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Software Setup Instructions

Install System (Raspberry Pi)

Note: Many of the setup commands below require that the Rasperry Pi has internet access.

Start by installing Raspbian, following the official instructions here: You may use either Desktop or Lite.

Configure the interface options on the Raspberry Pi. Open a Terminal window and enter the following command:

sudo raspi-config

Select Interfacing Options and enable: SSH, SPI, and I2C.

Do system update and upgrade (this can take a few minutes):

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

Install Python and the Python drivers for the GPIO.

sudo apt-get install python-dev python-rpi.gpio libffi-dev python-smbus build-essential python-pip git scons swig

Install the function interface into Python

sudo pip install cffi

Update i2c baud rate

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

add the following lines to the end of the file:


Save and exit the file with Ctrl-X

Install the RotorHazard code under '/home/pi/' on the Raspberry Pi as follows: Go to the Latest Release page for the project and note the version code. In the commands below, replace the two occurrences of "1.1.0" with the current version code, and enter the commands:

cd ~
wget -O
mv RotorHazard-1.1.0 RotorHazard

Install web server dependencies: Be patient, this command may take a few minutes.

cd /home/pi/RotorHazard/src/server
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

Update permissions in working folder:

cd ~
cd /home/pi/RotorHazard/src
sudo chmod 777 server

Install Receiver Node Code (Arduinos)

Arduino 1.8+ is required. Download from

The node code and the server version must match. Use the file included with the server code you downloaded earlier; do not download a different file directly from GitHub.

Open 'RotorHazard/src/node/node.ino' in the Arduino IDE.

Configure the '#define NODE_NUMBER' line of the .ino for each node before uploading. For first node set NODE_NUMBER to 1, for second set it to 2, etc.

// Node Setup -- Set node number here (1 - 8)
#define NODE_NUMBER 1

Automatic node configuration is also possible by grounding of hardware pins. Set NODE_NUMBER to 0, then tie these pins to ground: node #1: ground pin D5 node #2: ground pin D6 node #3: ground pin D7 node #4: ground pin D8 node #5: ground pin D5 and pin D4 node #6: ground pin D6 and pin D4 node #7: ground pin D7 and pin D4 node #8: ground pin D8 and pin D4

Install Optional Components

WS2812b LED Support

The ws2812b controls are provided by the following project:

Clone the repository onto the Pi and initiate Scons:

cd ~
sudo git clone
cd rpi_ws281x
sudo scons

Install the Python library:

cd python
sudo python install

INA219 Voltage/Current Support

The ina219 interface is provided by the following project:

Clone the repository onto the Pi:

cd ~
sudo git clone
cd pi_ina219

Install the Python library:

sudo python install

BME280 Temperature Support

The bme280 interface is provided by the following project:

Clone the repository onto the Pi:

cd ~
sudo git clone
cd bme280

Install the Python library:

sudo python install

Java Support

Java enables calculating of IMD scores. If you started with RASPBIAN WITH DESKTOP, this step should not be necessary as Java is installed by default. Otherwise:

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-jdk

Prepare System

Reboot System

After the above setup steps are performed, the system should be rebooted by entering the following:

sudo reboot

Starting the System

The following instructions will start the web server on the raspberry pi, allowing full control and configuration of the system to run races and save lap times.

Manual Start

Open a terminal and enter the following:

cd /home/pi/RotorHazard/src/server

The server may be stopped by hitting Ctrl-C

Start on Boot

Create a service

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/rotorhazard.service

with the following contents

Description=RotorHazard Server



save and exit (CTRL-X, Y, ENTER).

Update permissions.

sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/rotorhazard.service

Start on boot commands.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rotorhazard.service
sudo reboot

Shutting down the System

A system shutdown should always be performed before unplugging the power, either by clicking on the 'Shutdown' button on the 'Settings' page, or by entering the following in a terminal:

sudo shutdown now

See Also: doc/Hardware doc/User