digraph G {
// graph from left to right
node [fillcolor=white, style=filled];
chrome [shape=record, label="{Instance of any browser | <e1> extension}"];
chromote [label="Chromote application"];
net [label="LAN", shape="diamond"];
subgraph clusterserver {
node [style=filled, color=black, fillcolor=white, shape=box];
edge [dir="both"]
chrome:e1 -> chromote [label="WebSocket API"];
label = "Remote server";
chromote -> net [label="WebSocket API", dir="both"];
"Web frontend" -> net [dir="both"];
net -> "Android client" [style=dotted, dir="both"];
Exensoion provides API over web socket connection to controll tabs and windows
It should be registered by it’s first message
ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8080/browser?token=XXXXXXXX");
ws.onopen = function() {
Extension binds on each tab action and updates Chromote with changes Extension binds on incomming messages and perform navigate/activate/close/open/refresh by tabID
"active": true,
"audible": false,
"autoDiscardable": true,
"discarded": false,
"favIconUrl": "https://www.redditstatic.com/favicon.ico",
"height": 653,
"highlighted": true,
"id": 45,
"incognito": false,
"index": 9,
"mutedInfo": {
"muted": false
"pinned": false,
"selected": true,
"status": "complete",
"title": "The \"Origin not allowed\" error. : golang",
"url": "https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/2j0v46/the_origin_not_allowed_error/",
"width": 1360,
"windowId": 1
url | params | action |
GET: / | get browser client/see all the public hubs. Also provides downloads | |
GET: /client | key | pregister a new client and open a ws connection to it |
GET: /browser | register a browser by it’s first message, containing key and create a Hub for this browser |
Client connects to a webscoket by providing a key, previously generated by browser extension Connection fails if no Hubs available/no Hubs with provided key available
Client sends commands and recieves notifications Command example:
targetId: 42, // target tab id
action: "nvaigate", //one of tab's actions
params: {
url: "http://linux.org.ru" //parabms for action, if needed
Connects to a browser websocket and initializes a Hub with provided key
Browser gets commands and sends notifications Notification is an array of Tab objects or an error msg
Hub consists of one browser and many clients. Hub routes commands from clients to browser and updates clients with latest tabs state Clients should register with some kind of auth, e.g. passphrase, generated by browser extension. Hub also holds `Tabs []*Tab` object with map of all browser’s tabs.
- active
- audible show speacker icon
- pinned show pin icon
- favIconUrl show favIcon
- id 45
- incognito show mask icon
- index just index in chrome
- muted controll mute/unmute
- status show/hide spinner
- title
- url
- windowId group tabs by windows
Available methods:
- Nvaigate to an {URL}
- Close
- Reload
- Activate - switch to this tab in view
- Open opens a new Tab with {URL}
- toggleMute
- ZoomIn|ZoomOut|zoomRestore
Tab is being changed by method and then corresponding JSON command composed and being sent to tx
Update tabs on rx by browser responce being unmarshalled
- Client sends command
- Command is being unmarshalled and marshalled to JSON (fore security reasons), cliens list appended
- Command is being sent to Browser along with client list
- Browser performs actions and responses with tabs list and command result (error||succes)
- Tabs being updated
- broadcast Tabs to clients
It is possible to start from #3 in case of external browser update (e.g. by mouse/keyboard)
Extension (brwoser) generates hash [a-z0-9]{8} and sends it via GET with first request. Clients should register on the Hub by this key.
It has two parts: . background.js - all the logic of extension . index.js - code for the extension’s popup
They do comunicate via chrome.extensionsendMessage
where | what |
views/client.html:30:12: | emit event to websocket |
views/client.html:46:12: | bind all other functions |
views/client.html:49:12: | store all tabs sorted by tab.index |
views/client.html:59:14: | implement two way data binding |
hub.go:53:6: | validate command & append clients list |
hub.go:63:6: | update Tabs struct |
chrome-ext/index.js:32:6: | for each client build table |
chrome-ext/background.js:1:4: | can we move to ES6? |
chrome-ext/background.js:4:3: | add callbacks for each action to get tabs. |
chrome-ext/background.js:61:68: | change signature, add cb |
chrome-ext/background.js:78:6: | store URL in store; configure it via settings page |
chrome-ext/background.js:115:11: | all other tab events |
chrome-ext/background.js:150:4: | on store.hash update - drop connection |