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OpenStack services running inside containers. Ironic demo included.


  • Build Status

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words


  • Docker

  • docker-py version 1.2.3 on the ansible server running the playbook

  • MySQL-python on the ansible server running the playbook

  • OpenStack python clients for Keystone, Glance, Neutron, Swift, Ironic and Nova on the ansible server running the playbook

     pip3 install python-{keystone,neutron,ironic,nova,glance,swift,openstack}client docker-py

If you are using an Ubuntu box, above requirements require in turn:

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

If you are going to build the containers behind a proxy (not recommended), you will have to tweak both the Docker default configuration file and the os-base-image Dockerfile. Here is a good guide about that.


# Clean version 1.0 with 5 parallel processes
make clean -j5 BUILD_VERSION=1.0


Testing requires shellcheck 1.3.8 or later.

# Test version 1.0 with 5 parallel processes
make test -j5 BUILD_VERSION=1.0

Example output

(davide:marley)-[0]-(~/D/openstack-docker) # make test
☝️  os-mysql:latest - Not implemented
☝️  os-httpboot:latest - Not implemented
☝️  os-tftpboot:latest - Not implemented
☝️  os-rabbitmq:latest - Not implemented
☝️  os-memcached:latest - Not implemented
✅  os-keystone:latest - Passed
✅  os-glance-registry:latest - Passed
✅  os-glance-api:latest - Passed
✅  os-neutron-server:latest - Passed
✅  os-nova-conductor:latest - Passed
✅  os-nova-api:latest - Passed
✅  os-nova-scheduler:latest - Passed
✅  os-nova-compute:latest - Passed
✅  os-neutron-dhcp-agent:latest - Passed
✅  os-ironic-conductor:latest - Passed
✅  os-ironic-api:latest - Passed
✅  os-swift-proxy:latest - Passed
✅  os-swift-account:latest - Passed
✅  os-swift-object:latest - Passed
✅  os-swift-container:latest - Passed
☝️  os-base-image:latest - Not implemented


# Build "latest"
make all

# Build version 1.0
make all BUILD_VERSION=1.0

Example output

(davide:marley)-[0]-(~/D/openstack-docker) # make all
🔨  os-base-image:latest - Done
🔨  os-mysql:latest - Done
🔨  os-httpboot:latest - Done
🔨  os-tftpboot:latest - Done
🔨  os-rabbitmq:latest - Done
🔨  os-memcached:latest - Done
🔨  os-keystone:latest - Done
🔨  os-glance-registry:latest - Done
🔨  os-glance-api:latest - Done
🔨  os-neutron-server:latest - Done
🔨  os-nova-conductor:latest - Done
🔨  os-nova-api:latest - Done
🔨  os-nova-scheduler:latest - Done
🔨  os-nova-compute:latest - Done
🔨  os-neutron-dhcp-agent:latest - Done
🔨  os-ironic-conductor:latest - Done
🔨  os-ironic-api:latest - Done
🔨  os-swift-proxy:latest - Done
🔨  os-swift-account:latest - Done
🔨  os-swift-object:latest - Done
🔨  os-swift-container:latest - Done

Run the demos


Please keep in mind that the "interesting" things here are the Dockerfiles, not the demos. The two demos show just two possible ways to use container images that are built with the previous command and they are very dependent on the hardware I used to develop them.

Moreover, in a production environment you may want to distribute your containers on multiple servers and use an external DNS server keeping track of the needed aliases ("service names" -> docker server). You may want to use a DNS service with an API service orchestrated with Ansible, for instance.

The included Ansible playbooks also create a number of data containers to demonstrate how data can be persisted across upgrades while preserving portability.

Both demos use autodns from rehabstudio. This is not a strict requirement for the proposed infrastructure so you can use your preferred DNS, as long as it can be configured dynamically during the creation of containers. Using Ansible to configure an external DNS or even using Avahi daemon are possible alternatives. For the sake of these demos, as described here, the docker daemon should be started with the following parameters (edit /etc/default/docker):

    DOCKER_OPTS="--bip= --dns= --dns=<your resolver1> [--dns=<your resolver2> [...]]"

Add nameserver on top of the resolv.conf file running the docker server.

Run the Ironic demo:

This demo consists of an Ansible playbook and 2 shell scripts. It is designed for Parallels Desktop and requires an unprovisioned virtual machine with one NIC with MAC address 00:1C:42:89:64:34.

