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[root@client1 linux]# ./xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1 xcp: WARNING: your license will expire in less than 11 days! You can renew your license at Job ID: Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate == Best-case estimate to copy '' given 1 gigabit of bandwidth == 6.75 GiB of data at max 128 MiB/s: at least 54.0s Xcp command : xcp estimate -loglevel DEBUG -parallel 8 -id estimate1 Estimated Time : 54.0s Job ID : Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate Log Path : /opt/NetApp/xFiles/xcp/xcplogs/Job_2023-04-20_11.36.45.535209_estimate.log STATUS : PASSED [root@client1 linux]#