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315 lines (257 loc) · 13.4 KB


Apple Vision Poster used for the 2022 Capstone expo

Applevision is a 2022 ECE Capstone team consisting of @cogswatch, @PeterJBloch, and @prototypicalpro. The project abstract is as follows:

In 21st century, there is an increasing demand for labor in the agricultural sector. To address this, many are turning to robotics. Existing agricultural robots involve either expensive computational planning or do not support real-time adjustments to the picking environment. Apple Vision designed a low-cost system that can target and guide the palm of a custom apple grasper to within grabbing distance of an apple. Data is processed in real time and sent to the control system, which attempts to move towards the nearest apple. Changes in the environment lead to retrying the approach.


You can install this package and it's dependencies as follows:

  1. Install ROS Melodic (Ubuntu 18.04) on to your computer:

    1. Follow the ROS installation instructions. Use ros-melodic-desktop-full.
    2. Install Python 3 with ROS support (translated from this tutorial):
      sudo apt install python3-pip python3-dev python-catkin-tools
      pip3 install --upgrade pip
      pip3 install rospkg catkin_pkg
  2. Create a workspace linking against python3 and start using it:

     mkdir ~/catkin_ws
     cd ~/catkin_ws
     mkdir src
     catkin init
     catkin config -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/python3.6m -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
     catkin build # if this fails, make sure you setup the environment correctly
     source devel/setup.bash
  3. Use vcstool to clone all of the repositories needed into your workspace:

    sudo apt install python3-vcstool
    vcs import --input src

    After this your workspace should look similar to the following:

    ├─ build/
    ├─ devel/
    ├─ src/
    │  ├─ applevision_moveit_config/
    │  ├─ applevision_rospkg/
    │  ├─ fmauch_universal_robot/
    │  ├─ rviz_camera_stream/
    │  ├─ rviz_lighting/
    │  ├─ Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/
    │  ├─ vision_opencv/
    │  ├─ CMakeLists.txt
    ├─ ...
  4. Use rosdep to install global dependencies automatically. You only need to run this step once per computer.

    rosdep update
    rosdep install -y --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro ${ROS_DISTRO}
  5. Install some missing python dependencies manually:

    pip3 install empy opencv-python-headless
    pip3 install --upgrade numpy
  6. Finally, build the workspace and source the new setup file. You are now ready to start development.

    catkin build
    source devel/setup.bash


Launching any program in your workspace first requires that the workspace devel/setup.bash file has run in the current terminal. Since this step can be easy to forget and results in unpredictable and catestrophic failure, it is recommended that it be added to the ~/.bashrc file:

# at the end of ~/.bashrc
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

Should any errors occur when running the below commands, a good troubleshooting step is to re-run source devel/setup.bash and try the command again: more often than not this fixes the issue.

Simulated Robot

# Each of these commands are in seperate terminals

# Launch simulated robot, MoveIt, and RViz
# You'll also need to enable the "CameraPub" widget in the RViz window for the camera to work
roslaunch applevision_moveit_config demo.launch
# Launch simulated camera and distance sensor
roslaunch applevision_rospkg fake_sensor.launch
# Run the control system

Real Robot

The UR5e must be powered on and running the avl_pc program for the below launch sequence to work. Additionally, the Apple Vision camera should be connected and the distance sensor bridge should be setup and connection.

# Each of these commands are in seperate terminals

# Base UR5e driver. IP is for the UR5e in millrace.
roslaunch ur_robot_driver ur5e_bringup.launch robot_ip:=
# Robot controller and MoveIt.
roslaunch applevision_moveit_config ur5e_moveit_planning_execution.launch
# RViz
roslaunch applevision_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch
# Real camera and distance sensor
roslaunch applevision_rospkg real_sensor_robot.launch
# Control system (make sure everything else looks good first)


Repository Structure

In general this repository follows the ROS package guidelines. A quick overview of the file structure is shown below:

├─ bin/
|  ├─     Fake distance sensor for simulated environment
|  ├─                 Kalman filter
|  ├─                 Control system
|  ├─                 Computer vision
|  ├─             Debug RViz marker generation
|  ├─                     Camera info publisher utility
|  ├─                      TF2 Proxy for Python 3 utility
├─ config/
|  ├─ camerainfo.yaml                       OpenCV camera calibration for the Apple Vision camera
├─ launch/
|  ├─ config.launch                         Base launch file for apple vision
|  ├─ fake_sensor.launch                    Launch file for simulated environment
|  ├─ real_sensor_robot.launch              Launch file for the real UR5e
├─ models/
|  ├─ applevision_end_effector.SLDPRT       CAD model for the adapter used to mount the sensors to the UR5e.
├─ src/
│  ├─ applevision_kalman/                   Kalman filter and distance sensor model
|  ├─ applevision_vision/                   Model weights for computer vision
|  ├─ helpers/                              Misc. helpers used in multiple scripts
├─ ...