Parallels Desktop VM NIC configuration

  1. Run ansible-playbook:

     ~# cd ansible
     ~# time ansible-playbook -i inventory/docker_server ironic.yml
     TASK: [Waiting for Glance API to become available] ****************************
     ok: [docker-server.local]
     TASK: [Get temp-url-key for the service tenant] *******************************
     ok: [docker-server.local]
     TASK: [Set temp-url-key for the service tenant] *******************************
     changed: [docker-server.local]
     PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
     docker-server.local        : ok=61   changed=37   unreachable=0    failed=0   
     real	2m16.800s
     user	0m2.986s
     sys	0m2.249s

After a successful play, you should have the following list of containers (output of docker ps -a, edited):

    IMAGE                   PORTS                      NAMES
    os-glance-api >9292/tcp     glance-api.os-in-a-box
    os-glance-registry      9191/tcp                   glance-registry.os-in-a-box
    os-swift-proxy>8080/tcp     swift-proxy.os-in-a-box
    os-swift-object         6000/tcp                   swift-object.os-in-a-box
    os-swift-container      6001/tcp                   swift-container.os-in-a-box
    os-swift-account        6002/tcp                   swift-account.os-in-a-box
    os-base-image                                      swift-devs-data
    os-base-image                                      swift-rings-data
    os-nova-compute                                    nova-compute.os-in-a-box
    os-nova-scheduler                                  nova-scheduler.os-in-a-box
    os-nova-api   >8774/tcp     nova-api.os-in-a-box
    os-nova-conductor                                  nova-conductor.os-in-a-box
    os-neutron-dhcp-agent                              neutron-dhcp-agent.os-in-a-box
    os-neutron-server>9696/tcp     neutron-server.os-in-a-box
    os-ironic-api >6385/tcp     ironic-api.os-in-a-box
    os-ironic-conductor                                ironic-conductor.os-in-a-box
    os-httpboot   >80/tcp       ipxe-httpd.os-in-a-box
    os-tftpboot   >69/udp         pxe-tftp.os-in-a-box
    os-base-image                                      pxe-boot-data
    os-rabbitmq             5672/tcp                   rabbitmq.os-in-a-box
    os-keystone   >5000/tcp,    keystone.os-in-a-box
    os-mysql                3306/tcp                   mysql.os-in-a-box
    os-base-image                                      mysql-data
    os-memcached            11211/tcp                  memcached.os-in-a-box
    rehabstudio/autodns>53/udp         autodns.os-in-a-box
  1. run scripts/ to attach eth1 (an external physical interface) to the provisioning network. Among other things, this script creates a virtual switch and a couple of veth interfaces for each container that needs that. Il also "pushes" one of the 2 veth interface in the corresponding container.

The following picture shows the final (virtual) networking configuration after running scripts/

    ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐   ┌─┐ ┌───────┐
    │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐   │   │ │─│BM node│
    │ │                  docker0                   │   │   │p│ └───────┘
    │ └────────────────────────────────────────────┘   │   │h│          
    │           │                       │              │   │y│          
    │           │                       │              │   │s│          
    │┌────────────────────┐    ┌────────────────┐      │   │i│ ┌───────┐
    ││ Neutron DHCP Agent │    │ ┌──────────────┴─┐    │   │c│─│BM node│
    ││     Container      │    │ │ ┌──────────────┴─┐  │   │a│ └───────┘
    ││┌──────────────────┐│    │ │ │ ┌──────────────┴─┐│   │l│          
    │││      br-ex┌────┐ ││    │ │ │ │Other containers││   │-│          
    ││└───────────┤ext1├─┘│    └─┤ │ │                ││   │n│          
    ││            └────┘  │      └─┤ │                ││   │e│          
    ││               │    │        └─┤                ││   │t│          
    │└───────────────┼────┘          └────────────────┘│   │w│          
    │                │                                 │   │o│          
    │             ┌────┐      ┌───────────────┐     ┌──┴─┐ │r│ ┌───────┐
    │             │ext0│──────│ provisioning  │─────│eth1│─│k│─│BM node│
    │     ┌────┐  └────┘      └───────────────┘     └──┬─┘ │ │ └───────┘
    └─────┤eth0├───────────────────────────────────────┘   └─┘          
  1. run scripts/ to create the initial demo setup for BM provisioning.

