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Releases: PredictiveEcology/reproducible


18 Aug 15:29
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Known issues:

Version 1.2.10

Dependency changes

  • Drop support for R 3.6 (#230)
  • remove gdalUtilities, gdalUtils, and rgeos from Suggests
  • Added minimum versions of raster and terra, because previous versions were causing collisions.


  • all direct calls to GDAL are removed: only terra and sf are used throughout
  • prepInputs can now take fun as a quoted expression on x, the object loaded by dlFun in preProcess
  • preProcess arg dlFun can now be a quoted expression
  • changes to the internals and outputs of objSize; now is primarily a wrapper around lobstr::obj_size, but has an option to get more detail for lists and environments.
  • .robustDigest now deals explicitly with numerics, which digest differently on different OSs. Namely, they get rounded prior to digesting. Through trial and error, it was found that setting options("reproducible.digestDigits" = 7) was sufficient for all known cases. Rounding to deeper than 7 decimal places was insufficient. There are also new methods for language, integer, data.frame (which does each column one at a time to address the numeric issue)
  • New version of postProcess called postProcessTerra. This will eventually replace postProcess as it is much faster in all cases and simpler code base thanks to the fantastic work of Robert Hijmans (terra) and all the upstream work that terra relies on
  • Minor message updates, especially for "adding to memoised copy...". The three dots made it seem like it was taking a long time. When in reality, it is instantaneous and is the last thing that happens in the Cache call. If there is a delay after this message, then it is the code following the Cache call that is (silently) slow.
  • retry can now return a named list for the exprBetween, which allows for more than one object to be modified between retries.

Bug fixes

  • .robustDigest was removing Cache attributes from objects under many conditions, when it should have left them there. It is unclear what the issues were, as this would likely not have impacted Cache. Now these attributes are left on.
  • data.table objects appear to not be recovered correctly from disk (e.g., from Cache repository. We have added data.table::copy when recovering from Cache repository
  • clearCache and cc did not correctly remove file-backed raster files (when not clearing whole CacheRepo); this may have resulted in a proliferation of files, each a filename with an underscore and a new higher number. This fix should eliminate this problem.
  • deal with development versions of GDAL in getGDALVersion() (#239)
  • fix issue with maskInputs() when not passing rasterToMatch.
  • fix issue with isna.SpatialFix when using postProcess.quosure


05 Nov 17:29
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Known issues:

Version 1.2.8

Dependency changes

  • lwgeom now a suggested package


  • terra class objects can now be correctly saved and recovered by Cache
  • fixErrors can now distinguish testValidity = NA meaning don't fix errors and testValidity = FALSE run buffering which fixes many errors, but don't test whether there are any invalid polygons first (maybe slow), or testValidity = TRUE meaning test for validity, then if some are invalid, then run buffer.
  • Change default option to reproducible.useNewDigestAlgorithm = 2 which will have user visible changes. To keep old behaviour, set options(reproducible.useNewDigestAlgorithm = 1)
  • minor changes to messaging when options(reproducible.showSimilar) is set. It is now more compact e.g., 3 lines instead of 5.
  • added sf methods to studyAreaName

Bug fixes

  • A small, but very impactful bug that created false positive Cache returns; i.e., a 2nd time through a Cache would return a cached copy, when some of the arguments were different. It occurred for when the differences were in unnamed arguments only.


31 May 16:59
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Known issues:

Version 1.2.7

reproducible will be slowly changing the defaults for vector GIS datasets from the sp package to the sf package.
There is a large user-visible change that will come (in the next release), which will cause prepInputs to read .shp files with sf::st_read instead of raster::shapefile, as it is much faster. To change now, set options("reproducible.shapefileRead" = "sf::st_read")


  • default fun in prepInputs for shapefiles (.shp) is now sf::st_read if the system has sf installed. This can be overridden with options("reproducible.shapefileRead" = "raster::shapefile"), and this is indicated with a message at the moment this is occurring, as it will cause different behaviour.
  • quick argument in Cache can now be a character vector, allowing individual character arguments to be digested as character vectors and others to be digested as files located at the specified path as represented by the character vector.
  • objSize previously included objects in namespaces, baseenv and emptyenv, so it was generally too large. Now uses the same criteria as pryr::object_size
  • improvements with messaging when unzip missing (thanks to C. Barros #202)
  • while unzipping, will also search for 7z.exe on Windows if the object is larger than 2GB, if can't find unzip.
  • fun argument in prepInputs and family can now be a quoted expression.
  • archive argument in prepInputs can now be NA which means to treat the file downloaded not as an archive, even if it has a .zip file extension
  • many minor improvements to functioning of esp. prepInputs
  • speed improvements during postProcess especially for very large objects (>5GB tested). Previously, it was running many fixErrors calls; now only calls fixErrors on fail of the proximate call (e.g., st_crop or whatever)
  • retry now has a new argument exprBetween to allow for doing something after the fail (for example, if an operation fails, e.g., st_crop, then run fixErrors, then return back to st_crop for the retry)
  • Cache now has MUCH better nested levels detection, with messaging... and control of how deep the Caching goes seems good, via useCache = 2 will only Cache 2 levels in...
  • archive argument in prepInputs family can now be NA ... meaning do not try to unzip even if it is a .zip file or other standard archive extension
  • files (e.g., a file with a .zip extension, but that should not be opened with an unzip-type program) can now be opened with prepInputs(url = "whateverUrl", archive = NA, fun = "sf::st_read")
  • fun argument in prepInputs can now be a quoted function call.
  • preProcess now does a better job with large archives that can't be correctly handled with the default zip and unzip with R, by trying system2 calls to possible 7z.exe or other options on Linux-alikes.

