Used for particles. Can be edited with Struggleton's HadalisCollider program.
UInt16 ParticleType
- Disc = 0x00
- Line = 0x01
- Tornado = 0x02
- DiscCT = 0x03
- DiscCD = 0x04
- Rect = 0x05
- Cone = 0x06
- Cylinder = 0x07
- Sphere = 0x08
UInt16 TexGroup
UInt16 GenLife //Amount of time in frames before particle is generated???
UInt16 Life //Amount of time in frames particle lasts
UInt32 Kind // Contains various parameters for the particle
Kind bit fields:
- bit 1 - Gravy
- bit 2 - FricXYZ
- bit 3 - Tornado
- bit 4 - Nothing
- bit 5 - ComTLUT
- bit 6 - MirrorS
- bit 7 - MirrorT
- bit 8 - PrimEnv
- bit 9 - IMMRND
- bit 10, 11 - TexInterpolation
- bit 12 - ExecPause
- bit 13, 14, 15 - PNTJOBJNO
- bit 16 - PNTJOBJ
- bit 17 - BillboardG
- bit 18 - BillboardA
- bit 19 - FlipS
- bit 20 - FlipT
- bit 21 - Trail
- bit 22 - DirVec
- bit 23, 24 - Blend
- bit 25 - Fog
- bit 26 - Nothing
- bit 27 - Nothing
- bit 28 - Nothing
- bit 29 - Nothing
- bit 30 - Nothing
- bit 31 - Point
- bit 32 - Lighting
TexInterpolation Modes:
- Near = 0x00
- Linear = 0x01
Blending Modes:
- Normal = 0x00
- Add = 0x01
- Reserve = 0x02 / 0x03 // Not used in game
Float Gravity // Amount gravity affects the particle
Float Friction // How well the particles can pass through each other??
Vector3 VXYZ // ????
- float vx
- float vy
- float vz
Float Radius // Radius of how far particles go
Float Angle // Angle at which particles are sent
Float Random // Randomness of where particles travel???
Float Size // Size of particles
Float Param1 // ???
Float Param2 // ???
Float Param3 // ???
byte[nextParticleOffset - currentOffset] TrackData // Contains data on stuff like how the particle is colored, etc
Thanks to Strugglton and Ploaj for information on this file type.