## Peepo Version - 1.4.1 - ALPHA ##
HELP Commands
GAMES Commands
VOICE Commands
FUN Commands
NSFW Commands
Command |
Description |
Status |
BugReport |
Send a bug report directly to my designated channel. |
✅ |
Changelog |
Get the latest information on the current build, and what's changed. |
✅ |
Commands |
Have an advanced embed showing all commands |
✅ |
Help |
Shows help on the specified command. |
✅ |
Suggest |
Send a suggestion report directly to my designated channel. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
WouldYouRather |
Asks a would you rather question. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Avatar |
Shows avatar of a specified user of your Discord server. |
✅ |
ChannelInfo |
Shows information of a specified text or voice channel of your Discord server. |
✅ |
InRole |
Shows members that have a specified role in your Discord server. |
✅ |
Live |
Shows the list of users in your Discord server who are currently streaming. |
✅ |
Ping |
Shows the response time and average WebSocket ping of Peepo. |
✅ |
RoleInfo |
Shows various information on a specific role. |
✅ |
Roles |
Shows all roles and their ID'S |
✅ |
ServerInfo |
Shows information of the Discord server. |
✅ |
Stats |
Shows detailed stats and info of Peepo |
✅ |
TopGames |
Shows information of what the most top player games are within the discord server (Resets after Peepo restarts) |
✅ |
Twitch |
Shows information of a live twitch channel. |
✅ |
UserInfo |
Shows information of a specified user of your Discord server. |
✅ |
UserLookup |
Fetches basic information of a user from Discord. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Airhorn |
Plays an airhorn in a voice channel. How to annoy everyone 101. |
✅ |
Besans |
I'm already TRACER, BE SANS! |
✅ |
BuildaWall |
Plays a trump remix of building a wall. |
✅ |
Buzz |
✅ |
Cyka |
✅ |
Die |
I really just wanna die. |
✅ |
Plays "FBI OPEN UP" meme. |
✅ |
Fuckhumanity |
Plays a song about fucking all of humanity |
✅ |
Gimmehentai |
Plays a song about wanting your own hentai girl. |
✅ |
LaO |
✅ |
Lion |
Iconic lion-king theme thing. |
✅ |
ManTits |
Plays a sad song about having man-tits. |
✅ |
Moan |
Wii bowling moans! Nice! |
✅ |
Mystate |
My state of mind. |
✅ |
Rollme |
This world is gonna roll me. |
✅ |
Scoobs |
Yo scoobs, that's whack. |
✅ |
Steppin |
Plays Spongebob steppin' on a beach. |
✅ |
Thot |
Plays "BE GONE THOT": |
✅ |
Plays.. Well. Play it. I won't share this one. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Beans |
Bean you, bean me. Bean everybody in the world. |
✅ |
Christmas |
Advent-Calendar, runs from 1st to 24th of December. Get yourself a gift daily. 120+ possibilities. |
✅ |
Clapify |
I 👏 want 👏 more 👏 cake |
✅ |
Compliment |
Compliment a user, since you couldn't think of one yourself. |
✅ |
Dicksize |
Ever wondered what you size up to another user? Now's the chance. |
✅ |
FidgetSpinner |
Fuck me why did I even add this, kill myself. |
✅ |
Fortune |
Tells you your fortune... from a fortune cookie. Neat. |
✅ |
Insult |
Hey you. Yeah you. Go fuck yourself. |
✅ |
Personality |
Discover your true personality. |
✅ |
Pickup |
Got the hots for a girl and don't know what to say? You added me to your server. I'm basically your wingman now. |
✅ |
Punch |
Start a fight! Punch a god damn user. |
✅ |
Ship |
Combines two or more mentioned user's names. |
✅ |
Skyrim |
I use to write full descriptions until I took an arr-- |
✅ |
Slap |
User being a bitch? Slap them back into place. |
✅ |
Spook |
It's spookTOBER, get spooky. |
✅ |
Vaporwave |
✅ |
Vine |
Well ain't this just a classic. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Bunny |
Fetch a bunny. |
✅ |
Cat |
Fetch a kitty. |
✅ |
Dog |
Fetch a cute woofer. |
✅ |
Duck |
Fetch a quacker. |
✅ |
Fox |
Fetch a fox. |
✅ |
Meme |
Fetch a dank meme. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Achievement |
Generate a shitty minecraft achievement. I'll provide one when you die as well |
✅ |
Beautiful |
Wanna show a user they're beautiful? Go on then. |
❌ |
Bobross |
[RIP BOBROSS] Man, let him paint you. Or someone else. |
❌ |
Changemymind |
Change my mind on something, I dare you. I fucking DOUBLE DARE YOU. |
❌ |
Clyde |
Mock up some text from the default Discord Bot. |
✅ |
Confused |
Be confused. You're confusing. Send it. |
❌ |
Cowsay |
✅ |
Facepalm |
Hey did that user say some dumb shit? Facepalm it! |
❌ |
Garbage |
Show everyone who's garbage. Show em'.. Show em' yourself. you piece of shit. |
❌ |
Hates |
Show everyone the 4 things you hate the most |
❌ |
Jpeg |
JPEG quality a url photo. |
✅ |
Magik |
MAGIK quality a url photo. |
✅ |
Gay |
Hey, support the gays. Show the support. Colour that avatar. |
❌ |
Sniper |
That TF2 sniper is FUCKING terrified of you. |
❌ |
Triggered |
T R I G G E R E D.gif |
❌ |
Tweet |
Mock up text from any twitter name. RealDonaldTrump I'm coming for you. |
✅ |
VaultBoy |
I've always wanted to be a Fallout survivor |
❌ |
VirtualReality |
This is so realistic. I wanna cry |
❌ |
Due to an API being down at this moment due to things, certain commands now don't work sadly. There is no certainty it'll come back up so these commands may archive.