Bug fixes

  • Copy generic no longer has fileBackedDir argument. It is now passed through with the .... This was creating a bug with some cases where fileBackedDir was not being correctly executed.
  • fixErrors() now better handles sf polygons with mixed geometries that include points.
  • inadvertent deleting of file-backed rasters in multi-filed stacks during Cache
  • writeOutputs.Raster attempted to change datatype of Raster class objects using the setReplacement dataType<-, without subsequently writing to disk via writeRaster. This created bad values in the Raster* object. This now performs a writeRaster if there is a datatype passed to writeOutputs e.g., through prepInputs or postProcess.
  • updateSlotFilename has many more tests.
  • prepInputs(..., fun = NA) now is the correct specification for "do not load object into R". This essentially replicates preProcess with same arguments.
  • several minor bugfixes
  • Copy did not correctly copy RasterStacks when some of the RasterLayer objects were in memory, some on disk; raster::fromDisk returned FALSE in those cases, so Copy didn't occur on the file-backed layer files. Using Filenames instead to determine if there are any files that need copying.


17 Feb 17:44
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Known issues:

version 1.2.6


  • Optional (and may be default soon) -- An update to the internal digesting for file-backed Rasters that should be substantially faster, and smaller disk footprint. Set using options("reproducible.useNewDigestAlgorithm" = 2)
  • changed default of options("reproducible.polygonShortcut" = FALSE) as there were still too many edge cases that were not covered.

Bug fix

  • RasterStack objects with a single file (thus acting like a RasterBrick) are now handled correctly by Cache and prepInputs families, especially with new options("reproducible.useNewDigestAlgorithm" = 2), though in tests, it worked with default also
  • Fix issue #185, RSQLite now uses a RNG during dbAppend; this affected 2 tests.


18 Aug 19:20
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Known issues:

version 1.2.1

New features

  • harmonized message colours that are use adjustable via options: reproducible.messageColourPrepInputs for all prepInputs functions; reproducible.messageColourCache for all Cache functions; and reproducible.messageColourQuestion for questions that require user input. Defaults are cyan, blue and green respectively. These are user-visible colour changes.
  • improved messaging for Cache cases where a is used instead of saving.
  • with improved messaging, now options(reproducible.verbose = 0) will turn off almost all messaging.
  • postProcess and family now have filename2 = NULL as the default, so not saved to disk. This is a change.
  • verbose is now an argument throughout, whose default is getOption(reproducible.verbose), which is set by default to 1. Thus, individual function calls can be more or less verbose, or the whole session via option.

Bug fixes

  • RasterStack objects were not correctly saved to disk under some conditions in postProcess - fixed
  • several minor


20 May 16:21
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Known issues:

version 1.1.1

New features

  • none

Dependency changes

  • none

bug fixes

  • fix CRAN test failure when does not succeed.


15 May 16:06
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Known issues:

version 1.1.0

New features

  • begin to accommodate changes in GDAL/PROJ and associated updates to other spatial packages.
    More updates are expected as other spatial packages (namely raster) are updated.
  • can now change options('reproducible.cacheSaveFormat') on the fly; cache will look for the file by cacheId and write it using options('reproducible.cacheSaveFormat').
    If it is in another format, Cache will load it and resave it with the new format. Experimental still.
  • new Copy methods for refClass objects, SQLite and moved environment method into ANY as it would be dispatched for unknown classes that inherit from environment, of which there are many and this should be intercepted
  • Require can now handle minimum version numbers, e.g., Require("bit (>=1.1-15.2)"); this can be worked into downstream tools. Still experimental.
  • Cache will do or file.symlink if an existing Cache entry with identical output exists and it is large (currently 1e6 bytes); this will save disk space.
  • Cache database now has tags for elapsed time of "digest", "original call", and "subsequent recovery from file", elapsedTimeDigest, elapsedTimeFirstRun, and elapsedTimeLoad, respectively.
  • Better management of temporary files in package and tests, e.g., during downloading (preProcess). Includes 2 new functions, tempdir2 and tempfile2 for use with reproducible package
  • New option: reproducible.tempPath, which is used for the new control of temporary files. Defaults to file.path(tempdir(), "reproducible"). This feature was requested to help manage large amounts of temporary objects that were not being easily and automatically cleaned
  • Copying or moving of Cache directories now works automatically if using default drv and conn; user may need to manually call movedCache if cache is not responding correctly.
    File-backed Rasters are automatically updated with new paths.
  • Cache now treats file-backed Rasters as though they had a relative path instead of their absolute path.
    This means that Cache directories can be copied from one location to another and the file-backed Raster* will have their filenames updated on the fly during a Cache recovery.
    User doesn't need to do anything.
  • postProcess now will perform simple tests and skip cropInputs and projectInputs with a message if it can, rather than using Cache to "skip". This should speed up postProcess in many cases.
  • messaging with Cache has change. Now, cacheId is shown in all cases, making it easier to identify specific items in the cache.
  • Automatically cleanup temporary (intermediate) raster files (with #110).

