kernel.dist* |
Kaphi |
The kernel distance between two trees. |
nLTT |
Kaphi |
Does not currently work |
sackin |
Kaphi |
Sackin index. |
colless |
Kaphi |
Colless imbalance number. |
cophenetic.index |
Kaphi |
Cophenetic index. |
ladder.length |
Kaphi |
Max ladder length. |
IL.nodes |
Kaphi |
Number of internal nodes with one leaf. |
tree.width |
Kaphi |
Max width divided by max depth. | |
Kaphi |
Max difference in in width between two levels. |
n.cherries |
Kaphi |
Number of cherries(node with two leaves). |
prop.unbalanced |
Kaphi |
Proportion of unbalanced subtrees. |
avg.unbalance |
Kaphi |
Average ratio of unbalanced subtrees. |
pybus.gamma |
Kaphi |
Pybus' gamma statistic |
internal.terminal.ratio |
Kaphi |
Ratio of internal to terminal branches. |
cophenetic.phylo.met |
Kaphi |
Wrapper of ape::cophenetic.phylo , computes pairwise distances between the pairs of tips from a phylogenetic tree using its branch lengths. |
dist.nodes.met |
Kaphi |
Wrapper of ape::dist.nodes , similar to cophenetic.phylo , but includes internal nodes. |
dist.topo |
ape |
Topological distance between two trees using the method from Penny & Hendy (1985). |
avgladder |
phyloTop |
Mean size of ladders in the tree. |
getDepths.met |
Kaphi |
Wrapper of phyloTop::getDepths , originally returns a list of two vectors: tipDepths and nodeDepths , but given metric will output non-scalar values of type 'tips' or type 'nodes' specified by user. |
pitchforks |
phyloTop |
Number of clades with three tips. |
RF.dist |
phangorn |
Robinson-Foulds distance: number of clades not shared. |
KF.dist |
phangorn |
RF with branch lengths: sums of differences in branch lengths. |
path.dist |
phangorn |
Path distance metric: nodal distance ("NODE") with k=2. |
Trip |
Kaphi |
Critchlow et al. (1996), Proportion of triplets not shared between trees. |
TripL |
Kaphi |
Kuhner & Yamato (2014), Trip distance using branch lengths |
Kaphi |
Gordon (1980), Number of tips in the Maximum Agreement SubTree of given subtrees. |
Align |
Kaphi |
Nye et al. (2006), Calculates dissimilarity of of all one-to-one mapping of branches between 2 trees and determines most optimal mapping of branches |
Sim |
Kaphi |
Hein et al. (2005), Similiarity measure based on the probability that a point chosen randomly in A will be on a branch leading to the same set of tips as a point randomly chosen in B |
Node.dist |
Kaphi |
Williams & Clifford (1971), Number of nodes traversed in mainimal path from one tip to another in trees A and B |