- What is SHADOW
- Download
- Source files
- Building SHADOW
- Other info
- Contact
SHADOW is an open source ray tracing code for modeling optical systems.
Targeted to synchrotron radiation beamlines, it has unique features for designing X-ray optical systems.
For more info, please read this paper (open access):
SHADOW3: a new version of the synchrotron X-ray optics modelling package M. Sanchez del Rio, N. Canestrari, F. Jiang and F. Cerrina Journal of Synchrotron Radiation Volume 18, Part 5 (September 2011) http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049511026306
If you are (or want to be) a SHADOW user, it is recommended that you use a user interface. We strongly recommend OASYS (https://www.elettra.eu/oasys.html).
SHADOW3 sources are downloaded using git:
git clone https://github.com/oasys-kit/shadow3
Other SHADOW web resources:
shadow3 binary distributions (not updated):
- shadow3: ftp://ftp.esrf.fr/pub/scisoft/shadow3/
- shadow2: ftp://ftp.esrf.fr/pub/scisoft/shadow/ ( - obsoleted - )
- Shadow Primer (for using shadow3 in command mode) http://ftp.esrf.eu/pub/scisoft/shadow3/Shadow3Primer.pdf
SHADOW user interfaces:
ShadowOui: Pretty fancy and new interface under OASYS (http://www.elettra.eu/oasys.html): https://github.com/oasys-kit/shadowoui
ShadowVui: The traditional IDL-based interface working under XOP 2.4 and 2.3 --- xop2.4: https://www1.aps.anl.gov/Science/Scientific-Software/XOP --- xop2.3: http://ftp.esrf.fr/pub/scisoft/xop2.3/
Official reference: http://dx.doi.org/10.1107/S0909049511026306
in shadow3/src: fortran, C and other sources
in Shadow: python sources
in docs: README files:
- source.nml (description of the source variables, as in start.00)
- oe.nml (description of the optical element variables, as in start.01)
in data: data files:
- PRELIB1.DAT and PRELIB2.DAT (data file containg the oprical library)
cd src
# Check (edit) the Makefile if you need to redefine compilers etc.
# The use of Makefile is documented in its header. Basically:
make : builds shadow3 the main program
make all : builds shadow3, libraries, etc
make install : installation (see Makefile)
python API:
in shadow3 directory, use the standard python setup:
python3 setup.py build
pip install .
For python users, some wheels are available:
- in the official http://pypi.org:
pip install shadow3
- in the http://ftp.esrf.eu/pub/scisoft/shadow3/wheels directory.
SHADOW is currently maintained by Manuel Sanchez del Rio ([email protected])