index c5e0d16..11dfa8b 100644
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Collate:
+    gate-accessors.R
diff --git a/R/AllClasses.R b/R/AllClasses.R
index 6243671..a341984 100644
--- a/R/AllClasses.R
+++ b/R/AllClasses.R
@@ -2495,7 +2495,7 @@ ellipsoidGate <- function(..., .gate, mean, distance=1,
     checkClass(distance, "numeric", 1)
     parms <- prepareInputs(parseDots(list(...)), .gate)
     names(mean) <- sapply(parms$parameters, parameters)
-    new("ellipsoidGate", filterId=filterId, parameters=parms$parameters,
+    new("ellipsoidGate", filterId=filterId, parameters=unname(parms$parameters),
         cov=parms$values, mean=mean, distance=distance)
@@ -5224,9 +5224,21 @@ setClass("transformList",
 ## constructor
 #' @export
-transformList <- function(from, tfun, to=from,
+transformList <- function(from, tfun, to,
+    if(missing(from)) {
+      from <- names(tfun)
+      if(is.null(from)) {
+        stop(
+          "channel names must be supplied to 'from' or included ",
+          "as names in 'tfun'!"
+        )
+      }
+    }
+    if(missing(to)) {
+      to <- from
+    }
     from <- unique(from)
     to <- unique(to)
     if(!is.character(from) || !is.character(to) || length(from) != length(to))
diff --git a/R/flowFrame-accessors.R b/R/flowFrame-accessors.R
index 54f8d5c..4d72802 100644
--- a/R/flowFrame-accessors.R
+++ b/R/flowFrame-accessors.R
@@ -826,24 +826,28 @@ setMethod("compensate",
-#' Transform a flowFrame or flowSet
+#' Transform a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object
 #' Similar to the base transform method, this will transform the values of
-#' a flowFrame or flowSet object according to the transformations specified
+#' a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object according to the transformations specified
 #' in one of two ways:
-#' 1. a [transformList][flowCore::transformList-class] or list of [transform][flowCore::transform-class] objects
+#' 1. a \code{transformList} or list of \code{transform} objects
 #' 2. named arguments specifying transformations to be applied to channels (see details)
 #' @name transform
 #' @aliases transform,flowFrame-method transform,flowSet-method
-#' @param _data a flowFrame or flowSet object
+#'   transform,rectangleGate-method transform,polygonGate-method
+#'   transform,ellipsoidGate-method transform,quadGate-method
+#'   transform,filters-method
+#' @param _data a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object
 #' @param translist a transformList object
 #' @param ... other arguments. e.g. `FL1-H` = myFunc(`FL1-H`)
+#' @return A transformed flowFrame, flowSet or gate object.
 #' @details To specify the transformations in the second way, the names of these arguments 
 #' should correspond to the new channel names and the values should be functions applied to
-#' channels currently present in the flowFrame or flowSet. There are a few examples below.
+#' channels currently present in the flowFrame, flowSet or gate. There are a few examples below.
 #' @examples 
 #' data(GvHD)
diff --git a/R/gate-accessors.R b/R/gate-accessors.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6d715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/gate-accessors.R
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+## =============================================================================
+## Gate objects define boundaries for populations
+## =============================================================================
+#' @export
+  "transform",
+  signature = signature(`_data` = "rectangleGate"),
+  definition = function(`_data`,
+                        translist, 
+                        ...) {
+    gate <- `_data`
+    if(!(missing(translist))){
+      #check if it is a transformList
+      res <- try(class(translist), silent = TRUE)
+      if(res != "transformList") {
+        err_msg <- attr(res, "condition")[["message"]]
+        err_msg <- paste(
+          err_msg, 
+          "!Please make sure the unnamed argument is a valid 'transformList' object!"
+        )
+        stop(err_msg)
+      } else {
+        params <- unname(parameters(gate))
+        trans_params <- colnames(translist)
+        # transformation required
+        for(param in params) {
+          if(param %in% trans_params) {
+            tfun <- translist@transforms[[param]]@f
+            if(!is.infinite(gate@min[param])) {
+              gate@min[param] <- tfun(gate@min[param])
+            }
+            if(!is.infinite(gate@max[param])) {
+              gate@max[param] <- tfun(gate@max[param])
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return(gate)
+      }
+      # apply named transformations of form `FSC-H`=asinhTrans(`FSC-H`)     
+    } else {
+      coords <- as.matrix(
+        transform(
+          as.data.frame(
+            rbind(
+              min = gate@min,
+              max = gate@max
+            )
+          ),
+          ...
