On 25th November, we conducted a discussion and talk event with around 10 industry AI practitioners. It was on Understanding LLM Economics. Out of the Setu office. Here are some learnings based on this first event.
Learnings Our friends at LXD Lab have created tools we should keep in mind to design a good learning experience event. Read them here.
- Be more explicit on your background. Define the question. Make a cohort.
- Engaging events are important. Don't take Always have someone who seeds questions going forward
- Ensure you have twice the registrations as you need for the invitation. i.e. Assume on averge a 50% drop-off for people in attending the event after registering.
- Start with the WHO. Answer the following questions for your learner:
- Who are you designing for? Why are they the right audience for you?
- What do you know about your learners' core needs and wants?
- How can you assess the current skill levels of a learner?
- Then get to the WHAT. Answer the following questions for your program:
- What are the specific learning objectives and outcomes we want to achieve?
- What curriculum, content, and resources will best support the learning objectives?
- What should be the scope, sequence, and complexity of the content that is covered?
- How might the learners use this curriculum in their current context?
- And finally, come to the HOW. Answer the following questions about your methodology:
- How might we personalise the experience for each learner?
- How might we promote active learning techniques?
- How might we integrate usage of interactive elements and rich media effectively?
- How might we create tight feedback loops for visibility and progress?
- Host.
- Facilitator.
- Organiser.
- Event Organising Comms Lead.
- Comms Head.
Event Checklist v0.3
- Speaker is informed and double confirmed on the venue
- Venue is decided, open & has someone to assist with security and logistics
- F&B is planned for
- All the equipment checks
- Seating arrangement
- Recording & Photography owners are defined
- Poster in ground floor/entrance of venue pointing to exact venue location.
- Emails for pre-event and post-event are edited and scheduled.
- Every event to have WhatsApp and numbers collected
- Have very clear owners. Very clear roles at a job description level. Who will order etc.
30-60 mins before the event starts
- Always leave time to people to talk to each other. A mixer.
- Ensure you have the essentials of food, coffee, water, glasses, ready before the event kicks-off.
- Ensure the AC/fan/lighting is working as expected in the room.
- Ensure the speaker and display connections are setup and working fine.
- Ensure that the note-taking and recording including mics are testing and working fine.
- Reach out to the speaker and guests and check who all is unable to make it.
- Who greets when people come in - HARSHA
- LUMA Check-in everyone coming in for CRM - HARSHA
- Who ends the session and next steps etc.
- Write down names of every person that attended in the CMS. Were they active. What is the NPS, etc.
- Call each of them. Do they want to present, invite people. Have them feel ownership.
- Asif to add to CRM through Make Automation.
- Clear Call to Action in Survey, add you to our newsletter, cross pollinating, talk about volunteer call list or OCC etc.
- Vote on next event interests/questions.
- Send the form right away. Schedule an email and keep right after with goodies
- Survey: What did you gain out of this?
- Do maybe product breakdowns etc.
Immediate Next Steps • Figure out a roster of speakers. Ideally every 2 weeks • Do follow up calls. Do they want to present, invite people. Have them feel ownership • Cohortise the users - run experiments domain wise (showcases and deep dives) • Add lxd labs resources