Proxy NTLM EPA authentication against webservers The easy proxy to handle your NTLM EPA authentication against webservers.
- Install the dependancies
$ # In a venv
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Enjoy.
Run like that, it will try to authenticate with the credentials default_user:default_password
python3 -du default_user -dp default_password
In order to work with burpsuite, disable HTTP/2 support (Project options
-> HTTP/2
-> uncheck Enable HTTP/2
) and uncheck Set "Connection close" on incoming requests
as NTLM authenticate a TCP connection.
Afterwards, you just have to specify an upstream proxy in burp, so that it uses this proxy for the host you cannot authenticate with (in Project options
-> Connections
-> Upstream Proxy Servers
-> click Add
-> specify the remote hostname that is causing problems with NTLM authentication, the proxy host and port configured in the tool and leave the Authentication type
to None
You may also need to disable the socks proxy if enabled.
$ python3 -h
usage: [-h] [--listen-address LISTEN_ADDRESS] [--listen-port LISTEN_PORT] [--cacert CACERT] [--cakey CAKEY] [--cakey-pass CAKEY_PASS] [--certsdir CERTSDIR] [--singleprocess] [--debug] [--creds CREDS]
[--default_username DEFAULT_USERNAME] [--default_password DEFAULT_PASSWORD] [--kerberos] [--dcip DCIP]
Simple HTTP proxy that support NTLM EPA.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Address the proxy will be listening on, defaults to
--listen-port LISTEN_PORT, -p LISTEN_PORT
Port the proxy will be listening on, defaults to 3128.
--cacert CACERT Filepath to the CA certificate, defaults to ./cacert.pem. Will be created if it does not exists.
--cakey CAKEY Filepath to the CA private key, defaults to ./cakey.pem. Will be created if it does not exists.
--cakey-pass CAKEY_PASS
CA private key passphrase.
--certsdir CERTSDIR Path to the directory the generated certificates will be stored in, defaults to /tmp/Prox-Ez. Will be created if it does not exists.
--singleprocess, -sp Do you want to be slowwwww ?! Actually useful during debug.
--debug, -d Increase debug output.
--creds CREDS Path to the credentials file, for instance: { "": { "username": "domain\user", "password": "password" }, "": { "username": "domain1\user1", "password": "password1" } }
Default username to use. In the form domain\\user.
Default password to use.
--kerberos, -k Enable kerberos authentication instead of NTLM
--dcip DCIP IP Address of the domain controller (only for kerberos)
- No support for websocket. It will yield assertion errors such as:
DEBUG:Proxy.ProxyToServerHelper:Our state: MIGHT_SWITCH_PROTOCOL; their state: SEND_RESPONSE
assert self.conn.our_state in [h11.DONE, h11.MUST_CLOSE, h11.CLOSED] and self.conn.their_state is h11.SEND_RESPONSE