An important mechanism for creating robust, complex simulations is the
input data set. Input data sets specify the population of individuals to
simulate, including the number of individuals, each individual’s dosing
interventions, each individual’s covariate values etc. The input data
set is just a plain old R
, but with some expectations
about which columns are present and expectations for how to handle
columns for certain names. For example, every input data set has to have
an ID
, time
, and cmt
column. Note that either lower case names
(like time
and cmt
) are acceptable as are upper case names (like
and CMT
). But users are not to mix upper and lower case names
(like time
and CMT
) for certain column names related to dosing
events. The help topic ?data_set
discusses more about what the
expectations are for input data sets.
provides several functions and workflows to help you put
together the right input data set for your simulation. The main point of
this blog post is to review some of these functions to help you better
organize your mrgsolve
simulations. Some functions are very simple and
you might not find a function to do exactly what you want to do. But
we’ve found these functions to be helpful to accomplish tasks that we
found ourselves repeating over and over … and thus these tasks were
formalized in a function. Just keep in mind that input data sets are
just data.frames
… you can use any code or any function (even your
own!) to do tasks similar to what these functions are doing.
is like expand.grid
: it creates a single data.frame
all combinations of it’s vector arguments. It’s pretty simple but
convenient to have. For example,
data <- expand.ev(amt=c(100,200,300), ID=1:3)
. ID amt evid cmt time
. 1 1 100 1 1 0
. 2 2 200 1 1 0
. 3 3 300 1 1 0
. 4 4 100 1 1 0
. 5 5 200 1 1 0
. 6 6 300 1 1 0
. 7 7 100 1 1 0
. 8 8 200 1 1 0
. 9 9 300 1 1 0
This function call gives us 3 individuals at each of 3 doses. The
nature of expand.ev
is what gives us 3x3=9
rows in the
data set. Notice that the IDs
are now 1 through 9 … expand.ev
renumbers IDs
so that there is only one dosing event per row and there
is on row per ID
Also notice that time
defaults to 0, evid
defaults to 1, and cmt
defaults to 1. So, expand.ev
fills in some of the required columns for
Let’s simulate with this data set:
mod <- mrgsolve:::house() %>% Req(CP)
mod %>%
mrgsim(data=data) %>%
This function allows you to combine several event objects into a single data sets. An example works best to illustrate.
First, create three event objects. Let’s try one ID
at 100 mg, two
at 200 mg, and 3 IDs
at 300 mg.
e1 <- ev(amt=100, ID=1)
e2 <- ev(amt=200, ID=1:2)
e3 <- ev(amt=300, ID=1:3)
The events are
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid
. 1 1 0 1 100 1
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid
. 1 1 0 1 200 1
. 2 2 0 1 200 1
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid
. 1 1 0 1 300 1
. 2 2 0 1 300 1
. 3 3 0 1 300 1
When we combine these events with as_data_set
we get
data <- as_data_set(e1,e2,e3)
. ID time cmt evid amt
. 1 1 0 1 1 100
. 2 2 0 1 1 200
. 3 3 0 1 1 200
. 4 4 0 1 1 300
. 5 5 0 1 1 300
. 6 6 0 1 1 300
A nice feature of as_data_set
is, unlike expand.ev
and the previous
example, we can use complicated event sequences that are expressed with
more than one line in the data set. For example, consider the case where
every ID
gets a 250 mg loading dose, and then either get 250 mg q24h,
or 120 mg q12h or 500 mg q48h.
load <- function(n) ev(amt=250, ID=1:n)
e1 <- load(1) + ev(amt=250, time=24, ii=24, addl=3, ID=1)
e2 <- load(2) + ev(amt=125, time=24, ii=12, addl=7, ID=1:2)
e3 <- load(3) + ev(amt=500, time=24, ii=48, addl=1, ID=1:3)
Now, e1
, e2
, and e3
are more complex
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 2 1 24 1 250 1 24 3
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 4 1 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 2 2 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 5 2 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 3 3 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 6 3 24 1 500 1 48 1
But, we can still pull them together in one single data set
data <- as_data_set(e1,e2,e3)
. ID time cmt evid amt ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 2 1 24 1 1 250 24 3
. 3 2 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 4 2 24 1 1 125 12 7
. 5 3 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 6 3 24 1 1 125 12 7
. 7 4 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 8 4 24 1 1 500 48 1
. 9 5 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 10 5 24 1 1 500 48 1
. 11 6 0 1 1 250 0 0
. 12 6 24 1 1 500 48 1
An example simulation
mod %>%
omat(dmat(1,1,1,1)/10) %>%
data_set(data) %>%
mrgsim() %>%
Just a quick reminder here that you can easily convert between a single
event object and a data.frame
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 4 1 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 2 2 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 5 2 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 3 3 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 6 3 24 1 500 1 48 1
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 4 1 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 2 2 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 5 2 24 1 500 1 48 1
. 3 3 0 1 250 1 0 0
. 6 3 24 1 500 1 48 1
So if you were building up an event object and just wanted to use it as
a data_set
or as a building block for a data_set
, just coerce with
This function assigns an intervention in the form of an event object to
individuals in an idata_set
according to a grouping column.
