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File metadata and controls

137 lines (103 loc) · 4.74 KB


Another implementation of the Stripe API client for Elixir, based off of:

This one is built on top of httpoison and poison instead of httpotion and jazz.

** Work in progress **


The goal is to map all objects in the Stripe API 1-1

Because Elixir is essentially Ruby with a tan and a different colored blouse, StripeX attempts to mimic ruby_stripe's API as closely as reasonable.


Things to do haven't been checked.


  • Charges
  • Refunds
  • Customers
  • Cards
  • Subscriptions
  • Plans
  • Coupons
  • Discounts
  • Invoices
  • Invoice Items
  • Disputes
  • Transfers
  • Recipients
  • Application Fees
  • Application Fee Refunds
  • Account
  • Balance
  • Events
  • Tokens


  • retrieve
  • all
  • update
  • delete
  • create


  • Cast nested resources


  • Write more tests (lol)


Authentication for Stripe's API is done via a single Bearer token. The library will check the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY environment variable and fallback to Application.get_env(:stripe, :secret_key).


The RESTfulness of the Stripe API makes this easy. In essence, for every object in the Stripe ecosystem, we should be able to make calls such as:


{:ok, customer} = Stripe.Customers.create %{email: "[email protected]", description: "whatever", source: "token_1234"}

{:ok, customers} = Stripe.Customers.all
# => [%Stripe.Customer{account_balance: 0,...]

length customers
# => 10

customer = List.first customers
  # => %Stripe.Customer{account_balance: 0,
  #      cards: %{"data" => [%{"address_city" => nil, "address_country" => nil,
  #            "address_line1" => nil, "address_line1_check" => nil,
  #            "address_line2" => nil, "address_state" => nil, "address_zip" => nil,
  #            "address_zip_check" => nil, "brand" => "Visa", "country" => "US",
  #            "customer" => "cus_5HYg9UxTAsC84D", "cvc_check" => "pass",
  #            "dynamic_last4" => nil, "exp_month" => 11, "exp_year" => 2016,
  #            "fingerprint" => "Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c", "funding" => "credit",
  #            "id" => "card_156zZS2eZvKYlo2CcevEs4Be", "last4" => "4242", "name" => nil,
  #            "object" => "card"}], "has_more" => false, "object" => "list",
  #         "total_count" => 1, "url" => "/v1/customers/cus_5HYg9UxTAsC84D/cards"},
  #      created: 1417937711, currency: nil,
  #      default_card: "card_156zZS2eZvKYlo2CcevEs4Be", delinquent: false,
  #      description: "[email protected]", discount: nil, id: "cus_5HYg9UxTAsC84D",
  #      livemode: false, metadata: %{}, object: "customer",
  #      subscriptions: %{"data" => [], "has_more" => false, "object" => "list",
  #         "total_count" => 0,
  #         "url" => "/v1/customers/cus_5HYg9UxTAsC84D/subscriptions"}}

# Get a customer by ID
customer_id = # cus_xxx000111 or whatever
Stripe.Customers.retrieve customer_id
# => {:ok, %Stripe.Customer{account_balance: 0, ...}}

# Get a card (nested under customers)
Stripe.Cards.retrieve {customer_id, customer.default_card}
# => {:ok, %Stripe.Card{address_city: nil, address_country: nil, address_line1: nil,
#         address_line1_check: nil, address_line2: nil, address_state: nil,
#         address_zip: nil, address_zip_check: nil, brand: "Visa", country: "US",
#         customer: "cus_5HYg9UxTAsC84D", cvc_check: "pass", dynamic_last4: nil,
#         exp_month: 11, exp_year: 2016, fingerprint: "Xt5EWLLDS7FJjR1c",
#         funding: "credit", id: "card_156zZS2eZvKYlo2CcevEs4Be", last4: "4242",
#         name: nil, object: "card"}}

Consult the test/stripe_test.exs file for a better idea of how to use this library.


This library isn't yet fully tested... but to run the tests we have, here's what you must do:

config :gateway, Stripex,
  url: "",
  secret_key: YOUR_SECRET_KEY_HERE # looks something like "sk_test_sUkci83ae666fUcksAtan"

fyi: the present secret_key is linked to my stripe test account, you can probably test with it (unless I reroll my keys in the future), but I advise you use your own since you'll be able to see Stripe's logs to see if things really worked or not.

mix deps.get
mix test

Be warned, these tests actually hit your stripe account (this is why we use the test one stripe stripe provides), so you'll need internet connection to run them.