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Forth500 User Guide

Dr. Robert A. van Engelen, Copyright 2021

Table of contents


Forth500 is a Standard Forth system for the SHARP PC-E500(S) pocket computer. This pocket computer sports a 2.304MHz 8-bit CPU with a 20-bit address space of up to 1MB. This pocket computer includes 256KB system ROM and 32KB to 256KB RAM. The RAM card slot offers additional storage up to 256KB RAM. Forth500 is small enough to fit in an unexpanded 32KB machine.

Forth is unlike any other mainstream programming language. It has an unconventional syntax and unique program execution characteristics. Because of this, programs run very efficiently and do not require much memory to run. On the other hand, this makes learning Forth a bit more challenging for beginners and experienced programmers alike.

It is perhaps best to think of Forth as a language positioned between assembly coding and C in terms of power and complexity. Like assembly and C, you have a lot of freedom and power at your fingertips. But this comes with a healthy dose of responsibility to do things right: errors can lead to crashes.

Fortunately, Forth500 protects its data and floating point stacks against under- and overflows. It also guards against dictionary overflow. Accidental infinite loops can be terminated by pressing BREAK to abort execution, which is also checked in loops and when calling secondaries (Forth subroutines).

If necessary, the PC-E500(S) recovers from a crash with a soft reset. You can recover your work after you saved the Forth500 program state to the E: or F: RAM disk with the SAVE word (see the "SAVE" example to define):


Then load it back into memory later from BASIC in RUN mode:

> CALL &Bx000

where Forth500 starts at &Bx000 (&B0000 on an expanded machine with 128KB memory or more and &B9000 on an unexpanded 32KB machine). Note that a hard reset requires allocating memory again for Forth500 before you can load it back into memory, see the Forth500 installation instructions.

Quick Forth tutorial

This section is intentionally kept simple by avoiding technical jargon and unnecessary excess. Familiarity with the concepts of stacks and dictionaries is assumed. Experience with C makes it easier to follow the use of addresses (pointers) to integer values, strings and other data in Forth.

A Forth system is a dictionary of words. A word can be any sequence of characters but excludes space, tab, newline, and other control characters. Words can be entered simply by typing them in as long as they are separated by spacing. Words are defined for subroutines, for named constants and for global variables and data. Some words may execute at compile time to compile the body of subroutine definitions and to implement control flow such as conditional branches and loops. As such, the syntax blends compile-time and runtime behaviors that are distinguishable by naming and naming conventions of words.

You can enter Forth words at the Forth500 interactive prompt. The following special keys can be used to enter a line of Forth code of up to 255 characters long:

key comment
INS switch to insertion mode or back to replace mode
DEL delete the character under the cursor
BS backspace
ENTER execute the line of input
LEFT/RIGHT before typing input "replays" the last line of input to edit
CURSOR KEYS move cursor up/down/left/right on the line
C/CE clears the line

The BUSY annunciator lights up during the execution of a Forth word or program. The RUN annunciator lights up (BUSY turns off) to accept your input to execute. The PRO annunciator lights up to accept your input to compile, for example when entering a colon definition.

To exit Forth500 and return to BASIC, enter bye. This saves the Forth500 state in memory. To reenter Forth500 from BASIC, CALL &Bxx00 again where xx is the high-order address of Forth500.

Forth500 is case insensitive. Words may be typed in upper or lower case or in mixed case. In this manual all built-in words are shown in UPPER CASE. User-defined words in the examples are shown in lower case.

To list the words stored in the Forth dictionary, type (↲ is ENTER):


Hit any key to continue. Hit C/CE or BREAK to stop. BREAK generally terminates the execution of a Forth500 subroutine associated with a word.

To list words that fully and partially match a given name, type:


For example, WORDS DUP lists all words with names that contain the part DUP (the WORDS search is case sensitive). Press C/CE or BREAK to stop listing more words.

Words like DUP operate on the stack. DUP duplicates the top value, generally called TOS "Top Of Stack". All computations in Forth occur on the stack. Words may take values from the stack, by popping them, and push return values on the stack. Besides words, you can also enter literal integer values to push them onto the stack:

TRUE 123 DUP .S ↲
-1 123 123 OK[3]

where TRUE pushes -1, 123 pushes 123, DUP duplicates the TOS and .S shows the stack values. It helps to use .S to see what's currently on the stack when debugging. OK[3] indicates that currently there are three values on the stack. This may also show as OK[3 1] when there is one floating point value on the floating point stack, which is indicated by the second number.

You can spread the code over multiple lines. It does not matter if you hit ENTER at the end or if you hit ENTER to input more than one line.

When an error occurred, an error message will be shown and a blinking cursor will appear:

1 0 / 2 + . ↲
1 0 / <Error -10

Press the left or right cursor key to edit the last line. For a description of the standard Forth error codes, see exceptions.

To clear the stacks, type CLEAR:


Like traditional Forth systems, Forth500 integers are 16-bit (single) and 32-bit (double) signed or unsigned integers. Decimal, hexadecimal and binary number systems are supported:

input TOS comment
TRUE -1 Boolean true is -1
FALSE 0 Boolean false is 0
123 123 decimal number (if the current base is DECIMAL)
-1 -1
0 0
$FF 255 hexadecimal number
#-12 -12 decimal number (regardless of the current base)
%1000 8 binary number
'A 65 ASCII code of letter A

Words for arithmetic like + pop the TOS and 2OS "Second on Stack" to return the sum. The . ("dot") word can then be used to print the TOS:

1 2 + . ↲
3 OK[0]

Two single stack integers can be combined to form a 32-bit signed or unsigned integer. A double integer number is pushed (as two single integers) when the number is written with a . anywhere among the digits, but we prefer the . at the end for clarity:

123. 456. D+ D. ↲
579 OK[0] 

The D+ word adds two double integers and the D. word prints a signed double integer and pops it from the stack. Words that operate on two integers or doubles are typically identified by Dxxx and 2xxx. See also double arithmetic and numeric output.

The use of . to mark double integers is unfortunate, because the number is not a floating point number! The . is traditional in Forth and still part of Standard Forth.

Floating point numbers require an exponent E or D for double precision, even when the exponent is zero, as for example in 1.23e+0 (the E and D are case insensitive). Floating point values are stored on a separate floating point stack and have their own words for floating point arithmetic:

12.3e0 45.6e0 F+ FDUP F. FS. ↲
57.9 5.7900000000000000000E1 OK[0]

where F. displays the value in fixed-point notation without exponent and FS. displays the value in scientific notation with 20 digits precision. See also floating point stack manipulation, floating point arithmetic and numeric output.

Words that execute subroutines are defined with a : ("colon") and end with a ; ("semicolon"):

: hello     ." Hello, World!" CR ; ↲

This defines the word hello that displays the obligatory "Hello, World!" message. Separating the word with its definition using tab spacing visually assists to identify word definitions more easily. After all, a Forth program is stored in a dictionary of words with their definitions. A clean visual presentation helps a lot when perusing Forth programs.

The ." word parses a sequence of character until ". These characters are displayed on screen. Note that ." is a normal word and must therefore be followed by a space. The CR word starts a new line by printing a carriage return and newline.

Let's try it out:

hello ↲
Hello, World! OK[0]

Some words like ." and ; are compile-time only, which means that they can only be used in colon definitions. Two other compile-time words are DO and LOOP for loops:

: greetings     10 0 DO hello LOOP ; ↲
greetings ↲

This displays 10 lines with "Hello, World!" Let's add a word that takes a number as an argument, then displays that many hello lines:

: hellos    0 DO hello LOOP ; ↲
2 hellos ↲
Hello, World!
Hello, World! OK[0]

Something interesting has happened here, that is typical Forth: hellos is the same as greetings but without the 10 loop limit. We just specify the loop limit on the stack as an argument to hellos. Therefore, we can refactor greetings to use hellos by simply replacing 0 DO hello LOOP by hellos:

: greetings     10 hellos ; ↲

It is good practice to define words with short definitions! It makes your programs much easier to understand, maintain and reuse. Because words operate on the stack, pretty much any sequence of words can be moved from a definition into a new word to replace the sequence with a single descriptive word. This keeps definitions short and understandable. Also testing words by executing them from the prompt is a good way to verify their definitions to find potential problems before running a new program.

What if we want to change the message of hellos? Forth allows you to redefine words at any time, but this does not change the behavior of any previously defined words that are used by other previously defined words:

: hello     ." Hola, Mundo!" CR ; ↲
2 hellos ↲
Hello, World!
Hello, World! OK[0]

Only new words that we add after this will use our new hello definition. Basically, the Forth dictionary is searched from the most recently defined word to the oldest defined word. A definition of a word is no longer searchable when a word with the same name is defined. There is a way around this by deferring words, as we will see later.

Definitions can be deleted with everything defined after it by forgetting:

FORGET hello ↲

Because we defined two hello words, we should forget hello twice to delete the new and the old hello. Forgetting means that everything after the specified word is deleted from the dictionary, including our greetings and hellos definitions. Another way to delete definitions is to define a MARKER with ANEW for a section of code, see markers. Executing a marker deletes it and everything after it.

To create a configurable hello word that displays alternative messages, we can use branching based on the value of a variable:

VARIABLE spanish ↲

VARIABLE parses the next word in the input and adds the word to the dictionary as a variable, in this case spanish.

We rewrite our hello as follows:

: hello ↲
  spanish @ IF ↲
    ." Hola, Mundo!" ↲
  ELSE ↲
    ." Hello, World!" ↲
  THEN CR ; ↲

If you are new to Forth this may look strange with the IF and THEN out of place. A THEN closes the IF (some Forth's allow both ENDIF and THEN). By comparison to C, spanish @ IF x ELSE y is similar to *spanish ? x : y. The variable spanish places the address of its value on the stack. The value is fetched (dereferenced) with the word @ ("fetch"). If the value is nonzero (true), then the statements after IF are executed. Otherwise, the statements after ELSE are executed.

To set the spanish variable to true:

TRUE spanish ! ↲

where the word ! ("store") stores the 2OS value to the memory cell addressed by the TOS, which is the variable spanish in this example.

Observe this stack order carefully! Otherwise you will end up writing data to arbitrary memory locations. The ! reminds you of this potential danger.

For convenience, the words ON and OFF can be used:

spanish OFF ↲
spanish ? ↲
0 OK[0]
spanish ON ↲
spanish ? ↲
-1 OK[0]

The ? word used in the example above is a shorthand for @ . to display the value of a variable:

: ? @ . ;

Like the built-in ? word, a large portion of the Forth system is defined in Forth itself. Also ON and OFF are defined in Forth:

: ON    TRUE SWAP ! ;

where SWAP swaps the TOS and 2OS.

Instead of nesting multiple IF-ELSE-THEN branches to cover additional languages, we should use CASE-OF-ENDOF-ENDCASE and enumerate the languages as follows:

0 CONSTANT #english ↲
1 CONSTANT #spanish ↲
2 CONSTANT #french ↲
VARIABLE language #english language ! ↲
: hello ↲
  language @ CASE ↲
    #english OF ." Hello, World!"  ENDOF ↲
    #spanish OF ." Hola, Mundo!"   ENDOF ↲
    #french  OF ." Salut Mondial!" ENDOF ↲
    ." Unknown language" ↲
  CR ; ↲
hello ↲
Hello, World!

Note that the default case is not really necessary, but can be inserted between the last ENDOF and ENDCASE. In the default arm of a CASE, the CASE value is the TOS, which can be inspected, but should not be dropped before ENDCASE.

Unlike a VARIABLE, a CONSTANT word is initialized with the specified value on the stack. When the word is executed it pushes its value on the stack. By contrast, a word defined as a variable pushes the address of its value on the stack, after which the value can be fetched with @. A new value can be stored with !.

So-called Forth value words offer the advantage of implicit fetches like constants. To illustrate value words, let's replace the VARIABLE language with VALUE language initialized to #english:

#english VALUE language ↲

To change the value we use the TO word followed by the name of the value:

#spanish TO language ↲

Now with language as a VALUE, hello should be changed by removing the @ after language:

: hello ↲
  language CASE ↲

Forth constants, variables and values contain data. Data words are added to the dictionary with CREATE followed by words to allocate space for the data. The word created returns the address pointing to its data:

CREATE data ↲
data . ↲
<address> OK[0]

In this example data has no data allocated or stored, it just returns the address of the location where the data would reside. Because addresses of words in the dictionary are unique, we can use this mechanism to create "symbolic" enumerations to replace constants (and save some space):

CREATE english ↲
CREATE spanish ↲
CREATE french ↲
english TO language ↲

Working with CREATE and DOES> to create data types and data structures is a more advanced topic. See CREATE and DOES> for details. See also example enums for a more elaborate example.

Earlier we saw the DO-LOOP. The loop iterates until its internal loop counter when incremented equals the final value. For example, this loop executes hello 10 times:

: greetings     10 0 DO hello LOOP ; ↲

Actually, DO cannot be recommended because the loop body is always executed at least once. When the initial value is the same as the final value we end up executing the loop 65536 times! (Because integers wrap around.) We use ?DO instead of DO to avoid this problem:

: hellos    0 ?DO hello LOOP ; ↲
0 hellos ↲

This example has zero loop iterations and never executes the loop body hello.

When we add more languages to hello, the hello definition code grows substantially by the addition of lots of OF-ENDOF arms. We should keep Forth definitions short and concise. To so so, we may want to reconsider hello and change it to a "deferred word". A deferred word can be assigned another word, in this case to display a message in the selected language:

DEFER hello ↲
: hellos    0 ?DO hello LOOP ; ↲

The deferred hello word is assigned hello-es with IS:

: hello-en  ." Hello, World!" CR ; ↲
: hello-es  ." Hola, Mundo!" CR ; ↲
: hello-fr  ." Salut Mondial!" CR ; ↲
' hello-es IS hello ↲
2 hellos ↲
Hola, Mundo!
Hola, Mundo! OK[0]

The ' "tick" parses the next word and returns its "execution token" on the stack, which is assigned by IS to hello. An execution token is the address of the start of the code associated with a word. Basically, a deferred word is a variable that holds the execution token of another word. When the deferred hello executes, it takes this execution token and executes it with EXECUTE.

Think of execution tokens as function pointers in C and as call addresses in assembly. You can pass them around and store them in variables and tables to be invoked later with EXECUTE.

We saw the use of a ?DO-LOOP earlier. To change the step size or direction of the loop, we use +LOOP. The word I returns the loop counter value:

: evens     10 0 ?DO I . 2 +LOOP ; ↲
evens ↲
0 2 4 6 8 OK[0]

The +LOOP terminates if the updated counter equals or crosses the limit. The increment may be negative to count down.

A BEGIN-WHILE-REPEAT is a logically-controlled loop with which we can do the same as follows by pushing a 0 to use as a counter on top of the stack:

: evens ↲
  0 ↲
    DUP . ↲
    2+ ↲
  DROP ; ↲
evens ↲
0 2 4 6 8 OK[0]

DUP 10 < is used for the WHILE test to check the TOS counter value is less than 10. After the loop terminates, DROP removes the TOS counter.

A BEGIN-UNTIL loop is similar, but executes the loop body at least once:

: evens ↲
  0 ↲
    DUP . ↲
    2+ ↲
  DROP ; ↲
evens ↲
0 2 4 6 8 OK[0]

Forth has no built-in >=, so we use < INVERT. If you really want >=, then define:

: >=    < INVERT ; ↲

Until now we haven't commented our code. Forth offers two words to comment code, ( a comment goes here ) and \ a comment until the end of the line:

: evens ( -- ) ↲
  0                     \ push counter 0 ↲
    DUP .               \ display counter value ↲
    2+                  \ increment counter ↲
  DUP 10 < INVERT UNTIL \ until counter >= 10 ↲
  DROP ;                \ drop counter ↲

Word definitions are typically annotated with their stack effects. In this case there is no effect ( -- ), see the next section on how this notation is used in practice.

Forth source code is loaded from a file with INCLUDE or with INCLUDED:


where S" FLOATEXT.FTH" specifies a string constant with the file name. A drive letter such as F: can be specified to load from a specific drive, which becomes the current drive (the default drive is E:). Forth500 source files must have LF or CRLF line endings.

To compile a Forth source code file transmitted to the PC-E500(S) via the serial interface:


To make sure that a file is included at most once, use REQUIRE or REQUIRED instead of INCLUDE and INCLUDED, respectively:


The name of the file will show up in the dictionary to record its presence, but with a space appended to the name to distinguish it from executable words.

To compile a Forth source code file transmitted by a CE-126P or CE-124 cassette interface to the PC-E500:


The wav file transmitted from the host computer, such as a PC, should be created with PocketTools from the source file (e.g. FLOATEXT.FTH) as follows:

$ bin2wav --pc=E500 --type=bin -dINV FLOATEXT.FTH
$ afplay FLOATEXT.wav

The afplay command plays the wav file. Use maximum volume to play the wav file or close to maximum to avoid distortion. If -dINV does not transfer the file, then try -dMAX. Again, Forth500 source files must have LF or CRLF line endings.

To list files on the current drive:


You can also specify a drive with a glob pattern to list matching FILES:


This lists all Forth .FTH source files on the F: drive and makes the F: drive the current drive. Forth source files commonly use extension FTH or FS. File names and extensions are case sensitive on the PC-E500(S). Drive names are not.

To send FILES to a printer CE-126P, first check if a printer is connected with PRINTER . which displays the number of characters per line supported by the printer or zero if no printer is connected. Execute STDL TO TTY FILES`.

Redirecting TTY to devices connected to the COM: serial port requires opening the port first, then setting TTY to the port fileid. Don't forget to close the port fileid afterwards.

Forth500 includes a small text editor TED in a separate Forth file as an addition. With the text editor you can write scripts and source files and read them immediately to execute the commands and definitions:

↲                           \ start editing (press enter)
.( TEDI is great!) ↲        \ a line of Forth (press enter to save)
[CCE]                       \ end editing and read MYWORK.FTH
TEDI is great!

See TED.TXT for the TED manual.

This ends our introduction of the basics of Forth.

