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265 lines (236 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

265 lines (236 loc) · 12.6 KB


Hotfix #1

  • Fixed issue where in the case where two files are being compared/analyzed, the script throws an error when the path to the files includes directories
  • Added final print line that displays the path to the directory in which the files are being generated

Version 1.0

  • Cleaned up unnecessary comments/code
  • Implemented queue
  • Reimplemented midpoint calculation

Future Extensions:

  • Fundamentals of the "Zoom" function (now called "Enhance" function) have been implemented. However, there is still more to be desired:
    • The corresponding Python callback that enacts the "Enhancing" in is zoomSelectCallback().
    • zoomSelectCallback() is called whenever the dashboard detects a SelectionGeometryEvent. This is thrown by tools such as the BoxSelectTool.
    • However, the BoxSelectTool grays out parts of the plot that lie outside of the selection. This is not ideal so I wrote enhance_tool.ts which extends BoxSelectTool and BoxSelectToolView, the corresponding view object, which lacks the gray overlay. This works well.
    • The EnhanceTool, like BoxSelectTool returns a SelectionGeometry object which only has two fields: geometry and final. The main issue is that the SelectionGeometry object that is returned when the EnhanceTool is used in the Difference Distance Matrix plot (primary plot) is identical to that returned when the EnhanceTool is used in the Queue plot (secondary plot). Thus, the problem is that there is no way to distinguish between selections made in either plot.
    • In extensions of this project, it may be a good idea to try to extend the SelectionGeometry object to include an extra field that would distinguish from which plot the selection is made. I attempted to start extending this object in selectionGeometryPlus.js and
  • Explore Holoview/Datashares to potentially handle even larger datasets
  • Explore Chimera documentation so that in the future, the covariance matrix and other plots can be mapped into a 3D protein structure for better visualization

Version 0.8

To Do:

  • Take screenshots of various distance difference matrices and covariance submatrices representing interesting residue pairs to send to Andres
  • Attempt to speed up the covariance submatrix computation by changing the pipeline from computing covariance submatrices directly from the distance difference matrices and then binning to computing the binned covariance submatrices from binned/scaled distance difference matrices
    • When implementing this, make sure that the features made up of the lower covariance values are not lost
  • Set up a system where the user can queue up residue pairs for which to compute the covariance submatrices
    • Check out these items in the Bokeh documentation:
      • MenuItemClick
      • Press/PressUp
      • MouseEnter/MouseLeave
    • Goals:
      • Create a "queue" button that initiates a new mode where you can click each bin without immediately calling the usual clickCallback event to generate a covariance submatrix. Instead, it will take the coordinates and map it to the given residue (pair) range/binning, then add the residue (pair) to a list. Will remain in this mode until the "queue" button is clicked again.
      • Create a separate plot for calculated covariance submatrices, or add some visual indicators/buttons to the interface to flip through calculated covariance submatrices
  • Design and implement the pipeline for zooming into and displaying areas around/residue pairs of interest
    • Check out these items in the Bokeh documentation:
      • Selection Geometry
      • LODEnd/LODStart
      • Maybe use Pan/PanStart/PanEnd to move around after zooming
  • Explore Holoviews/Datashaders to handle even larger datasets
  • Read Chimera documentation to try to map matrix/plot information into the protein structure


  • Some nomenclature:

    • Residue Numbers
      • These are the numbers that exist in the original pdb files to label each residue
    • Residue Indices
      • Numbers all consecutive common residues starting from 0
      • Skips/does not account for non-common residues
      • Even if shifted such that the residue indices start at 1, the residue indices will only match up with the residue numbers if all residues are common between all pdb files
    • Covariance Indices
      • Numbered from 0 to len(ResidueIndices)(len(ResidueIndices)-1)/2 -1
      • Numbers all non-redundant values in the covariance matrix
        • TODO: Specify the ordering system
  • Implemented the covariance submatrix approximation to speed up computation, however, there is a loss of smaller covariance values. Computation time is reduced by a factor of 4 (0.25*the original computation time).

    • Currently, in the approximated covariance submatrix calculation, the program bins the distance difference matrices by the factor that the user specifies should be displayed by the interface. For large datasets, the scaling factor will tend to be large such that each bin represents larger amounts of data so that it is feasible for the display itself.
    • It may be possible to retain smaller covariance values if the distance difference matrices are scaled by a smaller factor for the covariance submatrix calculation first, and then the covariance submatrices are binned with a larger scaling factor for the display after.
    • Covariance submatrix calculations actually just retrieve a subsection of the complete covariance matrix. In doing so, each covariance submatrix calculation must load the complete covariance matrix into memory. It may be faster and more RAM-friendly to serialize each covariance submatrix separately and retrieve each one when necessary. However, this will not be mass storage-friendly.
  • Added a Jupyter notebook for accessing specific covariance values

