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Nano DPoW Server


  • Python 3.6.7 or higher.
  • A redis server running on redis://localhost by default.
  • An MQTT broker (tested with Mosquitto) running listening on port 1883 by default.
    • A websocket listener on port 9001 to allow javascript clients for dashboard and web-based workers.
  • Authentication configured on the MQTT broker.
  • Callbacks from a Nano node to port 5030 by default.
  • DNS fully configured and a web server running (example provided is Nginx).
sudo apt install python3.7 python3-pip redis redis-server nginx git


The following instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

# Create a user for dpow
sudo adduser dpow

# Make dpow a sudoer and switch session
sudo usermod -aG sudo dpow && su - dpow

# Download DPoW
git clone && cd nano-dpow/server

# Install the Python dependencies
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Setup Mosquitto

sudo apt install mosquitto mosquitto-auth-plugin

# Copy the Mosquitto configuration file
sudo cp setup/mosquitto/dpow.conf /etc/mosquitto/conf.d/dpow.conf

# Copy the access control file
sudo cp setup/mosquitto/acls /etc/mosquitto/acls

# Create passwords for the MQTT users
# When asked, set password "client". An obvious password is used so that everyone can freely contribute work
sudo mosquitto_passwd -c /etc/mosquitto/passwd client

# Use your own passwords
sudo mosquitto_passwd -b /etc/mosquitto/passwd dpowserver COMPLEX_PASSWORD_1
sudo mosquitto_passwd -b /etc/mosquitto/passwd dpowinterface COMPLEX_PASSWORD_2

# Restart Mosquitto
sudo systemctl restart mosquitto

Setup DPoW as a service

# Add and configure the service file
sudo cp setup/systemd/dpow.service /etc/systemd/system/dpow.service && sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/dpow.service 

# Enable on startup and start DPoW
sudo systemctl enable dpow && sudo systemctl start dpow

View logs with systemctl status dpow and cat /tmp/dpow.txt.

Open ports

If you have a firewall (please do), the following ports should be open for inbound TCP traffic:

  • 80 and 443 for HTTP and HTTPS, respectively.
  • 1883 for MQTT.
  • 5040 for Nano block callbacks if the node is not in the same server. Open only to the specific IP.

Setup Nginx

# Add and configure the web server, change {DNS_HERE} to your server name
sudo cp setup/nginx/dpow /etc/nginx/sites-available/dpow && sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/dpow

# Enable the server
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dpow /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/

# Test nginx
sudo nginx -t

Highly recommended - secure the server with CertBot. Select Nginx on the dropdown and CertBot will make the required changes to the website.

# Reload nginx to start the server
sudo systemctl restart nginx

# Should return {"error":"Bad request (not json)"} if the setup is correct and DPoW is running
curl -d "test" https://{DNS_HERE}/service/


# Remove dpow from sudoers
sudo gpasswd -d dpow sudo


If you followed the previous instructions, the server should be running as a service called dpow. The next steps are:

  1. Have clients using to use argument --server mqtt://client:client@{DNS_HERE}:1883
  2. Setup some services by using
# View instructions
python3 scripts/ --help

# Add a new service
python3 scripts/ --add test_service
  1. Perform a request either using HTTPS POST or WSS. For HTTPS POST, see the example and edit the file to point the request to your server. If there are clients connected the request should be fulfilled, otherwise it will return a timeout error after 10 seconds.


See file nano-dpow/server/dpow/ for some available configuration options


Inside nano-dpow/server/scripts run:

  • python3 to create a snapshot of work provided by clients since the last snapshot. This creates PAYOUTS_FILE in this directory.
  • python3 --help to learn how to use it

Web dashboard

A dashboard was created by mitche50. See for setup instructions. If you followed the dpow server setup above, then the username should be dpowinterface.