For immediate purposes:
- getting users in a specific sgi where "sgi10node1" is a variable head node
(can be done from anywhere. no credentials needed)
net group hpc-users-sgi10node1 /domain
- adding or deleting users from a given sgi headnode where "sgi10node1" is a ghead node variable and "test" is a variable user
(has to be done with admin credentials and an admin shell, preferable from the domain controller)
net group hpc-users-sgi10node1 /add test /domain
net group hpc-users-sgi10node1 /delete test /domain
- checking for current jobs running onan sgi where "sgi10node1" is a variable head node
(needs to be done from a powershell cmd window, preferably an hpc powershell cmd window)
add-pssnapin microsoft.hpc
(needed is done from a normal powershell cmd window)
get-hpcjob -scheduler sgi10node1
(can add the parameter "-owner test" where "test" is a user to retrieve jobs by a user)
Application Build Draft
Information Needed (functional requirements):
- # of jobs running on a cluster
- users connected to a cluster
- check for it to be 0 or 1 in case of the sgi's
- check for job owner/user connected correlation
Optional (non functional requirements):
- nice gui
- Ability to write a comprehensive report to a file
- able to choose what cluster(s) to write the report on
- able to browse where to print the report
- Ability to provide credentials at startup
Maybe available on application:
- Ability to cancel jobs
- Ability to add/remove users
- python
-main drive program
- ps1 files
-for powershell scrips when necessary
- AutoIt Compiled executables
- for commands run using credentials provided
- credetntials feeded through command line
- Tmp folder access
- command and script output retireval when not possible to output to python main directly
Research on authentication and credential passing
runas /noprofile /user:domain\user "cmd /k powershell.exe add-pssnapin microsoft.hpc; get-hpcmember -scheduler masternode"
Enter the password for domain\user:
Attempting to start cmd /k powershell.exe add-pssnapin microsoft.hpc; get-hpcmember -scheduler masternode as user "domain\user" ...