Command |
Description |
Status |
Destiny2 |
Get stats of any Destiny2 player. |
✅ |
Fortnite |
Get stats of any Fortnite player. |
✅ |
Overwatch |
Get stats of any Overwatch player. |
✅ |
Rainbow6 |
Get stats of any Rainbow Six player. |
✅ |
Adding new ones soon. Some API'S were removed
Command |
Description |
Status |
Asar Server_Admin |
Add a role to the "Self Assignable Role" list. |
✅ |
Disablecommand Server_Admin |
Disable a specific Peepo command for all use. |
✅ |
Enablecommand Server_Admin |
Enable a specific Peepo command for all use. |
✅ |
Lsar Server_Admin |
List the "Self Assignable Role" list. |
✅ |
MembersOnly Server_Admin |
Disable Peepo from being used from users without a role. |
✅ |
ModLog Server_Admin |
Shows various Moderation (Audit) logs. (Pointless, view your Audit log.) |
✅ |
Rsar Server_Admin |
Remove a role from the "Self Assignable Role" list. |
✅ |
ReportChannel Server_Admin |
Set a specific channel designated for users that use the $report command. |
✅ |
ResetModerationLogs Server_Admin |
Resets the Mod-Log back to 1. |
✅ |
ServerSettings |
Shows various moderation settings on what's been toggled and what hasn't been. |
✅ |
StreamerRole Server_Admin |
Make a specific role the "Streamer Role" so when a user starts streaming, he's automatically placed there. |
✅ |
Streamers Server_Admin |
Adds / removes / displays the list of streamers followed by the server to get notified when they are live. |
✅ |
TogglePeepo Server_Owner |
Enable / Disable Peepo within your server. (This includes all modules + commands) |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
Clear |
Deletes a bulk of specified messages from a text channel of your Discord server. |
✅ |
Command |
Description |
Status |
4Kporn |
Obtains a random HIGH QUALITY IMAGE of porn. (Hello Quality? I'd like to invest in 8K some time.) |
✅ |
Asian |
Obtains a random image of an Asian. (I won't judge you.) |
✅ |
Ass |
Obtains a random image of Ass. (Hello right hand, it's me) |
✅ |
Bdsm |
Obtains a random image of BDSM / Bondage. (Well. Rope me dead.) |
✅ |
Blowjob |
Obtains a random image/gif of a girl giving a Blowjob. (It's a job to blow air? Wow.) |
✅ |
Boobs |
Obtains a random image of Boobs. (Hello right hand, it's me) |
✅ |
Cameltoe |
Obtains a random image of a Cameltoe. (Hey, did you steal that toe from the camel? Give it back.) |
✅ |
Cosplay |
Obtains a random image of a sexc Cosplayer.(Hello Favourite Video game? I'm going to exploit you.) |
✅ |
Cum |
Obtains a random image/gif of a girl receiving cum. (What a sticky situation.) |
✅ |
Creampie |
Obtains a random image/gif of a girl receiving a creampie. (Oh my god. I love Cream pie. Buy me some.) |
✅ |
Futanari |
Obtains a random image of a dick.. on a girl? (Hello Mum, I'm scared.) |
✅ |
Grool |
Obtains a random image of Grool. (Hello right hand, it's me) |
✅ |
Hentai |
Obtains a random image/gif of..sigh..Hentai.. from an API. (Hello Police? I'd like to report a crime.) |
✅ |
Lesbian |
Obtains a random image of Lesbians. (Hello gay friends, I support you.) |
✅ |
PornGif |
Obtains a random gif of a pornographic environment. (Hello Technology? I'd like to thank you.) |
✅ |
Tentai |
Obtains a random image of Tentacle Porn. (Hello OCTUSPUS POLICE?! I'M REPORTING ILLEGAL SHIT.) |
✅ |
Titfuck |
Obtains a random image/gif of tit-fucking. (Why?) |
✅ |
Vagina |
Obtains a random image of a Vagina. (Hello both hands. It's me. Ya boy.) |
✅ |