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Workshop 12 - Create a web application with GraphQL and Apollo

✔️ Learn GraphQL API concept

✔️ Interact with a GraphQL API

✔️ Define your own GraphQL schema

✔️ Build a basic GraphQL API

✔️ Use GraphQL in a React application

Step 0 - Initialization

All the required information to start this workshop can be found in


Last week, your best friend told you about a great technology that allows you to create an API in just a few lines without going through the traditional architecture: GraphQL APIs.
Thanks to this technology, he had fun on the public API of the World Map to make a small site about the different continents and countries.
Curious by nature and looking for something new, you decide to set up your little online store project with this new technology.

Step 1 - Welcome to GraphQl Playground

Your first reflex is to try the World Map API to play with GraphQL and understand its concepts.

Let's do some queries to retrieve data:

  • Retrieve all continents' code, name and all their countries' code, name and capital.
  • Retrieve the code, name, currency and its states' code and name of the country with FR code.


Step 2 - Hello Apollo

It's time to try GraphQL, the simplest and most popular library is Apollo server.

Setup backend

Create a folder named backend to develop your API. Download the source and extract it in the backend folder.

Your directory should have the following structure:

├── prisma
│   └── schema.prisma # Database
├── src
│   ├── context.ts # Integrate database to API Context
│   ├── feeds
│   │   └── feed.ts # Feed database
│   ├── helpers
│   │   └── Errors.ts # Apollo custom errors
│   ├── resolver # All resolvers (queries and mutations)
│   │   ├── Categories
│   │   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   │   ├── mutations.ts
│   │   │   └── queries.ts
│   │   ├── Hello
│   │   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   │   ├── mutations.ts
│   │   │   └── queries.ts
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   └── Products
│   │       ├── index.ts
│   │       ├── mutations.ts
│   │       └── queries.ts
│   ├── schema
│   │   └── schema.graphql # GraphQL schema
│   ├── schema.ts # Compute schema and resolver
│   └── server.ts # Apollo Server
├── .gitignore # Tells git which files (or patterns) it should ignored
├── package.json # Package manager
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript configuration
└── yarn.lock # Dependencies file

To start the project, execute the following commands:

With yarn

yarn # Install dependencies
yarn migrate # Init database and prisma client
yarn dev # Start server in developer mode

With npm

npm install # Install dependencies
npm run migrate # Init database and prisma client
npm run dev # Start server in developer mode

Go to http://localhost:5000 to reach the local playground of your API.

Basics functions

We will start with some basic function to warm up, let's write:

  • a query named hello that returns the string "Hello World"
  • a query named personalHello that takes a string as parameter and returns: "Hello " + the parameter
  • a mutation named add that takes two numbers as parameters and returns the additive

First, you must modify the schema in src/schema/schema.graphql to define your query and mutation.

Then you can define your queries and mutation in src/resolver/Hello/ folder.

💡 You can auto feed your database through the yarn feed.


Step 3 - Schema

Warm up is finished. It's time to create the schema that define our API.

The database schema is already defined in prisma/schema.prisma.

First, you must modify src/schema/schema.graphql to implement two new types:

  • Category that has the same fields as model Category in schema.prisma.
  • Product that has the same fields as model Product in schema.prisma.

Then, create resolvers that can read of Category and Product:

  • a query categories that return all categories
  • a query category takes an id as parameter and returns the category.
  • a query products that return all products
  • a query product takes an id as parameter and returns the product.

💡 You can add comments that will be displayed in the playground with ".

You can now write resolvers in src/resolver/Categories and src/resolver/Products.


Step 4 - CRUD

Now that you have queries to read data, it's time to modify our products and categories.

In src/schema/schema.graphql:

Create two input that defines arguments for mutation:

  • CategoryInput: input fields for a new category
  • ProductInput: input fields for a new product

💡 Don't forget to add fields from relation to allow connection between entities.

Add the following Mutation in src/schema/schema.graphql:

  • createProduct that takes an input of type ProductInput as parameter and returns the product created in the database.
  • updateProduct that takes an id and an input of type ProductInput as parameters and returns the product updated in the database.
  • deleteProduct that takes an id as parameter and returns the product deleted from the database.
  • createCategory that takes an input of type CategoryInput as parameter and returns the category created in the database.
  • updateCategory that takes an id and an input of type CategoryInput as parameters and returns the category updated in the database.
  • deleteCategory that takes an id as parameter and returns the category deleted from the database.

💡 Don't forget to write documentation for your mutation and queries with commentaries

Your schema is defined, you can now write resolvers in src/resolver/Categories and src/resolver/Products.

In case of errors (e.g: a negative product price): you should use custom Apollo errors defined in src/helpers/Errors.ts.


Step 5 - Integration with Apollo Client

Now that you have finished your API, it's time to develop your web application.

Go back to the root of the workshop's folder and create a new folder fronted. Download the source and extract it in the frontend folder.

Your directory should have the following structure:

├── public # Public directory with not important stuff
├── src
│   ├── api # API connection and types definition
│   │   ├── client.ts
│   │   └── Entities.ts
|   ├── app
│   │   ├── App.css
│   │   └── App.tsx # App root
|   ├── components
│   │   └── AppBar.tsx # Top Bar
│   ├── index.css
│   ├── index.tsx # Index
│   └── react-app-env.d.ts
├── .gitignore # Tells git which files (or patterns) it should ignored
├── package.json # Package manager
├── # Default when creating a React App
├── tsconfig.json # Typescript config
└── yarn.lock # Dependencies lock

To start the project, execute the following commands:

yarn # Install dependencies
yarn start # Start server in developer mode

The objective is to have a simple front with a menu that shows the list of all products. Here is an example made with the material UI library:

Menu maquette

Create a new component ProductsList that lists all products existing in the database. To do it, you must use useQuery Apollo hook and React.

If you are not familiar to react, take a loot at this documentation.



You know how to create a GraphQL and interact with it from frontend through the apolloClient.

You should now implement more functionalities like:

  • User management
  • Button and forms to add products
  • Page Routing
  • A button to delete and update products
  • A button to sell and add products

To go further


Tom Chauveau


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