Stack effects

To make it easier to document words that manipulate the stack, we use the following Forth naming conventions to identify the types of values on the stack:

value represents
flag the Boolean value true (nonzero, typically -1) or false (zero)
true true flag (-1)
false false flag (0)
n a signed single integer -32768 to 32767
+n a non-negative single integer 0 to 32767
u an unsigned single integer 0 to 65535
x an unspecified single integer
d a signed double integer -2147483648 to 2147483647
+d a non-negative double integer 0 to 2147483647
ud an unsigned double integer 0 to 4294967295
xd an unspecified double integer (two unspecified single integers)
r a single or double precision floating point value on the floating point stack
addr a 16-bit address
c-addr a 16-bit address pointing to 8-bit character(s), usually a constant string
f-addr a 16-bit address pointing to a floating point value
s-addr a 16-bit address pointing to a file status structure (Forth500)
fileid a nonzero single integer file identifier
ior a single integer nonzero system-specific error code
fam a file access mode
nt a name token, address of the name of a word in the dictionary
xt an execution token, address of code of a word in the dictionary

A single integer or address unit is also called a "cell" with a size of two bytes in Forth500.

With these naming conventions for stack values, words are described by their stack effect. Values on the left of the -- are on the stack before the word is executed and the values on the right of the -- are on the stack after the word is executed:

OVER ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )

Words that create other words on the dictionary parse the name of a new word. For example, CREATE parses a word at "compile time". This word leaves the address of its body (a data field) on the stack at "run time". This is denoted by two effects separated by a semi-colon ;, the first effect occurs at compile time and the second effect occurs at run time:

CREATE ( "name" -- ; -- addr )

A quoted part such as "name" are parsed from the input and not taken from the stack.

Return stack effects are prefixed with R:. For example:

>R ( x -- ; R: -- x ) R> ( R: x -- ; -- x )

The word >R ("to r") moves x from the stack to the so-called "return stack". The word R> ("r from") moves x from the return stack to the stack.

The return stack is used to keep return addresses of words executed and to store temporary values. When using the return stack to store values temporarily in your code, it is very important to keep the return stack balanced. This prevents words from returning to an incorrect return address and crashing the system.

Stack manipulation

The following words manipulate values on the stack:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
DUP ( x -- x x ) duplicate TOS
?DUP ( x -- x x ) or ( 0 -- 0 ) duplicate TOS if nonzero
DROP ( x -- ) drop the TOS
SWAP ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 ) swap TOS with 2OS
OVER ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 ) duplicate 2OS to the top
NIP ( x1 x2 -- x2 ) delete 2OS
TUCK ( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 ) tuck a copy of TOS under 2OS
ROT ( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 ) rotate stack, 3OS goes to TOS
-ROT ( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 ) rotate stack, TOS goes to 3OS

Note that NIP is the same as SWAP DROP, TUCK is the same as DUP -ROT, and -ROT ("not rot") is the same as ROT ROT.

There are also two words to reach deeper into the stack:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
PICK ( xk ... x0 k -- xk ... x0 xk ) duplicate k'th value down to the top
ROLL ( xk ... x0 k -- xk-1 ... x0 xk) rotate the k'th value down to the top

Note that 0 PICK is the same as DUP, 1 PICK is the same as OVER, 1 ROLL is the same as SWAP, 2 ROLL is the same as ROT and 0 ROLL does nothing.

PICK and ROLL take k mod 128 cells max as a precaution.

Note that some legacy Forth systems define PICK and ROLL arguments starting at 1 instead of at 0. Forth500 PICK and ROLL follow the standard. Please take note when porting legacy Forth programs to Forth500.

The following words operate on two cells on the stack at once (a pair of single integers or one double integer):

word stack effect ( before -- after )
2DUP ( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 x2 )
2DROP ( x1 x2 -- )
2SWAP ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 )
2OVER ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x1 x2 x3 x4 x1 x2 )
2NIP ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 )
2TUCK ( x1 x2 x3 x4 -- x3 x4 x1 x2 x3 x4 )
2ROT ( x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 -- x3 x4 x5 x6 x1 x2 )

Other words related to the stack:

word stack effect comment
CLEAR ( ... -- ; F: ,,, -- ) clears the stack and the floating point stack
DEPTH ( -- n ) returns the current depth of the stack
.S ( -- ) displays the stack contents
N.S ( n -- ) displays the top n values on the stack
SP@ ( -- addr ) returns the stack pointer, points to the TOS
SP! ( addr -- ) assigns the stack pointer (danger!)

DEPTH returns the current depth of the stack, which is the number of cells on the stack not counting the depth value returned on the stack. The maximum stack depth in Forth500 is 128 cells or 64 double cells.

Floating point stack manipulation

The following words manipulate values on the floating point stack:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
FDUP ( F: r -- r r ) duplicate FP TOS
FDROP ( F: r -- ) drop the FP TOS
FSWAP ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 r1 ) swap FP TOS with FP 2OS
FOVER ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 r2 r1 ) duplicate FP 2OS to the top
FROT ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- r2 r3 r1 ) rotate stack, FP 3OS goes to FP TOS
CLEAR ( ... -- ; F: ,,, -- ) clears the stack and the floating point stack
FDEPTH ( -- n ) returns the current depth of the floating point stack
FP@ ( -- addr ) returns the floating point stack pointer, points to the FP TOS
FP! ( addr -- ) assigns the floating point stack pointer (danger!)

FDEPTH returns the current depth of the floating point stack, which is the number of floats on the stack. The maximum floating point stack depth in Forth500 is 120 bytes or 10 floating point values.

Integer constants

Integer values when parsed from the input are directly pushed on the stack. The current BASE is used for conversion:

word comment
BASE a VARIABLE holding the current base, valid values range from 2 to 36
DECIMAL set BASE to 10
HEX set BASE to 16
#d...d a decimal single integer, ignores current BASE
#-d...d a negative decimal single integer, ignores current BASE
$h...h a hex single integer, ignores current BASE
$-h...h a negative hex single integer, ignores current BASE
%b...b a binary single integer, ignores current BASE
%-b...b a negative binary single integer, ignores current BASE

Valid single integer constant values range from -32768 to 65535. The unsigned integer range 32768 to 65535 is the same signed integer range -1 to -32768.

The signedness of an integer only applies to the way the integer value is used by a word. For example, -1 U. displays 65535, because U. takes an unsigned integer to display and -1 is the same as 65535 (two's complement).

Double integer values have a . (dot) anywhere placed among the digits. For example, -1. is double integer pushed on the stack, occupying the top pair of consecutive cells on the stack, i.e. the TOS and 2OS with TOS holding the 16 high-order bits and 2OS holding the 16 low-order bits. The . (dot) is typically placed at the end of the digits.

A word defined in the dictionary with a name that matches a number will be evaluated instead of the number. Therefore, it makes sense to avoid defining words with numeric names.

When the current BASE is not decimal, such as HEX, words in the dictionary may match instead of the integer constant specified. For example, F. is a valid double integer value in HEX but the F. word will output a float instead.

The ASCII value of a single character is pushed on the stack with 'char'. The quoted form 'char can be used interactively and to compile a literal:

word comment
'A' ASCII code 65 of letter A
'B ASCII code 66 of letter B, the closing quote may be omitted
CHAR C ASCII code 67 of letter C, use this word interactively
[CHAR] D ASCII code 68 of letter D, use this word to compile a literal

The quoted form is essentially the same as CHAR or [CHAR] depending on the current STATE.

The following words define common constants regardless of the current BASE:

word comment
BL the space character, ASCII 32
FALSE Boolean false, same as 0
TRUE Boolean true, same as -1

Floating point constants

Floating point values are parsed in base 10. Floating point values are not parsed if the BASE is anything other than DECIMAL. Exception -13 will be thrown instead, because the unrecognized word is not found in the dictionary.

Floating point values when parsed from the input are directly pushed on the floating point stack. Floating point values must include a E or D exponent. An E exponent marks a single precision floating point value (see note below). A D exponent marks a double precision floating point value with up to 20 significant digits. The E and D exponent ranges from -99 to +99.

word comment
3.141592654e+0 single precision pi
3.1415926535897932385d+0 double precision pi
3.1415926535897932385e+0 double precision pi (exceeds 10 digits)
9.9999999999999999999d99 maximum double precision value
-1.234e-10 single precision -0.0000000001234
1e0 single precision 1
0e single precision 0
0d double precision 0

Note that exponent e+0 may be abbreviated to e0 or just e. A floating point value may not start with a decimal point .. The formal syntax is:

<float>             := <significand> [ <exponent> ]
<significand>       := [ <sign> ] <digit>+ [ . <digit>* ]
<exponent>          := {E|e|D|d} [ <sign> ] [ <digit> ] [ <digit> ]
<sign>              := {+|-}
<digit>             := {0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9}

If the number of significant digits exceeds 10, then the floating point value is stored in double precision format even when marked with an e. Digits are considered significant after removing all leading zeros, including zeros to the right of the decimal point. For example, 0.001234567890e is a single precision value because it has 10 significant digits (this differs with the PC-E500(S) BASIC where zero digits after the decimal point are considered significant) and 0.0012345678900e is a double precision value because it has 11 significant digits.

Forth500 floating point operations are performed on both single and double precision floating point values. A double precision value is returned if one of the operands is a double precision value.

The 0e+0 word is predefined. This word takes only 2 bytes of code space instead of the 14 bytes to store floating point literals in code (2 bytes code plus 12 bytes for the float). To save memory, you can also use S>F and D>F to push small whole numbers on the floating point stack, which require only 6 bytes and 8 bytes of code space, respectively.

A floating point value requires 12 bytes of storage for the sign, exponent and the binary-coded decimal mantissa with 10 or 20 digits:


  • the (sign) byte bit 0 is set to mark double precision values
  • the (sign) byte bit 3 is set to mark negative values
  • the (exp) byte is a 2s-complement integer in the range [-99,99]
  • a single precision floating point value uses (BCD0) to (BCD4) and may use (BCD5) and (BCD6) to store so-called guard digits. A double precision floating point value uses (BCD0) to (BCD9) to store 20 significant digits

To view the internal format of a floating point value on the stack:

FP@ 12 DUMP ↲

All digits are stored, including the 2 to 4 guard digits of a single precision value, and passed on to subsequent floating point operations.

The maximum depth of the floating point stack in Forth500 is 120 bytes to hold up to 10 floating point values.


Single arithmetic

The following words perform single integer (one cell) arithmetic operations. Words involving division and modulo may throw exception -10 "Division by zero":

word stack effect ( before -- after )
+ ( x1 x2 -- (x1+x2) )
- ( x1 x2 -- (x1-x2) )
* ( n1 n2 -- (n1*n2) )
/ ( n1 n2 -- (n1/n2) )
MOD ( n1 n2 -- (n1%n2) )
/MOD ( n1 n2 -- (n1%n2) (n1/n2) )
*/ ( n1 n2 n3 -- (n1*n2/n3) )
*/MOD ( n1 n2 n3 -- (n1*n2%n3) (n1*n2/n3) )
MAX ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) if n1>n2 otherwise ( n1 n2 -- n2 )
UMAX ( u1 u2 -- u1 ) if u1>u2 unsigned otherwise ( u1 u2 -- u2 )
MIN ( n1 n2 -- n1 ) if n1<n2 otherwise ( n1 n2 -- n2 )
UMIN ( u1 u2 -- u1 ) if u1<u2 unsigned otherwise ( u1 u2 -- u2 )
AND ( x1 x2 -- (x1&x2) )
OR ( x1 x2 -- (x1|x2) )
XOR ( x1 x2 -- (x1^x2) )
ABS ( n -- +n )
NEGATE ( n -- (-n) )
INVERT ( x -- (~x) )
1+ ( x -- (x+1) )
2+ ( x -- (x+2) )
1- ( x -- (x-1) )
2- ( x -- (x-2) )
2* ( n -- (n*2) )
2/ ( n -- (n/2) )
LSHIFT ( u +n -- (u<<+n) )
RSHIFT ( u +n -- (u>>+n) )

The after stack effects in the table indicate the result computed with operations % (mod), & (bitwise and), | (bitwise or), ^ (bitwise xor), ~ (bitwise not/invert), << (bitshift left) and >> (bitshift right).

Integer overflow and underflow does not throw exceptions. In case of integer addition and subtraction, values wrap around. For all other integer operations, overflow and underflow produce undefined values.

The MOD, /MOD, and */MOD words return a remainder on the stack. The quotient q and remainder r satisfy q = floor(a / b) such that a = b * q + r , where floor rounds towards zero. The MOD is symmetric, i.e. 10 7 MOD and -10 7 MOD return 3 and -3, respectively. See also FM/MOD and SM/REM mixed arithmetic.

The */ and */MOD words produce an intermediate double integer product to avoid intermediate overflow. Therefore, */ is not a shorthand for the two words * /, which would truncate an overflowing product to a single integer. For example, radius 355 * 113 / with 355/133 to approximate pi overflows when radius exceeds 92, but radius 355 113 */ gives the correct result.

To perform unsigned *, / and MOD operations, the words UM* and UM/MOD can be used, see mixed arithmetic. To perform unsigned 2* and 2/, 1 LSHIFT and 1 RSHIFT can be used.

A logical NOT word is not available. Either INVERT should be used to invert bits or 0= should be used, which returns TRUE for 0 and FALSE otherwise.

Double arithmetic

The following words perform double integer arithmetic operations. Words involving division and modulo may throw exception -10 "Division by zero":

word stack effect ( before -- after )
D+ ( d1 d2 -- (d1+d2) )
D- ( d1 d2 -- (d1-d2) )
D* ( d1 d2 -- (d1*d2) )
D/ ( d1 d2 -- (d1/d2) )
DMOD ( d1 d2 -- (d1%d2) )
D/MOD ( d1 d2 -- (d1%d2) (d1/d2) )
DMAX ( d1 d2 -- d1 ) if d1>d2 otherwise ( d1 d2 -- d2 )
DMIN ( d1 d2 -- d1 ) if d1<d2 otherwise ( d1 d2 -- d2 )
DABS ( d -- +d )
DNEGATE ( d -- (-d) )
D2* ( d -- (d*2) )
D2/ ( d -- (d/2) )
S>D ( n -- d )
D>S ( d -- n )

The S>D word converts a signed single to a double integer. To convert an unsigned single to an unsigned double integer, push a 0 on the stack.

The D>S word converts a signed double to a signed single integer, throwing exception -11 "Result out of range" if the double value cannot be converted. A double in the range -32768 to 65535 can be converted to a single.

Integer overflow and underflow does not throw exceptions. In case of integer addition and subtraction, values simply wrap around. For all other integer operations, overflow and underflow produce undefined values.

Mixed arithmetic

The following words cover mixed single and double integer arithmetic operations. Words involving division may throw exception -10 "Division by zero".

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
M+ ( d n -- (d+n) ) add signed single to signed double
M- ( d n -- (d-n) ) subtract signed single from signed double
M* ( n1 n2 -- (n1*n2) ) multiply signed singles to return signed double
UM* ( u1 u2 -- (u1*u2) ) multiply unsigned singles to return unsigned double
UMD* ( ud u -- (ud*u) ) multiply unsigned double and single to return unsigned double
M*/ ( d n +n -- (d*n/+n) ) multiply signed double with signed single then divide by positive single to return signed double
UM/MOD ( ud u -- (ud%u) (ud/u) ) single remainder and single quotient of unsigned double dividend and unsigned single divisor
FM/MOD ( d n -- (d%n) (d/n) ) floored single remainder and single quotient of signed double dividend and signed single divisor
SM/REM ( d n -- (d%n) (d/n) ) symmetric single remainder and single quotient of signed double dividend and signed single divisor

The UM/MOD, FM/MOD, and SM/REM words return a remainder on the stack. In all cases, the quotient q and remainder r satisfy a = b * q + r,

In case of FM/MOD, the quotient is a single signed integer rounded towards negative q = floor(a / b). For example, -10. 7 FM/MOD returns remainder 4 and quotient -2.

In case of SM/REM, the quotient is a single signed integer rounded towards zero (hence symmetric) q = trunc(a / b). For example, -10. 7 SM/REM returns remainder -3 and quotient -1. This behavior is identical to /MOD, but /MOD behavior is not standardized and may differ on other Forth systems.

Fixed point arithmetic

Fixed point offers an alternative to floating point if the range of values manipulated can be fixed to a few digits after the decimal point. Scaling of values must be applied when appropriate.

A classic example is to compute the circumference of a circle using a rational approximation of pi and a fixed point radius with a 2 digit fraction.

: pi*   355 113 M*/ ; ↲
12.00 2VALUE radius ↲
radius 2. D* pi* D. ↲
7539 OK[0]

This computes 122pi=75.39. Note that the placement of . in 12.00 has no meaning at all, it is just suggestive of a decimal value with a 2 digit fraction.

