A Full CI/CD Project to build Nodejs Backend app on EKS cluster using Terraform IAC and Jenkins
- Terraform init
- Terraform plan
- Terraform apply
ssh into the private worker node
ssh -i "dev.pem" [email protected]
Install docker using the following commands
sudo yum update -y sudo yum info docker sudo yum install docker sudo service docker start sudo systemctl enable docker.service
Install kubectl and aws cli packages on jump host
Configure aws on jump host
aws configure
Connect on EKS cluster
aws eks --region us-east-1 update-kubeconfig --name eks-cluster kubectl get svc
clone the rebo and apply the yaml files
- install plugins and create account
- create credentials for dockerhub
- create new item -->Piepline and build CI CD through jenkinsfile
Run your app Through
http://aba13c6c7792a49e3800af58c9e4f5da-fd5057378e457d9b.elb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com :80