    • Code needs to be cleaned up so that paths align well with the rest of the scripts
  • Standardize/normalize using: (value-mean)/stdev

  • Check binning/covariance submatrix code to see why there is a large amount of computation time

    • Add option for user to determine "sensitivity" of the color scale

Version 0.7


  • Currently in progress
  • Provided the unsuccessful attempts at implementing the Schubert algorithm, I have decided to switch my focus back to implementing a front end GUI for the project
  • Originally, I was planning on using kivy to develop this GUI, however, I ran across mpl3d, a html/web-based plotting interface. mpl3d's ability to act as a web-based visual interface meant that it would be ideal for developing a pipeline where the bulk of this program's computational work is expected to be done on large servers that users access remotely. Simply creating our graphics and plots .html files means that we will be able work with our sysadmin (Brendan Dennis) to develop a hosting pipeline. This would mean that users would be able to access plots in their browser instead of downloading the graphic to display on their own computers.
  • However, upon reading of mpld3d's capabilities, it became clear that it was not suited for handling large datasets. Instead, I decided to switch to using Bokeh, a plotting package with similar web capabilities, but is also advertised to be able to handle larger data sets.
  • I successfully implemented Bokeh for basic plotting. It works flawlessly for the distance difference matrices for Initial5/, however, while it does successfully display the corresponding Covariance Matrix, it does so extremely slowly. Here, I was viewing CovarianceMatrix.html with 1500^2 points and on my laptop (Dell XPS 13 9350 Intel i7 8th Gen Processor).
  • I successfully created the interface that displays distance difference matrices and the corresponding covariance submatrix for a given residue pair on click. I'm currently unhappy in that all of the covariance submatrices have to be pregenerated through the script and can't be generated on the spot in the interface, but it is functional. Currently, the interface uses raw .npy matrix files for distance difference matrices and covariance submatrices and has not been integrated with the rest of the scripts.
  • After creating the initial Bokeh interface (which created a local .html file as a way to access the plots/data), I was able to convert the interface into a true server. In this server, the covariance submatrices are not pregenerated, but rather are generated as needed through python callbacks. Running this with the Initial5/ pdb files requires enough memory such that the process is killed on our aida server. I'm looking to flesh out image scaling to lighten the memory load for these matrices.
  • Fixed memory issue by removing redundant code and fixed small issue with the display of the residue ranges. Can run the Initial5/ pdb files, however, the generation of the covariance matrix takes a few seconds.

In-Development Notes/Changes:

  • Removing matplotlib dependencies in
  • Implemented mpl3d as a plotting package for
  • Removed mpl3d as a plotting package for
  • Removed mpl3d plotting dependencies in
  • Bokeh:
  • Adding Bokeh plotting dependencies in
  • Implemented base Bokeh plotting capabilites in
  • Implementing interactive plots using Bokeh
  • Changed default scaling from being 1500 units down each axis to matching the real resolution of the covariance matrix
  • Reworked into complete with python callbacks

To Do:

  • Compare binned/scaled plots with non-scaled plot to make sure no information is lost during binning/averaging
  • Get residue pair information to print out in tooltips for toyModel
  • Plot covariance matrix and distance difference matrix simultaneously, updating the distance difference matrix for particular residue pairs by clicking the corresponding point on the covariance matrix
  • Shift indices from starting with 0 to starting with 1 to match pdb format numbering
  • Add proper logging
  • Reintegrate interface into the rest of the suite of scripts
  • Add scaling feature/support for larger datasets

Version 0.6


  • Forked from Version 0.3 (creating new repository)


  • Reimplemented the modular structure from Version 0.5, but kept the base calculation code used in 0.3
  • Removed redundancy handling
  • Removed midpoint coordinate handling
  • Reimplemented options for plotting, scaling, and handling directories

Version 0.5

Things are kind of broken here due to attempted handling of redundant residue cases. I attempted implementations of Schubert's online algorithm to remedy memory problems encountered by processing large/multiple pdb files.


  • Made plotting modular
  • Added options for plotting, scaling, and handling directories
  • Implemented non functional redundancy handling
  • Implemented midpoint coordinate changes for residues (midpoint between alpha carbon and the furthest atom)
  • Added a simple testing suite for covariance algorithms
  • Started implementations of Schubert's Online Algorithm (currently does not pass tests)


Version 0.3

  • First functional version that computes covariance matrices


  • Forked from the code that Rick Wayne Baker provided
  • Runs 2VGL.pdb and 2XA7.pdb comparison in the order of 10 minutes, a large improvement over the reported several hours from the original code


  • Reduced O(N^3) runtime to approximately O(N^2) (without libraries) by removing a redundant calculation
  • Implements Pandas and Numpy for fast calculation and handling of pdb files
  • Implements multiprocessing in the distance difference calculation
  • Plots with matplotlib