There are different categories of users for different purposes and with different capabilities. Business users represent end users performing day-to-day business tasks. They constitute personal data and their lifecycle is governed by retention and deletion policies.
Technical users are used in the background for system tasks such as inter-system communication, printing, and support.
Relation of Employees and Business Users
Employees are metadata-records containing personal and employment-related data. Employees do not have access to the system directly, but only via corresponding business users.
A business user corresponds to a real-life person who works with the system interactively. Business users are created to allow a person access to the system. You can maintain business users in the Maintain Business Usersapp. Authentication and logon for business users happens at the identity provider.
Business User Authorizations and Monitoring
You can assign business users to business roles in theMaintain Business Roles app. The main purpose of the app though is to create and adapt business roles.
Information about currently assigned business roles can be found in the IAM Information System app and theIAM Key Figures app.
Business User Lifecycle
Business users that haven’t been used for a certain time can be automatically locked.
Retention and ultimate deletion of blocked business users is governed by the Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) component.
Please note that ILM is not available in SAP BTP ABAP Environment.
Technical users correspond to a local or remote process which is typically part of the cloud management process (such as system provisioning, support) or intrinsic system processes. There are technical users that belong to the software or service provider and there are technical users that belong to the customer.
You can get an overview of all technical users in the Display Technical Users app.
Communication Users
The communication user is a technical user type aimed at technical communication. A communication user corresponds to a remote system that connects to your own system. You can define communication users in theMaintain Communication Users app.
Support Users
Support users are a separate type of technical user for temporary access. These users are intended for SAP employees who access the system based on a support ticket from the customer. The Display Technical Users app shows which support users were created for the system on which incident.
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