Multiplying the fixed point value radius by the double integer 2. does not require scaling of the result. Addition and subtraction with D+ and D- do not require scaling either. However, multiplying and dividing two fixed point numbers requires scaling the result, for example with a new word:

: *.00  D* 100. D/ ; ↲
radius radius *.00 pi* D. ↲
45238 OK[0]

There is a risk of overflowing the intermediate product when the multiplicants are large. If this is a potential hazard then note that this can be avoided by scaling the multiplicants instead of the result with a small loss in precision of the result:

: 10./  10. D/ ; ↲
: *.00  10./ 2SWAP 10./ D* ; ↲

Likewise, fixed point division requires scaling. One way to do this is by scaling the divisor down by 10 and the dividend up by 10 before dividing:

: /.00  10./ 2SWAP 10. D* 2SWAP D/ ;

Floating point arithmetic

The following words cover floating point arithmetic operations. The words accept single and double precision floating point numbers on the floating point stack (the F: stack effects):

word stack effect ( before -- after )
F+ ( F: r1 r2 -- r1+r2 )
F- ( F: r1 r2 -- r1-r2 )
F* ( F: r1 r2 -- r1*r2 )
F/ ( F: r1 r2 -- r1/r2 )
F** ( F: r1 r2 -- r1**r2 )
FMAX ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 ) if r1>r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 )
FMIN ( F: r1 r2 -- r1 ) if r1<r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- r2 )
FABS ( F: r -- +r )
FSIGN ( F: r -- 0e+0 ) if r=0 or ( F: r -- 1e+0 ) if r>0 otherwise ( F: r -- -1e+0 )
FNEGATE ( F: r -- -r )
FLOOR ( F: r -- ⌊r⌋ ) round towards negative infinity
FROUND ( F: r -- [r+5e-1⌋ )
FTRUNC ( F: r -- [r] ) round towards zero
FSIN ( F: r -- sin(r) )
FCOS ( F: r -- cos(r) )
FTAN ( F: r -- tan(r) )
FASIN ( F: r -- arcsin(r) )
FACOS ( F: r -- arccos(r) )
FATAN ( F: r -- arctan(r) )
FLOG ( F: r -- log10(r) )
FLN ( F: r -- log(r) )
FEXP ( F: r -- e**r )
FSQRT ( F: r -- √ r )
FDEG ( F: r1 -- r2 ) where r1 is in dd.mmss format and r2 is degrees
FDMS ( F: r1 -- r2 ) where r1 is degrees and r2 is in dd.mmss format
FRAND ( F: r1 -- r2 ) where r2 is a pseudo-random number, see below
F>D ( F: r -- ; -- d ) or ( F: r -- ; -- ud ) convert r to d or ud
D>F ( d -- ; F: -- r ) convert d to r
F>S ( F: r -- ; -- n ) or ( F: r -- ; -- u ) convert r to n or u
S>F ( n -- ; F: -- r ) convert n to r

If any of the operands of an arithmetic operation are double precision, then the result of the operation is a double precision floating point value. For example, 0d F+ promotes a single precision value to a double precision value by adding a double precision zero.

Floating point operations in single precision are performed with 12 to 14 digits (10 + 2 to 4 guard digits). All digits are stored and passed on to subsequent floating point operations. The guard digits are not removed.

F** returns r1 to the power r2.

FLOOR returns r truncated towards negative values, for example -1.5e FLOOR returns -2e+0. FTRUNC returns r truncated towrds zero, for example -1.5e+0 FTRUNC returns -1e+0.

FDMS returns the degrees (or hours) dd with the minutes mm and seconds ss as a fraction. FDEG performs the opposite. For example, 36.09055e0 FDMS returns 36.052598 or 36° 5' 25.98". The FDEG and FDMS words are also useful for time conversions.

FRAND returns a pseudo-random number in the open range r2 ∈ (0,1) if r1<1e and in the closed range r2 ∈ [1,r1] otherwise. A double precision pseudo-random number is returned when r1 is a double precision floating point value.

F>D throws an exception when the floating point value r is too large for an unsigned 32 bit integer, i.e. when |r|>4294967295. Likewise, F>S throws an exception when r is too large for an unsigned 16 bit integer, i.e. when |r|>65535.

Trigonometric functions are performed in the current angular unit (DEG, RAD or GRAD). You can use the BASIC interpreter to set the desired angular unit or define a word to scale degrees and radians to the current unit before applying a trigonometric function:

3.141592654e FCONSTANT PI
: ?>dbl     FP@ FLOAT+ C@ 1 AND FP@ C@ OR FP@ C! ;
: deg>      90e F/ 0e+0 ?>dbl FACOS F* ;
: rad>      FDUP F+ PI F/ 0e+0 ?>dbl FACOS F* ;
: >deg      0e+0 ?>dbl FACOS F/ 90e F* ;
: >rad      0e+0 ?>dbl FACOS FDUP F+ F/ PI F* ;

For example, 30e deg> FSIN ("30 degree from sine") and PI 6e F/ rad> FSIN both return 0.5e+0 on the floating point stack regardless of the current angular unit. Likewise 0.5E FASIN >deg ("half arcsine to degree") returns 30.0e+0 on the floating point stack regardless of the current angular unit. The ?>dbl word promotes the FP TOS to a double if the FP 2OS is a double. This word allows angular unit conversion words to support both single and double precision floating point values. See floating point constants for the internal floating point format.

The following additional floating point extended word set definitions are not built in Forth500 and defined in FLOATEXT.FTH. These words apply to both single and double floating point values. For these definitions we do not need ?>DBL:

: FALOG     10e FSWAP F** ;
: FCOSH     FEXP FDUP 1e FSWAP F/ F+ 2e F/ ;
: FSINH     FEXP FDUP 1e FSWAP F/ F- 2e F/ ;
: FTANH     FDUP F+ FEXP FDUP 1e F- FSWAP 1e F+ F/ ;
: FATANH    FDUP 1e F+ FSWAP 1e FSWAP F- F/ FLN 2e F/ ;
: FATAN2    ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 )
    F/ FATAN
: F~        ( F: r1 r2 r3 -- ; -- flag )

The F~ word compares two floating point values with the specified precision. If r3 is zero, then flag is true if r1 and r2 are equal. If r3 is negative, then flag is true if the absolute value of (r1 minus r2) is less than the absolute value of r3 times the sum of the absolute values of r1 and r2. If r3 is positive, then flag is true if the absolute value of (r1 minus r2) is less than r3.

To check if a floating point value is a double precision value, define:

: DBL?      FP@ C@ 1 AND NEGATE ;

DBL? returns true if the value is double precision.

To promote a single to a double on the floating point stack, just do 0d F+ or define:

: E>D       FP@ C@ 1 OR FP@ C! ;

To demote a double to a single on the floating point stack by truncation:

: D>E       FP@ C@ $fe AND FP@ C! FP@ 7 + 5 ERASE ;

Numeric comparisons

The following words return true (-1) or false (0) on the stack by comparing integer values:

word stack effect ( before -- after )
< ( n1 n2 -- true ) if n1<n2 otherwise ( n1 n2 -- false )
> ( n1 n2 -- true ) if n1>n2 otherwise ( n1 n2 -- false )
= ( x1 x2 -- true ) if x1=x2 otherwise ( x1 x2 -- false )
<> ( x1 x2 -- true ) if x1<>x2 otherwise ( x1 x2 -- false )
U< ( u1 u2 -- true ) if u1<u2 otherwise ( u1 u2 -- false )
U> ( u1 u2 -- true ) if u1>u2 otherwise ( u1 u2 -- false )
D< ( d1 d2 -- true ) if d1<d2 otherwise ( d1 d2 -- false )
D> ( d1 d2 -- true ) if d1>d2 otherwise ( d1 d2 -- false )
D= ( xd1 xd2 -- true ) if xd1=xd2 otherwise ( xd1 xd2 -- false )
D<> ( xd1 xd2 -- true ) if xd1<>xd2 otherwise ( xd1 xd2 -- false )
DU< ( ud1 ud2 -- true ) if ud1<ud2 otherwise ( ud1 ud2 -- false )
DU> ( ud1 ud2 -- true ) if ud1>ud2 otherwise ( ud1 ud2 -- false )
0< ( n -- true ) if n<0 otherwise ( n -- false )
0> ( n -- true ) if n>0 otherwise ( n -- false )
0= ( x -- true ) if x=0 otherwise ( x -- false )
0<> ( x -- true ) if x<>0 otherwise ( x -- false )
D0< ( d -- true ) if d<0 otherwise ( d -- false )
D0> ( d -- true ) if d>0 otherwise ( d -- false )
D0= ( xd -- true ) if xd=0 otherwise ( xd -- false )
D0<> ( xd -- true ) if xd<>0 otherwise ( xd -- false )
WITHIN ( n1|u1 n2|u2 n3|u3 -- flag )

The WITHIN word applies to signed and unsigned single integers on the stack, represented by n|u. True is returned if the value n1|u1 is in the range n2|u2 inclusive to n3|u3 exclusive. For exanple:

5 -1 10 WITHIN . ↲
-1 OK[0]
5 6 10 WITHIN . ↲
0 OK[0]
5 -1 5 WITHIN . ↲
0 OK[0]

More specifically, WITHIN performs a comparison of a test value n1|u1 with an inclusive lower limit n2|u2 and an exclusive upper limit n3|u3, returning true if either (n2|u2 < n3|u3 and (n2|u2 <= n1|u1 and n1|u1 < n3|u3)) or (n2|u2 > n3|u3 and (n2|u2 <= n1|u1 or n1|u1 < n3|u3)) is true, returning false otherwise.

The following words return true (-1) or false (0) on the stack by comparing floating point values on the floating point stack:

word stack effect ( before -- after )
F< ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- true ) if r1<r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- false )
F> ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- true ) if r1>r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- false )
F= ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- true ) if r1=r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- false )
F<> ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- true ) if r1<>r2 otherwise ( F: r1 r2 -- ; -- false )
F0< ( F: r -- ; -- true ) if r<0e otherwise ( F: r -- ; -- false )
F0> ( F: r -- ; -- true ) if r>0e otherwise ( F: r -- ; -- false )
F0= ( F: r -- ; -- true ) if r=0e otherwise ( F: r -- ; -- false )
F0<> ( F: r -- ; -- true ) if r<>0e otherwise ( F: r -- ; -- false )

Floating point operations in single precision are performed with 12 to 14 digits (10 + 2 to 4 guard digits). All digits are stored, including the guard digits. Beware that comparisons for equality and inequality may fail even though the numbers displayed look equal when fewer than 20 significant digits are displayed when PRECISION is less than 20 (see below). To compare for equality within a specified precision, use F~. See Floating point arithmetic

Numeric output

The following words display integer values:

word stack effect comment
. ( n -- ) display signed n in current BASE followed by a space
.R ( n1 n2 -- ) display signed n1 in current BASE, right-justified to fit n2 characters
U. ( u -- ) display unsigned u in current BASE followed by a space
U.R ( u n -- ) display unisnged u in current BASE, right-justified to fit n characters
D. ( d -- ) display signed double d in current BASE followed by a space
D.R ( d u -- ) display signed double d in current BASE, right-justified to fit n characters
BASE. ( u1 u2 -- ) display unsigned u1 in base u2 followed by a space
BIN. ( u -- ) display unsigned u in binary followed by a space
DEC. ( u -- ) display unsigned u in decimal followed by a space
HEX. ( u -- ) display unsigned u in hexadecimal followed by a space

Note that 0 .R may be used to display an integer without a trailing space.

Values are displayed with EMIT and TYPE, which may be redirected to a printer or to a file. See character output.

See also pictured numeric output.

The following words display floating point values:

word stack effect comment
F. ( F: r -- ) display r in fixed-point notation followed by a space
FS. ( F: r -- ) display r in scientific notation followed by a space
SET-PRECISION ( n -- ) set the VARIABLE PRECISION to n significant digits to display with F. and FS.

Note that SET-PRECISION does not affect the precision of floating point operations.

The standard FE. word is defined in FLOATEXT.FTH and displays a floating point value in engineering format:

: FE.       ( F: r -- )

Pictured numeric output

Formatted numeric output is produced with a sequence of "pictured numeric output" words. An internal "hold area" (a buffer of 40 bytes) is filled with digits and other characters in backward order (least significant digit goes in first):

word stack effect comment
<# ( -- ) initiates the hold area for conversion
# ( ud1 -- ud2 ) adds one digit to the hold area in the current BASE, updates ud1 to ud2
#S ( ud -- 0 0 ) adds all remaining digits to the hold area in the current BASE
HOLD ( char -- ) places char in the hold area
HOLDS ( c-addr u -- ) places the string c-addr u in the hold area
SIGN ( n -- ) places a minus in the hold area if _n_ is negative
#> ( xd -- c-addr u ) returns the hold area as a string

For example:

: dollars   <# # # '. HOLD #S '$ HOLD #> TYPE SPACE ; ↲
1.23 dollars ↲
$1.23  OK[0]

Note the reverse order in which the numeric output is composed. Also note that HOLD is used to add one character to the hold area. To hold a string we should use S" string" HOLDS.

In this example the value 1.23 appears to have a fraction, but the placement of the . in a double integer has no significance, i.e. it is merely "syntactic sugar".

To display signed double integers, it is necessary to tuck the high order cell with the sign under the double number, then make the number positive and convert using SIGN at the end to place the sign at the front of the number:

: dollars   TUCK DABS <# # # '. HOLD #S '$ HOLD DROP OVER SIGN #> TYPE SPACE ; ↲
-1.23 dollars ↲
-$1.23  OK[0]

Pictured numeric words should not be used directly from the Forth prompt, because the hold area may be overwritten by other numeric outputs and by new words added to the dictionary.

String constants

The following words store or display string constants:

word stack effect comment
S" ..." ( -- c-addr u ) returns the string c-addr u on the stack
S\" ..." ( -- c-addr u ) same as S" with special character escapes (see below)
C" ..." ( -- c-addr ) return a counted string on the stack, can only be used in colon definitions
." ..." ( -- ) displays the string, can only be used in colon definitions
.( ...) ( -- ) displays the string immediately, even when compiling, followed by a CR,

Strings contain 8-bit characters, including special characters.

The string constants created with S" and S\" are compiled to code when used in colon definitions. Otherwise, the string is stored in a temporary internal 256-byte string buffer returned by WHICH-POCKET. Two buffers are recycled.

For example, the following "Forth500" definition contains the constant string "Forth500" permanently stored in code, whereas the interactive S" Forth500" is temporarily stored in an internal buffer and is not persistent:

: "Forth500" S" Forth500" ; ↲
"Forth500" S" Forth500" S= . ↲
-1 OK[0]

Note that most words require strings with a c-addr u pair of cells on the stack, such as TYPE to display a string.

A so-called "counted string" is compiled with C" to code in colon definitions. A counted string constant is a c-addr pointing to the length of the string followed by the string characters. The COUNT word takes a counted string c-addr from the stack to return a string address c-addr and length u on the stack. The maximum length of a counted string is 255 characters.

The S\" word accepts the following special characters in the string when escaped with \:

escape ASCII character
\\ 92 \
\" 34 "
\a 7 BEL; alert
\b 8 BS; backspace
\e 27 ESC; escape
\f 12 FF; form feed
\l 10 LF; line feed
\m 13 10 CR and LF; carriage return and line feed
\n 13 10 CR and LF; carriage return and line feed
\q 34 "
\r 13 CR; carriage return
\t 9 HT; horizontal tab
\v 11 VT; vertical tab
\xhh hh (hex)
\z 0 NUL

The escape letters are case sensitive.

String operations

The following words allocate and accept user input into a string buffer:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
PAD ( -- c-addr ) returns the fixed address of a 256 byte temporary buffer that is not used by any built-in Forth words
BUFFER: ( u "name" -- ; c-addr ) creates an uninitialized string buffer of size u
ACCEPT ( c-addr +n1 -- +n2 ) accepts user input into the buffer c-addr of max size +n1 and returns string size +n2
EDIT ( c-addr +n1 n2 n3 n4 -- c-addr +n5 ) edit string buffer c-addr of max size +n1 containing a string of length n2, placing the cursor at n3 and limiting cursor movement to n4 and after, returns string c-addr with updated size +n5

Note that BUFFER: only reserves space for the string, or any type of data that you want to store, but does not store the max size and the length of the actual string contained. To do so, we can use a CONSTANT and a VARIABLE:

40 CONSTANT name-max ↲
name-max BUFFER: name ↲
VARIABLE name-len ↲
name name-max ACCEPT name-len ! ↲

For example, to let the user edit the name:

name name-max name-len @ DUP 0 EDIT name-len ! DROP ↲

See also the strings example for an improved implementation of string buffers that hold both the maximum and actual string lengths.

The following words move and copy characters in and between string buffers:

word stack effect comment
CMOVE ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) copy u characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2
CMOVE> ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) copy u characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2
MOVE ( c-addr1 c-addr2 u -- ) copy u characters from c-addr1 to c-addr2
C! ( char c-addr -- ) store char in c-addr
C@ ( c-addr -- char ) fetch char from c-addr

A problem may arise when the source and target address ranges overlap, for example when copying string contents in place. In this case, CMOVE ("c move") correctly copies characters to lower memory c-addr1>c-addr2 and CMOVE> ("c move up") correctly copies characters to higher memory c-addr1<c-addr2. The MOVE word always correctly copies characters either way. Also, MOVE does nothing if c-addr1=c-addr2.

For example, to insert name= before the string in the name buffer by shifting the string to make room and copying the prefix into the buffer:

 name DUP 5 + name-len max-name 5 - MIN CMOVE> ↲
 S" name=" name SWAP CMOVE ↲

The following words fill a string buffer with characters:

word stack effect comment
BLANK ( c-addr u -- ) fills u bytes at address c-addr with BL (space, ASCII 32)
ERASE ( c-addr u -- ) fills u bytes at address c-addr with zeros
FILL ( c-addr u char -- ) fills u bytes at address c-addr with char

The following words update the string address c-addr and size u on the stack:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
NEXT-CHAR ( c-addr1 u1 -- c-addr2 u2 char ) if u1>0 returns c-addr2=c-addr1+1, u2=u1-1 and char is the char at c-addr2, otherwise throw -24
/STRING ( c-addr1 u1 n -- c-addr2 u2 ) skip n characters c-addr2=c-addr1+n, u2=u1-n, n may be negative to revert
-TRAILING ( c-addr u1 -- c-addr u2 ) returns string c-addr with adjusted size u2<=u1 to ignore trailing spaces
-CHARS ( c-addr u1 char -- c-addr u2 ) returns string c-addr with adjusted size u2<=u1 to ignore trailing char

Note that -TRAILING ("not trailing") is the same as BL -CHARS. For example, to remove trailing spaces from name to update name-len, then display the name without the name= prefix:

name name-len @ -TRAILING name-len ! DROP ↲
name name-len @ 5 /STRING TYPE ↲

Beware that /STRING ("slash string") does not check the length of the string and the size of the adjustment n that may become negative, e.g. it can also be used to undo slashed strings.