+        )
+      )
+      gate@min <- unlist(coords[1, , drop = TRUE])
+      gate@max <- unlist(coords[2, , drop = TRUE])
+      return(gate)
+    }
+  }
+#' @export
+  "transform",
+  signature = signature(`_data` = "polygonGate"),
+  definition = function(`_data`,
+                        translist, 
+                        ...) {
+    gate <- `_data`
+    if(!(missing(translist))){
+      #check if it is a transformList
+      res <- try(class(translist), silent = TRUE)
+      if(res != "transformList") {
+        err_msg <- attr(res, "condition")[["message"]]
+        err_msg <- paste(
+          err_msg, 
+          "!Please make sure the unnamed argument is a valid 'transformList' object!"
+        )
+        stop(err_msg)
+      } else {
+        params <- unname(parameters(gate))
+        trans_params <- colnames(translist)
+        # transformation required
+        for(param in params) {
+          if(param %in% trans_params) {
+            tfun <- translist@transforms[[param]]@f
+            coords <- gate@boundaries[, param] 
+            coords[!is.infinite(coords)] <- tfun(coords[!is.infinite(coords)])
+            gate@boundaries[, param] <- coords
+          }
+        }
+        return(gate)
+      }
+      # apply named transformations of form `FSC-H`=asinhTrans(`FSC-H`)     
+    } else {
+      gate@boundaries <- as.matrix(
+        transform(
+          as.data.frame(
+            gate@boundaries
+          ),
+          ...
+        )
+      )
+      return(gate)
+    }
+  }
+#' @export
+  "transform",
+  signature = signature(`_data` = "ellipsoidGate"),
+  definition = function(`_data`,
+                        translist, 
+                        ...) {
+    # cannot preserve ellipse geometry after transform -> polygonGate
+    gate <- as(`_data`, "polygonGate")
+    gate <- transform(gate, translist = translist, ...)
+    return(gate)
+  }
+#' @export
+  "transform",
+  signature = signature(`_data` = "quadGate"),
+  definition = function(`_data`,
+                        translist, 
+                        ...) {
+    gate <- `_data`
+    if(!(missing(translist))){
+      #check if it is a transformList
+      res <- try(class(translist), silent = TRUE)
+      if(res != "transformList") {
+        err_msg <- attr(res, "condition")[["message"]]
+        err_msg <- paste(
+          err_msg, 
+          "!Please make sure the unnamed argument is a valid 'transformList' object!"
+        )
+        stop(err_msg)
+      } else {
+        params <- unname(parameters(gate))
+        trans_params <- colnames(translist)
+        # transformation required
+        for(param in params) {
+          if(param %in% trans_params) {
+            tfun <- translist@transforms[[param]]@f
+            if(!is.infinite(gate@boundary[param])) {
+              gate@boundary[param] <- tfun(gate@boundary[param])
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return(gate)
+      }
+      # apply named transformations of form `FSC-H`=asinhTrans(`FSC-H`)     
+    } else {
+      coords <- as.matrix(
+        transform(
+          as.data.frame(
+            rbind(
+              gate@boundary
+            )
+          ),
+          ...
+        )
+      )
+      gate@boundary <- unlist(coords[1, , drop = TRUE])
+      return(gate)
+    }
+  }
+#' @export
+  "transform",
+  signature = signature(`_data` = "filters"),
+  definition = function(`_data`,
+                        translist, 
+                        ...) {
+    # transform each gate in filters list
+    gate <- filters(
+      lapply(
+        unlist(`_data`),
+        function(z) {
+          transform(
+            z,
+            translist = translist,
+            ...
+          )
+        }
+      )
+    )
+    return(gate)
+  }
diff --git a/man/multiRangeGate-class.Rd b/man/multiRangeGate-class.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1efb17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/multiRangeGate-class.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/AllClasses.R
+\title{Multirange Gate class}
+multiRangeGate(ranges, filterId="defaultMultiRangeGate")
+\item{filterId}{An optional parameter that sets the \code{filterId} of this
+gate. The object can later be identified by this name.}
+\item{ranges}{A definition of the gate. This can be a list of min,max ranges
+(see the prototype).}
+Returns a \code{\link{multiRangeGate}} object for use in filtering
+\code{\link{flowFrame}}s or other flow cytometry objects.
+Multirange Gate class
diff --git a/man/transform.Rd b/man/transform.Rd
index 083006b..82b9d2c 100644
--- a/man/transform.Rd
+++ b/man/transform.Rd
@@ -4,28 +4,36 @@
-\title{Transform a flowFrame or flowSet}
+\title{Transform a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object}
 \S4method{transform}{flowFrame}(`_data`, translist, ...)
