = "credstore"
+ subaccount_id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
diff --git a/generated_configurations/subaccount_entitlements_import.tf b/generated_configurations/subaccount_entitlements_import.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04e8225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/subaccount_entitlements_import.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.content-agent_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.feature-flags_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.auditlog-api_default
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,auditlog-api,default"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.cias_oauth2
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,cias,oauth2"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.content-agent-ui_free
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent-ui,free"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.service-manager_global-offerings-audit
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,global-offerings-audit"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.autoscaler_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,autoscaler,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.credstore_proxy
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,credstore,proxy"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.saas-registry_application
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,saas-registry,application"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.service-manager_container
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,container"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.application-logs_lite
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,application-logs,lite"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.content-agent_application
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,content-agent,application"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.html5-apps-repo_app-runtime
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,html5-apps-repo,app-runtime"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.mdo-one-mds-master_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,mdo-one-mds-master,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.service-manager_service-operator-access
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,service-operator-access"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.service-manager_subaccount-audit
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,subaccount-audit"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.auditlog-management_default
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,auditlog-management,default"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.feature-flags-dashboard_dashboard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags-dashboard,dashboard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.one-mds-master_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,one-mds-master,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.sap-identity-services-onboarding_default
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,sap-identity-services-onboarding,default"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.connectivity_lite
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,connectivity,lite"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.print_receiver
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,print,receiver"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.xsuaa_apiaccess
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,apiaccess"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.cias_standard
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,cias,standard"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.feature-flags_lite
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,feature-flags,lite"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.identity_application
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,identity,application"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.xsuaa_application
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,application"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.service-manager_subaccount-admin
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,service-manager,subaccount-admin"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.xsuaa_broker
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,broker"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.xsuaa_space
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,xsuaa,space"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.connectivity_connectivity_proxy
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,connectivity,connectivity_proxy"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.destination_lite
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,destination,lite"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.html5-apps-repo_app-host
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,html5-apps-repo,app-host"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_entitlement.one-mds_sap-integration
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,one-mds,sap-integration"
diff --git a/generated_configurations/subaccount_import.tf b/generated_configurations/subaccount_import.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b5a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/subaccount_import.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount.btptfexporter-validate
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a"
diff --git a/generated_configurations/subaccount_trust_configurations_import.tf b/generated_configurations/subaccount_trust_configurations_import.tf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7055968
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generated_configurations/subaccount_trust_configurations_import.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_trust_configuration.trust0
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,sap.default"
+import {
+ to = btp_subaccount_trust_configuration.trust1
+ id = "cf18dcef-5b15-4638-bd98-73f10c7f4f3a,terraformeds-platform"