The following words compare and search two strings:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
S= ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- flag ) returns TRUE if the two strings are equal
COMPARE ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- -1|0|1 ) returns -1|0|1 (less, equal, greater) comparison of the two strings
SEARCH ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- c-addr3 u3 flag ) returns TRUE if the second string was found in the first string at c-addr3 with u3 remaining chars, otherwise FALSE and c-addr3=c-addr1, u3=u1

To convert a string to a number:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
>NUMBER ( ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 ) convert the integer in string c-addr1 u1 to ud2 using the current BASE and ud1 as seed, returns the remaining non-convertable string c-addr2 u2
>DOUBLE ( c-addr u -- d true ) or ( c-addr u -- false ) convert the integer in string c-addr u to d using the current BASE, returns true if successful, otherwise returns false without d
>FLOAT ( c-addr u -- true ; F: -- r ) or ( c-addr u -- false ) convert the floating point value in string c-addr u to r, returns true if successful, otherwise returns false without r

For >NUMBER, the initial ud1 value is the "seed" that is normally zero. This value can also be a previously converted high-order part of the number.

>DOUBLE returns a double integer when successful. It also sets the VALUE flag DBL to true if the integer is a double with a dot (.) in the numeric string. To convert a string to a single signed integer, use D>S afterwards to convert.

>FLOAT returns a single or double float on the floating point stack when successful. It also sets the VALUE flag DBL to true if the float is a double. >FLOAT requires BASE to be DECIMAL.

The REPRESENT word can be used to convert a floating point value to a string saved to a string buffer

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
REPRESENT ( c-addr u -- n flag true ; F: r -- ) save the string representation of the significant of r to c-addr of size u, returns exponent n and sign flag

REPRESENT is used by the F., FE. and FS. words, which save the string to the hold area at HERE to display. The character string contains the u most significant digits of the significand of r represented as a decimal fraction with the implied decimal point to the left of the first digit, and the first digit zero only if all digits are zero. The significand is rounded to u digits following the "round to nearest" rule; n is adjusted, if necessary, to correspond to the rounded magnitude of the significand. If flag is true then r is negative. The VALUE flag DBL is true if the float is a double.

The F., FE. and FS. words are defined as follows:

: F.        ( F: r -- )

: FE.       ( F: r -- )

: FS.       ( F: r -- )

: ZEROS     ( n -- ) 0 ?DO '0 EMIT LOOP ;

See also numeric output.

Keyboard input

The following words return key presses and control the key buffer:

word stack effect comment
EKEY? ( -- flag ) if a keyboard event is available, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE
EKEY ( -- x ) display the cursor, wait for a keyboard event, return the event x
EKEY>CHAR ( x -- char flag ) convert keyboard event x to a valid character and return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE
KEY? ( -- flag ) if a character is available, return TRUE, otherwise return FALSE
KEY ( -- char ) display the cursor, wait for a character and return it
INKEY ( -- char ) check for a key press returning the key as char or 0 otherwise, clears the key buffer
KEY-CLEAR ( -- ) empty the key buffer
>KEY-BUFFER ( c-addr u -- ) fill the key buffer with the string of characters at address c-addr size u
MS ( u -- ) stops execution for u milliseconds

The KEY word returns a nonzero 7-bit ASCII code and ignores any special keys.

The EKEY word returns a PC-E500(S) key event code. A positive 7-bit ASCII code is returned or a negative code for special keys. A negative value corresponds to the PC-E500(S) second byte code but negated. See BASIC INPUT$ in the PC-E500 manual page 268 for the corresponding key code tables. For example, the ANS key code is $90 returned by EKEY as $-90 (or $FF70).

The INKEY word returns a value between 0 and 255. See BASIC INKEY$ in the PC-E500 manual page 265 for the corresponding key code table.

Character output

The following words display characters and text:

word stack effect comment
EMIT ( char -- ) display character char
TYPE ( c-addr u -- ) display string c-addr of size u
REVERSE-TYPE ( c-addr u -- ) same as TYPE with reversed video
PAUSE ( c-addr u -- ) display string c-addr of size u in reverse video and wait for a key press
DUMP ( addr u -- ) dump u bytes at address addr in hexadecimal
CR ( -- ) moves the cursor to a new line with CR-LF
SPACE ( -- ) displays a single space
SPACES ( n -- ) displays n spaces

The PAUSE word checks if the current TTY output is to STDO, then displays the string in reverse video and waits for a key press. If the BREAK key or the C/CE key is pressed, then PAUSE executes ABORT. If the output is not to STDO, then PAUSE drops c-addr and u.

The following words can be used to control character output:

word stack effect comment
STDO ( -- 1 ) returns fileid=1 for standard output to the screen
STDL ( -- 3 ) returns fileid=3 for standard output to the line printer
TTY ( -- fileid ) a VALUE containing the fileid of a device or file to send character data to
PRINTER ( -- n ) connects printer, returns the number of characters per line or zero if printer is off

Normally TTY is STDO for screen output. The output can be redirected by setting the TTY value to a fileid of an open file with fileid TO TTY. When an exception occurs, including ABORT, TTY is set back to STDO.


To print "This is printed" on a CE-126P:

24 OK[0]
STDL TO TTY .( This is printed) STDO TO TTY ↲
Printer: This is printed           

Note that a final CR may be needed to print the last line on the printer. Note that the .( output includes a final CR.

To make printing easier, you can define two words to redirect all character output to a printer:

: print-off STDO TO TTY ;

For example:

print-on FILES F:*.* print-off ↲

Serial port IO

Communicating with devices connected to the COM: serial port requires opening the port and closing it afterwards. The appropriate COM: settings should be specified once and for all in BASIC beforehand. To do so, connect a serial cable and initialize the COM: port on the PC-E500(S):

> OPEN "9600,N,8,1,A,L,&H1A,N,N": CLOSE

Then return to Forth500 with CALL &B0000 or CALL &B9000 on an unexpanded PC-E500(S).

To make COM: port sending and receiving easier, you can define a COM value to hold the open COM: fileid or zero when it is closed. For example:

: open-com  S" COM:" R/W OPEN-FILE THROW TO COM ;

Then OPEN-COM and COM TO TTY sends TTY output to the COM: port. Execute STDO TO TTY to set TTY back to STDO. For example:

: serial-on  COM 0= IF open-com THEN COM TO TTY ;
; serial-off STDO TO TTY ;

Don't forget to close the COM: port when no longer in use. Otherwise the port cannot be opened in BASIC.

Screen and cursor operations

The following words control the screen and cursor position:

word stack effect comment
AT-XY ( n1 n2 -- ) set cursor at column n1 and row n2 position
AT-TYPE ( n1 n2 c-addr u -- ) display the string c-addr _u_at column n1 and row n2
AT-CLR ( n1 n2 n3 -- ) clear n3 characters at column n1 and row n2
PAGE ( -- ) clear the screen
SCROLL ( n -- ) scroll the screen n lines up when n>0 or down when n<0
X@ ( -- n ) returns current cursor column position 0 to 39
X! ( n -- ) set cursor column position
Y@ ( -- n ) returns current cursor row position 0 to 3, or 4 when the cursor passed the bottom of the window
Y! ( n -- ) set cursor row position
XMAX@ ( -- n ) returns cursor max columns 1 to 40
XMAX! ( n -- ) set max columns, restricts the display viewing window
YMAX@ ( -- n ) returns cursor max rows 1 to 4
YMAX! ( n -- ) set max columns, restricts the display viewing window
BUSY-ON ( -- ) turn on the busy annunciator
BUSY-OFF ( -- ) turn off the busy annunciator, turn on RUN or PRO
SET-CURSOR ( u -- ) set cursor: bit 5 = on, bit 3 = blink, bit 0 to 2 = shape

The SET-CURSOR argument is an 8-bit pattern formed by OR-ing $20 to turn the cursor on, OR-ing with $8 to blink the cursor, and OR-ing with one of the following five possible cursor shapes:

value cursor shape
$00 underline
$01 double underline
$02 solid box
$03 space (to display a cursor "box" on reverse video text)
$04 triangle

To temporarily hide the cursor without turning it off, for example to avoid showing a cursor with KEY and EKEY, use 0 4 AT-XY to move the cursor to the fourth invisible display row.


The graphics mode is set with GMODE!. All graphics drawing commands use this mode to set, reset or reverse pixels:

word stack effect comment
GMODE! ( 0|1|2 -- ) pixels are set (0), reset (1) or reversed (2), stores in VARIABLE GMODE
GPOINT ( n1 n2 -- ) draw a pixel at x=n1 and y=n2
GPOINT? ( n1 n2 -- 0|1|-1 ) returns 1 if a pixel is set at x=n1 and y=n2 or 0 if unset or -1 when outside of the screen
GLINE ( n1 n2 n3 n4 u -- ) draw a line from x=n1 and y=n2 to x=n3 and y=n4 with pattern u
GBOX ( n1 n2 n3 n4 u -- ) draw a filled box from x=n1 and y=n2 to x=n3 and y=n4 with pattern u
GDOTS ( n1 n2 u -- ) draw a row of 8 pixels u at x=n1 and y=n2
GDOTS? ( n1 n2 -- u ) returns the row of 8 pixels u at x=n1 and y=n2
GDRAW ( n1 n2 c-addr u -- ) draw rows of 8 pixels stored in string c-addr u at x=n1 and y=n2
GBLIT! ( u addr -- ) copy 240 bytes of screen data from row u (0 to 3) to address addr
GBLIT@ ( u addr -- ) copy 240 bytes of screen data at address addr to row u (0 to 3)

A pattern u is a 16-bit pixel pattern to draw dashed lines and boxes. The pattern should be $ffff (-1 or TRUE) for solid lines and boxes. For example, to reverse the current screen:

2 GMODE! ↲
0 0 239 31 TRUE GBOX ↲

The GDOTS word takes an 8-bit pattern to draw a row of 8 pixels. The GDRAW word draws a sequence of 8-bit patterns. For example, to display a smiley at the upper left corner of the screen:

: smiley    ( x y -- ) S\" \x3c\x42\x91\xa5\xa1\xa1\xa5\x91\x42\x3c" GDRAW ; ↲
0 GMODE! PAGE CR 0 0 smiley ↲

 X      X
X  X  X  X
X        X
X X    X X
 X      X

In addition to S\" escaped strings with hexadecimal codes, the 10 bytes can also be specified in binary with the sprite rotated sideways so that the top of the sprite is on the right:

: sprite    CREATE C, DOES> ( x y addr -- ) COUNT GDRAW ; ↲
10 sprite smiley ↲
  %00111100 C, ↲
  %01000010 C, ↲
  %10010001 C, ↲
  %10100101 C, ↲
  %10100001 C, ↲
  %10100001 C, ↲
  %10100101 C, ↲
  %10010001 C, ↲
  %01000010 C, ↲
  %00111100 C, ↲
0 GMODE! PAGE CR 0 0 smiley ↲

Blitting moves screen data between buffers to update or restore the screen content. The GBLIT! word stores a row of screen data in a buffer and GPLIT@ fetches a row of screen data to restore the screen. Each operation moves 240 bytes of screen data for one of the four rows of 40 characters. For example, to save and restore the top row in the 256 byte PAD:

: save-top-row      ( -- ) 0 PAD GBLIT! ;
: restore-top-row   ( -- ) 0 PAD GBLIT@ ;

To blit the whole screen, a buffer of 4 times 240 bytes is required:

240 4 * BUFFER: blit
: save-screen       ( -- ) 4 0 DO I DUP 240 * blit + GBLIT! LOOP ;
: restore-screen    ( -- ) 4 0 DO I DUP 240 * blit + GBLIT@ LOOP ;


The BEEP word emits sound with the specified duration and tone:

word stack effect comment
BEEP ( u1 u2 -- ) beeps with tone u1 for u2 milliseconds
MS ( u -- ) stops execution for u milliseconds

The return stack

The return stack is used to call colon definitions by saving the return address on the return stack. The return stack is also used by do-loops to store the loop control values, see also loops.

The return stack may be used to temporarily store values by moving them from the stack to the return stack with >R ("to r") and back with R> ("r from").

Care must be taken to prevent return stack imbalences when a colon definition exits. The return stack pointer must be restored to the original state (when the colon definition started) before the colon definition exits. For example, an >R must be followed by R> or RDROP (or R>DROP).

The following words move cells between stacks:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
>R ( x -- ; R: -- x ) move the TOS to the return stack
DUP>R ( x -- x ; R: -- x ) copy the TOS to the return stack
2>R ( xd -- ; R: -- xd ) move the double TOS to the return stack
R@ ( R: x -- x ; -- x ) copy the return stack TOS to the stack
2R@ ( R: xd -- xd ; -- xd ) copy the return stack double cell (TOS and 2OS) to the stack
R'@ ( R: x1 x2 -- x1 x2 ; -- x1 ) copy the return stack 2OS to the stack
R"@ ( R: x1 x2 x3 -- x1 x2 x3 ; -- x1 ) copy the return stack 3OS to the stack
R> ( R: x -- ; -- x ) move the TOS from the return stack to the stack
RDROP ( R: x -- ; -- ) drop the return stack TOS
2R> ( R: xd -- ; -- xd ) move the double TOS from the return stack to the stack
N>R ( n*x +n -- ; R: -- n*x +n ) move n cells to the return stack
NR> ( -- n*x +n ; R: n*x +n -- ) move n cells from the return stack

RDROP as the same as R>DROP, a combination of R> and DROP.

The N>R and NR> words move +n+1 cells, including the cell +n. For example 2 N>R ... NR> DROP moves 2+1 cells to the return stack and back, then dropping the restored 2. Effectively the same as executing 2>R ... 2R>.

Note: N>R and NR> move +n mod 128 cells max as a precaution.

Other words related to the return stack:

word stack effect comment
RP@ ( -- addr ) returns the return stack pointer, points the to return TOS
RP! ( addr -- ) assigns the return stack pointer (danger!)

"Caller cancelling" is possible with RDROP ("r drop") to remove a return address before exiting:

: bar  ." bar " RDROP ;
: foo  ." foo " bar ." rest of foo" ;

where RDROP removes the return address to foo. Therefore:

foo ↲
foo bar OK[0]

The maximum depth of the return stack in Forth500 is 256 bytes to hold up to 128 cells or 128 calls to secondaries (colon definitions of words constructed from existing Forth words). Return stack under- and overflow is not checked by Forth500. Recursing too deep will overwrite the data stack and may eventually lead to a crash.

Defining new words

Constants, variables and values

The following words define constants, variables and values:

word stack effect comment
CONSTANT ( x "name" -- ; -- x ) define "name" to return x on the stack
2CONSTANT ( dx "name" -- ; -- dx ) define "name" to return dx on the stack
FCONSTANT ( F: r -- ; "name" -- ; -- r ) define "name" to return r on the floating point stack
VARIABLE ( "name" -- ; -- addr ) define "name" to return addr of the variable's cell on the stack
! ( x addr -- ) store x at addr of a VARIABLE
+! ( n addr -- ) add n to the value at addr of a VARIABLE
@ ( addr -- x ) fetch the value x from addr of a VARIABLE
? ( addr -- ) fetch the value x from addr of a VARIABLE and display it with .
ON ( addr -- ) store TRUE (-1) at addr of a VARIABLE
OFF ( addr -- ) store FALSE (0) at addr of a VARIABLE
2VARIABLE ( "name" -- ; -- addr ) define "name" to return addr of the variable's double cell on the stack
2! ( dx addr -- ) store dx at addr of a 2VARIABLE
D+! ( d addr -- ) add d to the value at addr of a 2VARIABLE
2@ ( addr -- dx ) fetch the value dx from addr of a 2VARIABLE
FVARIABLE ( "name" -- ; -- addr ) define "name" to return addr of the variable's floating point value on the stack
F! ( F: r -- ; addr -- ) store floating point value r at addr of a VARIABLE
F@ ( addr -- ; F: r ) fetch the floating point value r from addr of a 2VARIABLE
VALUE ( x1 "name" -- ; -- x2 ) define "name" with initial value x1 to return its current value x2 on the stack
TO ( x "name" -- ) assign "name" the value x, if "name" is a VALUE
+TO ( n "name" -- ) add n to the value of "name", if "name" is a VALUE
2VALUE ( dx1 "name" -- ; -- dx2 ) define "name" with initial value dx1 to return its current value dx2 on the stack
TO ( dx "name" -- ) assign "name" the value dx, if "name" is a 2VALUE
+TO ( d "name" -- ) add d to the value of "name", if "name" is a 2VALUE
FVALUE ( F: r1 "name" -- ; -- F: r2 ) define "name" with initial value r1 to return its current value r2 on the floating point stack
TO ( F: r "name" -- ) assign "name" the value r, if "name" is an FVALUE

Double integers are stored big endian with the 16 high order bits stored first, followed by the 16 low order bits. The TOS of a double integer on the stack contains the 16 higher order bits (stacks grow downward).

A single integer is stored little endian with the 8 low order bits stored first, followed by the 8 high order bits. For examample, C@ fetches the low order 8 bits of a single integer stored at the specified address.

Values defined with VALUE and 2VALUE are initialized with the specified initial values and do not require fetch operations, exactly like constants. By contrast to constants, values can be updated with TO and +TO. Note that the TO and +TO words are used to assign and update VALUE and 2VALUE words.

Deferred words

A deferred word executes another word assigned to it, essentially a variable that contains the execution token of another word to execute indirectly:

word stack effect comment
DEFER ( "name" -- ) defines a deferred word that is initially uninitialized
' ( "name" -- xt ) tick returns the execution token of "name" on the stack
['] ( "name" -- ; -- xt ) compiles "name" as an execution token literal xt
IS ( xt "name" -- ) assign "name" the execution token xt of another word
ACTION-OF ( "name" -- xt ) fetch the execution token xt assigned to "name"
DEFER! ( xt1 xt2 -- ) assign xt1 to deferred word execution token xt2
DEFER@ ( xt1 -- xt2 ) fetch xt2 from deferred word execution token xt1
NOOP ( -- ) does nothing
EXECUTE ( ... xt -- ... ) executes execution token xt

A deferred word is defined with DEFER and assigned with IS:

DEFER greeting ↲
: hi ." hi" ; ↲
' hi IS greeting ↲
greeting ↲
hi OK[0]
' NOOP IS greeting ↲
greeting ↲
:NOMAME ." hello" ; IS greeting ↲
greeting ↲
hello OK[0]

The tick ' word parses the name of a word in the dictionary and returns its execution token on the stack. An execution token points to executable code in the dictionary located directly after the name of a word. The EXECUTE word executes code pointed to by an execution token. Therefore, ' my-word EXECUTE is the same as executing my-word.

