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Input files

All inputs files draw on mobility data developed using NREL's TEMPO model ( TEMPO data is processed to ReEDS format using dsgrid and dsgrid-flex with a set of linkage scripts ( The "shape" resource (see below) is dispatched offline against rates in dsgrid-flex before being aggregated for adoption/use in ReEDS as a set of adoptable EV load profile modifications, and is meant to represent the effect of price-responsive EV charging on different electricity rates. The "storage" resource is a battery-like adoptable modification to EV baseline load shapes that ReEDS can adopt and dispatch directly; it is most analogous to the utility having customers with EVs enroll their vehicle in a direct load control program. Supply curve costs, reflecting the incremental cost of enabling a certain type of EV managed charging for a group of aggregated customers, are developed offline and based on sources that will be specified when ready; minimally, one will be LBNL's demand response reports (

  1. ev_load_{evmcscen}.h5: Baseline EV load for scenario. Not yet updated with real data but will draw on TEMPO
  2. evmc_rsc_{evmcscen}.csv: Supply curve of EVMC (shape and storage) incremental enablement costs and total (max) nameplate capacity of EVMC resource. Indexed by r-region and cluster/tranche of grouped individual EVs to create an aggregate resource.
  3. evmc_shape_increase_{evmcscen}.h5: EVMC shape is an adoptable modification to the baseline EV load reflecting EVs enrolling at some cost (hardware, software, program, customer acquisition) in having their charge managed on a rate or some other mechanism of a resulting fixed change to their EV load shape. Increase reflects added load when deferred EV charging happens. Because EV charger capacity is generally much greater than load and nameplate EVMC capacity reflects maximum flexible native EV load, this "fraction" is typically greater than 1.
  4. evmc_shape_decrease_{evmcscen}.h5: EVMC shape is an adoptable modification to the baseline EV load reflecting EVs enrolling at some cost (hardware, software, program, customer acquisition) in having their charge managed on a rate or some other mechanism of a resulting fixed change to their EV load shape. Nameplate EVMC capacity reflects the maximum flexible native EV load, so this "fraction" is less than 1.
  5. evmc_storage_increase_{evmcscen}.h5: EVMC storage is an adoptable modification to the baseline EV load reflecting EVs enrolling in a direct load control-like program at some cost (hardware, software, program, customer acquisition). Increase reflects added load when deferred EV charging happens. Because EV charger capacity is generally much greater than load and nameplate EVMC capacity reflects maximum flexible native EV load, this "fraction" is typically greater than 1.
  6. evmc_storage_decrease_{evmcscen}.h5: EVMC storage is an adoptable modification to the baseline EV load reflecting EVs enrolling in a direct load control-like program at some cost (hardware, software, program, customer acquisition). Nameplate EVMC capacity reflects the maximum flexible native EV load, so this "fraction" is less than 1.
  7. evmc_storage_energy_{evmcscen}.h5: EVMC storage is an adoptable modification to the baseline EV load reflecting EVs enrolling in a direct load control-like program at some cost (hardware, software, program, customer acquisition). Energy reflects time-varying state-of-charge energy capacity bounds on the storage-like resource. Physically this reflects the maximum total quantity of EV load that can have been deferred from earlier times to at least the present time. Because total quantity of deferrable flexible EV load is generally much greater than hourly EV load and nameplate EVMC capacity reflects maximum flexible native EV load, this "fraction" is typically greater than 1.

Relevant switches

  1. GSw_EVMC: Indicate (1=yes, 0=no) whether your scenario should use Electric Vehicle Managed Charging ("EVMC")
    1. By default, is off in main. EV load itself should be incorporated in your load scenario and is inflexible.
  2. evmcscen: Name of scenario for EVMC. Controls how much EV load is added and what the supply curve looks like for managed charging flexibility options for EVMC enablement in future solve years. Presently illustrative "Baseline" data is the only option included.