- Fixes typo [dadadamotha]
- Shows correct percentage in parties table in /vote/example/strenghts for "Others" [dadadamotha]
- Changes "Unknown" in search form to "Missing" for federal council position for all languages (no translation).
- DATASET is available french and english when uploaded in german (default locale)
- Removes party and association recommendations if Unknown
- Enable Search for federal council position "Unknown"
- Fixes sorting of cumulative party strengths in vote/example/strengths
- Fixes display of long title in favor of short title in top navigation
- Fixes usage of comma instead of point as decimal separator for item number of a vote
- Updated Translations [dadadamotha]
- Adds translations [dadadamotha]
- Fixes Button-Text "Search" where something else makes sense [dadadamotha]
- Adds avail. language hints for links and pdf's [dadadamotha]
- Re-add formatting for official vote number. [dadadamotha]
- Changes active / focused links. [dadadamotha]
- Accounts for new codes for br-pos, sr-pos and nr-pos (0 becomes 3). [dadadamotha]
- Adds short title to breadcrumbs in strengths view. [dadadamotha]
- Adds IButtons in vote table. [dadadamotha]
- Changes order of parties voting recommendations. [dadadamotha]
- Centers "More Filters" for Edge and Firefox. [dadadamotha]
- Changes active / focused links. [dadadamotha]
- Adjusts map button design. [href]
- Updates translations. [freinhard]
- Hides BFS map behind a button. [href]
- Adds percentage sign to yeas and turnout in overview. [href]
- Adds logos of sponsors. [freinhard]
- Improves some translations. [freinhard]
- Removes formatting for official vote number. [freinhard]
- Renames the filter search button. [freinhard]
- Makes sure the title is always shown on small screens. [freinhard]
- Styling the page incl. attachments listing. [freinhard]
- Removes file type restriction for page attachments. [freinhard]
- Updates the translations. [freinhard]
- Styling the footer. [freinhard]
- Removes the decade from the votes. [msom]
- Updates party recommendations presentation. [msom]
- Fixes typo. [msom]
- Adds label for unknown party recommendations. [msom]
- Aligns the vote title left, again. [msom]
- Centers the vote title. [msom]
- Reorders the votes columns. [msom]
- Adds more national council share paroles. [msom]
- Adds short and french titles. [msom]
- Fixes typo. [msom]
- Moves the BFS map into the table. [msom]
- Nothing. [msom]
- Removes legacy sentry parameter. [msom]
- Enables sentry in CLI commands. [msom]
- Replaces Raven JS with Sentry. [msom]
- Removes unused depdency. [msom]
- Improves attachments form. [msom]
- Adds hints to slow forms. [msom]
- Reworks the bar chart. [msom]
- Defers full text search columns. [msom]
- Fixes logo color. [msom]
- Uses proper rendering of actors in party strengths view. [msom]
- Improves sorting of party strenghts tables. [msom]
- Adds brief description attachments. [msom]
- Adds a reindex command. [msom]
- Fixes PDF attachments not getting indexed when uploaded together. [msom]
- Updates translations. [msom]
- Moves divergent branches further down. [msom]
- Updates JavaScript libraries. [msom]
- Rearranges the dataset columns. [msom]
- Fixes the order of the upgrade steps. [msom]
- Adds other recommendations. [msom]
- Adds divergent recommendations. [msom]
- Adds wildcard search. [msom]
- Adds a fulltext search hint. [msom]
- Adds BFS maps. [msom]
- Adds results by domain attachments. [msom]
- Adds additional association recommendations. [msom]
- Uses a single JSON column for all recommendations. [msom]
- Renames party recommendation dataset columns. [msom]
- Increases the maximum size of attachments to 50 MB. [msom]
- Allows to add attachments to pages. [msom]
- Shows party's recommendations in the strengths view. [msom]
- Adds datetime picker. [msom]
- Allows to sort votes by turnout. [msom]
- Adds ad analysis. [msom]
- Caches the datasets. [msom]
- Allows to add and remove content pages. [msom]
- Adds a static data protection content page. [msom]
- Removes the login link. [msom]
- Always display the number of cantons voted yeas/nays. [msom]
- Opens external links and files in a new window/tab. [msom]
- Hides empty rows in the detail view. [msom]
- Adds cantonal results. [msom]
- Fixes formatting of procedure numbers. [msom]
- Adds a bar chart with the percentages of the positions and results. [msom]
- Adds a pagination to the vote details view. [msom]
- Adjusts styles to look more like anneepolitique.swiss. [msom]
- Shows the localized file of the default locale if none is available for the current locale. [msom]
- Adds the swissvotes logo. [msom]
- Fixes default sorting of votes collections. [msom]
- Fixes display of the voter share of yes camp. [msom]
- Fixes display of procedure number. [msom]
- Visually aligns the multiple tree select widget options. [msom]
- Adds more margins to the multiple tree select widget. [msom]
- Uses a multiple tree select widget for policy descriptors. [msom]
- Adds descriptors. [msom]
- Fixes the click area of collapsible tables. [msom]
- Import data files in alphabetical order. [msom]
- Fixes XLSX import for quasi-empty string cells. [msom]
- Fixes data import. [msom]
- Reorganizes the vote details view. [msom]
- Makes groups of vote details collapsible. [msom]
- Fixes switching the extended filters. [msom]
- Fixes displaying yeas and nays of council positions. [msom]
- Improves the XLSX import. [msom]
- Allows to search for BFS and procedure numbers. [msom]
- Allows to search by council positions. [msom]
- Adds a full text search option. [msom]
- Fixes the formatting of BFS numbers. [msom]
- Adds resolution and realization attachments. [msom]
- Reorders the votes columns. [msom]
- Only shows the top level of the descriptor in the votes view. [msom]
- Uses the latest onegov.form. [msom]
- Use tsquery phrases for multipley fulltext terms. [msom]
- Uses prostgres for keyword filtering instead of elastic search. [msom]
- Use a wider range of MIME types when updating the dataset. [msom]
- Adds full text search support for attachments. [msom]
- Adds voting booklet attachments. [msom]
- Adds a CLI command for importing attachments. [msom]
- Makes the update, export and delete vote views to be indifferent to the filters. [msom]
- Handles search beeing unavailable. [msom]
- Sorts full text search results by rank. [msom]
- Adds search. [msom]
- Uses XLSX for import. [msom]
- Uses excel format for CSV export. [msom]
- Adds XLSX export. [msom]
- Improves UI. [msom]
- Enables English. [msom]
- Styles content pages. [msom]
- Improves vote(s) views. [msom]
- Adds editor options. [msom]
- Fixes votes pagination. [msom]
- Adds the GitHub deploy key. [msom]
- Initial Release. [msom]