Executing an uninitialized deferred word throws exception -256 "execution of an uninitialized deferred word". To make a deferred word do nothing, assign NOOP "no-operation" to the deferred word.

To assign one deferred word to another we use ACTION-OF, for example:

DEFER foo ↲
' TRUE IS foo ↲
DEFER bar ↲
ACTION-OF foo IS bar ↲

The result is that bar is assigned TRUE to execute. By contrast, ' foo IS bar assigns foo to bar so that bar executes foo and foo executes TRUE. This means that changing foo would also change bar.

The current action of a deferred word can be compiled into a definition to produce a static binding:

: bar ... [ ACTION-OF foo COMPILE, ] ... ;

where COMPILE, compiles the execution token on the stack into the current definition. See also the [ and ] brackets. To streamline this method, define the immediate word [ACTION-OF]:


which is used as follows:

: bar ... [ACTION-OF] foo ...

Some Forth implementations use DEFERS to do the same.

WARNING: a deferred word referencing a word that is deleted with FORGET or deleted with a MARKER is no longer executable. Executing it will likely lead to a crash, because the reference is deleted.

Noname definitions

A nameless colon definition just stores code that cannot be referenced by name. The :NONAME word compiles a definition and returns its execution token on the stack:

:NONAME ." this definition has no name" ; ↲
this definition has no name OK[0]

EXECUTE runs to code, but there is no longer any way to reuse the code or delete it from the dictionary. :NONAME is typically used with deferred words to store and execute the unnamed code:

DEFER lambda ↲
:NONAME ." this definition has no name" ; IS lambda ↲
lambda ↲
this definition has no name OK[0]
FORGET lambda ↲

The no-name equivalent of CREATE is CREATE-NONAME, see CREATE and DOES>.


A recursive colon definition cannot refer to its own name, which is hidden until the final ; is parsed. There are two reasons for this: to avoid the possible use of an incomplete colon definition that can crash the system when executed and to allow redefining a word to call the old definition while executing additional code in the redefinition.

A recursive colon definition should use RECURSE to call itself, for example:

: factorial ( u -- ud ) \ u<=12

Mutual recursion can be accomplished with deferred words:

DEFER foo ↲
: bar ... foo ... ; ↲
:NONAME ... bar ... ; IS foo ↲

:NONAME returns the execution token of an unnamed colon definition, see also noname definitions.

Do not recurse too deep. The return stack supports up to 128 calls to secondaries, not counting other data stored on the return stack.

Immediate words

An immediate word is always interpreted and executed, even within colon definitions. A colon definition word can be declared IMMEDIATE after the terminating ;. For example, the following colon definition of RECURSE compiles the execution token of the most recent colon definition (i.e. the word we are defining) into the compiled code:

  ?COMP     \ error -14 if we are not compiling
  LAST-XT   \ the execution token of the word being defined
  COMPILE,  \ compile it into code

See also compile-time immedate words.


Data can be stored in the dictionary as words created with CREATE. Like a colon definition, the name of a word is parsed and added to the dictionary. This word does nothing else but just return the address of the body of data stored in the dictionary. To allocate and populate the data the following words can be used:

word stack effect comment
CREATE ( "name" -- ; -- addr ) adds a new word entry for "name" to the dictionary, this word returns addr
HERE ( -- addr ) the next free address in the dictionary
CELL ( -- 2 ) the size of a cell (single integer) in bytes
CELLS ( u -- 2*u ) convert u from cells to bytes
CELL+ ( addr -- addr+2 ) increments addr by a cell width (2 bytes)
CHARS ( u -- u ) convert u from characters to bytes (does nothing)
CHAR+ ( addr -- addr+1 ) increments addr by a character width (1 byte)
FLOATS ( u -- 12*u ) convert u from floats to bytes
FLOAT+ ( addr -- addr+12 ) increments addr by a floating point value width (12 bytes)
ALLOT ( n -- ) reserves n bytes in the dictionary starting HERE, adds n to HERE
UNUSED ( -- u ) returns the number of unused bytes remaining in the dictionary
, ( x -- ) stores x at HERE then increments HERE by CELL (by 2 bytes)
2, ( dx -- ) stores dx at HERE then increments HERE by 2 CELLS (by 4 bytes)
C, ( char -- ) stores char at HERE then increments HERE by 1 CHARS (by 1 byte)
F, ( F: r -- ) stores floating point value r at HERE then increments HERE by 1 FLOATS (by 12 bytes)
DOES> ( -- ; -- addr ) the following code will be compiled and executed by the word we CREATE
@ ( addr -- x) fetches x stored at addr
2@ ( addr -- dx ) fetches dx stored at addr
C@ ( addr -- char ) fetches char stored at addr
F@ ( addr -- ; F: r ) fetches r stored at addr

Allocation is limited by the remaining free space in the dictionary returned by the UNUSED word. Note that the ALLOT value may be negative to release space. Make sure to release space only with ALLOT after allocating space with ALLOT and when no new words were defined and added to the dictionary.

The CREATE word adds an entry to the dictionary, typically followed by words to allocate and store data assocated with the new word. For example, we can create a word foo with a cell to hold a value that is initially zero:

CREATE foo 0 , ↲
3 foo ! ↲
foo ? ↲
3 OK[0]

In fact, this is exactly how the VARIABLE word is defined in Forth:


We can use CREATE with "comma" words such as , to store values. For example, a table of 10 primes:

CREATE primes 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 , 31 , ↲

The entire primes table is displayed using address arithmetic as follows:

: primes?   ( -- ) 10 0 DO primes I CELLS + ? LOOP ; ↲

where primes returns the starting address of the table and primes I CELLS + computes the address of the cell that holds the I'th prime value. The CELLS word multiplies the TOS by two, since Forth500 cells are 2 bytes.

Uninitialized space is allocated with ALLOT. For example, a buffer:

CREATE buf 256 ALLOT ↲

This creates a buffer buf of 256 bytes. The buf word returns the starting address of this buffer. In fact, the built-in BUFFER: word is defined as:


so that buf can also be created with:

256 BUFFER: buf ↲

The DOES> word compiles code until a terminating ;. This code is executed by the word we CREATE. For example, CONSTANT is defined in Forth as follows:


A constant just fetches its data from the definition's body.

Note that >BODY (see introspection) of an execution token returns the same address as CREATE returns and that DOES> pushes on the stack. For example, ' buf >BODY and buf return the same address.

DOES> is valid only in a colon definition, because the DOES> code is part of the creating definition, not with the word we CREATE. The word we CREATE executes the DOES> code.

For example, address arithmetic can be added with DOES> to automatically fetch a prime number from the primes table of constants:

: table:    ( "name" -- ; index -- n ) CREATE DOES> SWAP CELLS + @ ;
table: primes 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 , 17 , 19 , 23 , 31 , ↲
3 primes . ↲
7 OK[0]

The SWAP CELLS + @ doubles the index with CELLS then adds the address of the primes table to get to the address to fetch the value.

CREATE-NONAME is similar to CREATE, but does not add a new word to the dictionary, returning the execution token of the code instead. The execution toke, can be assigned to a DEFER word for example, see also noname definitions.


The following words define a structure and its fields:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
BEGIN-STRUCTURE ( "name" -- addr 0 ; -- u ) define a structure type
+FIELD ( u n "name" -- u ; addr -- addr ) define a field name with the specified size
FIELD: ( u "name" -- n ; addr -- addr ) define a single cell field
CFIELD: ( u "name" -- n ; addr -- addr ) define a character field
2FIELD: ( u "name" -- n ; addr -- addr ) define a double cell field
FFIELD: ( u "name" -- n ; addr -- addr ) define a floating point field
END-STRUCTURE ( addr u -- ) end of structure type

The FIELD: word is the same as CELL +FIELD, CFIELD: is the same as 1 CHARS +FIELD and 2FIELD is the same as 2 CELLS +FIELD.

Space for structures can be allocated with BUFFER:. Fields behave like variables and can be assigned with !, ON and OFF and fetched with @. For example:

  FIELD: pair.first ↲
  FIELD: pair.second ↲
: pair.init DUP pair.first OFF pair.second OFF ; ↲
pair BUFFER: xy ↲
xy pair.init ↲
xy pair.first @ xy pair.second @ AT-XY ↲

Structures can be nested. For example:

  pair +FIELD pixel.xy ↲
  FIELD: pixel.on ↲


Space for arrays can be allocated with BUFFER:, for example to store 10 prime numbers:

10 CELLS BUFFER: primes ↲

This allocates space for 10 primes, but does nothing more. Adding a provision to automatically index an array is done by creating a BUFFER: with DOES> code to return the address of a cell given the array and array index on the stack:

: cell-array:   CELLS BUFFER: DOES> SWAP CELLS + ; ↲

where CELLS BUFFER: creates a new word and allocates the specified number of cells for the named array, where BUFFER: just calls CREATE ALLOT to define the name with the reserved space.

We can use cell-array to create an array of 10 uninitialized cells, then set the first entry to 123 for example:

10 cell-array: values ↲
123 0 values ! ↲

A generic array word takes the number of elements and size of an element, where the element size is stored as a cell using , followed by * ALLOT to reserve space for the array data:

: array:    CREATE DUP , * ALLOT DOES> SWAP OVER @ * + CELL+ ; ↲
10 2 CELLS array: factorials ↲
1.      0 factorials 2! 1.    1 factorials 2! 2.     2 factorials 2! ↲
6.      3 factorials 2! 24.   4 factorials 2! 120.   5 factorials 2! ↲
720.    6 factorials 2! 5040. 7 factorials 2! 40320. 8 factorials 2! ↲
362880. 9 factorials 2! ↲

We can add "syntactic sugar" to enhance the readability of the code, for example using { and } to demarcate the array index expression as follows:

: { ; IMMEDIATE  \ Does nothing ↲
10 2 CELLS array: }factorials ↲
1. { 0 }factorials 2! 1. { 1 }factorials 2! 2. { 2 }factorials 2! ↲

By making { immediate, it won't compile to a useless call to the { excution token. This array implementation has no array index bound checking.

An array of structures is created in the same way as before, using the structure as the size parameter for array::

  FIELD: pair.first ↲
  FIELD: pair.second ↲
: pair.init DUP pair.first OFF pair.second OFF ; ↲
10 pair array: }pairs ↲
10 0 DO I pair * pair.init LOOP ↲

This created an array of 10 pairs and initialized them. To store the value 1 in array location 3 for pair.first:

1 { 3 }pairs pair.first ! ↲

To store the value 1 in array location 3 for pair.second:

2 { 3 }pairs pair.second ! ↲


A vocabulary defines a dictionary of words. The default vocabulary is FORTH. A new vocabulary is defined with VOCABULARY. A new vocabulary inherits the current vocabulary as the parent vocabulary. When a word is not found in the dictionary of a vocabulary then its parent is searched, the parent of the parent is searched and so on, lastly the pater familias FORTH vocabulary.

For example, we can define a GAME vocabulary with game-related words:


The GAME vocabulary is activated when the GAME word is executed. This sets the dictionary search order to find GAME words first, then the words in its parent vocabulary, in this case the FORTH words. To define new GAME words, we use DEFINITIONS after switching to the GAME vocabulary:

; score ... ;
: play ... score ... ;

The score and play words are defined in the GAME vocabulary and are not visible to the outside. When we switch back to the FORTH vocabulary we will not be able to see the score and play words. However, we can define a play-game word that calls play in the GAME vocabulary as follows:

: play-game [ GAME ] play [ FORTH ] ;

Note that [ GAME ] executes GAME immediately to switch the dictionary search order to the GAME vocabulary before compiling PLAY. Bracketed words are interpreted, see The [ and ] brackets

The VOCABULARY word is legacy Forth. It is obsoleted by wordlists in Standard Forth. The CURRENT and CONTEXT words that are used by VOCABULARY and DEFINITIONS are values in Forth500, not variables as in legacy Forth. See also vocabulary structure.

WARNING: exercise caution when using FORGET and MARKER with vocabularies. For details, please read the next two sections.


A so-called "marker word" is created with MARKER. When the word is executed, it deletes itself and all definitions after it. For example:

MARKER _program_ ↲
_program_ ↲

This marks _program_ as the start of our code indicated by the .... This code is deleted by executing _program_.

A source code file might start with the following code to delete its definitions when the file is parsed again to be replace the old definitions with updated definitions:

[DEFINED] _program_ [IF] _program_ [THEN] ↲
MARKER _program_ ↲

ANEW is shorter and does the same thing:

ANEW _program_ ↲

WARNING: a deferred word referencing a word that is deleted is no longer executable. Executing it will likely lead to a crash, because the reference is deleted.

WARNING: do not use DEFINITIONS after MARKER or after ANEW, except when defining a new VOCABULARY with DEFINITIONS that will be removed by the marker. Beware that extending a previous vocabulary with DEFINITIONS can lead to a crash later when the marker is executed to delete all definitions:

ANEW _game_
...                 \ definitions added to GAME
: music ... ;       \ definition added to FORTH
_game_              \ problem

Executing _game_ or reloading the source code with ANEW _game_ deletes both GAME and the music word, but the FORTH vocabulary is corrupted afterwards because music is still considered part of FORTH.

This is correct:

ANEW _game_
: music ... ;       \ definition added to FORTH
...                 \ definitions added to GAME

Deleting words

Besides markers, FORGET name can be used to remove name and all words defined thereafter. To protect the dictionary, forgetting is not permitted past the address returned by FENCE. FENCE is a value that can be assigned a new boundary in the dictionary to protect from FORGET. For example, HERE TO FENCE protects all previously defined words.

WARNING: a deferred word referencing a word that is deleted is no longer executable. Executing it will likely lead to a crash, because the reference is deleted.

WARNING: exercise caution with FORGET and vocabularies. Typical usage should not pose any problems. However, extending a previous vocabulary with additional DEFINITIONS after a new vocabulary is defined can lead to a crash when FORGET is used to delete words from the new vocabulary:

...                 \ definitions added to GAME
: music ... ;       \ definition added to FORTH
GAME FORGET GAME    \ problem

This deletes both GAME and music, but the FORTH vocabulary is corrupted afterwards, because music is still considered part of FORTH. The music word is dangling and will be overwritten with noisy data, leading to a crash.

Instead, we should say FORTH FORGET GAME. This deletes both GAME and music from the FORTH vocabulary, which was our goal.


The following words can be used to inspect words and dictionary contents:

word stack effect comment
' ( "name" -- xt ) tick returns the execution token of "name" on the stack
['] ( "name" -- ; -- xt ) compiles "name" as an execution token literal xt
COLON? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is a : definition
DEFER? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is a DEFER
VALUE? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is a VALUE
2VALUE? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is a 2VALUE
FVALUE? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is an FVALUE
DOES>? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is created by a word that uses CREATE with DOES>
MARKER? ( xt -- flag ) return TRUE if xt is a MARKER
>BODY ( xt -- addr ) return the addr of the body of execution token xt, usually data
>NAME ( xt -- nt ) return the name token nt of the name of execution token xt
NAME>STRING ( nt -- c-addr u ) return the string c-addr of size u of the name token nt
NAME> ( nt -- xt ) return the execution token of the name token nt
L>NAME ( addr -- nt ) return the name token of the dictionary entry at addr
LAST-XT ( -- xt ) return the execution token of the last defined word
WORDS ( [ "name" ] -- ) displays words in the dictionary, optionally matching part of "name" (case sensitive), when specified

Words named xxx>yyy are pronounced "xxx to yyy", words named >xxx are pronounced "to xxx" and words named xxx> are pronounced "xxx from". See the Standard Forth word list with pronounciations of all standard words.

To send WORDS to a printer, check if a printer is connected with PRINTER . then STDL TO TTY WORDS`.

See also the dictionary structure.

Control flow

A colon definition can be exited with EXIT to return to the caller. To recursively call the current word, use RECURSE see recursion. See also exceptions to THROW and CATCH exceptions and to use ABORT or ABORT" to abort and return control to the keyboard.

The next two sections introduce conditional branches and loops.


The immediate words IF, ELSE and THEN execute a branch based on a single condition:

test IF
  executed if test is nonzero

test IF
  executed if test is nonzero
  executed if test is zero

These words can only be used in colon definitions.

The immediate words CASE, OF, ENDOF, ENDCASE select a branch to execute by comparing the TOS to the OF values:

value CASE
  case1 OF
    executed if value=case1
  case2 OF
    executed if value=case2
  caseN OF
    executed if value=caseN
    executed if no case matched (default branch)

These words can only be used in colon definitions. The default branch has value as TOS, which may be inspected in the default branch, but should not be dropped. It is common to use the >R and R> words to temporarily save the TOS in the default branch:

    >R ... R>

The stack effects of ... are transparent to the code that follows ENDCASE.


Enumeration-controlled do-loops start with the word DO or ?DO and end with the word LOOP or +LOOP:

limit start DO
  loop body

limit start ?DO
  loop body

limit start DO
  loop body
step +LOOP

limit start ?DO
  loop body
step +LOOP

These words can only be used in colon definitions. Do-loops run from the start to the limit values, excluding the last iteration for limit. The DO loop iterates at least once, even when start equals limit. The ?DO loop does not iterate when start equals limit. The +LOOP word increments the internal loop counter by step. The step size may be negative. The +LOOP terminates if the updated counter equals or crosses the limit.

A do-loop body is exited prematurely with LEAVE and ?LEAVE. The ?LEAVE word pops the TOS and when nonzero leaves the do-loop, which is a shorthand for IF LEAVE THEN.

When exiting from the current colon definition with EXIT inside a do-loop, first the UNLOOP word must be used to remove the loop control values from the return stack: UNLOOP EXIT.

The internal loop counter value can be used in the loop as I. Likewise, the second outer loop counter of a loop nest is J and the third outer loop counter is K. These return undefined values when not used within do-loops.

WARNING: Loop control data is placed on the return stack. Therefore, any values placed on the return stack with >R invalidates I, J and K.