Wait a few seconds for the nova hypervisor (for the corresponding BM node) to show up in nova hypervisor-list and for Ironic to detect the power state of the BM node (ironic node-list).

  1. boot a new instance

     nova boot --flavor ParallelsVM \
         --image "trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1" --config-drive yes \
         --key-name keyp1  i-am-a-bm-node
  2. enjoy! :)

Run the OpenStack demo:

  1. Run ansible-playbook:

     ~# cd ansible
     ~# time ansible-playbook -i inventory/docker_server openstack.yml
     TASK: [Waiting for Glance API to become available] ****************************
     ok: [docker-server.local]
     TASK: [Get temp-url-key for the service tenant] *******************************
     ok: [docker-server.local]
     TASK: [Set temp-url-key for the service tenant] *******************************
     changed: [docker-server.local]
     PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
     docker-server.local        : ok=61   changed=37   unreachable=0    failed=0   
     real	2m16.800s
     user	0m2.986s
     sys	0m2.249s

After a successful play, you should have the following list of containers (output of docker ps -a, edited):

    IMAGE                   PORTS                      NAMES
    92b7f8095a35  >9292/tcp     glance-api.os-in-a-box
    5c98791505b6                                       glance-data
    47ef697569d3            9191/tcp                   glance-registry.os-in-a-box
    35f6d080de31                                       nova-compute.os-in-a-box
    3a984a5f499d                                       compute-data
    0f15e53c1cf4                                       nova-scheduler.os-in-a-box
    e7e7610647d8  >8774/tcp     nova-api.os-in-a-box
    60c445806f7e                                       nova-conductor.os-in-a-box
    b0ef9745fb65                                       neutron-l3-agent.os-in-a-box
    1b337a5a4146                                       neutron-dhcp-agent.os-in-a-box
    03cd558c751a  >9696/tcp     neutron-server.os-in-a-box
    1a061398b117            5672/tcp                   rabbitmq.os-in-a-box
    4854824d7c4a  >5000/tcp     keystone.os-in-a-box
    01c4ebce078c            3306/tcp                   mysql.os-in-a-box
    26c1dc3a1ba2                                       mysql-data
    8ef12bc5af8a            11211/tcp                  memcached.os-in-a-box
    719ef6ad3353  >53/udp         autodns.os-in-a-box
  1. run scripts/ to attach eth1 (an external physical interface) to the provisioning network. Among other things, this script creates a virtual switch and a couple of veth interfaces for each container that needs that. Il also "pushes" one of the 2 veth interface in the corresponding container.

The following picture shows the final (virtual) networking configuration after running scripts/

    ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────┐   ┌─┐
    │ ┌────────────────────────────────────────────┐   │   │ │
    │ │                  docker0                   │   │   │e│
    │ └────────────────────────────────────────────┘   │   │x│
    │           │                       │              │   │t│
    │           │                       │              │   │e│
    │┌────────────────────┐    ┌────────────────┐      │   │r│
    ││ Neutron DHCP Agent │    │ ┌──────────────┴─┐    │   │n│
    ||  Neutron L3 Agent  |    | | ┌──────────────┴─┐  |   |a|
    ||    Nova compute    |    | | | ┌──────────────┴─┐|   |l|
    ││     Containers     │    │ │ | |                ||   │ │
    ││┌──────────────────┐│    │ │ │ │                ||   │-│
    │││      br-ex┌────┐ ││    │ │ │ │Other containers││   │ │
    ││└───────────┤ext1├─┘│    └─┤ │ │                ││   │n│
    ││            └────┘  │      └─┤ │                ││   │e│
    ││               │    │        └─┤                ││   │t│
    │└───────────────┼────┘          └────────────────┘│   │w│
    │                │                                 │   │o│
    │             ┌────┐      ┌───────────────┐     ┌──┴─┐ │r│
    │             │ext0│──────│ provisioning  │─────│eth1│─│k│
    │     ┌────┐  └────┘      └───────────────┘     └──┬─┘ │ │
    └─────┤eth0├───────────────────────────────────────┘   └─┘
  1. run scripts/ to create the initial demo setup.

  2. boot a new instance

     nova boot --flavor m1.small \
         --image "trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1" \
         --config-drive yes i-am-a-vm
  3. enjoy! :)