- The tests works on OS/X. Should work in Linux. May work in Windows with Cygwin
- Geth/v1.6.0-stable-facc47cb/darwin-amd64/go1.8.1
- Solc 0.4.9+commit.364da425.Darwin.appleclang
in dev mode./00_runGeth.sh
Run the test in 01_test1.sh
See test1results.txt for the results and test1output.txt for the full output.
- Test 1 Before The Crowdsale
- Test 1.1 Deploy Token Contract
- Test 1.2 Add Precommitments, Change The tokensPerKEther Rate From 343,734 To 1,000,000 And Change Wallet
- Test 2 During The Crowdsale
- Test 2.1 Buy tokens
- Test 3 Cannot Move Tokens Without Finalising
- Test 4 Finalising
- Test 5 KYC Verify
- Test 6.1 Move Tokens After Finalising
- The tests were conducted using bash shell scripts running Geth/v1.6.5-stable-cf87713d/darwin-amd64/go1.8.3 JavaScript commands
- The smart contracts were compiled using Solidity 0.4.11+commit.68ef5810.Darwin.appleclang
- The test script can be found in 01_test1.sh
- The test results can be found in test1results.txt with details in test1output.txt
- The test can be run on OS/X, should run on Linux and may run on Windows with Cygwin
- The genesis.json allocates ethers to the test accounts, and specifies a high block gas limit to accommodate many transactions in the same block
- The 00_runGeth.sh scripts starts
with the parameter--targetgaslimit 994712388
to keep the high block gas limit - The reasons for using the test environment as listed above, instead of truffles/testrpc are:
- The test are conducted using the actual blockchain client software as is running on Mainnet and not just a mock environment like testrpc
- It is easy to change parameters like dates, addresses or blocknumbers using the Unix search/replace tools
- There have been issues in the part with version incompatibility between testrpc and solidity, i.e., version mismatches
- The intermediate and key results are all saved to later viewing