Dependency changes

  • none

bug fixes

  • Copy only creates a temporary directory for filebacked rasters; previously any Copy command was creating a temporary directory, regardless of whether it was needed
  • cropInputs.spatialObjects had a bug when object was a large non-Raster class.
  • cropInputs may have failed due to "self intersection" error when x was a SpatialPolygons* object; now catches error, runs fixErrors and retries crop.
    Great reprex by @tati-micheletti. Fixed in commit 89e652ef111af7de91a17a613c66312c1b848847 .
  • Filenames bugfix related to RasterBrick
  • prepInputs does a better job of keeping all temporary files in a temporary folder; and cleans up after itself better.
  • prepInputs now will not show message that it is loading object into R if fun = NULL (#135).


20 Feb 18:43
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Known issues:

version 1.0.0

New features

  • This version is not backwards-compatible out of the box. To maintain backwards compatibility, set: options("reproducible.useDBI" = FALSE)
  • A new backend was introduced that uses DBI package directly, without archivist. This has much improved speed.
  • New option: options("reproducible.cacheSaveFormat"). This can be either rds (default) or qs. All cached objects will be saved with this format. Previously it was rda.
  • Cache objects can now be saved with with qs::qsave. In many cases, this has much improved speed and file sizes compared to rds; however, testing across a wide range of conditions will occur before it becomes the default.
  • Changed default behaviour for memoising ... because Cache is now much faster, the default is to turn memoising off, via options("reproducible.useMemoise" = FALSE).
    In cases of large objects, memoising should still be faster, so user can still activate it, setting the option to TRUE.
  • Much better SQLite database handling for concurrent write attempts.
    Tested with dozens of write attempts per second by 3 cores with abundant locked database occurrences.
  • postProcess arg useGDAL can now take "force" as the default behaviour is to not use GDAL if the problem can fit into RAM and sf or raster tools will be faster than GDAL tools
  • useCloud argument in Cache and family has slightly modified functionality (see ?Cache new section useCloud) and now has more tests including edge cases, such as useCloud = TRUE, useCache = 'overwrite'. The cloud version now will also follow the "overwrite" command.

Dependency changes

  • deprecating archivist; moved to Suggests.
  • removed imports for bitops, dplyr, fasterize, flock, git2r, lubridate, RcppArmadillo, RCurl and tidyselect. Some of these went to Suggests.

bug fixes

  • postProcess calls that use GDAL made more robust (including #93).
  • Several minor, edge cases were detected and fixed.


12 Sep 16:11
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Known issues:

version 0.2.10

Dependency changes

  • made compatible with googledrive v 1.0.0 (#119)

New features

  • pkgDep2, a new convenience function to get the dependencies of the "first order" dependencies.
  • useCache, used in many functions (incl Cache, postProcess) can now be numeric, a qualitative indicator of "how deep" nested Cache calls should set useCache = TRUE -- implemented as 1 or 2 in postProcess currently. See ?Cache

bug fixes

  • pkgDep was becoming unreliable for unknown reasons. It has been reimplemented, much faster, without memoising. The speed gains should be immediately noticeable (6 second to 0.1 second for pkgDep("reproducible"))
  • improved retry to use exponential backoff when attempting to access online resources (#121)


05 Sep 17:00
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Known issues:

version 0.2.9

New features

  • Cache has 2 new arguments, useCloud and cloudFolderID. This is a new approach to cloud caching. It has been tested with file backed RasterLayer, RasterStack and RasterBrick and all normal R objects. It will not work for any other class of disk-backed files, e.g., ff or bigmatrix, nor is it likely to work for R6 class objects.
  • Slowly deprecating cloudCache and family of functions in favour of a new approach using arguments to Cache, i.e., useCache and cloudFolderID
  • downloadData from GoogleDrive now protects against HTTP2 error by capturing error and retrying. This is a curl issue for interrupted connections.

Bug fixes

  • fixes for rcnst errors on R-devel, tested using devtools::check(env_vars = list("R_COMPILE_PKGS"=1, "R_JIT_STRATEGY"=4, "R_CHECK_CONSTANTS"=5))
  • other minor impovements, included fixes for #115