A regular expression, commonly called a “regexp”, is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern. It is mainly for use in pattern matching with strings, or string matching (i.e. it operates like a “find and replace” command). While it is a very powerful tool, it is also very dangerous because of its complexity.
More about regexp:
- http://www.regular-expressions.info/
- http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_regexp.asp Play with regexp (or compose them):
- Ruby: http://rubular.com/
- PHP/Javascript/Python: https://regex101.com/
The regular expression must match Holberton Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
Find the regular expression that will match the above cases Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
Find the regular expression that will match the above cases Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
Find the regular expression that will match the above cases Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
Find the regular expression that will match the above cases Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
5. Not quite HBTN yet
The regular expression must be exactly matching a string that starts by h ends by n and can have any single character in between
Using the project instructions, create a Ruby script that accepts one argument and pass it to a regular expression matching method
6. Call me maybe
This task is brought to you by Holberton mentor Neha Jain, Senior Software Engineer at LinkedIn.
- The regular expression must match a 10 digit phone number
- The regular expression must be only matching: capital letters