-\item{_data}{a flowFrame or flowSet object}
+\item{_data}{a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object}
 \item{translist}{a transformList object}
 \item{...}{other arguments. e.g. `FL1-H` = myFunc(`FL1-H`)}
+A transformed flowFrame, flowSet or gate object.
 Similar to the base transform method, this will transform the values of
-a flowFrame or flowSet object according to the transformations specified
+a flowFrame, flowSet or gate object according to the transformations specified
 in one of two ways:
-1. a [transformList][flowCore::transformList-class] or list of [transform][flowCore::transform-class] objects
+1. a \code{transformList} or list of \code{transform} objects
 2. named arguments specifying transformations to be applied to channels (see details)
 To specify the transformations in the second way, the names of these arguments 
 should correspond to the new channel names and the values should be functions applied to
-channels currently present in the flowFrame or flowSet. There are a few examples below.
+channels currently present in the flowFrame, flowSet or gate. There are a few examples below.
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test-gate-transform.R b/tests/testthat/test-gate-transform.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e29c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-gate-transform.R
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+context("transformation of gate co-ordinates")
+# PE inverse transformer with cofactor = 50
+pe_sinh_trans <- function(x, cofactor = 50) {
+  sinh(x) * cofactor
+# APC inverse transformer with cofactor = 100
+apc_sinh_trans <- function(x, cofactor = 100) {
+  sinh(x) * cofactor
+# extract inverse transformers to transformList
+inv_trans <- transformList(
+  c("PE-A", "APC-A"),
+  list(
+    "PE-A" = pe_sinh_trans,
+    "APC-A" = apc_sinh_trans
+  )
+# NOTE: here we create gates on the transformed scale 
+# PE-A range = c(0, 9.26) - asinh(x/50)
+# APC-A range = c(0, 8.56) - asinh(x/100)
+# rectangleGate
+rg <- rectangleGate(
+  "PE-A" = c(4, 6),
+  "APC-A" = c(3.5, 7),
+  filterId = "rect"
+# polygonGate
+pg <- as(rg, "polygonGate")
+# ellipsoidGate
+eg <- ellipsoidGate(
+  .gate = matrix(
+    c(
+      6879, 
+      3612, 
+      3612, 
+      5215
+    ), 
+    ncol=2,
+    dimnames = list(
+      c("PE-A", "APC-A"), 
+      c("PE-A", "APC-A")
+    )
+  ),
+  mean = c(
+    "PE-A" = 4.5,
+    "APC-A" = 4
+  ),
+  filterId = "ellipse"
+# quadGate
+qg <- quadGate(
+  "PE-A" = 4.5,
+  "APC-A" = 4,
+  filterId = "quad"
+# filters - all supported gate types
+gates <- filters(
+  list(
+    "rect" = rg,
+    "poly" = pg,
+    "ellipse" = eg,
+    "quad" = qg
+  )
+# test filters method to cover all gate type tests
+  "transform gate co-ordinates", {
+    # transform to get linear gates
+    gates_inv <- transform(
+      gates,
+      inv_trans
+    )
+    # rectangleGate
+    expect_equal(
+      rbind(
+        gates_inv[["rect"]]@min,
+        gates_inv[["rect"]]@max
+      ),
+      matrix(
+        c(
+          1364.5,
+          1654.3,
+          10085.7,
+          54831.6
+        ),
+        nrow = 2,
+        ncol = 2,
+        byrow = TRUE,
+        dimnames = list(
+          NULL,
+          c("PE-A", "APC-A")
+        )
+      ),
+      tolerance = 0.1
+    )
+    # polygonGate
+    expect_equal(
+      gates_inv[["poly"]]@boundaries,
+      matrix(
+        c(
+          1364.5,  1654.3,
+          10085.7,  1654.3,
+          10085.7, 54831.6,
+          1364.5, 54831.6
+        ),
+        ncol = 2,
+        nrow = 4,
+        byrow = TRUE,
+        dimnames = list(
+          NULL,
+          c("PE-A", "APC-A")
+        )
+      ), 
+      tolerance = 0.1
+    )
+    # ellipsoidGate -> calls polygonGate method -> no need to check coords here
+    expect_is(
+      gates_inv[["ellipse"]],
+      "polygonGate"
+    )
+    # quadGate
+    expect_equal(
+      gates_inv[["quad"]]@boundary,
+      c(
+        "PE-A" = 2250.2,
+        "APC-A" = 2729
+      ),
+      tolerance = 0.1
+    )
+  }
\ No newline at end of file