WARNING: Return stack operations >R, R@ and R> cannot be used to pass values on the returns stack from outside a do-loop to the inside, because the do-loop places control data on the return stack. For example, >R DO ... R@ ... LOOP R> produces undefined values for R@.

The words BEGIN and AGAIN form a loop that never ends:

  loop body

There is no word like LEAVE to exit a BEGIN loop. Instead, UNTIL or WHILE with REPEAT should be used. An EXIT in a loop will terminate the loop and return control from the current colon definition,

The words BEGIN and UNTIL form a conditional loop which iterates at least once until the condition test is nonzero (is true):

  loop body
test UNTIL

The words BEGIN, WHILE and REPEAT form a conditional loop that iterates while the condition test is true (nonzero):

test WHILE
  loop body

The BEGIN, WHILE, REPEAT, UNTIL and AGAIN words can only be used in colon definitions.

A WHILE loop can be enhanced with additional WHILE tests to create a multi-test conditional loop with optional ELSE:

test1 WHILE
  loop body1
  test2 WHILE
    loop body2
  executed if test2 is true (nonzero)

The loop body1 and body2 are executed as long as test1 and test2 are true (nonzere). If test1 is false (zero), then the loop exits. If test2 is false (zero), then the loop terminates in the ELSE branch. Multiple WHILE and optional ELSE branches may be added. Each additional WHILE requires a THEN after REPEAT.

To understand how and why this works, note that a WHILE and REPEAT combination is identical to BEGIN with an IF to conditionally execute AGAIN:

BEGIN       \  BEGIN
  test IF   \    test WHILE

Compile-time immediate words

The interpretation versus compilation state variable is STATE. When true (nonzero), a colon definition is being compiled. When false (zero), the system is interpreting. The [ and ] may be used in colon definitions to temporarily switch to interpret mode.

Some words are always interpreted and not compiled. These words are marked IMMEDIATE. The compiler executes IMMEDIATE word immediately. In fact, Forth control flow is implemented with immediate words that compile conditional branches and loops.

The [ and ] brackets

The immediate [ word switches STATE to FALSE and ] switches STATE to TRUE. This means that [ and ] can be used within a colon definition to temporarily switch to interpret mode and execute words, rather than compiling them. For example:

: my-word       [ .( here=) HERE . ] ." executing my-word" CR ;

This example displays here=<CR><address> when my-word is compiled and displays executing my-word when my-word is executed.

Note that the immediate .( word is used to display messages at compile time or at run time, so we can also write this as follows:

: my-word       .( here=) [ HERE . ] ." executing my-word" CR ;

It is a good habit to define words to break up longer definitions, so we can refactor this by introducing a new word "here":

: "here"    ." here=" CR HERE . ;
: my-word   [ "here" ] ." executing my-word" CR ;

Immediate execution


: "here"    ." here=" CR HERE . ;
: my-word   [ "here" ] ." executing my-word" CR ;

The [ and ] are not necessary if we make "here" IMMEDIATE to execute immediately:

: [here]    ." here=" CR HERE . ; IMMEDIATE
: my-word   [here] ." executing my-word" CR ;

Using brackets with [here] is another good habit as a reminder that we execute an immediate word when it affects compilation.

This example illustrates how IMMEDIATE is used. Because displaying information while compiling is generally considered useful, the .( word is marked immediate to display text followed by a CR during compilation:

: my-word   .( compiling my-word) ." executing my-word" CR ;

All control flow words execute immediately to compile conditionals and loops.


To compile values on the stack into literal constants in the compiled code, we use the LITERAL, 2LITERAL and SLITERAL immediate words. For example, we can create a variable and use its current value to create a literal constant:

VARIABLE foo 123 foo ! ↲
: now-foo   [ foo @ ] LITERAL ; ↲
456 foo ! ↲
now-foo . ↲
123 OK[0]

The example demonstrates how the current value of a variable is compiled into a literal in now-foo.

The 2LITERAL word compiles double integers (two cells). The SLITERAL word compiles strings:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
LITERAL ( x -- ; -- x ) compiles x as a literal
2LITERAL ( dx -- ; -- dx ) compiles dx as a double literal
FLITERAL ( F: r -- ; F: -- r ) compiles r as a floating point literal
SLITERAL ( c-addr1 u ; -- c-addr2 u ) compiles string c-addr of size u as a string literal
[CHAR] ( "name" -- ; -- char ) compiles the first character of "name" as a literal
['] ( "name" -- ; -- xt ) compiles "name" as an execution token literal xt

The SLITERAL word compiles the string address c-addr1 and size u by copying the string to code. The copied string is returned at runtime as c-addr2 u.

The [CHAR] word parses a name and compiles the first character as a literal. This is the compile-time equivalent of CHAR. For example, [CHAR] $ is the same as [ CHAR $ ] LITERAL. Instead of [CHAR] $, the short form '$ may be used.

The ['] word parses the name of a word and compiles the word's execution token as a literal. This is the compile-time equivalent of ' ("tick"). For example, ['] NOOP is the same as [ ' NOOP ] LITERAL.

Postponing execution

Immediate words cannot be compiled, unless we postpone their execution with POSTPONE. The POSTPONE word parses a name marked IMMEDIATE and compiles it to execute when the colon definition executes. If the name is not immediate, then POSTPONE compiles the word's execution token as a literal followed by COMPILE,, which means that this use of POSTPONE in a colon definition compiles code. Basically, POSTPONE may be used to define words that compile the postponed words into a definition, acting like macros.

An example of POSTPONE to compile the immedate word THEN to execute when ENDIF executes, making ENDIF synonymous to THEN:


An example of POSTPONE to compile a non-immedate word:

: foo       [MAX] ; ↲

the result of which is:

: foo       MAX ;

Note that [MAX] is IMMEDIATE to compile MAX in the definition of foo. Basically, [MAX] acts like a macro that expands into MAX. Macros are useful as immediate words to performs specific operations to compile one or more words into a definition.

Compile-time conditionals

Forth source input is conditionally interpreted and compiled with [IF], [ELSE] and [THEN] words. The [IF] word jumps to a matching [ELSE] or [THEN] if the TOS is zero (i.e. false). When used in colon definitions, the TOS value should be produced immediately with [ and ]:

[ test ] [IF]
  this source input is compiled if test is nonzero

[ test ] [IF]
  this source input is compiled if test is nonzero
  this source input is compiled if test is zero

The [DEFINED] and [UNDEFINED] immediate words parse a name and return TRUE if the name is defined as a word or not, otherwise return FALSE. For example, to check if 2NIP is defined before using it within a colon definition:

: foo
  ... ;

Likewise, we can define 2NIP if undefined:

[THEN] ↲

Source input and parsing

The interpreter and compiler parse input from two buffers, the TIB (terminal input buffer) and FIB (file input buffer). Input from these two sources is controlled by the following words:

word stack effect comment
TIB ( -- c-addr ) a 256 character terminal input buffer
FIB ( -- c-addr ) a 256 character file input buffer
SOURCE-ID ( -- 0|-1 fileid )
SOURCE ( -- c-addr u ) returns the current buffer (TIB or FIB) and the number of characters stored in it
>IN ( -- addr ) a VARIABLE holding the current input position in the SOURCE buffer to parse from
REFILL ( -- flag ) refills the current input buffer from SOURCE-ID, returns true if successful

The following words parse the current source of input:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
PARSE ( char "chars" -- c-addr u ) parses "chars" up to a matching char, returns the parsed characters as string c-addr u
\"-PARSE ( char "chars" -- c-addr u ) same as PARSE but also converts escapes to raw characters in c-addr u, see S\" in string constants
PARSE-WORD ( char "chars" -- c-addr u ) same as PARSE but skips all leading matching char first
PARSE-NAME ( "name" -- c-addr u ) parses a name delimited by blank space, returns the name as a string c-addr u
WORD ( char "chars" -- c-addr ) an obsolete word to parse a word

PARSE-NAME is the same as BL PARSE-WORD, where BL is the space character. The names of words in the dictionary are parsed with PARSE-NAME. When BL is used as delimiter, also the control characters, such as CR and LF, are considered delimiters.

The EVALUATE word combines parsing and execution with a string as the source input:

word stack effect comment
EVALUATE ( ... c-addr u -- ... ) redirects input to the string c-addr u to parse and execute


Loading from files

The following words are available to load Forth source code from files on the E: and F: drives and from the serial COM: port:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
INCLUDE ( "name" -- ) load Forth source code file "name"
INCLUDED ( c-addr u -- ) load Forth source code file named by the string c-addr u
INCLUDE-FILE ( fileid -- ) load Forth source code from fileid
REQUIRE ( "name" -- ) load Forth source code file "name" if not already loaded
REQUIRED ( c-addr u -- ) load Forth source code file named by the string c-addr u if not already loaded

Forth500 source files must have LF or CRLF line endings.

File and stream operations

The following file-related words are available:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
FILES ( [ "glob" ] -- ) lists files matching optional "glob" with wildcards * and ?
DELETE-FILE ( c-addr u -- ior ) delete file with name c-addr1 u1
RENAME-FILE ( c-addr1 u1 c-addr2 u2 -- ior ) rename file with name c-addr1 u1 to c-addr2 u2
FILE-STATUS ( c-addr u -- s-addr ior ) if file with name c-addr u exists, return ior=0
R/O ( -- fam ) open file for read only
W/O ( -- fam ) open file for write only
R/W ( -- fam ) open file for reading and writing
BIN ( fam -- fam ) update fam for "binary file" mode access (does nothing)
CREATE-FILE ( c-addr u fam -- fileid ior ) create new file named c-addr u with mode fam, returns fileid or truncate existing file to zero length
OPEN-FILE ( c-addr u fam -- fileid ior ) open existing file named c-addr u with mode fam, returns fileid and ior
CLOSE-FILE ( fileid -- ior ) close file fileid
READ-FILE ( c-addr u1 fileid -- u2 ior ) read buffer c-addr of size u1 from fileid, returning number of bytes u2 read and ior
READ-LINE ( c-addr u1 fileid -- u2 flag ior ) read a line into buffer c-addr of size u1 from fileid, returning number of bytes u2 read and a flag = TRUE when EOF is reached
READ-CHAR ( fileid -- char ior ) returns char read from fileid, ior = 257 when EOF is reached
PEEK-CHAR ( fileid -- char ior ) returns the next char from fileid without reading it, ior = 257 when EOF is reached
WRITE-FILE ( c-addr u fileid -- ior ) write buffer c-addr of size u to fileid
WRITE-LINE ( c-addr u fileid -- ior ) write string c-addr of size u and CR LF to fileid
WRITE-CHAR ( char fileid -- ior ) write char to fileid
FILE-INFO ( fileid -- ud1 ud2 u1 u2 ior ) returns file fileid current position ud1 file size ud file attribute u1 and device attribue u2
FILE-SIZE ( fileid -- ud ior ) returns file fileid size ud
FILE-POSITION ( fileid -- ud ior ) returns file fileid current position ud
FILE-END? ( fileid -- flag ior ) returns TRUE if current position in fileid is a the end
SEEK-SET ( -- 0 ) to seek from the start of the file
SEEK-CUR ( -- 1 ) to seek from the current position in the file
SEEK-END ( -- 2 ) to seek from the ens of the file
SEEK-FILE ( d fileid 0|1|2 -- ior ) seek file offset d from the start, relative to the current position or from the end
REPOSITION-FILE ( ud fileid -- ior ) seek file offset ud from the start
RESIZE-FILE ( ud fileid -- ior ) resize fileid to ud bytes (cannot truncate files, only enlarge)
DRIVE ( -- c-addr ) returns address c-addr of the current drive letter
DSKF ( c-addr u -- du ior ) returns the free capacity of the drive specified in string c-addr u
STDO ( -- 1 ) returns fileid=1 for standard output to the screen
STDI ( -- 2 ) returns fileid=2 for standard input from the keyboard
STDL ( -- 3 ) returns fileid=3 for standard output to the line printer
>FILE ( fileid -- s-addr ior ) returns file s-addr data for fileid
FILE>STRING ( s-addr -- c-addr u ) returns string c-addr u file name converted from file s-addr data

Low-level file I/O words return ior to indicate success (zero) or failure with nonzero file error code.

FILE-INFO returns current position ud1 file size ud file attribute u1 and device attribue u2. See the PC-E500 technical manual for details on the attribute values.

If an exception occurs before a file is closed, then the file cannot be opened again. Doing so returns error ior=264. The fileid of open files start with 4, which means that the first file opened but not closed can be manually closed with 4 CLOSE-FILE . displaying zero when successful.

Filename globbing

Globs with wildcard * and ? can be used to list files on the E: or F: drive with FILES, for example:

FILES E:*.*       \ list all E: files and change the current drive to E:
FILES             \ list all files on the current drive
FILES *.FTH       \ list all FTH files on the current drive
FILES PROGRAM.*   \ list all PROGRAM files with any extension on the current drive
FILES PROGRAM.??? \ same as above

Up to one * for the file name may be used and up to one * for the file extension may be used. Press BREAK or C/CE to stop the FILES listing.

The FILES word repeatedly calls FIND-FILE that uses glob patterns to provide information about files:

word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
FIND-FILE ( c-addr u1 u2 -- c-addr u1 u2 s-addr u3 ior ) returns the s-addr of a file with directory index u3>=u2 that matches the string pattern c-addr u1

Device drive names

When a drive letter is used with a filename or glob pattern, the specified drive becomes the current drive. To change the current drive letter:


The PC-E500 drive names associated with devices are:

drive name fam comment
STDO: / SCRN: W/O LCD display
STDI: / KYBD: R/O keyboard
STDL: / PRN: W/O printer
COM: R/W serial IO (SIO)
CAS: R/W tape
E: R/W internal RAM disk
F: R/W external RAM disk
G: R/O internal ROM disk
X: R/W external FDD

The first three devices are always accessible with the STDO, STDI and STDL words that return the corresponding fileid. STDL is usable after connecting and checking the status of the printer with PRINTER, see also printing.

Loading from tape

The following words load raw binary data or text and Forth source code from "tape" (any audio device) via a SHARP CE-126P printer and cassette interface or a CE-124 cassette interface:

word stack effect comment
TAPE ( -- addr u ior ) load data (binary or text) from tape into free dictionary space, returning data addr of size u
CLOAD ( -- ) read Forth source from tape

TAPE stores the raw tape data in free space located directly below the floating point stack. When data was successfully loaded, zero is returned with the address and size of the data. Otherwise a nonzero ior file error code is returned with incomplete data. The data stored in free space is not persistent and may be overwritten when the dictionary grows.

CLOAD calls TAPE THROW and EVALUATE. Because TAPE saves the tape data to the free space in the dictionary, the Forth source code should not initially allocate large chunks of the dictionary with ALLOT. Doing so may overwrite the Forth source code stored in the remaining free space and may cause strange compilation errors.

To transfer data and Forth source code from a host PC to the PC-E500(S), a wav file of the data or Forth source code should be created with the popular PocketTools and then "played" on the audio output to transmit the file to the PC-E500(S) via a cassette interface:

$ bin2wav --pc=E500 --type=bin -dINV FILE.FTH
$ afplay FILE.wav

Use maximum volume to play the wav file or close to maximum to avoid distortion. If -dINV does not transfer the file, then try -dMAX. The bin2wav tool reports the "start address" and "end address", which are not relevant and can be ignored.

The following tcopy definition copies tape data to a new file on the E: or F: drive:

: ?ior      ( fileid ior -- fileid ) ?DUP IF SWAP CLOSE-FILE DROP THROW THEN ;
: tcopy     ( "filename" -- )
  DUP TAPE ?ior

Executing tcopy FLOATEXT.FTH copies the Forth source transmitted from tape to the new file FLOATEXT.FTH on the current drive.

File errors

File I/O ior error codes returned by file operations, ior=0 means no error:

code error
256 an error occurred in the device and aborted ($00)
257 the parameter is beyond the range ($01)
258 the specified file does not exist ($02)
259 the specified pass code does not exist ($03)
260 the number of files to be opened exceeds the limit ($04)
261 file processing is not permitted ($05)
262 ineffective file handle was attempted (invalid fileid argument) ($06)
263 processing is not specified by open statement ($07)
264 the file is already open ($08)
265 the file name is duplicated ($09)
266 the specified drive does not exist ($0a)
267 error in data verification ($0b)
268 processing of byte number has not been completed ($0c)
510 fatal low battery ($fe)
511 break key was pressed ($ff)

The ior code is the PC-E500(S) technical manual page 5 FCS error code + 256.


word stack effect ( before -- after ) comment
ABORT ( ... -- ... ) unconditionally abort execution and throw -1
ABORT" ( "string" -- ; ... x -- ... ) if x is nonzero, display "string" message and throw -2
QUIT ( ... -- ... ) throw -56
THROW ( ... x -- ... ) or ( 0 -- ) if x is nonzero, throw x else drop the 0
CATCH ( xt -- ... 0 ) or ( xt -- x ) execute xt, if an exception x occurs then restore the stack and return x, otherwise return 0
' ( "name" -- xt ) tick returns the execution token of "name" on the stack
['] ( "name" -- ; -- xt ) compiles "name" as an execution token literal xt

ABORT, ABORT" and QUIT return control to the keyboard to enter commands.

Note that test ABORT" test failed" throws -2 if test leaves a nonzero on the stack. This construct can be used to check return values and perform assertions on values in the code.

The CATCH word executes the execution token xt on the stack like EXECUTE, but catches exceptions thrown. If an exception x is thrown, then the stack has the state before CATCH with xt removed and the nonzero exception code x as the new TOS. Otherwise, a zero is left on the stack. For example:

: try-divide    ( dividend divisor -- )
  ['] / CATCH IF ↲
    ." cannot divide by zero" 2DROP \ remove dividend and divisor ↲
  ELSE ↲
    ." result=" . ↲
  THEN ; ↲
9 3 try-divide ↲
result=3 OK[0]
9 0 try-divide ↲
cannot divide by zero OK[0]

CATCH restores the stack pointers when an exception is thrown, but the stack values may be changed by the word executed and thus may or may not hold the original values before CATCH.

