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Kate Thornhill edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 21 revisions

Oregon Digital Team Wiki

The purpose of this wiki is to centralize Oregon Digital Development and Digital Assets Migration Project. The major purpose of this project is to modernize Oregon Digital’s repository technology to align with the maturation of the Samvera community and convergence around a single solution bundle, Hyrax, and make Oregon Digital workflows more efficient.

What will you find on this wiki?

Recurring Meetings

Team members should have Outlook calendar invites for the following recurring meetings. Meeting reminders are automated via a Slack and Google Calendar integration.

If you are not sure about meeting cancellations then check-in on Slack #oregon-digital

When do Oregon Digital sub-team meetings happen?

Check the Google Calendar or reach out to team leads on Slack.

  • Josh Gum - Migration Tooling, #od2-migration
  • Julia Simic - Metadata, #od2-metadata
  • Ryan Ordway - Infrastructure, #od2-infrastructure
  • Steve Van Tuyl - Features, #oregon-digital-features
  • Kate Thornhill - Project Managers and Product Owners, #oregon-digital-pmop

Where can I find project documentation?

All documentation is kept in the Oregon Digital Google Drive folder. This folder is only accessible to team members. If you cannot find what you are looking for then ask Kate Thornhill.

Where can I find project reports?

Project reports are found in Google Drive (team access only)

Do we have a centralized calendar for meetings and visualizing work cycles?

Yes, check out the Oregon Digital Google Calendar for this information.

Is there a public page that communicates what we're working on?

Yes, you can find it here: