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Create an Exception

One item category, which can be written into an application log, is an Exception. An exception is raised by the application using ABAP command RAISE EXCEPTION and can be caught by ABAP command CATCH.

To define an application log exception, you can set the following attributes:

  • Severity, such as Error, Warning, Information. Possible values of the severity are defined as constants in interface IF_BALI_CONSTANTS.

  • Reference to the exception object

  • Detail Level of the item: If the application displays the items of the application log, the detail level can be used to define at which level of detail the item should be displayed.

  • Context: Allows the storage of application-specific data related to the exception. See Set a Context.

To add an exception to an application log, an instance of interface IF_BALI_EXCEPTION_SETTER is required. To create this instance, method CREATE of class CL_BALI_EXCEPTION_SETTER can be used. It allows to set the severity and the reference to the exception object.

If you want to set or change the attributes of the exception, you can use interface IF_BALI_EXCEPTION_SETTER. It contains the following methods:

  • SET_EXCEPTION: Changes the reference to the exception object and the severity.

  • SET_DETAIL_LEVEL: Sets the detail level.

  • SET_CONTEXT: Sets the context of the exception.

Sample Code:

 DATA: i TYPE i.
     i = 1 / 0.
   CATCH cx_sy_zerodivide INTO DATA(l_exception_ref).

 DATA(l_ref) = cl_bali_exception_setter=>create( severity = if_bali_constants=>c_severity_error
                                                 exception = l_exception_ref ).
 l_ref->set_detail_level( detail_level = '2' ).