To throw and catch any errors when opening a file read-only, read it in blocks of 256 bytes into the PAD to display on screen, and close at the end of the file. We also want to catch a read exception to properly close the file then re-throw the exception:

: VARIABLE fh \ file handle, nonzero when file is open
: open      ( c-addr u -- ) R/O OPEN-FILE THROW fh ! ;
: read      ( -- len ) PAD 256 fh @ READ-FILE THROW ;
: close     ( -- ) fh @ CLOSE-FILE fh OFF THROW ;
: more      ( c-addr u -- )
    ['] read CATCH ?DUP IF
      THROW \ rethrow exception thrown by read
  close CR ;
: test-more ( -- ) S" somefile.txt" ['] more CATCH ABORT" an error occurred" ;

The following Standard Forth exception codes may be thrown by built-in Forth500 words:

code exception
-3 stack overflow
-4 stack underflow
-5 return stack overflow (not checked by Forth500)
-6 return stack underflow (not checked by Forth500)
-7 do-loops nested too deeply during execution (not checked by Forth500)
-8 dictionary overflow
-9 invalid memory address (N/A in Forth500)
-10 division by zero
-11 result out of range
-12 argument type mismatch
-13 undefined word
-14 interpreting a compile-only word
-15 invalid FORGET
-16 attempt to use zero-length string as a name
-17 pictured numeric output string overflow
-18 parsed string overflow
-19 definition name too long
-20 write to a read-only location (N/A in Forth500)
-21 unsupported operation (N/A in Forth500)
-22 control structure mismatch
-23 address alignment exception (N/A in Forth500)
-24 invalid numeric argument
-25 return stack imbalance (not checked in Forth500)
-26 loop parameters unavailable (not checked in Forth500)
-27 invalid recursion (not checked in Forth500)
-28 user interrupt (BREAK was pressed)
-29 compiler nesting (N/A in Forth500)
-30 obsolescent feature (N/A in Forth500)
-31 >BODY used on non-CREATEd definition (not checked in Forth500)
-32 invalid name argument (invalid TO name)
-33 block read exception (not supported in Forth500)
-34 block write exception (not supported in Forth500)
-35 invalid block number (not supported in Forth500)
-36 invalid file position (not thrown by Forth500, but throws File errors)
-37 file I/O exception (not thrown by Forth500, but throws File errors)
-38 non-existent file (not thrown by Forth500, but throws File errors)
-39 unexpected end of file (not thrown by Forth500, but throws File errors)
-40 invalid BASE for floating point conversion (not checked in Forth500)
-41 loss of precision (not checked in Forth500)
-42 floating-point divide by zero
-43 floating-point result out of range
-44 floating-point stack overflow
-45 floating-point stack underflow
-46 floating-point invalid argument
-47 compilation word list deleted (N/A in Forth500)
-48 invalid POSTPONE (not checked in Forth500)
-49 search-order overflow (N/A in Forth500)
-50 search-order underflow (N/A in Forth500)
-51 compilation word list changed (N/A in Forth500)
-52 control-flow stack overflow (N/A in Forth500)
-53 exception stack overflow (N/A in Forth500)
-54 floating-point underflow (N/A in Forth500)
-55 floating-point unidentified fault (N/A in Forth500)
-56 QUIT
-57 exception in sending or receiving a character
-58 [IF], [ELSE], or [THEN] exception
-256 execution of an uninitialized deferred word (Forth500)

Environment queries

The ENVIRONMENT? word takes a string to return system-specific information about the Forth500 implementation as required by Standard Forth ENVIRONMENT?. These queries return TRUE with a value of the indicated type:

query string type meaning
/COUNTED-STRING n maximum size of a counted string, in characters
/HOLD n size of the pictured numeric output string buffer, in characters
/PAD n size of the scratch area pointed to by PAD, in characters
ADDRESS-UNIT-BITS n size of one address unit, in bits
FLOORED flag true if floored division is the default
MAX-CHAR u maximum value of any character in the implementation-defined character set
MAX-D d largest usable signed double number
MAX-N n largest usable signed integer
MAX-U u largest usable unsigned integer
MAX-UD ud largest usable unsigned double number
RETURN-STACK-CELLS n maximum size of the return stack, in cells
STACK-CELLS n maximum size of the data stack, in cells
FLOATING-STACK n maximum size of the floating point stack, in floats
MAX-FLOAT r largest usable floating point number

For example, S" MAX-N" ENVIRONMENT? . . displays -1 (true) and 32767.

Non-implemented and obsolescent queries (according to the Forth standard) return FALSE. Obsolescent queries that return FALSE but are in fact available in Forth500:

query string type comment
CORE flag available
CORE-EXT flag available
DOUBLE flag available
DOUBLE-EXT flag available
EXCEPTION flag available
EXCEPTION-EXT flag available
FACILITY flag available
FACILITY-EXT flag partly available
FILE flag available
FILE-EXT flag available
FLOATING flag available
STRING flag available
TOOLS flag partly available
TOOLS-EXT flag partly available

Some public Forth libraries still test these queries. To use these libraries with Forth500, change the library Forth source code to successfully pass obsolescent queries.

Dictionary structure

The Forth500 dictionary is organized as follows:

     low address in the 11th segment $Bxxxx
+--->| $0000   |     last link is zero (2 bytes)
^    |---------|
|    | 3       |     length of "(:)" (1 byte)
|    |---------|
|    | (:)     |     "(:)" word characters (3 bytes)
|    |---------|
|    | code    |     machine code
|    |=========|
+<==>+ link    |     link to previous entry (2 bytes)
^    |---------|
:    :         :
:    :         :
:    :         :
|    |=========|
+<==>| link    |     link to previous entry (2 bytes)
^    |---------|
|    | $80+5   |     length of "aword" (1 byte) with IMMEDIATE bit set
|    |---------|
|    | aword   |     "aword" word characters (5 bytes)
|    |---------|
|    | code    |     Forth code and/or data
|    |=========|
+<---| link    |<--- last link to previous entry (2 bytes)
     | 7       |     length of "my-word" (1 byte)
     | my-word |     "my-word" word characters (7 bytes)
     | code    |<--- LAST-XT Forth code and/or data
     |=========|<--- HERE pointer
     | hold    |     hold area for numerical output (40 bytes)
     |         |
     | free    |     unused dictionary space
     | space   |
     |         |
     |=========|<--- dictionary limit
     |         |
     | float   |     stack of 120 bytes (10 floats)
     | stack   |     grows toward lower addresses
     |         |<--- FP stack pointer
     |         |
     | data    |     stack of 256 bytes (128 cells)
     | stack   |     grows toward lower addresses
     |         |<--- SP stack pointer
     |         |
     | return  |     return stack of 256 bytes (128 cells/calls)
     | stack   |     grows toward lower addresses
     |         |<--- RP return stack pointer
     |_________|<--- $BFC00

     high address

A link field points to the previous link field. The last link field at the lowest address of the dictionary is zero.

LAST-XT returns the execution token of the last definition, which is the location where the machine code of the last word starts.

Forth500 is a Direct Threaded Code Forth implementation. Code is either machine code or starts with a jump or call machine code instruction of 3 bytes, followed by Forth code (a sequence of execution tokens in a colon definition) or data (constants, variables, values and other words created with CREATE).

Immediate words are marked with the length byte high bit 7 set ($80). Hidden words have the "smudge" bit 6 ($40) set. A word is hidden until successfully compiled. HIDE hides the last defined word by setting the smudge bit. REVEAL reveals it. Incomplete colon definitions with compilation errors should never be revealed.

There are two words to search the dictionary:

word stack effect ( before -- after )
FIND ( c-addr -- xt 1 ) if found and word is immediate, ( c-addr -- xt -1 ) if found and not immediate, otherwise ( c-addr -- c-addr 0 )
FIND-WORD ( c-addr u -- xt 1 ) if found and word is immediate, ( c-addr u -- xt -1 ) if found and not immediate, otherwise ( c-addr u -- 0 0 )

FIND takes a counted string c-addr whereas FIND-WORD takes a string c-addr of size u to search. The search is case insensitive. Hidden words are marked "smudged" and not searchable.

:NONAME and CREATE-NONAME code has no dictionary entry. The code is just part of the dictionary space as a block of code without link and name header. Both words return the execution token of the code.

UNUSED gives the unused dictionary space size plus hold the area size. The hold area is used as a temporary buffer for numerical output, such as ., U., D., F., and <# ... #>, Also the OK[n] prompt overwrites this area to display the stack depth n. Otherwise, this space is unused.

Vocabulary structure

Forth500 adopts the Fig Forth vocabulary implementation. The CURRENT and CONTEXT values point to the link cell of a VOCABULARY word. The CURRENT pointer is used to define new words in the dictionary of a vocabulary. The CONTEXT pointer is used to search words in the dictionary of a vocabulary. A colon definition sets CONTEXT to CURRENT. The DEFINITIONS word sets CURRENT to CONTEXT.

Assuming the following vocabularies and words are defined:

: ABC ... ;
: XYZ ... ;

then the resulting vocabulary tree structure is constructed in the dictionary structure as follows:

     | $0000   |     last link is zero (2 bytes)
     | (:)     |     3 + "(:)" word length + name defined in FORTH
     | ...     |     code
     :         :
     :         :     words with code defined in FORTH
     :         :
(1)  |         |     link to previous entry in FORTH
     | FORTH   |     5 + "FORTH" word length + name defined in FORTH
(2)  | (4)     |<--- CURRENT or CONTEXT = (2) to entry (4) in FORTH
     | $2041   |     Fig Forth kludge (hidden blank name)
(3)  | (1)     |     link to entry (1)
     | ...     |     word with code defined in FORTH
(4)  | (3)     |     link to entry (3)
     | VOCAB-1 |     7 + "VOCAB-1" word length + name defined in FORTH
(5)  | (7)     |<--- CURRENT or CONTEXT = (5) to entry (7) in VOCAB-1
     | $2041   |     Fig Forth kludge (hidden blank name)
(6)  | (2)     |     link to entry (2)
     | ABC     |     3 + "ABC" word length + name defined in VOCAB-1
     | ...     |     code
(7)  | (6)     |     link to entry (6)
     | VOCAB-2 |     7 + "VOCAB-1" word length + name defined in VOCAB-1
(8)  | (9)     |<--- CURRENT or CONTEXT = (8) to entry (9) in VOCAB-2
     | $2041   |     Fig Forth kludge (hidden blank name)
(9)  | (5)     |     link to entry (5)
     | XYZ     |     3 + "XYZ" word length + name defined in VOCAB-2
     | ...     |     code
     :         :
     :         :

For example, when the CONTEXT is (8), a search for ABC starts by searching entry (9) in the VOCAB-2 dictionary, then entry (5), entry (7), and entry (6) where ABC is found as defined in VOCAB-1.



File operations like FILES F:*.* change the current drive letter to the specified drive letter. This changes the DRIVE variable.

We can also change the DRIVE letter by defining a new word that sets DRIVE C! by the drive letter parsed from the input with PARSE-NAME (we can DROP the length which is always positive non-zero):

: CHDIR     ( "letter" -- ) PARSE-NAME DROP C@ DRIVE C! ;

For example:



The SAVE word saves the Forth500 image to a file. You can reload the image later with LOADM from BASIC.

: SAVE          ( "name" -- )
  \ determine Forth500 start address and length up to HERE
  ['] (:) $ff00 AND HERE OVER -
  \ create file header using HERE as a temporary buffer
  \ 255 0 6 1 16 SizeLow SizeHigh 0 StartLow StartHigh Segment 255 255 255 0 15
  -1   HERE      C!
  262  HERE  2+  !
  16   HERE  4 + C!
  DUP  HERE  5 + !
  OVER HERE  8 + !
  $b   HERE 10 + C!
  -1   HERE 11 + !
  -1   HERE 13 + C!
  15   HERE 15 + C!
  \ write 16 byte header
  \ write Forth500 image from base address up to HERE
  \ close the file

In Forth500 execute:


In BASIC RUN mode execute (assuming memory for Forth500 is still allocated):

> CALL &B0000    ' or CALL &B9000 on an unexpanded machine


The greatest common divisor of two integers is computed with Euclid's algorithm in Forth as follows:

: gcd   ( n1 n2 -- gcd ) BEGIN ?DUP WHILE TUCK MOD REPEAT ;

The double integer version:

: dgcd  ( d1 d2 -- dgcd ) BEGIN 2DUP D0<> WHILE 2TUCK DMOD REPEAT 2DROP ;


A Forth500 version of the C rand() function to generate pseudo-random numbers between 0 and 32767:

: rand  ( -- +n ) seed 2@ 1103515245. D* 12345. D+ TUCK seed 2! 32767 AND ;
: srand ( x -- ) S>D seed 2! ;
1 srand

Note: do not use rand for serious applications.

To draw a randomized "starry night" on the 240x32 pixel screen:

: starry-night PAGE 1000 0 DO rand 240 MOD rand 32 MOD GPOINT LOOP ;

Note that Forth500 includes an FRAND floating point random number generator, see floating point arithmetic.

As an example application of rand, let's simulate a Galton board with 400 balls and as many as 100 levels (!) of pegs:

400 VALUE balls     \ number of balls to drop
100 VALUE levels    \ levels of pegs on the board
120 VALUE middle    \ starting point on the screen

Dropping a ball in the board means going left or right at each peg on the board, performing a random walk on the x-axis as it falls down:

: random-walk   ( xpos steps -- xpos ) 0 DO rand 1 AND 2* 1- + LOOP ;

Balls accumulate at the bottom on top of eachother:

: accumulate    ( xpos -- ) 0 BEGIN 2DUP GPOINT? 0= WHILE 1+ REPEAT 1- GPOINT ;

Each ball drops from the middle, makes a random walk, and accumulates making a click sound:

: drop-ball     middle levels random-walk accumulate 100 10 BEEP ;

The program repeats for all balls:

: Galton        0 GMODE! PAGE balls 0 DO drop-ball LOOP S" done" PAUSE ;


The square root of a number is approximated with Newton's method. Forth500 includes a floating point FSQRT word. This example shows how the Newton-Raphson method is used to efficiently compute the square root of an integer without FSQRT.

Given an initial guess x for f(x) = 0, an improved guess is x' = x - f(x)/f'(x). This is iterated with x=x' until convergence.

To compute sqrt(a), let f(x) = x^2 - a to find the answer x with Newton's method such that f(x) = 0. Therefore, x' = x - (x^2-a)/(2 x) = (x + a/x)/2.

Because we operate with integers, the convergence check should consider the previous two estimates of x to avoid oscillation. The outline of the algorithm is:

y = 1                   \ estimate before the previous estimate
x = 1                   \ previous estimate
  x' = (x+a/x)/2        \ improved estimate
  while x'<>x and x'<>y \ convergence?
    y = x               \ update estimates
    x = x'

This algorithm assumes that a is positive. Negative a are invalid and may raise a division by zero exception. If a is zero then we also raise an exception, which we want to avoid by returning zero if a is zero.

To implement the algorithm in Forth, we place a on the return stack, because we only need a to compute x'. We place y and x on the stack and compute the new estimate x' as the TOS above them:

: sqrt      ( n -- sqrt )
  DUP IF            \ if a<>0
    >R              \ move a to the return stack
    1 1             \ -- y x where y=1 and x=1 initially
      R@            \ -- y x a
      OVER /        \ -- y x (a/x)
      OVER + 2/     \ -- y x x' where x'=(a/x+x)/2
      ROT           \ -- x x' y
      OVER <> WHILE \ while x'<>y
      2DUP <> WHILE \ and also while x'<>x
    DROP            \ -- x
    RDROP           \ drop a from the return stack
  THEN ;

Note that the second WHILE requires a THEN after REPEAT. For an explanation of this multi-WHILE structure, see loops.

A minor issue is the potential integer overflow to a negative value in (a/x+x) before dividing by 2. This can lead to all sorts of problems, such as non-termination of the loop. This problem can be remedied by an unsigned division by 2 with 1 RSHIFT to replace 2/.

The double integer square root implementation:

: dsqrt     ( d -- dsqrt )
  2DUP D0<> IF
    1. 1.
      2OVER D/
      2OVER D+ 2. D/
      2OVER D<> WHILE
  THEN ;


This examples shows how a temporary array of cells is created and how various looping constructs are used to generate prime numbers.

To create a temporary array of cells we will use ALLOT, but only at runtime. Afterwards we will destroy the array and release memory back to the dictionary.

The address of our temporary array or cells is stored in value array:

0 VALUE array

Allocation and clearing the array is performed with calloc:

: calloc    ( n -- ) HERE TO array 2* DUP ALLOT array SWAP ERASE ;

Note that we store HERE in array, which is the address where our temporary array starts. Destroying the temporary array is performed by destroy which computes the negative memory size to release with ALLOT:

: destroy ( -- ) array HERE - ALLOT ;

Note that this is only safe if we destroy after calloc without defining any new words inbetween. Fetching and storing a cell value in the array is performed with the prime@ and prime! words, that take an array index i as a parameter:

: prime@    ( i -- x ) 2* array + @ ;
: prime!    ( x i -- ) 2* array + ! ;

With these definitions, we can write a prime number filter to produce n primes:

: filter    ( n -- )
  2 .
  3 DUP 0 prime!
  DUP .
  SWAP \ -- 3 n
  1 ?DO
      2+ \ -- maybeprime
      I 0 ?DO
        I prime@   \ -- maybeprime prime
        2DUP DUP * \ -- maybeprime prime maybeprime prime*prime
        < IF
          DROP TRUE LEAVE \ -- maybeprime true
          OVER SWAP \ -- maybeprime maybeprime prime
          MOD 0= IF
            FALSE LEAVE \ -- maybeprime false
      LOOP \ -- maybeprime isprime
    DUP .
    DUP I prime!
  DROP ;

This word definition is a bit long, longer than we usually want in Forth. But the innermost DO-LOOP requires the I index of the outer DO-LOOP to run. The outer DO-LOOP counts the prime number index, from 1 to n. The inner BEGIN-UNtIL loop produces the next prime number by checking if the current value (starting with 3 incremented to 5 to check first) against the previous prime numbers, as is done in the innermost DO-LOOP. The innermost DO-LOOP always terminates with a LEAVE that jumps out of the loop.