To illustrate, make a simple idata_set
idata <- data_frame(ID=sample(1:6), arm=c(1,2,2,3,3,3))
. Warning: `data_frame()` is deprecated, use `tibble()`.
. This warning is displayed once per session.
. # A tibble: 6 x 2
. ID arm
. <int> <dbl>
. 1 4 1
. 2 2 2
. 3 3 2
. 4 6 3
. 5 5 3
. 6 1 3
Here, we have 6 IDs
, one in arm 1, two in arm 2, three in arm 3. Let’s
take the events from the previous example and assign them to the
different arms.
e1 <- ev(amt=250) + ev(amt=250, time=24, ii=24, addl=3)
e2 <- ev(amt=250) + ev(amt=125, time=24, ii=12, addl=7)
e3 <- ev(amt=250) + ev(amt=500, time=24, ii=48, addl=1)
. time cmt amt evid ii addl ID
. 1 0 1 250 1 0 0 4
. 2 24 1 500 1 48 1 4
. 3 0 1 250 1 0 0 2
. 4 24 1 125 1 12 7 2
. 5 0 1 250 1 0 0 3
. 6 24 1 125 1 12 7 3
. 7 0 1 250 1 0 0 6
. 8 24 1 250 1 24 3 6
. 9 0 1 250 1 0 0 5
. 10 24 1 250 1 24 3 5
. 11 0 1 250 1 0 0 1
. 12 24 1 250 1 24 3 1
Please look carefully at the input (idata
and list(e3,e2,e1)
); I
have mixed it up a bit here to try to illustrate how things are
This is a recently-added function (hint: you might need to install the latest version from GitHub to use this) that lets you schedule certain events on certain days of the week, repeating in a weekly cycle.
For example, to schedule 250 mg doses every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a month, you can do
data <- ev_days(ev(amt=250, ID=1), days="m,w,f", addl=3)
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 250 1 168 3
. 2 1 48 1 250 1 168 3
. 3 1 96 1 250 1 168 3
mod %>% mrgsim(data=data,end=168*4) %>% plot
Or, you can do 100 mg doses on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and 50 mg doses on Tuesday, Thursday, with drug holiday on weekends
e1 <- ev(amt=100,ID=1)
e2 <- ev(amt=50,ID=1)
data <- ev_days(m=e1,w=e1,f=e1,t=e2,th=e2,addl=3)
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 100 1 168 3
. 2 1 24 1 50 1 168 3
. 3 1 48 1 100 1 168 3
. 4 1 72 1 50 1 168 3
. 5 1 96 1 100 1 168 3
And simulate
mod %>% mrgsim(data=data,end=168*4) %>% plot
The same thing can be accomplished like this
a <- ev_days(e1,days="m,w,f",addl=3)
b <- ev_days(e2,days="t,th",addl=3)
. Events:
. ID time cmt amt evid ii addl
. 1 1 0 1 100 1 168 3
. 4 1 24 1 50 1 168 3
. 2 1 48 1 100 1 168 3
. 5 1 72 1 50 1 168 3
. 3 1 96 1 100 1 168 3
You can use this as an event object or just coerce to data.frame
use as a data_set
Remember, when you pass in your input data set via data_set
, you can
filter in line:
data <- expand.ev(amt=c(100,200,300))
mod %>% data_set(data, amt==300) %>% Req(GUT,CP) %>% mrgsim
. Model: housemodel
. Dim: 482 x 4
. Time: 0 to 120
. ID: 1
. ID time GUT CP
. 1: 3 0.00 0.00 0.000
. 2: 3 0.00 300.00 0.000
. 3: 3 0.25 222.25 3.862
. 4: 3 0.50 164.64 6.676
. 5: 3 0.75 121.97 8.712
. 6: 3 1.00 90.36 10.174
. 7: 3 1.25 66.94 11.211
. 8: 3 1.50 49.59 11.934