With the web services SOAP header protocol, you can programmatically add custom XML elements to the SOAP request header.
Some services can require setting specific XML elements in the SOAP header. To add such custom elements, you can use the method ADD_SOAP_HEADER_ELEMENT
Create a consumer proxy by instantiating the generated class with a SOAP destination object. See Enable SOAP Communication in Your ABAP Code for more information.
Pass the proxy object to the factory method
cl_ws_protocol_factory=>get_soap_header_protocol( )
. The factory method returns a (proxy-specific) WS protocol object to adjust the SOAP header. -
Pass the custom XML element as string to the method
DATA(ws_soap_header_facade) = cl_ws_protocol_factory=>get_soap_header_protocol( proxy ).
ws_soap_header_facade->add_soap_header_element( '<XML element>' ).
To add multiple XML elements, call the method for each element separately.
The API raises the exception CX_WS_PROTOCOL_ERROR
, for example, if the code snippet is syntactically incorrect or if one of the following reserved namespaces is used:
The following example shows how to adjust the SOAP request header followed by the web service call.
First, you must get a SOAP destination object according to your SAP product as described in Enable SOAP Communication in Your ABAP Code.
" Get destination object TRY. DATA(proxy) = NEW example_consumer( destination = soap_destination ). DATA xml_element TYPE string VALUE '<n0:CustomHeaderElement xmlns:n0="http://ws.example.org/ws/">' & '<n0:CustomElement>' & '<n0:value>specific info</n0:value>' & '</n0:CustomElement>' & '</n0:CustomHeaderElement>' . TRY. " Pass the proxy object to factory method and add XML element to the SOAP request header. DATA(ws_header_facade) = cl_ws_protocol_factory=>get_soap_header_protocol( proxy ). ws_header_facade->add_soap_header_element( xml_element ). CATCH cx_ws_protocol_error. " Handle error. ENDTRY. " Call server DATA(request) = VALUE example_req_msg_type( ). proxy->example_operation( EXPORTING input = request IMPORTING output = DATA(response) ). CATCH cx_ai_system_fault. " Handle error. ENDTRY.
The resulting SOAP request looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
<n0:CustomHeaderElement xmlns:n0="http://ws.example.org/ws/">
<n0:value>specific info</n0:value>
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