Similar to all other items, a message can be read from the application log using methods GET_ITEM
of interface IF_BALI_LOG
. The message object, which is returned by these methods, uses interface IF_BALI_MESSAGE_GETTER
The interface supports all attributes and methods of interface IF_BALI_ITEM_GETTER
contains the following additional attributes:
ID: Message ID
NUMBER: Message Number
VARIABLE_1: Variable 1 of the message
VARIABLE_2: Variable 2 of the message
VARIABLE_3: Variable 3 of the message
VARIABLE_4: Variable 4 of the message
COUNT: The count of the message. It is increased, if method
of interfaceIF_BALI_LOG
is used to add a message to the log and if the log already contains a message with the same message attributes (severity, message ID, message number and variables).
Load a single log from the database which uses log handle l_handle and output some attributes of the first item, if it is a message:
... DATA l_handle TYPE if_bali_log=>ty_handle. ... TRY. DATA(l_log) = cl_bali_log_db=>get_instance( )->load_log( handle = l_handle ). DATA(l_item) = l_log->get_item( log_item_number = '1' ). IF l_item->category = if_bali_constants=>c_category_message. DATA(l_message_ref) = CAST if_bali_message_getter( l_item ). out->write( |{ l_message_ref->id } { l_message_ref->number }| ). ENDIF. CATCH cx_bali_runtime INTO DATA(l_exception). out->write( l_exception->get_text( ) ). ENDTRY. ...