method, you specify your metric model, including the metric IDs, their data types, or their units of measurement.
You've created a class for metric providers (see Creating a Class for Metric Providers).
In the class that you've created, change the DEFINE_MODEL( )
method according to your business needs.
For example, your method might be as follows:
METHOD if_gsm_api_provider~define_model. DATA: lo_api_metric_group TYPE REF TO if_gsm_api_metric_group. lo_api_metric_group = io_model->add_metric_group( iv_metric_group_id = me->e_metric_group_id-demo_group iv_metric_group_name = `Demo Client API Provider` ##NO_TEXT iv_category = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_category-performance iv_severity = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_severity-_2_low ). lo_api_metric_group->add_target( iv_target_type = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_target_type-health ). lo_api_metric_group->add_metric( iv_metric_id = me->e_metric_id-demo_metric_id iv_metric_name = `Demo Client API Metric` ##NO_TEXT iv_unit = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_unit-seconds iv_data_type = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_data_type-integer iv_period = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_period-every_05_minutes iv_description = `Just a demo` ##NO_TEXT iv_metric_type = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_metric_type-counter )->add_target( iv_target_type = if_gsm_api_constants=>e_target_type-health ). ENDMETHOD.
Notes: For all input parameters, you can find the relevant enumerations in the released interface IF_GSM_API_CONSTANTS
. Note, however, that there are a few additional considerations:
The category of the metric group expresses the semantic nature of the metric, for example, whether the availability or performance of the system is affected.
The attributes of a metric refer to the consumption of the metric:
Period: The period specifies the frequency with which the metric measurement is triggered. It implicitly derives a runtime quota. Metric providers that are executed more often must return the metrics faster. For example, metric providers running each minute must return values within 5 seconds. Otherwise, they will be banned by the framework in the future.
attribute is the only control attribute. All other attributes don't have any runtime impacts. -
Metric type: Metrics can be collected in different ways. Some metrics are of type Counter. A counter always goes up and is only reset at special events like system restart. For example, the number of processed requests is typically expressed as a counter. In contrast to a counter, a gauge metric can go up or down. The temperature or current memory usage are common examples of gauge metrics.
Target type: The target type is used to control the metric flow for different usage scenarios. Only the available target type
is supported. This target type registers the metric to be exported to Health Monitoring in SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Focused Run. -
Severity: The severity is available, but not pushed to Health Monitoring.