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File metadata and controls

101 lines (78 loc) · 6.86 KB


1. What's it?

Proxyman provides a list of handy built-in add-ons that help you to do many common tasks, such as MD5, SHA1 Hashing, Base64 Encode/Decode, Beautify XML, JSON, ....

2. Built-in Addons

You can find sample code for all addons at Addons Snippet Code

Name Description
Base64.js Base64 Encoding/Decode. Support Native atob/btoa function
CamelCase.js Convert text to Camel Case
CryptoJS.js DES, AES, Rabbit encryption/decryption algorithm. A small wrapper of CryptoJS
DateToTimestamp.js Convert String Date to Timestamp
DateToUTC.js Convert String Date to UTC String
DecodeURI.js Decode percent-encoded String
EncodeURI.js Encode to percent-encoded String
FormatCSS.js Beautify CSS String
FormatJSON.js Beautify JSON String
BeautifyJSON.js Convert JSON Obj to beauty JSON String
UglifyJSON.js Convert JSON Obj to ugly JSON String
FormatXML.js Beautify XML String
HelloWorld.js Hello World
Hex2rgb.js Convert #000000 string to RGB string
JsonToQuery.js Convert JSON Objc to Query String
JSONValidator.js Validate JSON String
JWTDecode.js Decode JWT Token
KebabCase.js Conver to Kebab String
MD5.js Hash MD5
MinifyCSS.js Minify CSS String
MinifyJSON.js Minify JSON String
MinifyXML.js Minify XML String
QueryToJson.js Convert Query String to JSON Object
Pako.js Deflate/Inflate and GZip/UnGZip
SHA1.js Hash SHA1
SHA256.js Hash SHA256
SHA512.js Hash SHA512
SnakeCase.js Convert to Snake Case
StartCase.js Convert to Start Case
UUID.js Generate Unique UUID-v4 string

3. How to use addons?

Each addon will export the function that you can import by using the require function

To illustrate, Base64.js addon looks like:

// Base64.js
const Base64 = require('@libs/base64.js');
const { atob } = require("@libs/atob.js");
const { btoa } = require("@libs/btoa.js");

// atob / btoa
// They're equivalent with window.atob and window.btoa

exports.atob = atob;
exports.btoa = btoa;

// Basic Base64
exports.base64Decode = (input) => {
    return Base64.decode(input)

exports.base64Encode = (input) => {
    return Base64.encode(input);

Then, you can use it in the script:

const { atob, btoa } = require("@addons/Base64.js")

function onRequest(context, url, request) {

    // Encode base64 by using the export function
    var text = btoa("Hello World");
    // => SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=

{% hint style="info" %} You can find all addons code at ~/Library/Application\ Support/com.proxyman.NSProxy/addons {% endhint %}

4. Notes

{% hint style="info" %} The require function is not a built-in function from JavascriptCore framework, it's a custom function that Proxyman provides to allows the user to import the addons/libs easily.

Thanks to Ivan Mathy for creating Boop app that facilitates Proxyman's built-in add-ons. {% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Addons folder will be overridden for every new Proxyman Update. Make sure you don't edit the addon. If need to modify, please copy to the users folder {% endhint %}