TF Frames

Three of the TF frames used by Apple Vision

Apple Vision relies on the following TF frames to be defined:

  • palm - The current position of the end effector, as shown in the image above. The XY axis must be aligned to the camera coordinate system (top left), and the Z axis must be pointed towards the apple. Defined in applevision_moveit_config.
  • palm_dist - A fixed offset from the palm frame modelling the exact position of the distance sensor, and rotated such that the X axis points towards the apple (for compatibility with the Range message). Defined in config.launch.
  • palm_camera - A fixed offset from the palm frame modelling the exact position of the camera. Defined in config.launch.
  • applevision_target - A point defining where the fake apple is located in the simulated environment. Defined in config.launch.
  • applevision_start_pos - An arbitrary point used as the "zero" for the Kalman Filter. Must be fixed to the world. Defined in config.launch.

General Architecture

In addition to being able to control the UR5e, Apple Vision features a full-simulated environment for local development. The below diagrams show the data flow for these two environments: See ROS Concepts for more information on how ROS projects are architected.

Simulated Robot

The simulated environment uses RViz Camera Stream and our homemade ToF model to generate simulated sensor data.

graph LR
    subgraph Key

    moveit[[MoveIt 1]]
    control(Control System<br>bin/
    filter(Kalman Filter<br>bin/
    fake(Fake Distance Sensor<br>bin/

    subgraph CV Pipeline
        caminfopub(Camera Info Publisher<br>bin/
        proc(Image Correction<br>image_proc)
        vision(Computer Vision<br>bin/
        subgraph RViz
            campub[[Fake Camera<br>CameraPub widget]]



    caminfopub --> camerainfo
    camerainfo --> campub
    camerainfo --> proc
    campub --> cameraunrect
    cameraunrect --> proc
    proc --> camera
    fake --> dist
    dist --> control
    camera --> vision
    vision --> bounding
    bounding --> control
    control --> moveit
    dist --> filter
    bounding --> filter
    filter --> kalout
    kalout --> control

Real Robot

graph LR
    subgraph Key

    moveit[[MoveIt 1]]
    control(Control System<br>bin/
    filter(Kalman Filter<br>bin/
    distsens(ToF Sensor<br>rosserial_python)

    subgraph CV Pipeline
        proc(Image Correction<br>image_proc)
        vision(Computer Vision<br>bin/



    cvcam --> camerainfo
    cvcam --> cameraunrect
    camerainfo --> proc
    cameraunrect --> proc
    proc --> camera
    distsens --> dist
    dist --> control
    camera --> vision
    vision --> bounding
    bounding --> control
    control --> moveit
    dist --> filter
    bounding --> filter
    filter --> kalout
    kalout --> control

Using TF in Python 3

As ROS melodic does not formally support Python 3, attempting to use TF in a Python 3 environment will result in an error similar to the following:

import tf2_ros
Traceback (most recent call last):
ImportError: dynamic module does not define module export function (PyInit__tf2)

To get around this limitation, Apple Vision provides a utility that exposes tf_buffer.lookup_transform and tf_buffer.transform as a service. All Python 3 files in Apple Vision use this service:

tf_transform = rospy.ServiceProxy('Tf2Transform', Tf2Transform)
result = tf_transform(...)

For places where these services need to be invoked frequently (>10Hz), Apple Vision uses a RobustServiceProxy helper with automatic retry and linear backoff to minimize network-related errors.

Control System Overview

A rough state diagram of the control system is shown below:

    idle: Idle
    center: Center
    approach: Approach

    [*] --> idle
    idle --> idle: Apple not visible
    idle --> center: Apple visible && Apple off center
    center --> idle
    idle --> approach
    approach --> idle
    approach --> [*]: Apple close enough


Where (axis are relative to the palm frame):

  • Idle - Robot isn't moving.
  • Center - Robot is correcting XY position relative to the apple.
  • Approach - Robot is moving towards the apple (ideally only in the Z axis).

The complete implementation also contains several transitions not shown that either handle errors (ex. MoveIt is unable to plan a path) or stop the robot early if an obstruction is detected.

Project Hosting

Physically, the Apple Vision project is split into five GitHub repositories under the OSURobotics organization. Four which are required for operation of the system:

And one that stores a testbench used during initial research: