The Naruto GNT SP teleport fix is a change to the game to use Chakra for teleports instead of KnJ. Both the L and R teleports will use 75% of your chakra. You will not gain or use any meter from the KnJ meter. There will be no additional gain to chakra during gameplay to make up for this additional use for it.
04064E04 80030044
04064E24 38001D4C
04064B9C 38001D4C
04064B3C 80630044
04064B44 80DF0040
04064B4C 907F0044
C2064B00 00000002
38800000 C8228848
60000000 00000000
C2064B4C 0000000E
907F0044 7C892378
3C60803E 38633110
8063000C 8063000C
3803FFFF 28000001
4181004C 7FE3FB78
3880FFFF 3CA08006
38A59284 7CA903A6
4E800421 2C030000
4182002C 80C30040
7D244B78 7C691B78
80690044 3CA08017
38A5DDB4 7CA903A6
38A00000 4E800421
90690044 00000000
lwz r0, 0x0044 (r3)
li r0, 7500
li r0, 7500
lwz r3, 0x0044 (r3)
lwz r6, 0x0040 (r31)
stw r3, 0x0044 (r31)
li r4,0
lfd f1, -0x77B8 (rtoc)
This page will reference addresses and functions from Useful Addresses and Functions
The Teleport Checker function will need to check Chakra instead of KnJ meter. It normally checks against max KnJ (since a teleport will require your entire bar). Therefore it must instead check against 75%. The current plan is to use the immediate value 0x00001D4C (7500) which is 75% of 0x00002710 (10000). So in the Teleport Checker function, change:
lwz r0, 0x004C (r3)
to the following
lwz r0, 0x0044 (r3)
This means it will use your current chakra value instead of your current KnJ value. Now we will want to use 75% of our max chakra instead of our max KnJ value as the comparison. To do this, change:
lwz r0, 0x0048 (r3)
to the following
li r0, 7500
This will load the immediate value 7500 into register 0, serving as our basis for whether a teleport succeeds or not. Now we know whether or not a teleport suceeds when L or R is pressed, but we need to change the logic for KnJ adding and subtracting.
We want no KnJ added on hit (or it can be ignored anyways), and we do not want any additional chakra added for the hit. We also need to subtract from chakra instead of KnJ for a teleport. The amount to subtract will need to be 7500 instead of the max (10000). First let's change the Teleport Handler to subtract 7500 instead of 10000.
We will want to change the line:
lwz r0, 0x0040 (r3)
to the following
li r0, 7500
So that instead of using 10000 as the amount of KnJ to subtract we are using 7500. Interestingly here, it uses +0x40 (Max chakra) instead of +0x48 (Max KnJ), however it works since they are the same value (10000).
Now we need to make sure this subtraction occurs on the KnJ value and not the chakra value. In the KnJ Adjuster, we will need to change the references of Current KnJ and Max KnJ to Current Chakra and Max Chakra respectively. This can be done by changing line:
lwz r3, 0x004C (r3)
to the following
lwz r3, 0x0044 (r3)
and by changing line:
lwz r6, 0x0048 (r31)
to the following
lwz r6, 0x0040 (r31)
Now we are referencing chakra values when we usually would be referencing KnJ values. But now we need to make sure that we are storing the new value to the current chakra value. So you will also change line:
stw r3, 0x004C (r31)
to the following
stw r3, 0x0044 (r31)
The last change we need to make is to prevent any gain from occuring on hit. With the changes as they are now the amount of KnJ added on hit will be added to chakra on hit instead, IN ADDITION to the normal amount added to chakra on hit. I've solved this by setting the amount of chakra to be added to 0. Therefore we will change:
lfd f1, -0x77B8 (rtoc)
to the following
li r4,0
lfd f1, -0x77B8 (rtoc)
Since Gecko codes replace the original line you put it at, it is important to also include the original line, since in this case we do not want to use it.
A problem was found with only implenting the above code though. The original code that subtracted from the KnJ bar only subtracted from the KnJ bar from one character. This is a problem because all chakra actions such as supers subtract from both players. Therefore, by only changing the KnJ interactions to chakra, there is now a mismatch between one character having chakra changed but the other not.
Thankfully, there is already code for handling both characters at once when a super is done at instruction 80064b50. Therefore I've taken that code and reworked it to work in the location with the KnJ code:
; r4 has the new chakra value
; r31 has the current chr_p
; Available registers: r0, r3, r4, r5, r31
; Maybe available: r6, r7, r8, r9
; Not available: r1, r2, r13, r27, r28, r30
; Original instruction
stw r3, 0x0044 (r31)
; First condition for the partner check (taken from 80064b50)
mr r9, r4 ; Store new chakra value to r9
lis r3, 0x803E
addi r3, r3, 12560
lwz r3, 0x000C (r3)
lwz r3, 0x000C (r3)
subi r0, r3, 1
cmplwi r0, 1 ; Weird partner global value check
bgt label1
; Second condition for the partner check (taken from 80064b50)
mr r3, r31 ; Move main chr_p to r3 for the method call
li r4, -1
lis r5 ,-0x7ffa ; Load function address to get partner chr_p into r5 (0x80059284)
addi r5,r5,-0x6d7c
mtctr r5
bctrl ; Call function and get partner chr_p if it exists and store in r3
cmpwi r3, 0
beq label1
; Add chakra to partner
lwz r6, 0x40(r3) ; Set r6 (max_chakra)
mr r4, r9 ; Set r4 (add_amt)
mr r9, r3 ; Reuse r9 now that we're done with it; store partner chr_p in in
; r9 has the partner chr_p
; r31 has the current chr_p
lwz r3, 0x44 (r9) ; Set r3 (chr_p->current_chakra)
lis r5,-0x7fe9 ; Load function address for add_with_range_check(...) into r5 (0x8016ddb4)
addi r5,r5,-0x224c
mtctr r5
li r5, 0 ; Set r5 (min_chakra)
bctrl ; Call function to get new chakra
stw r3, 0x0044 (r9) ; Store new chakra to partner chr_p
label1: ; End of new code