Android Studio provides a unified environment where you can build apps for Android phones, tablets, Android Wear, Android TV, and Android Auto. Structured code modules allow you to divide your project into units of functionality that you can independently build, test, and debug.
STEP 1: Open Your Browser and go to the serach bar and type Androd Studio. OR Follow the Link to the site:
STEP 2: Click On The "Download Android Studio" Button for the download to begin. Click on the check box to begin download
STEP 3: Now Go To Your Downloads Folder and open the installer (Filename: android-studio-2021.3.1.16-windows)
STEP 4: Now a welcome Dialog Box Appears. Click on Next at the bottom right
STEP 5: select the Components You Want to install. leave it otherwise and click Next
STEP 6: Next select the location where you want to install the android studio. leave it otherwise and click Next and Next.
Now the Installation has started. when the installation is complete click on next button. This Will start Your Android studio
For Deatils: Android Studio