To display the first n primes (n > 1) we allocate the array, run the filter and destroy the array:

: primes    ( n -- ) DUP calloc ['] filter CATCH destroy THROW ;

Note that CATCH destroy THROW ensures that we always destroy the array, even whan an exception occurrs, such as pressing BREAK.

The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a famous prime number generator that marks off all the multiples of primes from a "grid" such that only the prime numbers remain.

In Forth we mark bits in an array of cells. Each cell has 16 bits. A bit is marked with mark! and checked with marked:

: mark!     ( n -- ) DUP 4 RSHIFT 2* array + SWAP 15 AND 1 SWAP LSHIFT OVER @ OR SWAP ! ;
: marked    ( n -- ) DUP 4 RSHIFT 2* array + SWAP 15 AND 1 SWAP LSHIFT SWAP @ AND ;

Note that 4 RSHIFT computes the index into the cell array and 15 AND computes the bit number 0 to 15, followed by 1 SWAP LSHIFT to set a 1 at the corresponding bit position.

Sieving is performed as follows:

: do-sieve  ( n -- )
  2 .
  DUP 3 ?DO
    I marked 0= IF
      I .
      DUP I DO
        I mark!
      J +LOOP
  2 +LOOP
  DROP ;

The outer DO-LOOP iterates from 3 to n in steps of 2. If I is not marked, then it is a prime number and we mark I and all multiples in the inner DO-LOOP that runs from I to n in steps of J, i.e. the outer loop index which is the prime number.

To display the prime numbers up to n (n > 3) we allocate the array, run the sieve and destroy the array:

: sieve     ( n -- ) DUP 15 + 16 / calloc ['] do-sieve CATCH destroy THROW ;

where 15 + 16 / rounds up to multiples of 16 to allocate enough space for the array.

Numerical integration

In this example we use Simpson's rule for numerical integration. Simpson's rule approximates the definite integral of a function f over a range [a,b] with 2n summation steps:

I = h/3 × [ f(a) + ∑ᵢ₌₁ ⁿ ( 4 f(a + h × (2 i - 1)) + 2 f(a + 2 h i) ) - f(a + 2 h n) ]

where h = (b-a)/(2 n)

First we define the function to integrate as a deferred word in Forth, which means we can assign it later any given function y=f(x) to integrate:

DEFER integrand     ( F: x -- y )

Next, we define three variables to hold x = a+h × (2 i - 1), h=(b-a)/(2 n) and the partial sum:


Note that Forth doesn't care if you redefine x later, because x and the other variables remain visible to integrate as a form of static scoping. Thus, x, h and sum are essentially local variables of integrate.

Variables x and h are initialized with a and (b-a)/(2 n), respectively, where a and b are on the floating point stack and n is on the regular stack:

: init      ( F: a b -- ; n -- ) FOVER F- 2* S>F F/ h F! x F! 0e sum F! ;

In the following definition we aim to update the next value of x and return its updated value on the floating point stack to use right away:

: nextx     ( F: -- x ) x F@ h F@ F+ FDUP x F! ;

To accummulate the sum, we multiply y=f(x) by the FP TOS (4e or 2e) and add it to sum:

: *sum+!    ( F: y r -- ) F* sum F@ F+ sum F! ;

The integration proceeds by first dividing the number of steps by 2 to get n, then set x to a and h to (b-a)/(2 n) with init and the sum to f(a) before the summation loop:

: integrate         ( F: a b -- I ; 2n -- )
  2/ DUP init
  x F@ integrand 1e *sum+!
  0 ?DO
    nextx integrand 4e *sum+!
    nextx integrand 2e *sum+!
  x F@ integrand -1e *sum+!
  sum F@ h F@ F* 3e F/ ;

Recall that all floating point values must be typed with an exponent e for single precision or d for double precision.

Because Forth500 internally switches to double precision if any of the operands of an arithmetic operation are double precision, the function to integrate or the integration bounds may use double precision to produce a double precision result. The double precision integration result is not affected by the use of the single precision weight values, such as 1e, 2e, 3e and 4e, in the integrate definition.

Let's integrate f(x)=1/(x ² + 1) over [0,1] with 2 n = 10 steps:

:NONAME FDUP F* 1e F+ 1e FSWAP F/ ; IS integrand ↲
0e 1e 10 integrate F. ↲
0.785398 OK[0]

We set the precision to 6 digits to display the result with F.. We defined an anonymous function with :NONAME as the integrand to integrate.

With double precision floating point and 100 steps:

0d 1d 100 integrate F. ↲
0.7853981633974 OK[0]

This example demonstrates how easy it is to switch to double precision. But this is not very useful with Simpson's rule of integration. The precision of the result is determined by Simpson's approximation and the number of steps performed, rather than by the use of higher precision floating point values.

Because Forth500 internally operates with BCD (Binary-Coded Decimal) floating point values, the numerical result of this example differs slightly from implementations that internally use IEEE 754 floating point values.


This example is an implementation with string buffers residing in the dictionary, which is pretty standard practice in Forth. Each buffer includes the maximum length of the string as the first byte followed by the actual length of the string in the second byte. The string contents follow these two bytes. This implementation is safer than simpler implementations that do not store the maximum string buffer size and thus have no protections against buffer overflows.

In this example we keep our definitions short and concise by reusing words as much as possible to avoid unnecessary complexity.

We first define four auxilliary words to obtain the max length, the current length, the unused space and to set a new length limited by the max length:

: strmax    ( string -- max ) 2- C@ ;
: strlen    ( string -- len ) 1- C@ ;
: strunused ( string -- unused ) DUP strmax SWAP strlen - ;
: strupdate ( string len -- ) OVER strmax UMIN SWAP 1- C! ;

Note that we used UMIN to prevent negative string lengths (MIN is signed).

A string value on the stack is an address that points right after the max and length bytes to the string contents stored in a string buffer.

The following string: word creates a string buffer given a maximum length:

: string:   ( max "name" -- ; string len )
  DOES> 2+ DUP strlen ;

Let's define a name to store up to 30 characters:

30 string: name ↲

The string name returns the string address of its first character and the length of the string. This makes it simpler to use our strings as the usual constant string arguments passed to standard Forth words, such as TYPE:

name TYPE ↲

This displays nothing because the string is initially empty.

To safely copy a (constant) string to a string buffer by limiting the number of characters copied to guard against overflowing the buffer:

: strcpy    ( c-addr u string len -- )
  DROP DUP ROT strupdate \ set the new length
  DUP strlen CMOVE ;

For example:

S" John" name strcpy ↲
name TYPE ↲
John OK[0]

To safely concatenate a string to another by limiting the number of characters appended to guard against overflowing the buffer:

: strcat    ( c-addr u string len -- )
  >R                       \ save the old length
  SWAP OVER strunused UMIN \ limit the added length
  2DUP R@ + strupdate      \ set the new length = old length + added

For example:

S"  Doe" name strcat ↲
name TYPE ↲
John Doe OK[0]

Forth words that work with constant strings, such as TYPE, SEARCH and S=, also work with our string buffers:

name S" Do" SEARCH . TYPE ↲
-1 Doe OK[0]
S" John" name 4 MIN S= . ↲
-1 OK[0]

We can also accept user input into a string:

: straccept ( string len -- ) DROP DUP DUP strmax ACCEPT strupdate ;
: stredit   ( string len -- )
  >R DUP strmax R> \ -- string max len
  DUP              \ place cursor at the end (=len)
  0                \ allow edits to the begin at position 0 (no prompt)
  EDIT strupdate ;

For example:

name straccept ↲
John ↲
name stredit ↲
 Doe ↲
name TYPE ↲
John Doe OK[0]

The NEXT-CHAR word slices off the first character of a string by incrementing the address and decrementing the length by one:

ohn Doe OK[0]

The /STRING ("slash string") word advances the string address and reduces the string length by the given amount and :

name 5 /STRING TYPE ↲
Doe OK[0]

We can define a word to slice strings. Slicing a substring from a (constant) string returns the (constant) substring address and substring length:

: slice     ( c-addr1 u1 pos len -- c-addr2 u2 )
  >R        \ save len
  OVER UMIN \ -- c-addr u1 pos where pos is limited to u1
  TUCK      \ -- c-addr pos u1 pos
  - R> UMIN \ -- c-addr pos len where pos+len is limited to u1
  >R + R> ;

where pos and len take a slice from string c-addr1 u1 to return the substring c-addr2 u2 located in c-addr1 at position pos with length len. If pos exceeds the string length u1 then u2=0. If pos+len exceeds the string length u1 then u2<len.

For example:

name 5 3 slice TYPE ↲
Doe OK[0]

Note that we can take slices of slices:

name 4 4 slice 1 2 slice TYPE ↲
Do OK[0]

Slicing can be used to modify a string by copying or concatenating a slice of the string to itself:

name 5 3 slice name strcat ↲
name TYPE ↲
John DoeDoe OK[0]
name 0 8 slice name strcpy ↲
name TYPE ↲
John Doe OK[0]

Inserting and deleting characters can be done with slicing and a temporary buffer, such as the PAD of 256 bytes that can hold a string with up to 254 characters:

: strtmp    254 PAD C! PAD 2+ PAD 1+ C@ ;

For example, to copy "John" from name, insert " J." and append " Doe" from name into the string temporary:

name 0 4 slice strtmp strcpy ↲
S"  J." strtmp strcat ↲
name 5 3 slice strtmp strcat ↲
strtmp TYPE ↲
John J. Doe OK[0]

Additional words to convert characters and string buffers to upper and lower case:

: toupper   ( char -- char ) DUP [CHAR] a [CHAR] { WITHIN IF $20 - THEN ;
: tolower   ( char -- char ) DUP [CHAR] A [CHAR] [ WITHIN IF $20 + THEN ;
: strupper  ( string len -- ) 0 ?DO DUP I + DUP C@ toupper SWAP C! LOOP DROP ;
: strlower  ( string len -- ) 0 ?DO DUP I + DUP C@ tolower SWAP C! LOOP DROP ;

For example:

name strupper name TYPE ↲

The following sfield: word adds a string member to a structure:

: sfield:   ( u max "name" -- u ; addr -- string len )
    OVER ,  \ store current struct size u
    DUP ,   \ store max
    + 2+    \ update struct size += max+2
  DOES>     ( struct-addr addr -- member-addr )
    SWAP OVER @ + \ compute member address
    DUP ROT       \ -- member-addr member-addr addr
    CELL+ @ C!    \ make sure string max is set
    2+ DUP strlen ;

For example an address with a 30 max character street name:

  30 sfield: address.street ↲
  FIELD:     address.number ↲
: address: address BUFFER: ; ↲
address: home ↲
S" Pleasantville" home address.street strcpy ↲
555 home address.number ! ↲
home address.street TYPE SPACE home address.number ? ↲
Pleasantville 555

To create arrays of (uninitialized) strings:

: sarray:   ( size max "name" -- ; index -- string len )
    DUP , 2+ * ALLOT \ save max and allocate space
  DOES>     ( array-addr index -- string len )
    SWAP OVER @  \ -- addr index max
    DUP>R        \ save max
    2+ * + CELL+ \ address in the array = (max+2)*index+addr+2
    R> OVER C!   \ make sure the string max is set
    2+           \ skip max and len to get to string
    DUP strlen ;

To initialize an array element, just strcpy a value to it. For example, to create an array of 10 strings of 16 characters max, then copy "John" into array item 5 (counting from 0):

10 16 sarray: names ↲
S" John" 5 names strcpy ↲

Large arrays of strings aren't very resource efficient, because each string element in the array reserves space. Best is to implement a heap to store strings and use compaction to keep the heap space efficiently used.


Enumerated values can be created with multiple CONSTANT, each for a new enumeration value. We can automate the constant value assignments as follows:

: begin-enum        ( -- n ) 0 ;
: enum              ( n "name" -- n ) DUP CONSTANT 1+ ;
: end-enum          ( -- n ) DROP ;

Such that:

  enum red
  enum white
  enum blue

will create the constants red, white and blue with values 0, 1 and 2, respectively. In a similar way we can define a bitmask word using 1 OVER LSHIFT to set the constants to 1, 2, 4, 8 and so on. Bitmasks can be manipulated with the bit operations AND, OR, XOR and INVERT.

If we don't care about the constants as long as they are unique, then another approach is to use the unique dictionary address of a word as the enumeration value. This always works when we never need the actual value of an enumeration. Consider for example an enumeration of colors:

CREATE white

Each color word returns its address of the definition's body, which contains no data. Because in Forth500 the body if a word is 3 bytes below the execution token, we can implement a word enum. to display the color name:

: body>     ( addr -- xt ) 3 - ;
: enum.     ( addr -- ) body> >NAME NAME>STRING TYPE ;

The body> "body from" word converts the address of the body of a word to its execution token, >NAME converts the execution token to a name token and NAME>STRING returns the string of a name token on the stack. For example:

red enum. ↲
red OK[0]

Another way to implement enumerations is to use the address of a "counted string" as a unique enumeration value:

: red       C" the color red" ;
: white     C" the color white" ;
: blue      C" the color blue" ;

The string of a color word is displayed with COUNT TYPE.

This example shows how Forth encourages a bit of creativity to come up with an approach that is best suited for an application.


"Slurping" a file into memory to process it is typically performed by storing the file's contents in the free dictionary space. The free dictionary space serves as our working area. We could pre-allocate memory with the file size, but in this example we assume that the file size is unknown (e.g. when reading standard input with piped input, keyboard input, etc.) Therefore, slurping a file is done incrementally by reading a chunk at a time.

First we need some variables:

VARIABLE fh \ file handle, nonzero if file is open
VARIABLE fp \ file content pointer, points to start of the slurped file
VARIABLE fz \ file content length

Next, we define slurp:

: slurp     ( c-addr u -- c-addr u ) open read close ;

The slurp word takes the file name as a string and returns the file contents as a string. The file open and close words use OPEN-FILE and CLOSE-FILE, respectively, which return a I/O error code ior. We want to throw this error:

: open      ( c-addr u -- ) R/O OPEN-FILE THROW fh ! ;
: close     fh @ ?DUP IF CLOSE-FILE fh OFF THROW THEN ;

Note that close has a guard to close only open files (omitting the guard ?DUP IF ... THEN is fine too, it just throws an exception, because fileid=0 is invalid and cannot be closed).

Now we can read a file incrementally, "sipping" one block at a time until he last sip is empty:

: read      start BEGIN sip 0= UNTIL done ;

To start, we just initialize fp to HERE to point to the free space:

: start     HERE fp ! ;

A "sip" allocates and reads up to 100 bytes at a time from the file:

: sip       ( -- n ) HERE 100 DUP ALLOT fh @ READ-FILE THROW DUP 100 - ALLOT ;

Note that the second ALLOT with a negative size (= number of bytes read - 100) releases unused space back to the dictionary, then returns the number of bytes read.

After repeately "sipping", we can compute and return the length by subtracting HERE (the final address) from fp @ (the starting address) and return fp and fz:

: done      ( -- c-addr u ) HERE fp @ - fz ! fp @ fz @ ;

For good measure, when we are all good and done with the file in memory, we should release memory back to the dictionary:

: release   fp @ HERE - ALLOT ;

If we decide not to release, then the file remains in memory for later use. Before slurping another file, make sure to save fp and fz to retain access to the file's content stored in memory.

Let's recap and put things in order:

VARIABLE fh \ file handle, nonzero if file is open
VARIABLE fp \ file content pointer, points to start of the slurped file
VARIABLE fz \ file content length
: sip       ( -- n ) HERE 100 DUP ALLOT fh @ READ-FILE THROW DUP 100 - ALLOT ;
: start     HERE fp ! ;
: done      ( -- c-addr u ) here fp @ - fz ! fp @ fz @ ;
: read      start BEGIN sip 0= UNTIL done ;
: open      ( c-addr u -- ) R/O OPEN-FILE THROW fh ! ;
: close     fh @ ?DUP IF CLOSE-FILE fh OFF THROW THEN ;
: slurp     ( c-addr u -- c-addr u ) open read close ;
: release   fp @ HERE - ALLOT ;

Note that definitions without a ( stack effect ) have no stack effect.

For example, we can search a text file for string matches, say "TODO":

." some.txt" slurp ." TODO" SEARCH release . ↲
0 OK[2]

This will display -1 (true) when found and leaves the address of the match with remaining length of the file on the stack, or 0 (false) when not found.

If the free space in the dictionary is insufficient, then exception -8 will be thrown. If that happens, call close and release to close the file and release memory.

Slurping a file from the E: or F: drive is much simpler. Since the file size is known, we can pre-allocate memory space and gulp the whole file at once into this space. We can make the following changes accordingly:

: data      ( -- c-addr u ) fp @ fz @ ;
: gulp      fz @ ALLOT data fh @ READ-FILE THROW ;
: size      fh @ FILE-SIZE THROW fz ! ;
: read      start gulp data ;
: slurp     ( c-addr u -- c-addr u ) open size read close ;

where size assigns variable fz the file size, gulp reads the whole file at once and data returns the address and size of the file data (i.e. as c-addr u) for convenience.


Problem: file won't open or cannot INCLUDE a file from COM: E: or F:

When BREAK is pressed or an error occurs while files are still open, the file cannot be re-opened until it is closed. Therefore, always close files in your program (which may require an exception handler). On the other hand, you can manually close a file with fileid CLOSE-FILE where fileid is a positive integer between 4 and 16 (1 to 3 are associated with STDO, STDI and STDL, respectively). Therefore, you can try 4 CLOSE-FILE . then 5 CLOSE-FILE . up to 16 to close all files if open.

Further reading

And so Forth... by Hans Bezemer

A Beginner's Guide to Forth by J.V. Noble

Thinking Forth by Leo Brodie

Moving Forth by Brad Rodriguez

Forth: The programming language that writes itself

Standard Forth alphabetic list of words

Links to additional resources

Forth Interest Group

Forth Systems Comparisons by Guy M. Kelly

The Forth Scientific Library

This document is Copyright Robert A. van Engelen (c) 2021